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Clause constituents

What are clauses?

Clauses are the next higher structural unit formed by phrases

Sometimes phrases coincide with clause elements, sometimes they dont:


Im lovin it.

CET 1524

The idea of an alternate universe is hard to grasp.

Phrase and constituent analysis:






Complex clauses:

That syntax is boring is not true. (Kreyer 2010: 105)

Compound clauses:

Syntax is not boring but it is demanding (Kreyer 2010: 105)

Why complex and compound?

Clause1 Clause2




CET 1524 [ [ The idea [ of [ an [ alternate] universe]]]] [ is] [ [ hard [ to grasp]]].

Simple sentences:


[ [ I]] [ [ m loving]] [ [ it]]



That syntax is boring] is not true.] (Kreyer 2010: 105)


Syntax is not boring] but [

it is demanding]

What do clauses consist of?

Clauses consist of constituents.

5 major constituents:



Object (direct and indirect)

Complement (subject or object)

Adverbial (subject- or object-related)


Most central constituent

can be found in virtually all clauses

normally takes up a medial (central) position in the clause

determines what other constituents are needed to make the clause

grammatically correct (Kreyer 2010: 106)

Normally, VP and verb constituent perfectly match:

Thats good. > That [

KCH 3108 Well I think I can remember something like that then.




Well I [

think] I [

s] good.


can remember] something like that then.

But: AVP may intrude into VP_V unit:

EX0 596
Strong or dark shades [
nomadic and tribal rugs.



are [

normally only] found] in



require no complementation:

G16 1052

You're fools then, she retorted.


require a subject complement CS or object complement CO

GX2 141 I am delighted that they all passed with flying colours.

EEX 392

Sir Charles Robinson considered him ignorant


Mono-transitive: Od

() he has not seen it in detail.

Di-transitive: Od + Oid

HPH 245

B7G 2095 In June the Indonesian cabinet gave its blessing to the drive.

Complex transitive: Od + CO or Od + AO

EEX 392

Sir Charles Robinson considered him ignorant

B2U 1949

Calculate the cost of the goods and enter it onto the invoice.


What is a subject?

Clauses normally have subjects

Agent criterion: S = doer

only imperatives dont; implied subject: addressee

subject is that element in the clause that does something:

Ill tell you a story.

He gave me his card.

But: S = doer?

She smells nice.

(stative verb)

This is great.

(copular verb)

HE9 521

A lot of it was done by hand.



What is a subject?

Formal criterion:



BNN 115 That luck played a big part in the distribution of favours at Dovercourt is confirmed by
Anna Saville.

B1D 386 Why Brunel should have agreed to spare the time to become involved with the
competition is not clear, ()

Distributional citerion:

in ICE-GB, c. 99% of all subjects are NPs!

normally, subject is 1st NP in clause


KBB 6808 Audio Why people spend good money to go and listen to that sort of stuff I'll never know.

CH6 6776 Last night, all the family were seriously ill in hospital.

EDJ 2038 Gillian I'm not sure about any of this.

And steps they took. (Angelas ashes)


What is a direct object?

undergoer' of action: (patient)

refers to an entity that is affected by the action denoted in the

clause (Quirk et al. 1985: 727)

What is an indirect object?

beneficient' of action: (recipient)

refers to the entity that benefits from the action (Kreyer 2010: 112)

APW 482 Here, I brought you a cloak.

AHJ 200 Some analysts believe Amec is in a strong enough position

to give shareholders a marginal increase in their dividends.

AR8 56

He showed us the parachutes we were to use.


Od and Oid & Voice:

Only active clauses with Od and/or Oid can be transformed into passive:

AR8 56 He showed us the parachutes we were to use.

We were shown the parachutes .

The parachutes were shown to us.

but not: K97 4292 He lived in Hoole. > *In Hoole was lived by him.

How are objects realised?

mostly by NPs

but: also by clauses

E9T 148 But when I went back the next day, I was told the two shops were no
longer connected. (that-clause)

CKB 1064

He refused to give his reasons. (to-infinitive clause)

K8V 2022

I trust you although I don't know why I should. (wh-clause)


Subject complement:

characterises the subject:

HAE 1717 He is a
striker very much on a
revenge mission.

Object complement:

characterises the object:

FDC 256 I do not say

this on the basis that I
consider her approach

appear "Tom appears satisfied, but really is not."

be "Tom is a coward."

become (inchoative) "Tom became wealthy."

come "The prediction came true;"

end up "I ended up broke;" "the room ended up a mess."

get (inchoative) "Tom got angry."

go "The man went crazy;"

grow (inchoative) "Tom grew insistent."

fall "Tom fell ill with the flu."

feel "Tom felt nauseated."

keep "Tom kept quiet."

look "Tom looks upset."

prove "Tom's behavior proves difficult to understand."

remain "Tom remained unsatisfied."

seem "Tom seems happy."

smell "Tom smelled sweet"

sound "Tom sounded obnoxious."

stay "Tom stayed happy."

taste "The food tastes fresh."

turn (inchoative) "Tom turned angry."

turn up "The prime minister turned up missing."



Circumstance adverbials:

can be obligatory: demanded by the verb

can be optional: add supplementary information to the clause

time, location, reason, manner, extent,

wide range of realizations:

CCE 488 The agony of his death confronted Jesus as he prayed in the garden of

wide range of meanings:

HTT 2416 He put his foot on the first step and paused, listening.

PP, NP, AVP, clauses

wide range of positions in clause:

circumstance adverbials are mobile:

FSB 241

Suddenly the spaceship went PING!

The spaceship suddenly went PING!

The spaceship went PING! suddenly.


Stance adverbials:


not integrated into clause structure

comment on the content of the clause itself

epistemic: comments on truth value

C95 1163 As far as I know, no breeding or sexing data are available.

attitudinal: comments on speakers emotive attitude

K1T 1942 Baby Simpkins undoubtedly died from injuries of a non-accidental


But unfortunately both Saturday and Sunday it is really foggy.

stylistic: comments on style

G0Y 1181 It looks to me, frankly, like a clear case of chronic timidity, laced with

B75 897
Broadly speaking, the printing process falls into two stages,
typesetting and printing.


Linking adverbials:


not integrated into clause structure

connective function

mostly clause-initial

wide range of meanings:

addition, result, concession, etc.

G1X 87
Speaking of which, why didn't you marry that lieutenant
when I told you to?

H0U 1690 Consequently, for polymers, the most careful liquid

water is frequently not applicable.

AHK 248 Nonetheless, form is a durable thing.

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