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Lesson Plan


Spanish 2

Grade: 9th and 10th

Lesson Topic:

En pantalla (On the Screen)

1. Introduction: (Identify Grade Level K12 Academic Content Standard(s), rationale, focus learner,
create bridges from past learning, behavior expectations)

World Language Content Standards



Acquiring knowledge about this

element will help students learn about
being environmentally conscious
around the house, since the message of
todays lesson promote saving energy
around the house. When discussing the
various topics related to taking care of
our environment will help the students
better understand the importance of
being a lot more aware of how we
misuse things like water, time and
Reviewing important grammar points
will also benefit student
communication skills.

2.0 Students acquire information, recognize distinctive

viewpoints, and further their knowledge of other
2.1 Students address topics related to self and the
immediate environment, including:
k. Professions and the working world
n. Medical care
o. Technological advances and innovation
1.2 Students interpret written or spoken language.
1.4 List, name, identify, and enumerate
1.6 Comprehend the main idea of short conversations
and narratives on familiar topics (School vocabulary,
time, food, family, clothing, weather, hobbies or
pastimes, travel, home and health).
4.1 Engage in oral, written or signed conversations.
4.4 Discuss, compare and contrast, and support an
opinion; persuade.

Expectations will be reviewed with
students before the lesson begins.
Lessons are geared toward all learning
levels and are set up to allow for a
variety of learning styles.
Length of assignments and time
allotted for each assignment will vary
depending on how well students
mastered the previous lesson about
Environmental Awareness and how
well they are understanding todays
lesson regarding the importance of
saving energy.

2. Learner Outcome(s)/Objective(s): (What will students learn from this lesson? How will you
measure mastery of the outcome?)

Vocabulary: Students will use vocabulary


related to Nature in Spanish.

Culture: Students will read about Argentine

journalist Victor Sueiro. Students will also view
a short Argentinian advertisement commercial
from 1990 about the importance of saving

Grammar: Students will review grammar

exercises of the Subjunctive with Conjunctions.

Grammar: Students will review when to use

the Subjunctive and Indicative forms of

Literature: Students will read about

Argentinian journalist Victor Sueiro and his
experience of life after death.

The Learner Outcomes address the

state-adopted academic content
standards. The grammar review has
been included into the beginning of
the period and it is a daily routine
(Reviewing yesterdays lesson by
going over homework).
This activity provides the students
with multiple opportunities to review
vocabulary related to nature as it is
necessary for them to master the
vocabulary for Unit 5. It also allows
the students to practice using the
subjunctive form of expression in
their responses for the lesson
The short reading and film will
provide the students with a better idea
of the importance of being more
conscious on the ways they misuse
energy. It will allow students to
express their feelings towards the
misuse of energy and provide ideas of
ways to save energy around the home.
The reading and film will be followed
with a set of questions related to the
topics mentioned above.

3. Pre-assessment Activity: (Determine students abilities to achieve the Learner Outcome and
prescribe instruction accordingly. Consider: linguistic background, academic language abilities,
content knowledge, cultural and health considerations, interests and aspirations, physical
development, social development, emotional development. )

In order to assess what knowledge the students have

regarding any of the topics in our unit on Nature,
students will review the necessary vocabulary needed
for the activities in the lesson before we begin the
lesson. (Students would have taken a vocabulary quiz
the day before).
To assess what knowledge students have related to the
use of energy in our everyday life, students will briefly
point out a few common factors that students know
related to the many ways they use energy daily.
Students will be able to recognize the importance of
energy in todays world and describe it.
I will introduce new vocabulary being used in the story
and film for todays lesson. Students will need to

Reviewing the necessary vocabulary

for this particular lesson and what the
students know about energy will make
the lesson more meaningful for them.
This is important because as we begin
to read about Victor Sueiro it will allow
me to introduce the connection
between him and the importance of
energy in our daily lives.
It will allow me to introduce the short
film that is included in the lesson,
which is about the misuse of energy
and the importance of saving energy.

express whether they think energy is being misused or

not during the class discussion.

Introducing important points regarding

the importance of energy in our lives
will aid comprehension later in the
lesson. It will give me an idea of who
understood the previous lesson related
to protecting the earth from the
pollution that we as humans cause to
the environment.

4. Differentiation, Adaptation & Accommodation Strategies: (Based on the pre-assessments, modify

Learning Activities based on learner characteristics to meet the needs of ELL & special needs
students, highly achieving students and low achieving students)

In order to make this lesson more comprehendible for

my lower level students, they will be aided with visuals
throughout the lesson, with the incorporation of a
PowerPoint presentation during our grammar review, a
few pictures included in the reading, and the addition of
subtitles in the film.
The PowerPoint presentation with written vocabulary
words and grammar point will help my second
language learners and my lower level learners review
the vocabulary needed in this lesson. The subtitles in
the film will also allow my English Language Learners
and lower level students to comprehend what they are
hearing and are expected to pronounce. This will
hopefully alleviate some of the misunderstandings in
the lesson.
During the activities for this lesson students will be
provided with more time to complete assignments and
one-on-one assistance if needed.
During group activities, students will be carefully
partnered with caring and respectful classmates.

Given the situation, that the class is made up of

students with different learning styles, needs, and
abilities, differentiation is needed. With the strategies
noted and with the help of technology, this will
certainly allow the different level learners to gain
access to the content.

5. Resources: (Identify materials needed for this lesson

accounting for varying degrees of skill level)

PowerPoint presentation (Homework review)
Blue/black pen
Red pen (used to correct papers)
Textbook for reading material
Film: Anuncio de Edenor
Handout: Ahorrar energia
Student notebooks
Grammar handout

A grammar handout was provided to students the day
before with the opportunity to practice Unit 5 related
vocabulary and their grammar skills, the Subjunctive
with conjunctions.
Using the projector and the PowerPoint presentation
will allow students to see and hear the key concepts
that are being taught in this lesson. The PowerPoint
provides the students with a visual of the correct
answers and it also allows the students to review the
exercises on the handout and check for understanding.
The reading and film will allow students to become
more aware of the importance of energy in our lives
and the reasons why we need to become more
consciously aware of the ways we waste energy.
Students will become more aware of the responsibility
they have with the environment, and also become
aware of their responsibility of taking care of it.
The lesson from the day before was related to the
responsibility that we as humans have with the
environment and how we must take care of it.
Therefore, students have a notion of ideas of reasons of
why we should preserve energy use.
A handout on different ways to save energy will
encourage students to develop their own ideas of saving
energy throughout the day.

6. Learning Activities: Explicit Teacher Instruction (Explain, Model, Demonstrate, Check for Understanding)

Check for Understanding:

Daily Routine:
Revise Homework via PowerPoint presentation.
Students will revise their homework daily and check
for understanding on the lesson from the day before.
This well also serve as a way of reviewing vocabulary
and grammar rules.
Grammar and Vocabulary: Teacher will review
homework The Subjunctive with Conjunctions with
the students and clarify any misunderstanding on the
lesson from the day before. PowerPoint presentation
allows students to correct spelling and grammar errors
on their paper, and it will also allow students to review
and practice the present units vocabulary.
En pantalla
Explain todays review activities, purpose of the lesson
and what is expected of them. Start the lesson by
introducing Argentinian journalist, Victor Sueiro, who
wrote about himself being clinically dead for 40
seconds and how he discovered his purpose in life and
it was to deliver the message of why humans shouldnt
fear death because of the existence of a beautiful light
at the end.
The reading will be done together as a class and will be
discussing it while reading. Teacher will randomly call
different students to participate in the reading.
Following the reading, students will need to answer a
few questions related to the reading
As soon as students have completed answering the
question, the film will be introduced and played.
After viewing the film, the class will discuss the
importance of saving energy and mention some
examples of different ways to save energy.
Students will be instructed to get in groups and to work
on their worksheet Ahorrar energia and share ideas
with each other about different ways that they can
manage the misuse of energy in their own home.

Check for Understanding: Teacher will monitor

students while working in their groups to ensure
participation. Teacher will randomly ask questions to
the students to make sure that they understood the
lesson and provide clarification on any
On their handout, students will need to write down 5
ways they can be environmentally conscious around the
house, such as turning off the faucet while brushing
their teeth, turning off the light in an empty room, etc.

Our daily reviews help the class establish a routine that
provides learning stability to the students. It also
provides me with the opportunity to take role, go over
any missed concepts and check for understanding of the
previous lesson.
Reviewing the homework, vocabulary and grammar
exercises allows me to go over anything that the
students might have missed and are having trouble
with. Allows the students the opportunity to ask for
clarification on anything that they might be confused
En pantalla
Learning about the importance of saving energy and
protecting the environment will help promote the
importance of becoming more conscious when
misusing energy or when harming the environment.
It also encourages students to develop and share their
ideas on different ways to save energy and protect the
environment they live in. It is important that students
understand what is expected of them when working in
groups; cooperative learning should be taking place at
this time and the sharing of ideas by talking in Spanish
which will allow them to practice their listening and
speaking skills that are so very important in a language
class. During each activity, students will be assessed
with comprehension questions and will be monitored
for progress and ability.
The handout on Ahorrar energia will also serve as a
form of assessment to check for understanding and

reinstate the importance of environmental awareness.

7. Learning Activities: Guided Practice/ Collaborative

Practice (Check for understanding and provide feedback
and re-teaching)

Check for Understanding:

Daily Review:
In order for students to practice the lesson on
Environmental Awareness from the previous day,
students will review the handout provided during
yesterdays lesson. Revising the work from previous
lesson will help students with comprehension and
practice. Our daily reviews allow students the
opportunity to go over their answers and understand
what they missed and why? Daily reviews are done
using PowerPoint presentations that provide the
students with a helpful visual that allows them to check
their spelling and grammar.
The Subjunctive with Conjugations
Students know that the subjunctive is not a tense; rather
it is a mood. Tense refers when an action takes place
(past, present, future), while mood merely reflects how
the speaker feels about an action. It is used to express
doubt, desires, the unknown, and emotions.
Students have demonstrated comprehension that the
subjunctive is not a tense, but it is a mood. Students
know that the subjunctive is used to reflect how the
speaker feels about a particular action. They understand
that the subjunctive is rarely used in the English
language, but it is widely used in the Spanish language.
However, students will be reminded of when and where
to use the subjunctive and how the conjugation doesnt
change when adding it to the expression.
Collaborative Practice
Students will have the opportunity of working with
partner during our discussion of the different ways to
save energy. They will be placed in groups of three and
together have the opportunity to develop different ideas
of how they can start saving energy around the home
and why it is so important to do so.
Check for understanding:
They will need to demonstrate understanding by
earning a minimum score of a 4 (5 being the highest

score) on yesterdays assignment.

This daily review provides students with an opportunity
to go over the previous lesson (Environmental
Awareness) and assure that they are ready for the lesson
that follows (Energy Saving Practices).
The opportunity to review the previous lesson
encourages them to revise their work daily and it also
helps them master and improve their vocabulary and
grammar skills. It will also allow them clarify any
concepts that they didnt understand before. This will
also give them the opportunity to analyze progress and
comprehension, and the opportunity to clarify any
misunderstanding from any previous learning.
Going over the Subjunctive will only allow students to
keep practicing its use and mastering the concept.
Collaborative practice or group activities always
encourages students to value the importance of team
work. It not only promotes responsibility, but teaches
them to become respectful citizens to the opinions of
others. Students will have to share ideas on ways to
become more conscious about energy saving methods,
it will be interesting to see them share the different
ways that theyve realized are misusing energy at

8. Independent Practice: (Provide practice that supports

the learning outcome. Note: Independent activities are
assigned assuming that students understand the concept
well enough to work on their own.)
There will not be any independent work at this time. As the
lesson for today requires more of collaborate activities that
allow students to share thoughts and ideas. As we read more
about the environment the students will be given plenty of
time to independently practice working on their own.

Check for Understanding:


Independent practice will most likely come on day 4 of
this lesson, since we are on day 3 on our lesson on

9. Assessment and Evaluation: (Describe how you will

assess and/or evaluate the students learning. Describe
differentiating assessment strategies you will use for ELL,
special needs students, highly achieving students and low
achieving students.)

During the daily class activities, the class discussion,

and the collaborative activities, I will be asking
comprehension questions regarding the reading and
film to ensure that the students are understanding the
content in this lesson. Questions will be frequently
asked during the review, the discussion and other
activities. Monitoring participation will also be taken
into account. Students will earn point on both the
reading questions and the group activity. Each
assignment is worth 5 points (a total of 10 points for
both assignments). Scores will be given on the
following day during our daily review and students will
also have the opportunity to go over the activities and
realize if theyve missed anything. They will then have
the opportunity to ask for clarifications on either of the
This will also allow me to identify if there are any
students in need of more practice or assistance. It will
also allow me to analyze how to better serve their
learning needs.
The length of the activities and assignments could be
adjusted for students who work at a slower pace or
additional time could be given if needed.

Frequent comprehension checks will help me measure
the pace of the lesson and determine how well the

students are mastering the concepts. Knowing this

information can allow me to adjust the pace or include
additional exercises to practice a concept from our unit
on The Environment.
On tomorrows review, scores will allow me given to
the students and allow me to check everyones
comprehension on yesterdays lesson . For students
who are not quite mastering the concepts, I will provide
them with information explaining what they are
missing. The students will be provided with many more
opportunities for practice the following four days of
class before the end of the unit.

10. Closure: (Describe how students will reflect on what

they have learned.)

Student handout will allow the students to demonstrate

their understanding of the lesson. They will need to
write down at least 5 different ways to preserve energy
and must also include the reasons why it is so important
to become more aware of the importance of preserving
it. This activity provides students the opportunity to
demonstrate their understanding, write down what they
have learned and how it relates to them. They are given
the liberty of identifying a variety of examples that
pertains to them and that are related to what is being
I will collect every ones papers at the end of class and
prepare a lesson review for the following day.

Asking the students to come up with ideas of their own
on ways to save energy, will help them recall what was
taught, and help me see if they retained any of the
information from todays lesson. Asking students to
also share their opinion on why it is important to take
care of our environment, will allow me to see if they
understood the concept of being more aware of the way
we misuse things. The activity encourages critical
thinking and it also personalizes the lesson.

Revised: 10/23/2008
Note: An electronic copy of the Lesson Plan Design may be found on the Nu-Fast website:
. Links: Fileshare - SOE TED TED 629 Student/Faculty

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