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Climate Change

Some people start to realize that our city is become warmer year by year, for
some place there are scarcity of water due to depleted the amount of water, and
the increasing of sea-water level that could happen flood anytime. For those
examples I mention about all of them are caused by climate change. So from now,
we begin to ask what the climate change is and when it becomes problem. Climate
change is natural phenomena of the earth such as the increasing temperature of
earth, rainy season, winter, autumn, etc. But it becomes problem when it is
changed out of order or disorder. The climate change is like two side of coin. They
have negative and positive effects. We know in the early time, after Big-Bang, when
the earth has high temperature and living creature are no longer exist and then the
climate of the earth is changed year by year by reducing its temperature
dramatically until all of its surface are covered by ice. The existence of ice surface is
for some period and the earth are getting warmer so living creature can live on
earth. This climate change is positive effect and for negative effect has been
mentioned earlier. After knowing that the climate change has great deal for living
creature on earth, so that is why the climate change is our concern.
We begin to conduct our research and outline what cause the climate
change. There two factors cause climate change that are by human activity and
natural order. Climate change is natural phenomena of earth that is happened by
its order but some our activities could ignite this change out of its order. The main
actor could do for such thing is the use of fossil fuel. The fossil fuel that is used to
generate power in our car, power plant, and even to burning trash emit gas
emission such as carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide, and sulfur oxide. These gases are
responsible for global warming, acid-rainy and green-house effect that make climate
change out of its order. Naturally the increasing of temperature of earth increase
gradually to keep the earth warm but since the increasing of using fossil fuel, the
existence carbon dioxide in the cloud that are responsible to trap infra-red, which
make earth warm, around earth surface is increased. This increasing make a great
amount of infra-red trap on the surface and make earth hotter or there is a
significant increasing temperature of earth that could melt ice surface of Antarctica
and increase water sea level and we name the phenomena as global warming. The
disorder of climate change could make several domino effect like global warming,
acid rain, green-house effect.
For the next question what should we do to preserve climate change order
after knowing it cause. This homework is not only a person responsibility but also
our government responsibility. The government should make counseling to increase
self-awareness of climate change. After we do realize that climate change is our
concern, the government should make a policy to lessen fossil fuel consumption and
switch to use renewable energy or low emission-gas energy such as wind turbine,
nuclear power plant, etc.
Upon above all as I mention earlier climate change is our concern because it
has great deal for living creature. The climate change naturally is not dangerous but
it becomes problem when the climate change is disorder. The disorder of climate

change has a domino effect, like global warming, that effect all of living creature.
For this problem we need a cooperation between government and their people to
alleviate the cause of climate change.

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