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11255 North Torrey Pines Road, La Jolla, CA 92037-1011 Phone (858) 642-8320 Fax (858) 642-8724


Lesson Plan Design




Lesson Topic: Using pictures to talk about math concepts (composing and decomposing
Candidates Name:

Josephine Valadez

Site Support Provider: Tanya Newell

ID #


NU Site Support Provider__Tracey Feller___

1. Introduction: (Identify Grade Level K12 Academic Content Standard(s), rationale, focus
learner, create bridges from past learning, behavior expectations)
Common Core State Standards:


Solve addition and subtraction word problems,
and add and subtract within 10, e.g., by using
objects or drawings to represent the problem.
For any number from 1 to 9, find the number
that makes 10 when added to the given
number, e.g., by using objects or drawings,
and record the answer with a drawing or
Prior learning:
Students have been introduced to ten frames.
Students are able to count one to one.
Student Behavior Expectations:
Students are expected to raise their hand for
answers, questions, or comments. Students
are also expected to participate and work
cooperatively throughout the lesson. Students
are expected to listen and engage during

Students prior learning and

exposure to ten frames has
prepared them for working with
number bonds (composing
numbers). One to one counting is
important to be able to build
numbers using objects and
I will explain behavior expectations
beforehand to ensure that students
know what is expected from them
and they can focus on the lesson

discussion. Students will be required to

participate in discussions and activities.
2. Learner Outcome(s)/Objective(s): (What will students learn from this lesson? How will
you measure mastery of the outcome?)
Students will be able to use a picture to talk
about math. Students will be able to compose
numbers using a ten frame and a number
I will measure the students mastery by giving
them a unit test that uses number bonds to
compose and decompose numbers at the end
of the unit.
ELL students:
My ELL students (Antonella Cavosos and
Jafer Rizvi) have shown that they are ready
for the math lesson and will be using the
same unit test as the other students. I will
assist these students as necessary to help
them clarify any misunderstanding I the units
test due to language barriers.

Mastery will be measured with a

unit test. The test will be given at
the end of the unit to determine
students learning. ELL students
may only need help reading
directions or understanding key
words within the test. The test will
help me determine if a reteach is
necessary or if students need
further support.

3. Pre-assessment Activity: (Determine students abilities to achieve the Learner Outcome and
prescribe instruction accordingly. Consider: linguistic background, academic language abilities,
content knowledge, cultural and health considerations, interests and aspirations, physical
development, social development, emotional development. )
Before we begin the lesson I will assess all
students ability to count one to one and their
number sense individually. We will also review
counting one to one as a group and number
concepts by using a ten frame.

Assessing students individually will
allow me to determine a students
readiness for this lesson and will
allow me to address any issues
before we begin the lesson. A
review before the lesson will also
allow the students to bridge
information and prepare for the

4. Differentiation, Adaptation & Accommodation Strategies: (Based on the preassessments, modify Learning Activities based on learner characteristics to meet the needs of
ELL & special needs students, highly achieving students and low achieving students)
After I have had a chance to assess the students
understanding. I would make the following


Antonella Cavosos (ELL): Antonella has

limited English skills and may need a re-teach
of some of the key concepts and vocabulary. I
will use my one on one ELL time to introduce
these concepts to her before the lesson is
presented to the whole class. I will also use a
math word wall for her to reference during the
lesson. I will be sure to explain concepts and
vocabulary once again during the lesson
slowly and thoroughly.

Working with Antonella one on one

will give her a chance to ask
questions and will allow me an
opportunity to translate any
information that she may need
translated in order to process the
new concepts. The word wall will be
a reference for her to use as
needed and will give her confidence
in using her new skills.

Jafer Rizvi (ELL, Autism):.I would also provide

the math word wall for Jafer to reference
during the lesson. I will use manipulatives
during the lesson to help Jafer stay engaged.
Rather than using a picture from a book I will
project a picture onto the white board because
Jafer has shown that he responds better to
this visual stimulus. I would have him repeat
the directions or questions given to confirm
his level of understanding.
For all students I will model all necessary
steps during the lesson and introduce new
For low achieving students I will make the
word wall available to them as well and work
with them one on one during guided and
independent practice time or as needed. If
necessary I may choose to lower the level of
complexity by using smaller numbers but still
working with the same concept.
For high achieving students I would Ask them
to make number sentences from their number
bonds. I could also ask them to use larger

Jafer has shown that he needs

extra support staying on task. He
needs many reminders and
redirection to complete work and
visual aids are beneficial to keeping
him focused. He often gets
distracted immediately following
directions so asking him questions
to check for understanding and
promote thinking will allow him to
stay on track and connected.
Modeling will be important for all
students because it will give them a
reference point for how the work is
done correctly. Slowly introducing
new words and concepts will be
important to all students success.
Working one on one with low
achieving students and ELL
students will give them extra
support with comprehension and
understanding of new vocabulary.
Word wall give the students
something to reference as needed

numbers. These students could also show me

the reverse process (Decomposing the

for language skills and extra

High achieving students will benefit
from staying engaged with the
lesson by thinking beyond simple
numbers. Using number sentences
will expand their ability to work with
numbers. Decomposing the
numbers will allow them to see the
many different ways the numbers
work together.

5. Resources: (Identify materials needed for this lesson accounting for varying degrees of skill
Overhead projector
Colored picture to project
Ten frames
Number bonds
White board markers and erasers

The picture will help the students

connect with the lesson and
become engaged.
The ten frames, number bonds,
counters, and markers will be used
as manipulatives to keep the
students engaged and help them
illustrate their knowledge.

6. Learning Activities: Explicit Teacher Instruction - (Explain, Model, Demonstrate, Check

for Understanding)
I will explain to the students that we will be
looking at a picture to work with numbers. I
will explain what a number bond is and show
them how it works. I will ask the students to
look at the picture and talk to a partner about
what they see in the picture. I will then focus
their attention on one key aspect of the picture
and have them count the items. I will fill in my
ten frame to show how many we see and I will
talk about the different ways I could make that
number. I will fill in the number bond to show
how the parts make the whole.
The students will fill in their ten frame to show

Explaining the objective of the
lesson beforehand will help the
students focus on what is important
in the lesson. Modeling and explicit
instruction will give the students a
reference for working on their own.
Talking about the picture
beforehand will help the students to
make personal connections to the
lesson and will help me see their
level of knowledge with the picture

how many we see (EX. 5 children, they will

place 5 counters in their frame). We will then
talk about the different ways we can make
that number (EX. 3 boys and 2 girls, I sitting 4
standing etc.)
We will fill in the number bonds to show our
responses and talk about each one before
moving on to the next.
Check for Understanding: To check for
understanding I will ask myself questions
throughout the lesson to see if students can
help me move on to the next step (EX. I
wonder how many boys there are.) I will
also use my popsicle sticks with names to
randomly call on students to help me.

Working through each step will help
guide the students.

Eliciting student response will help

me check for understanding
throughout the lesson. Student
feedback will help me determine
whether to go on with the lesson or
stop to reteach or clarify. Randomly
calling students will give me a
genuine gauge of understanding.

7. Learning Activities: Guided Practice/ Collaborative Practice (Check for understanding and
provide feedback and re-teaching)
I will redirect their attention to another aspect
of the picture and have the students count the
objects. The students will fill in their ten frame
to show how many we see (EX. 5 children,
they will place 5 counters in their frame). We
will then talk about the different ways we can
make that number (EX. 3 boys and 2 girls, I
sitting 4 standing etc.) We will fill in the
number bonds to show our responses and talk
about each one before moving on to the next.
I will have the students work with a partner to
talk about the way they made their number
Check for Understanding:
I will check for understanding through each
portion of the activities by checking students
ten frames and numbers bonds to see if they
are making connections. I will also listen to
their collaboration with their partner and the

Giving the students many

opportunities to collaborate with
their peers will help them confirm
ideas or thoughts. It will give them
new ideas and different points of
view, expanding their thinking.
Redirecting the students attention
to different objects in the same
picture will give them a chance to
make connections to the concepts
and form their own ideas and
problems. These objects in the
picture will help the students see
that you can use math anywhere
and with anything.
Checking for understanding often
and throughout the activities is
necessary to determine if a

ways in which they created their number

bonds. I will ask questions about students

reteach will be necessary and to

see who may need additional

8. Independent Practice: (Provide practice that supports the learning outcome. Note:
Independent activities are assigned assuming that students understand the concept well enough
to work on their own.)
Independent practice will be done on another
day. Students will get their own individual
picture to work with and will create numbers
bonds using the objects in the picture just as
we did together. Students will also have the
opportunity to use a worksheet with ten
frames and number bonds.
Check for Understanding:
I will collect worksheets to reference students
understanding. I will Have students write their
responses to the picture on paper and have
students have their work checked off before
they can change activities to ensure their
understanding and give me a chance to clarify
and misunderstanding.

Individual practice will give the
students the opportunity to work
with their new skills and gain
confidence in using them. The
picture will directly relate to the
previous lesson and the worksheet
will give them a more abstract way
to use and practice their skills.
Collecting the worksheets will give
me a way to reference students
work and their ability. Having
students come to me to get work
checked off gives me an
opportunity to individually clarify
information and check for

9. Assessment and Evaluation: (Describe how you will assess and/or evaluate the students
learning. Describe differentiating assessment strategies you will use for ELL, special needs
students, highly achieving students and low achieving students.)
I will visually assess all students throughout
the lesson based upon their interaction
throughout the lesson and the responses
during discussions.

Visual assessment will give me a

continual way to address learning
needs throughout the lesson or
reteach as necessary.

I will assess all students by using a unit test

that will allow students to demonstrate their

A unit test will help me assess

knowledge of the new concepts.

For high achieving students I will assess their
ability to use a number sentence and
compose and decompose numbers. I may
make their test more complex by adding these
For low achieving students, ELL, and students
with disabilities I will be sure to review the unit
test direction beforehand and remind students
of the previous lessons using these concepts.
I will allow these students to reference the
word wall and may need to read directions to
these students one on one.

students learning as it specifically

relates to using number bonds and
ten frames.

Making the unit test more complex

will allow me to see how much
further my high achieving students
are capable of going.
Reviewing concepts and vocabulary
will ensure student success and
reading the directions to students
will help students with language
and will clarify what is being asked.

10. Closure: (Describe how students will reflect on what they have learned.)

As a group we will talk about number bonds

and how we can use pictures and objects to
show number bonds. The conversation will be
driven by the students based on their ideas
about number bonds and how to use them.

Rationale: Reflecting as a group

will help students confirm their
understanding for those students
who may still be unsure. Reflection
will allow students to verbalize the
new information and share their
ability to use these new skills.

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