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criminalisation highlights at AIDS 2016

Sunday 17 July
09:0017:30 Beyond Blame @ AIDS 2016.
partners. Blue Waters Hotel.
18:0021:00 Global Village Opening Ceremony. Includes
Human Rights Networking Zone Opening, hosted by
ARASA and Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network. Global

Monday 18 July
All week: Legal Consultation Centre, organised by AIDS
Free World. Global Village, Booth 530.

o TUPED410 Justice programs for public health: lessons and

good practices (Tamar Ezer)
o TUPED411 Legal environment assessments: a tool to
generate evidence for law, policy and strategy review and
reform in Africa (Tilly Sellers)
o TUPED412 Peer to peer learning on preventing antihomosexuality bills: the DR Congo and Burkina Faso case study
(Amitrajit Saha)
o TUPED414 Strengthening the HIV-related legal and policy
environment for key populations in the Democratic Republic of
the Congo: a case study (Laura Ferguson)
o TUPED415 Legal services: essential to national responses,
yes, but what about quality and coverage? (David Patterson)

12:0015:00 March for health quality treatment for

ALL! Organised by Treatment Action Campaign (TAC).
Meet at King DinuZulu park by 12.

14:3017:00 TUWS10 Beyond Blame: A

Feminist Dialogue on Criminalisation of HIV
Transmission, Exposure and Non-disclosure
(Workshop). Organised by all HIV JUSTICE WORLDWIDE
partners. Session Room 9.

12:3014:30 MOSA26 Risks, Rights and Health: Taking

stock of the Global Commission on HIV and the Law
(UNDP non-commercial satellite). Session room 12.

16:3018:00 TUSY10 Courage in Leadership: World

Leaders with the Political Will to Remove Punitive Laws
(Symposia Session). Session Room 6.

15.30-17:00 Meet the NGO Delegation to the UNAIDS

PCB. Featuring HIV Justice Network's Laurel Sprague, NGO
Delegate for North America. Global Village Session Room

16:301800 LGBTI Rights: Inclusion and Respect. Cohosted by ARASA and the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal
Network. Global Village Human Rights Networking Zone.

16:301800 Sex Worker Rights: Work, Not Crime. Cohosted by ARASA and the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal
Network. Global Village Human Rights Networking Zone.

Tuesday 19 July
07:0008:30 TUSA07 Leveraging HIV Funding to Address
Criminalization and its Impact on Sex Workers,
Transgender Women and Gay Men in Africa
(MSMGF/AJWS/NSWP non-commercial satellite). Session
Room 8.
10:1510:45 TUPL01 Where are we now? Jonathan Mann
Lecture: Protecting Human Rights and Reducing Stigma:
Edwin Cameron, Constitutional Court of South Africa.
Session Room 1.
11:0012:30 TUWS01 Common at Its Core:
Understanding the Linkages for Challenging the Impact
of Criminal Law across Key Populations (Workshop).
Session Room 3.

12:3014:30 Tuesday Posters

o TUPED393 The human rights and HIV/AIDS program: a
community-based program to protect the rights of people
living with HIV (PLHIV) (Lacharpagne Liz)
o TUPED408 No tolerance for tolerance: constitutional
challenge to Jamaican TV stations' refusal to air advertisement
calling for LGBT rights (Richard Elliott)
o TUPED409 Being strategic about strategic litigation: using
strategic litigation to advance public health outcomes (Tamar

Wednesday 20 July
09:0010:30 Morning Movies, including Consent: HIV
Non-Disclosure and Sexual Assault Law and Positive
Women: Exposing Injustice from the Canadian HIV/AIDS
Legal Network. Global Village Human Rights Networking
11:0012:30 HIV Criminalisation: Exposing
Injustice. Co-hosted on behalf of HIV JUSTICE
WORLDWIDE by ARASA and the Canadian
HIV/AIDS Legal Network. Global Village Human Rights
Networking Zone.
11:0013:00 WEWS01 Advocacy Tactics I: High Level
Meetings, Sustainable Development Goals, and
Grassroots Activism. Session Room 3.

12:3014:30 Wednesday Posters

o WEPED348 Establishing a community-owned system to
monitor and response to HIV-related human rights challenges.
Lessons learnt so far (Gavin Reid)
o WEPED352 Criminalization of sexual minorities rights
fostering stigma and discrimination - case of Burundi (Star
o WEPED356 Anti-gay Law, MSM and HIV: human rights
influences and HIV/other STIs among men who have sex with
men in Nigeria (MSM) (Chiedu Chike Ifekandu)
o WEPED360 Mapping of policies, laws and services on GBV
and HIV intersections in Nigeria (Olayinka Falola-Anoemuah)
o WEPED361 Opportunities to work with law enforcement,
community members and political leaders to enhance the
effectiveness of HIV prevention programmes for people who
inject drugs in three South African cities (Shaun Shelly)

o WEPED428 The research is the intervention: strengthening
networks of persons living with HIV though participatory action
research (Laurel Sprague)
o WEPED436 Unmet mental health and social service needs of
formerly incarcerated women with HIV living in the Deep South
(David Pantalone)
o WEPED458 Lobbying for political change under adverse
political conditions: lessons from advocacy work in North
Carolina (Lee Storrow)
o WEPED472 Introducing rights based HIV project in Myanmar
(REAct) and its impact (Nay Lin Tun)

13:0015:00 Beyond Blame: Challenging

HIV Criminalisation in Europe and beyond.
Organised by HIV Justice Network on behalf
of HIV JUSTICE WORLDWIDE. Global Village European
Networking Zone.
15:3016:00 Report Launch: HIV and Human Rights in
Southern and East Africa. New report from ARASA. Global
Village Human Rights Networking Zone. Followed by a
roundtable discussion 16:3018:00.
16:30-17:30 We are not criminals: The
impact of HIV criminalisation on women
and girls. Organised by all HIV JUSTICE
WORLDWIDE partners. Global Village Womens
Networking Zone.

Thursday 21 July
07:00-08.30 What People Living with HIV Want:
Feedback and next steps from LIVING2016, the Positive
Leadership Summit (GNP+ non-commercial satellite).
Session Room 3.
11:0012:30 THWS01 Advocacy Tactics II: Communities
Challenging Human Rights Violations (workshop). Session
Room 3.
12:00 March Against Coerced and Forced Sterilization of
Women Living with HIV. Organised by ICW.

12:3014:30 Thursday Posters

o THPED313 Double jeopardy: advocacy at the intersection of
criminal justice and HIV in the United States (Megan
o THPED419 #Repeal19A: a successful campaign against the
criminalisation of HIV in Victoria, Australia (Paul Kidd)
o THPED420 HIV criminalization in California: a comprehensive
assessment of enforcement, equity and effectiveness of
criminal laws targeting people living with HIV (Amira
o THPED421 HIV criminalization laws harm our patients!
Nurses advocate for an end to unjust laws that promote stigma
and disparities (Carole Treston)
o THPED422 I intended to achieve sexual pleasure not to give
my partner HIV: problems with the legal tests used to assess
intention in criminal charges for transmission of HIV (Alexandra
o THPED423 Criminal risk for PLHIV in France as a result of
unprotected sexual relations (Michel Celse)

o THPED424 Nurses' knowledge, attitudes and documentation

practices in a context of HIV criminalization: a secondary subgroup analysis of data from California, Florida, New York and
Texas nurses (Jean-Laurent Domingue)
o THPED425 What's the law got to do with it? Creating an
enabling legal and policy environment for young people to
access harm reduction services in Asia-Pacific (Xavier Hospital)
o THPED426 Gender differences in policing behaviors:
implications for HIV prevention among persons who inject
drugs (PWID) in Tijuana, Mexico (Teresita Rocha Jimnez)
o THPED427 Criminalization of HIV non-disclosure: narratives
from young men living in Vancouver, Canada (Andrea Krsi)
o THPPED428 Global trends in HIV criminalisation (Edwin
o THPED429 Punishing HIV: does race impact sentencing under
criminal HIV exposure and disclosure laws in the United States?
(Trevor Hoppe)
o THPED430 The role of scientific experts in combatting unjust
HIV prosecutions: a Canadian example (Ccile Kazatchkine)
o THPED431 Advancing HIV justice: building momentum in
global advocacy against HIV criminalisation (Julian Hows)
o THPED432 HIV criminalisation in sub-Saharan Africa: failure
to uphold scientific, medical and human rights
recommendations (Patrick Eba)
o THPED433 Progress to integrate human rights principles to
the application of criminal justice to people living with HIV in
Scotland (George Valiotis)
o THPED434 Impact of same sex prohibition law on service
uptake by men who have sex with men (MSM) in PortHarcourt, Nigeria (Bede Chimezie Eziefule)
o THPED435 Reckless endangerment: sex workers' health and
human rights under the Protection of Communities and
Exploited Persons Act (Richard Elliott)
o THPED436 HIV criminalization in east Africa: a ripe time to
challenge the law and policy (Dora Kiconco Musinguzi)

14:3017:00 THWS09 Responsible Reporting versus

Sensationalizing HIV and AIDS in the Media. (leadership
workshop). Session Room 8.
15:0016:00 Closing in, but pushing back: Strategy
discussion on resisting restrictions on civil society. Cohosted by ARASA and the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal
Network. Global Village Human Rights Networking Zone.

Friday 22 July
07:0008:30 FRSA02 The Robert Carr Civil Society
Networks Fund Featuring the Work of International
Networks on Law Reform, featuring the work of HIV
JUSTICE WORLDWIDE. (non-commercial satellite). Session
Room 3.
11:0012:30 FRAD01 Policies, Policing and Public
Morality. Session Room 4.
o 11:00 FRAD0101 One shouldnt convict
people for hypothetical risks: frustratingly slow
incorporation of the prevention impact of
antiretroviral therapy into criminal law and policy (Edwin J

For a more complete listing of official AIDS 2016 sessions, also see the HIV criminalisation roadmap prepared by GNP+ and HIV Justice

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