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Hope and Longing

people are shy about their longings. (3) longing = wanting union with something we are
separated from. (4) Earthly longings are unfulfillable because we really long for God (5,6)
"longing is an ingredient of hope. You can hope only for something you want, and if you really
want it, you will long for it." (8)

"[The] webbing together of God, humans, and all creation in justice, fulfillment, and delight"
(14). "universal flourishing, wholeness, and delight - a rich state of affairs in which natural needs
are satisfied and natural gifts fruitfully employed, all under the arch of God's love. Shalom, in
other words, is the way things are supposed to be." (15)

Sensus Divinitatis
"Sense of divinity" (6). "the sense of divinity is the seed of religion." (7). Every other longing is
just a mistaken longing for God because he "made us for himself" (7). All humans have a sense
of something greater.

God's Glory
Purpose of us and all creation is to reflect God and give Him glory. God is not dependent on us,
but He chose to create us, which is a reflection of His glory.

"...each divine person [Father, Son and Spirit] harbors the others at the center of his being." (21)
Divine hospitality in a sense: letting the others be in themselves and one with themselves, then
helping them flourish. (may share a common Greek root with "choreography")

Christ is the mediator. It is neither a necessity or an accident. "Creation is an act of imaginative
love." (23) The opportunity to connect scripture and the natural world. "God loves creation. God
celebrates creation. God even plays with his creation." (24) Every part of creation praises God,
human and non-human alike.

"all is God" (37). "everything in the universe is one thing or the manifestation of one thing, and
this one thing is worthy of worship."

General/Special Revelation
"God gives off a 'general' or universal revelation through creation and providence..." (27)
"Christians who read both the 'beautiful book' of the universe (general revelation) and the 'holy
and divine Word of God' (special revelation) will sometimes find themselves perplexed by the
apparent conflict between them or even within them." (66).

29 "responsibility for keeping the earth, for respecting the integrity of kinds, and times, and
seasons." (31) Not conquest, but stewardship. "Lording under" (as opposed to "lording

Image of God
28 Alternating silence and speech, work and rest. Care for earth an animals as well as unfolding
new cultural possibilities, reflecting God's creativity (dominion). Communication and social love
(relationship). Self-giving love: like Christ's suffering and death (sacrificial).

Materialist Reductionism
Evolutionary term. All substance around us can reduced to one single spark. Natural selection, no
divine control.

Creative Anti-Realism
We create everything around us with our minds. Reality is subjective.

"the main human problem" (48). --> ignorance+pride. oppression+corruption. "Any spoiling of
shalom." (51) Contaminates everythinnnnnng! (60)

a habit/compulsion. (50) "All sin is evil, but not all evil is sin." (51) "sin is culpable (deserving
blame) evil". sin = peace breaker. It's not normal. missing the mark. "sin is more than the sum of
what sinners do". =spirit of darkness. (63).

Original Sin
"the corruption and guilt of our first parents (Adam and Eve) have run right down the
generations, tainting us all." (50) it's their fault..bleh.

"No human being is as good as he can be" (35)
perverts God's gifts (54). pollutes relationships. (55) Idolatry. (56) "the multiplying power of all
sin" (58). Good things used for bad.

Total Depravity
All the corruption and sin added up. (58) Because of total dep. we need common grace in society
(60). Every act is tainted with sin.

Common Grace
The goodness of God shown to all: such as intelligence and stuff like that cuz He's nice. (59)
Rain, love...

The Law (as in the ten commandments)

a set of requirements that God's people should fulfill because they have been rescued. (75) We
don't wanna be told what to do (it cramps our style) (76). Exhibit of God's grace. All the
commandments are pro-life. (77)

The "Double Grace" of God

Sanctification and justification. "The double grace releases us, relieves us, redeems us." (92)
"God removes our guilt by justifying or 'rectifying' us and removes our corruption by the longterm process of sanctification."

a selfless sacrifice that makes up for sin. can't atone for yourself. Jesus atoned for us by
absorbing evil and not passing it on.

God's (one time) act of forgiving us and reconciling us to Himself. It is His "acceptance of
sinners" (90) due to Jesus atoning sacrifice. (it's a God activity)

"a lifelong conversion" in which a person keeps working to get rid of their old sinful,
uncompassionate, selfish self and become more loving, gracious, and forgiving (90). a process
which we are constantly involved in. Becoming more holy.

The Kingdom of God

"The coming of the kingdom of God represents a final state of cosmic redemption, in which God
and God's creatures dwell together in harmony, righteousness, and delight." another way to think
of Shalom (105). God's will being done here on earth (106).

A person's calling. "A Christian's main vocation is to become a prime citizen of the kingdom of
God..." (110).

Our final destination. A new earth/creation. Shalom is back!

Martin Luther
German Theologian who didn't mean to start a movement. Just wanted reality check. Wrote
Ninety-five Theses. Just meant to re-form the church he was already a part of, not start a "new"
kind of church.

Ulrich Zwingli
Swedish Theologian. More radical & thorough than Luther. Faith based, not works based.

John Calvin
French Theologian. Reformed movement was denounced in France so he escaped to Sweden in
1534. Most influential.

Abraham Kuyper
Dutch Theologian. successor of Calvin in the reformed tradition. (66) Said learning takes faith:
depends what or whom you have faith in not weather you have faith. (67) Was a prime minister
and newspaper editor. Jesus said "this is mine" over every square inch.

The Liberal Arts

Trivium: grammar, rhetoric, and logic. Quadrivium: arithmetic, geometry, music, and astronomy.
Prep for more specialized studies in law med, and theology.

The Humanities
Everything that we study must be applied in our daily lives as a society.

Philosophy and Theology movement that led to the liberal arts. Christian education with addition
of secular aspects.

The Research University

most colleges today are a hybrid between classical curriculum focused on classical/traditional
instruction and modern open-ended research.

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