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Executive Summary:........................................................................................................................2
1.1 Compare the function of management as classified by Fayol and the managerial role
suggested by Mintzberg. State any similarities of the ideas between these two writers on
Critical Comparison.........................................................................................................................4
1.2 Every Leader can be a good manager, but not every manager may be qualified to be a good
1.3 Evaluates any three communication tools which are appropriate for both external and internal
communication within hospitality industry for emergency events. State the barriers to effective
communication in any organsiation.................................................................................................5
1.4 Analyze the factor which may influence ETGS Ltd. Or any hospitality organization culture. .6
2.1 Skills that Mr Green could use..................................................................................................6
2.2 Personal Development Plan at ELTS Ltd..................................................................................8
3.1 Tuckmans stages of team development to show how a team in hospitality industry can be
built to achieve its objective............................................................................................................8
3.2 Explain how responsibility, authority and power may support the achievement of agreed goal
for improvement in particular tourism industry like ETGS Ltd......................................................9
4.1 Explain the factors that help an experienced CEO to run an organization with the help of his
personal and managerial skills to support the career development process at the ETGS Ltd.......10
4.2 Determine the factors that are considered for career and personal development needs that
affect the current performance in the Hospitality Industry............................................................11

Executive Summary:

This assignment is based upon a case study of ETGS ltd, which is present in the hospitality
industry since 1973 and it has a diversified business portfolio which comprises of five strategic
units starting from tourism, sports, recreation to restaurant departments. Now according to the
given scenario Miss parks has recently resigned after successfully managing the company for last
ten years. She used a unique style of management and she mainly concentrated on motivation,
training and development. Now the company have hired Mr. Green to as the CEO of the
The first part of the assignment understands the practices and principles of management. The
management functions as laid down by Henri Fayol and Henry Mintzberg are listed down,
analysed and compared with one another to develop a plan that evaluates the way senior
managers at a firm actually spend their time. Similarities n between the management function
laid down by Fayol and Mintzberg are stated. Comparison of different communication tools and
their effectiveness are also discussed. A thorough discussion about the difference in leadership
and management is provided by evaluating the topic how every leader happens to be a good
manager but every good manager may not qualify to be a leader.
In the second part of the assignment, the personal development plan of the individuals present in
ETGS Ltd. is discussed. It includes the self SWOT analysis of Mr. Green who is the successor of
Miss Parks is presented that would evaluate the steps that he would take to prove himself to be
an effective manager. Steps taken to inculcate personal development plan for the organization are
also discussed.
Following this the assignment would talk about the managerial skills that are used within the
business service context. For this purpose, Tuckmans stages of team development are
objectified. Explanations of how responsibilities power and authority supports the achievement
of goals in a hospitality industry like ETGS. Ltd is discussed.
Finally the assignment concludes with discussing the career development plan for the employees
in the business and service context. It talks about the ways in which Mr. Green may use his
effective managerial skills to support career development in ETGS Ltd.

1.1 Compare the function of management as classified by

Fayol and the managerial role suggested by Mintzberg.
State any similarities of the ideas between these two
writers on management.
According to Fayol (1949) all organsiation related to industry comprise of six various groups of
activities namely technical, financial, and commercial, security, accounting and management. As
he was a manager he dedicated his work to the latter activity, management (Dessler, 1985).
According to Fayol five significant function of managerial work which is also know as
management process. These are as follows,
1. Planning and forecasting: - Examining the forecasting and laying out the activities to be
2. Organizing: Providing the framework of authority and responsibility (Fayol, 1949).
3. Coordinating: - Providing out sequencing and time of activities synchronizing with the
all the activities related to the management function.
4. Commanding: initiating the plan into action
5. Controlling: Regulating the rule and ensuring conformity in proper monitoring and
However, according to Henry Mintzberg management is not related to only function but about
what manager do.
Henry Minztberg analyzed the work of three executive. Based on theses he identified three
sequential managerial roles.
1. Interpersonal Role: Manager is responsible for the connection between the subordinate
and the other department (Fells, 2000).
2. Informational Role: - Proper scanning and monitoring the internal and external
information because to act as leader or a spoke person for the team or a group.
3. Decisional Role: - The collected information help the manager to take an effective role
set decision as well as the objective and help to optimally utilize the available resources.

Critical Comparison
It could be argued that Fayol and Minztberg theory both are significant however the Fayol
classical theory is much better than the Minztberg which is very relevance in the present scenario
of the business environment. Fayol describe a lot of work into a contemporary management
theory what a manager do to be effective and more efficient in their work nowadays whereas
Minztberg has unknowingly made a effort to determine and elaborate the role in manger focuses
when carrying out their managerial activities. However the managerial role described by
Mintzberg has tried to make bridge between the managerial roles as described by Henry Fayol
and the managerial attitude observed. However it can be concluded that Mintzberg technically
confirmed Fayol classical theory of management (Mintzberg, 1973). The analysis recommends
that is much safer than to implement Fayol equal effective and efficient management. Mintzberg
theory does not able to describe an entirely effectively management style. According to Fayol
indicate a proactive image of a manager whereas in Mintzberg theory indicates that the manager
is more reactive in nature. It can be concluded that if those manager would have delegated their
work according to their skill they will surely implement more effective and efficient process and
procedures. Fayol and Minztberg findings are completely two diverse rather than competing
views onto management. It is evident from the analysis of the two theory laid by them are right
and indicates the two sides of the same coin (Wren, 1994). According to Fayol the theory
indicates how we wish the management to be whereas the Mintzberg about what manager
actually do.

1.2 Every Leader can be a good manager, but not every

manager may be qualified to be a good leader.

A leader can is a public figure that is powerful as well as influential enough to make the
people or their subordinate follow him according to their own will. A leader is some who
has a vision, a passion to pursue as well as has analytical skill which helps him to make an
appropriate decision in an adverse situation. However the concept of manager and leader in
a corporate environment is completely different, as manager need to possess leadership
qualities as well as skill like planning, organizing, delegating and effective communication.

Manager work is to doing thing right whereas the leader is doing the things right. However
the proverb is right every leader can be a good manager whereas the every manager may be
or may not be qualified to be a great or a good leader (Mintzberg, 1973).
Channel of communication plays a significant role as it can impact on the overall
effectiveness of the communication process. Basically there are three type of
communication channel available in an organized firm. These are formal, informal and
unofficial. According to the communication process, the most effective channel of
communication is the formal communication which has a positive impact on the overall
effectiveness of the organsiation (Wren, 1994).

1.3 Evaluates any three communication tools which are

appropriate for both external and internal communication
within hospitality industry for emergency events. State








According to the change in the present scenario of the business environment in any
organsiation which resulted in the change in the communication process also which in return
increase the overall productivity of the organsiation as a good communication create a
healthy environment in an organsiation (Lamond, 2004). One of the most efficient tools in
the hospitality industry is maintain a site which helps to communicate with each and every
member of the hospitality industry. Maintain a conference call line which remain active all
the time and the last one is to generate a toll free number through which everyone can be
connected with one another (Pryor & Taneja, 2010).
The barrier of effective communication in any organsiation is the language or the
geographic location of the organization which have a negative impact on the organsiation,
psychological barrier, cultural barrier and the ineffective management policies and
regulation in implementing a job (Pettinger, 2007).

1.4 Analyze the factor which may influence ETGS Ltd. Or

any hospitality organization culture

There are several factors which influence organizational culture is as follows,

Introduction of technologies
Infusion of outsiders in organsiation
Installation of several accounting system Navision used in production.
The style of leadership of the managers
The working group of the organsiation.

2.1 Skills that Mr Green could use

When it comes to having to fill in the efficient shoes of a previous manager of an organization,
an individual like Mr. Green needs to not only work on maintaining the legacy of the ETGS ltd.
but also develop himself and his potential to prove himself to be as effective as Miss Parks. For
starters, he has to realize that the employees of the organization are used to working under the
democratic leadership style where they worked harmoniously with each other as effective teams
that were always included in the decision making processes of the enterprise. The workers and
other managers are apprehensive about Mr. Greens use of autocratic leadership owing to his
military background. What Mr. Green should realize that what form of leadership was absolutely
effective while he was in the military would not prove to be effective within an organization that
was 40 years old and was already used to working under a different, more lenient leadership
style. As a personal development plan Mr. Green should first conduct a Self SWOT analysis
(WANG and MA, 2012, p. 036) that would give him am clear idea about his strengths,
weaknesses opportunities and strengths. He should concentrate on developing his strengths
which includes
his analytical mind, his experience in the company
his military knowledge about how to command a big man power and
his close knowledge of how the former CEO worked,
He should working more and make changes to overcome his weaknesses that includes
his autocratic style of leadership

his lack of civil leadership

the lack of employee reliability on him.

He should utilizing his opportunities that are

Being able to prove himself as an effective manager like Miss Parks
Carrying forward his own legacy at ETGC Ltd.

Most importantly Mr. Green should eliminate his threats that include
The chance of someone else over taking his position
The chance of the employees jointly petitioning for his removal.
For attainting the above, Mr. Green should continue to maintain the democratic form of
leadership among the employees. For that Mr. Green should first understand the basics of
democratic leadership and focus on the advantages and its uses (Gastil, 1994, pp. 953-975).He should increase effective communication in between his employees and himself
so as to have a clear idea of how the employees functions, what problems are they facing
under his leadership, what effective changes would they want and how satisfied they are
in the new managerial regime. Mr. Green should not just concentrate on developing
himself for this present job but should also inculcate developments that would help him
in his future job prospects. For this Mr. Green should try to introduce open discussion
forum periodically within the organization where the team leaders and other managers
along with himself would convene every month and discuss the organizational and
business proceeding every month. This could include discussing individual or team
performances focusing on the drawbacks and presenting solutions for the same. As long
as the employees would feel comfortable working with each other, and with the
management, they would continue to function well as a team which would make the
organization run smoothly.

2.2 Personal Development Plan at ELTS Ltd

The steps used for the personal development planning at ELTS Ltd. should include three basic
steps namely creating a skills audit plan for every employee that would mark their need for
development in the different areas, to create action plan (Crosby, 1989) for the organization that
would outline the forth coming goals for the different sectors in the chosen time, and to create
development opportunities for all individuals working within the organization so that the entire
company can grow together. As starters, Mr. Green should convene a meeting with all team
leaders and ask for individual employee appraisals. This would give him the idea of the net worth
of every employee along with presenting him with the idea of development needs in them. Once
the development needs are established, Mr. Green should discuss the same with the employees
and encourage them to engage in self learning techniques along with making provisions from the
side of the company to provide the employees with the necessary development training.
Importance should be given on achieving sales targets since, ELTS Ltd, happens to be part of the
hospitality sector. Changes should be made to if necessary to enhance the marketing and sales
policies to achieve greater sales number. The main idea of the development plan should be to
strengthen every individual employee within a organization so as to build the strength of the
organization as a whole.

3.1 Tuckmans stages of team development to show how

a team in hospitality industry can be built to achieve its
The model of team development has been introduced by Bruce Tuckman during the year of 1965
it is one of the most effective team development theories. The Tuckmans theory has been able to
make considerable contribution towards team improvement polices of a business organization.
His theory focuses on procedures which are required by a team to handle a given task from its
allocation to its execution and at the same time this theory provides a frame work of selection of
team. This theory is associated to not only to building a proficient team for a particular project
but at the same time it deals with the activities that are required by the business organization or a
team to complete the entire project efficiently as this would help them to achieve the desired
goals of business. As the teams are formed for the selected project type in that case it is basically

done for the short period of time depending on project type. The framing of team, activities, time
required by the project and some desired results are set before hand when the project is taken up
by a business firm. His theory has introduced to five stages which are forming, storming,
Norming, performing adjourning and transforming (Olsen, M. and Roper, A. 1998).
The theory of team development as provided by Tuckman gives a detail of the team formation
procedures starting from project allocation to execution of project. Often it has been observed
that when a project is being allocated to a team it is probable that team members work
indifferently. Therefore it is very much required for the leader to keep the team motivated to
work together as this would deliver a better result of the assigned project. It is further provided
by the theory that to keep team bonding there has to be a trust among the employees of the
organization which is the forming stage of Tuckmans theory. It is on to the leader of team to
spent time, collect information and build a good bonding among the team and also with the
Then it is the storming stage which involves that a team starts working on a project and come out
with new ideas and suggestions regarding the project. But a number of ideas may create
confusions and if not handled properly then in that case it will end up to spoiling the entire
project or discontent among the team. In this context it has to be efficiently handled by a leader if
the situation is not controlled by an efficient leader then in that case it is it will give rise to
storming phase giving rise to a number of problems (Olsen, M. and Roper, A. 1998).
After a storming phase it is the Norming phase it is that harmonious phase when the team
actually works as a team and follows few rules and values required to operate the project. It is
that stage when the team becomes more responsible and also acknowledges the contributions
made by other team members. After Norming stage it is followed by performing, adjourning and
transforming for the project to get completed.

3.2 Explain how responsibility, authority and power may

support the achievement of agreed goal for improvement
in particular tourism industry like ETGS Ltd.
It is very much required to have responsibility, authority and power with the business
organization while working on a project and keeps the operations and activities of tourism
business going (Buhalis, D. 1998). It is right from the top management to the lower level
management and other employees of organization have to be responsible enough towards their
work and customers at large. It is on the higher officials of the organization to have better
authority and power which is required in tourism sector and achieve the aimed goals of business.

4.1 Explain the factors that help an experienced CEO to

run an organization with the help of his personal and
managerial skills to support the career development
process at the ETGS Ltd.
There are several factors that help an experienced CEO to run an organization with the help of
the managerial and the personal skills that are required to run the organization smoothly
(Kramer, 1986). The list of skills that are designed to develop the career management skills are
listed below:
The experienced CEO appreciates the importance of career management and must take
up the ownership to enhance the career development process for ETGS Ltd.
The experienced CEO identifies all the possible pathways and Career goals.
The experienced CEO identifies the appropriate professional development plan for the
The CEO improves the understanding of how to conduct and participate in implementing
a successful career conversation.
There are several advantages of an experienced CEO over a newly appointed CEO. The basic
advantage of an experienced CEO is that he/she is accustomed with the proceedings of the
organization that helps him to communicate with the other official staff of the company that is

helpful for both the organization and the shareholders that are attached with ETGS ltd. The
newly appointed CEO with require a lot to time to get accustomed and to be aware of all the
working techniques and methods to earn profit for both the company and the shareholders. At the
same time he must be sure about the success and well establishment of ETGS ltd.
There are several skills that are followed by the experienced CEO for the proper running of the
Organization. The most significant among them are the specialist skill, transferable skills and the
self management skills (Osipow, 1973). The specialist skills include the skills that relate to a
particular work in different specified areas. The transferable skills can be applied across all the
contents in respect to the variety of tasks that includes all the communication skills. The personal
attributes deals with the management skills that have a specified goal direction and the ability to
explore and create opportunities for the Organization.
All the shareholders that are associated with the company require the CEO to be experienced so
that they can blindly trust the company and invest their money in the firm. The reliance of the
shareholders depends hugely on the dependency of the CEO. The best prospect for the
organization is to maintain a consistency and help in the development of ETGS. Retaining or
Hiring an Experienced CEO is one of the best options to run the company smoothly and at the
same time earn the loyalty of the shareholders that are connected to the Organization.

4.2 Determine the factors that are considered for career

and personal development needs that affect the current
performance in the Hospitality Industry
There are several factors that are significant for personal development, performance
enhancement to produce an appropriate development plan for the manager in IT and Hotel
industry (Zhang et al. 2012). The effective performance enhancement plans that help the
managers to measure their individual performances and productivity are listed below:
Assigning the individual employees with their daily actions with strategic objectives for
Providing visibility and clarity in accountability that is related with the performance

Documentation of individual performance to help compensation and career planning

Establish a focused skill development and learning activities according to various
Creating Documentation for all the legal purposes to support the decisions and reduce the
disputes related with it.
The performance improvement and the role of management are to increase the focus of the
managers in all respect. As the business pressure is increasing the organizations need to become
more effective and efficient in selecting the mangers in the IT and the Hotel industry (Jian,
2012). All the mangers need to update themselves in all respect and engulf several performance
and personal development plans for their own betterment so that they can deliver their best for
the organization and the same time grow as an experienced individual for themselves. From all
the above techniques and methods we can easily conclude that all the managers of the hotel and
the IT industry requires proper enhancement and development for increasing their performance
and earns huge benefits that they be productive and efficient at the same time for ETGS. The
above mentioned features are the best possible techniques for the managers to be efficient in all
prospects (Beckert and Walsh, 1991).


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