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Creative Movement Activity: Math & Science

Title of Lesson: The Weighting Game

Grade Level: First Grade
Time Required: 10 minutes
Citation: Teaching the Three Rs Through Creative Movement Experiences
by Anne Green Gilbert Page 126, Problem # 1


A set of cards with pictures of heavy and light objects that can be
imitated by the human body
A location with enough space for a class of 25 students to create a
circle with arms-length space in between each student (examples:
middle of classroom, gym, auditorium, or hallway)

Elements of Creative Movement:

Space: The students will stay in one place, by using self space, while
making the shapes of the objects with their body.
Space: The students will use size (small, medium, or big) to vary the
shapes of the objects.
Movement: The students will use nonlocomotor movements to keep
their movements within their self space.
Body: The students will use shapes to make the objects with their body.
Space: The students will vary the level of their body between low,
middle, and high while making the shapes of the objects.


The teacher will ask the students to leave their desk and quietly move
to the middle of the room to create a circle. The teacher will count
down from the number 10 to give the students set amount of time to
create the circle and to make sure they are arms-length apart from the
students beside them.
o The students will quietly leave their desks and create a circle.
The students will make sure they are arms-length away from the
students around them.

The teacher will explain that they will be playing a math-based game
about comparing the weight of objects called The Weighting Game.
The teacher will hold up two pictures and ask the students which one
they think weighs the least, then which one weighs the most to make
sure the students understand the two terms. Example: rabbit or
o The students will respond to the teachers questions of which
object weighs the most, then which weighs the least.
The teacher will state that in the game, the students will be
responsible for identifying which object weighs the most or the least
depending on the teachers question. The teacher will explain that the
students will then use their body to create the shape of the object.
o The students will listen to the directions and ask questions for
necessary clarification.
The teacher will show the first two pictures and ask the student to
make the shape of the object with their body that they believe either
weighs the most or the least (depending on the teachers preference)
while staying in their self space.
o The students will make the shape of the object within their self
space and then freeze in their position.
The teacher will walk around and review the shapes the students have
made to ensure they identified the correct object based on the
question and provide encouragement along with correction to help any
students in need of adjustments.
o The students will make any changes to their body shape, if asked
by the teacher, in order to successfully complete the task.
The teacher will continue to show different pairs of pictures for the
students to practice the concept of weight while creating shapes with
their body. The teacher may ask the students to change their size
(small, medium, big) or level (low, middle, high) in order to add variety
to the game.
o The students will continue to create the shapes of the objects
with their body and adapt their shape when asked to change
their size or level.
The teacher will decide to end the activity when the students appear to
be capable of consistently completing the task with accuracy. The
teacher will review the main idea of the game and provide
encouragement for how all the students used many different shapes
with their body in order to create the pictured objects. The teacher will
ask the students to return quietly to their seats within 10 seconds.
o The students will quickly and quietly return to their seats and
listen for further instructions.

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