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Ancient history timeline of Indian
subcontinent can be divided into 4 major
turning points
Prehistoric Era
There was nothing or no landscapes called India in ancient world. Its was
created just 60 some years ago(see the modern-era below) . For the most part
of prehistory, the sub-continent was inhabited by different races of men.
The Indian Genome Variation Consortium (2008), divides the population of the
subcontinent into three ethnic groups living separated from each others by
culture,linguistic & racial differences
# Northern-India(was part of Ancient Aryan-Bharat,along with
pak,kashmir,afgana) Indo-European, (mostly belonging to Vedic-Dharma & Aryan
Culture) # Eastern-India(Part of Mongoloid Chinese kingdom) Tibeto-Burman and
( influenced by Buddhism after buddha) # Southern-India (Was part of ancient
Dravida-Nadu grouped with Srilanka,andaman,Kumari-kandam & Malayregion)Austro-Asiatic /Dravidian (Non-Hindus with their own
culture/religion/language/social systems)
Along with many other ethnicity undocumented/extinct. surrounded by
greed,luster,corruption & none of the ancient groups ever cared to build their
own homogeneous nations, as seen in most civilized parts of the world. A
United Nation of India was far from a WET-DREAM.

Middle-Era (Islamic)
Islam ,Christianity , Arabs & Abrahamites flocked to South-Asia. As usually, they
found the loop-hole to exploit, which was thousands of years old animosity,
internal clash & sabotage among the ethnicity /racial groups. The
inferior/backward races converted en-mass to group with mighty Arabs in the

hope of removing their humble-identity & teach the superior races/VedicHindus some good lessons.
Islam,Arabs & new-converts joined hands & rampaged through the Aryan
kingdoms in the aim of making a level-playing field(the typical goal of
Abrahamic-agenda), by destroying noble & Aryan's legacy from all aspects.
Today, South-Asia holds largest Muslim population, obviously that came from
miscegenation of all races (natives or invaders). To counter the invaders threats,
Vedic-Aryans started Abrahamization of their Vedic Dharma, with a view to
accommodate all races in Hindu-League or keep them from converting to
Islam/Christianity. There came
the #hinduism,#buddhism,#jainism,#AryaSamaj,#vaisnavism, #Sikhism,#Hare
KrishnaMovement, #UnityInDiversity, #peace, #tolerance,#Ahimsa,#hinduMusli
msVaiVai etc.etc. Typical losers way to eat humble-pie,huh?

Post-Mid-age (Anglo-English Colonization 1858

To 1947 )
Following other Europeans, Brits happened here due to business/financial
activities. The company realized that the powerless sterile raj-Hindus need
their assistance in kicking-out the sultan-rulers & rabid Islamization. So, the
history repeated itself & Aryans/raj-hindus joined hands with Racialist Brits (the
same way backward-races joined Muslims/Arabs). Thus, THE HUNTER BECAME
THE HUNTED.Racialist (or racist/whatever you call it) Brits , tried to
do Eugenics, Social-Engineering etc. to fix this multi-racial cesspool. Caste
system & regional divide became all-time strongest(ever since Vedic-aryan Era).
Only Aryan type Brahmans,Kshatriyas,Sikhs,Punjabi,Pashtuns & all other martialraces were used to get upheld which, certainly pissed off vile, primitive,
opportunist backward races & Muslims of humble-origin. India again(ever since
the Vedic era) started flourishing as a civilization & consolidated nation! (that's
what happens when Aryans rule, right? Rail, Roads, wells, electricity, light, Trum,
motor-vehicles, library, colleges, universities, researchers, mathematicians,
powerful-army, elite-families. Boy! DONT just effing believe what todays Indians
& Gandhi says to you regarding the British Era. So, guess what? majority of nonAryans (of both hindu/muslim faith), got desperate to dethrone Anglo-Hindu

raj, as they could see how the real filth were getting cleansed. Poor-Brits! Hitler
weakened them up to the point to draw-back from here! And ugly-frogs like
Gandhi took the credit of independence!


gandhi india

Modern Era (1947 to present)

After all these corruptions & degeneracy of ancient era,What you can expect
now? Typical! A nation with majority of vile-looking thugs, freebooters, rascals,
scoundrels, corrupted, greedy, lesser-men & rapists of backward races, plus their
half-blood fi*lth*y mong*rel*s that kept breeding like Roa*ches.

churchill india british colony


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