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Using Pattern Recognition in Tarot

Once you are familiar with the divinatory meanings of the cards, you can start to
look at groups of cards that are similar. The information here is independent of
tarot spreads - the skill to be developed is pattern recognition. As you will see,
certain groups of cards have a particular divinatory meaning which you can use in
your interpretations. The advantages of this method is that you get a 'feel' for the
overall picture the reading represents.
The two pattern recognition methods are:
Interpreting similar cards
Elemental Balance (majority of cards)
The table below gives typical meanings for these combinations, which can be
expanded upon with experience.

Three or four of a kind

4 Aces
Great power and force

3 Aces
Riches and success

2 Aces
Change in work, property move

4 Knights
Swiftness, speed

3 Knights
Unexpected meetings, news

4 Queens
Authority and influence

3 Queens
Powerful and influential friends

4 Princes
Meetings with the great

3 Princes
Honour, rank

4 Princesses
New ideas and plans

3 Princesses
Young society

4 Tens
Anxiety and responsibility

3 Tens
Buying, selling, commerce

4 Nines
Added responsibility

3 Nines
Much correspondence

4 Eights

3 Eights

4 Sevens

3 Sevens
Treaties, contracts

4 Sixes

3 Sixes
Gain and success

4 Fives
Order, regularity

3 Fives
Quarrels, fights

4 Fours
Rest and peace

3 Fours

4 Threes
Resolution and determination

3 Threes

4 Twos
Conference and conversations

3 Twos
Re-organisation and recommencement

Elemental Groups
By now you should know the elemental associations of the Minor and Court cards:
Wands - Fire
Cups - Water
Swords - Air
Disks/Pentacles - Earth
The Major cards are slightly more complicated, as the elemental associations are
based upon the astrological attributions:
Fool - Air
Magician - Air
High Priestess - Water
Empress - Earth
Emperor - Fire
Hierophant - Earth
Lovers - Air
Chariot - Water
Strength/Lust - Fire
Hermit - Earth
Fortune - Fire
Justice - Air
Hanged Man - Water
Death - Water
Art/Temperance - Fire
Devil - Earth
Tower - Fire
Star - Air
Moon - Water
Sun - Fire
Aeon/Judgment - Fire
Universe/World - Earth

Majority of Cards: elements

Energy, quarrelling, opposition, active

Pleasure, enjoyment, passive

Problems, illness, sorrow, worry, active

Practical, solid, down to earth, passive

Majority of Cards: Card Types

Powers beyond the Querent's control

Many people, undue influence from other people

Events in the control of the Querent
There is a ratio between the Trumps, Court and Minor cards: 22 - 16 - 40, which
can be simplified into an easy rule. Half the cards in a spread should be Minor,
while the other half should be roughly divided between the Trumps and Minor
cards. An equal number of Court cards to Trumps suggests influence from the court

These exercises will develop your ability to spot and interpret patterns in tarot
readings. For all these exercises, ignore the divinatory meaning of individual cards.

Exercise 1
Deal out around 10-15 cards face up at random on the table in front of you (it does
not matter if some are upside down). Ignore divinatory meanings as you quickly
assess the ratio between the Major, Minor and Court cards. You may have to count
up the cards to start with, but soon you will be able to judge by eye. If the ratio
follows the 22-16-40 rule, you have a balanced spread. Try to state the excess or
otherwise of each type of card. Vary the number of cards you deal out, and notice
the difference in how you look at the ratios. See if you can get a feel for what the
'spread' may be saying based purely on the Major/Minor/Court ratio.

Exercise 2
Repeat the above exercise, dealing out the cards at random. This time, quickly
count up the elemental balance, ignoring whether they are Major, Minor or Court
cards. State the elemental balance, making a note of excess or missing elements.
Vary the number of cards dealt out. With practice you should be able to judge the
elemental balance by eye. See how the 'feel' of the cards changes as the
elemental balance changes.

Exercise 3
Once you are comfortable with seeing patterns using the Major/Minor/Court and
elemental ratios, combine the two previous exercises. See if you can assess the
balance of the two ratios, and a get feel of what this could mean in a reading,
again ignoring the divinatory meanings.

Exercise 4
By now you should be thoroughly familar with the elements and type balance. The
next stage is to deal the cards out at random as before. This time, look to see if
there are any three or four of a kind. You may have to use a larger sample of cards
to do this. See if you can remember the divinatory meanings of the groups of cards
- you may find that the type balance and elemental ratio will help you.
By doing these exercises you will be comfortable with looking at the patterns
within a reading, and be able to get a feel of what the cards are trying to 'say'. You
will know if there is an excess or absence of an element, and what this will mean.
Congratulations! Even without knowing the details of the divinatory cards, or
having a formal spread, you will be able to analyse the reading and be able to say
something of what is going on. Now that you have the 'big picture', you can start
to look more closely at the cards.

Extra Exercises
If you want the extra challenge of doing readings, you can repeat the exercises
with a partner. One person will deal out the cards at random on the table, and the
other person will interpret the cards laid out just by looking at the patterns. The
reading will be a summary of the cards laid out - missing, or excess elements etc.
With practice you should be able to summarise the cards in less than 30 seconds.
See if the other person agrees with your assessment.

Speed Readings
You can turn this into a game, seeing how fast you can deal out the cards and
make an instant assessment. As soon as you have pronounced your judgement,
the other person has a bit extra time to check your accuracy. This could also be a

You may be surprised at the accuracy of the insights you gain. You will now have
the flexibility to look at any spread of cards and say something about they
represent. These exercises will also challenge your notions of what is required for
reading the Tarot.

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