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A word of warning:
The Temple of Alieno logy will not tolerate any criminal behavior by its members.
The follower of Ali enology is expected to be a law abiding citizen and a respectful member of
The Temple will expel any individual who fails to show proper conduct or misinterpret the
Alienology teachings in any way.
Temple of Alienology will cooperate with any investigation authorities concerning illegal
actions of a member.

Copyright 2012 by the Temple of Alienology
This book is the registered copyright ofTOA publishing. No part of this book may be
reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, including photocopying,
recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission of the
publisher. For more information contact the Temple of Alieno logy

Internet website
Cover: Alpha and Omega ofAtlantis, trademark logo of the Temple of Alienology.

E vergth/ng !lows /n the ljmverse, proceed w/th no doubt.


T estimon~ 7

The Alien race ... 8


Shadow of the Dream ... l 2

1\.eprogramming... l +

One Step Further... 16

Alien DNA ... 1 7

Without Darkness, there is no light... 19

E_ssence of Life ... 2 l

The Con9ueror... 2 +

Methods of Con9uerism ... 26

Con9ueror's E:>reath of Life ... 29

Metamorphosis ... ) I

E_nco8nterthe Alien Gods ... )2

Extraterrestrial Material... )+

Nine Steps of E_ncounter... )8

The Truth oHhe lie ... +7

Skull of Atlantis ... +9

F~thias Gramata ... 5'2

Initiator~ Stages of Alrenolog~ 58

Information about active membership ... 59

f ower of Histor~


In this web called world We gave ~ou lite and birth, death and resurrection. We
even gave ~ou the choice to believe.

We are the axis in the wheel of reincarnation.

Homo sapiens are genetical!~ programmed to be slaves and ~ou as Aliens are
the ruling bod_:~ of the Homo sapiens race. The ruling bod_:~ of mankind changed
man_y names through histor_y.

Let it be known that there exists, unknown to the tlomo sapiens e~e, the most
ancient religion, the purpose of which is to re-unite individuals that are f-rom the
divine Alien race.

Naos religion existed through the most remote times and it has manifested its

activit_:~ secret!~ and open!~ in the world in man~ tom1s. Naos is a bod~ of
Adepts that possesses the secret knowledge of the Alien Gods and all
existing Aliens.

E_ver_:~ rite and ceremon3 is performed onl_:~ to serve Us. The e~e of the
p_yramid is the vortex from which nothing escapes.

Read between the lines.

The world is an illusion.

The Alien Kace

The true identit_y of Aliens.

t-iomo sapiens science declares that Homo sapiens belong to. the Homosapiens species. A brief def-inition ot both words "Homo" and "sapiens" shall
give the true identit!;J of. the t-Jomo sapiens being and ot the Alien as well.

The word t-Jomo derives from the Greek word Homogenous that means "the
same", "the same as" and "average"- The word sapiens derives f-rom the Latin
word sapienta that means understanding and wisdom in an ironic wa9.
Furthermore, sap means weaken and silliness. Therefore, Homo-sapiens is
det-ined as an undistinguishable hominid species. Its members would act in the
same manner and think the same, self-deceiving thoughts, relating to each other
through a veil of deception within a limited tield of conscious response and
conditioned ret-lexes, rather like sheep.

It seems that t-Jomo-sapiens will never be an!::Jthing other than what the word

The Alien is the name used b!;J Homo sapiens to indicate something ot a
different origin, deriving from the Greek word Alios which means the other
and the Latin Alienus which means belonging to another. Homo sapiens
use the term wide!.':! to characterize something ot another planet, another
countr.':J or even someone of. a dif-ferent wa!;J ot thinking. T rul_~:~, Aliens are
indeed foreign to the common t-Jomo sapiens e!;Je.

t-Jomo sapiens perceive the Alien as the gre!;J one which is an idea i1jected
b3 Temple Deities to manipulate Homo sapiens thinking, making it work tor the

Alien race. Alien m!:Jths do not work against Us. The!:l work tor Us. 1\eal
Aliens are still using this m!:Jth tor their own purpose.

Actuaii!:J, the Alien is the other being, the higher being, the one that torges
all things seen and unseen through his distinction between himself- and the rest
ot the Homo sapiens. The Alien has the lust tor power and knowledge that is
needed to con9uer the gif-ts of- lite and the lives of- Homo sapiens. lt is not a
coincidence that He is openi!:J or secreti!:J worshiped as a God in the process.
Indeed, the term religion was thus invented. The Alien species lives among us
and those with the genetic potential to join in, know exacti!:J what the!:J have to
do even as the!:J read these lines. 5till, oni!:J the ritualistic E_ncounter with the
Alien Gods is the path to achieve the Alien metamorphosis.

5imilarl!:J, the classical m9th ot the abduction b!:J the gre9s and UFO
sightings have served Our purpose to support, enlarge and verit!:J the Alien
belief S!:JStem created b!:J Our ancestors. ln tact, the Alien beliet S!:Jstem is the
basis of- all religions. Through histor!:l, the Homo sapiens belief- regarding
superior extraterrestrial entities has served to empower the Dream, which is the
world that Homo sapiens perceive.

Abductions are metaphorical masterworks ot the Aliens, to implant memories

ot biological experiments to the Homo sapiens h!:Jbrid to 5elieve. The Alien
race has ch;sen several tlomo sapiens beings to be "abducted' tor the purpose
ot spreading the m!:Jth and provoking mass h!:Jsteria or creating powerful
religious . images, such as Virgin Mar_y's conception ot jesus b_y the Hol!:l

The F ower of Histo.-.y

Great power 1iwo/ves great responsibifit.!J.
-Franklin D. Kaoseveft-

Looking through histor!:J, most t"lomo-sapiens worshipped other hominid

species as Gods. For instance, the fharaohs themselves in ancient E_g!:jpt were
worshiped as the sons of Gods. Uteraii!:J speaking, the word pharaoh means in
Lg!:jptian hierogl!:jphics, "the one of. the divine blood". Hence the reason is that
the_y were the carriers of. a divine bloodline. As a result, when a Homo sapiens
being feels that another t"lomo sapiens is superior due to divine reasoning,
immediate!!:} the superior one becomes powerf-ul.

Demigods existed in ancient Greece. The!:) were hominids that had the same
characteristics of. God and Man. The!:) were worshiped because of their
glorious achievements, known as labors. The true Kings of. power.

The Conquerors.

It is not a twist of f-ate that Socrates defined the Demigods as daemons.

In time, conquerors were worshipped as true Gods among men. Alexander the
Great was one of. them. t-ie was oni!::J a Homo sapiens and due to his abilit!::J to
conquer, he developed a godl.:l attitude. His immortal spirit shall remain forever
in the souls of. men as the most brilliant case of. supreme Conquerism. Thus,
Conquerism is the ke!::l to unlock immortalit3. Through histor!::J and time, onl!::l
those who completed their goals gained true power.

The power to be inf-luential upon the minds of. others.

Most Homo-sapiens false!~ believe that the~ possess a charisma from birth
that makes them ver~ important and can act as a ver~ inl-luential ~actor upon
their social group. This f-alse sense ot pride weakens theirjudgment. The divine
art of- the Alien is Con9uerism.
The Alien knows exact!~ where to seek higher power. As a result, the Alien
wants the Homo sapiens race to support his power. It is not possible to gain
higher power without other minds to support this power. Thus were created the
first religions of man tor the purpose of the Alien bloodline.
As an Alien, ~ou are blessed b~ the Gods themselves. You are what ~ou are.
Do not den~ th~self-! It is the purpose o~ the Alien to make others believe and
spread His supremac~. Hence the secret of- power is to con9uer.

E:>~ considering th!Jselt as a Con9ueror !JOU must be responsible tor !JOur acts.
The existence of responsibilit~ in the actions of the Alien is the 9uickest wa~
to tell it the individual has what it takes to be a member of- Naos or not.

Shadow of the Dre~m

After a long sleep. the same theories reaprear. Wthout doubt the3 return
richer and with new clothes, but the foundation remains the same and the new
mask which the!J wear should not mislead the man ofknowledge.

-L e Serpent 1\ougeln ancient

~ears, some of the Alien Gods were

mixed with the Homo-sapiens

race and thus there were man~ children of this kind that developed supernatural
powers. One such supernatu-ral power is the ps~chic abilit~ like clairvo~ance or
using the so-called third e~e- This gift was lost slow!~ in time due to disrespect
towards the Alien Gods.

The fact that the Alien Gods will not transform the Homo sapiens to a higher
being was considered b~ man~ researchers through the centuries and the
answer is rather simple. You cannot transform a rock to a tree. The genetic
material of tlomo-sapiens is incapable to be changed to something that is Alien
to it. Onl~ those who have alread~ the same genetic potentia lit~ of the divine
race can achieve the Alien Metamorphosis.

Those who came from the skies have c ursed the tlomo sapiens race with a
disease that is similar to blindness. The tlomo sapiens being is incapable to
perceive realit9. The definition of realit9 springs from the E._ssence of the
individual's perception.
The Homo sapiens h~brid uses the five senses to perceive onl~ the 20% of
the known world . .tlence, it is impossible for the Homo sapiens being to define
realit~. In fact, there are plent~ of realities. One could sa~ this is a beautiful

house and another this is a bunch of stones. As realit~ arrives from

o~ectivit_y, ever_y single individual has a unique idea of realit_y. Therefore, if

Homo sapiens race is consisted of 6 billion Homo sapiens beings, we can have
six billions ot different expressed "realities-truths".

Nevertheless, it is commonl_y said that realit_y is mostl_y based upon the most
basic sense, vision.

The most common def-inition ot realit_y is what the e_yes see. However, the
Homo sapiens e_ye does not have the vision ot a microscopic device. As the
Homo sapiens being are watching an item, the_y are not seeing the molecules
that the item is consisted ot, but t he_y are sure about the item's identit_y! The
same theor_y is implied to the other f-our basic senses.

One of- the biggest dilemmas ot the definition of- realit_y is dreaming. tlomo
sapiens perceive dreams as tricks ot the unconscious, unf-ulf-illed wishes, f-alse
memories and in general as something f-ake. However, when the Homo sapiens
being is in a dream state, he perceives the dream as a real situation until the
awakening arrives. 5ut, there are numerous cases that the individual awakens in
the dream and then he wakes up in another dream. The tlomo sapiens being is
unable to understand that its lif-e ma_y be a dream with plent_y of- the so-called
awakenings. There is no ke_y to discriminate realit_y trom dreams.

Realit_y arises f-rom experience. If- _you experience situations, _you know that the_y
are real. In the dream world _you have _your experiences and thus this is a realit_y

The Alien perceives the realit_y and dreaming as the same. Aliens and Homo
sapiens beings are living under the shadow ot the dream ot Those Who came
trom the skies. The Alien Gods are dreaming ot what we experience as real lite.
The task of the Alien is to perform the actual awakening ot his ancestors, the
Alien Gods.

Camilla: "You, sir; should unmask."
Stranger: "Indeed?"
Cassilda: "Indeed it 's time. We all have la1d

as1de disguise but3ou."


rj wear no mask.."

Camilla: {Terrifieci aside to Cassilda.} "No mask.? No mask.!"


W, Chambers,

The King in Yellow-

Y ou are influenced b.':l external elements. Your whole lite is based upon a
specific schedule. The Alien Gods have constructed outer factors to make the
t--Jomo sapiens being think less and serve more. Have .':lou ever considered in
how man_L:J s9uare meters _L:JOU live in? t--Jomo sapiens are incapable to escape
f-rom their jobs, bills and personal problems. The Homo sapiens being is a
prisoner of his lite. The Alien is the Con'1ueror of lite. The Alien knows
exactl.':l how to manipulate the life of. Homo sapiens beings and his lite as well.

from the earl.':! ages, the Alien knew that he is diff-erent From the other species,
the Homo sapiens race . The feeling of. dissimilarit.':l got stronger as the Alien
lived and grew more and more in the Homo sapiens world. The Alien's ancient
genetic material enforced the will to re- identif_L:J from the Homo sapiens identit_L:J.

You are what _L:JOU are. Y ou are not what .':lou have to be.

Disregard what _L:JOU have been taught so tar. E_ver_L:J single thing that _L:JOU
learned from an .':I external factor is the Homo sapiens wa_L:J of. thinking and living,
guided b.':l the Alien Gods. You are not supposed to have a lite-span of 70-80
.':!ears. This model of aging serves the plan to rec.':lcle the Homo sapiens race.

R.emember that the great Alien fharaoh lived more than )00 hundred ,:~ears in
his earthi!::J existence.

E:>esides, scientists have discovered that the t1omo sap1ens bod,:~ is

constructed to last more than I 50 ,:~ears, but there are alwa,:~s external factors
that make life last less. E:>ad habits such as smoking, drinking alcohol and antih!::Jgiene are not the onl,:~ reason for d!Jing at the age of 80.
The most significant reason for this is the ps,:~cholog,:~ and wa,:~ of thinking of
the mortal. The Homo sapiens being is taught that the lite-span of an average
Homo sapiens is around 70-80 .Years. This is one answer tor the 9uestion of
aging, meaning that the Homo sapiens being is f-orced to think and act
according to what he has learned from external factors. In plain speech,
ever,:~bod~ else is doing it, so should ,:~ou.

Imagine tor instance that an individual is raised with the idea that he will die at
the age of I 80 and he is not influenced b,:~ an,:~ other external elements like the
death of- others. This h,:~brid will manipulate his life-span ps,:~chos,:~nthesis and
will live longer, as he was made to live. The same basic concept of
R.eidentification goes with an,:~ idea or principle that has been taught b!J others
or been experienced b,:~ the individual's standards.

The Homodeus species has the reprogramming procedure in its genes. from
the earl!) ,:~ears of his lite, the Alien has understood that he must re-identif!J
himself awa,:~ from the t1omo-sapiens standards.

The Alien knows that he is different.

for the Alien it is natural to manipulate his inner cosmos according to His will.
This is what it differentiates Him from the t1omo sapiens race. Hence, the
Alien avoids the outer elements that manipulate His E_ssence of existence and

evolutes through the personal metamorphosis guided b_y Those who came from
the skies.

Create _your Own experience and act one step further to accomplish the
Reprogramming process. With personal ettort and with the assistance ot the
Alien Gods, the Alien is a Hawless Con9ueror of lite and death.


The 5an Greal of the Alien immortal bloodline

One Step further

An the important decisions need to be considered twice or more in life. This is

because one has the experience of failure and does not want to hurr_y up and
make the wrong choice. t-Jow man_y times have _you said "lt onl_y j had a second
ln general, life is a mechanism that is working both positivel_y and negativel_y.
This is the balance of nature called e9uilibrium.

This is an established law of initiation.

The Alien seeks perfection and not failure in ever_y case.

Ferfection springs

trom wisdom and experience. The Alien has a rule in his life that sa_ys:

"In ever.y situation in m9life, shall consider m9 actions one step further".

This means, in each and ever11 moment of life.

One Step further should be practiced in ever!:J situation, even in the simplest

ones. This can save the Alien trom undesirable results and can improve the
9ualit!:J of his lite. E..ven before drinking water, the Alien should imagine and
know its taste.

The speech of the Alien must be practiced to be direct and be!:Jond criticism.
The Alien thinks one step further before speaking. This is one ot the best
wa!:JS of manipulating situations through influencing individuals. The Alien will
improve these skills b!:J stud!:Jing the people that he is associated with. The
Alien has a schedule or plan tor ever!:Jthing, especiali!:J tor the important factors

from experience and failure oni!:J, one can achieve perfection.

Alien DNA
True power lies in the DNA. There the E..ssence rests and waits to be
transformed into higher ener&J through an actual use. tlowever, tlomo sapiens
are too idle and unimaginative to make use of it. Man!:J of Our kind have also
sunk into this void of uselessness.

To comprehend the Alien's DNA one must stud!:J dosei!:J the matter of
inheritance. Man!:J of the so-called ro!:Jal families around the world have claimed
that the!:J possess advanced forms of DNA in their bodies and re9uest to be
treated like true kings and 9ueens.

Still, there is a big distinction.

There are two t_ypes of bodies. The ph_ysical and the astral bod_y. To make it
dear, the astral bod_y is IN the Homo sapiens bod_y like a driver in a car. T hus it
is a matter of 9ualit_L:J o~ the one who drives the car. Therefore, it doesn't matter
it the car or the vess el has the highest 9ualit_y. The Homo sapiens bod!:! is
geneticall_y programmed to perish no matter the 9ualit_y of the ph!:jsical bod_y.
The Alien is an astral entit_y that has con9uered the vessel, which is the Homo
sapiens bod_y, and is the astral bod_y with the divine genetic material.


mapping out the astral bod!:J through ph_ysical, we see that sometimes it

appears in the DNA and RNA. DNA and RNA are the bridge between
consciousness and matter. E_ssence is the gatewa_L:J to influence matter b!:J
enabling the Alien, under the right circumstances, to conscious!.':! enter the
atoms of the ph.Ysical.

f roved

b_y science, there is a trace memor.Y in each cell. E_ver_ything in the

universe leaves a trace on encr.':Jption that can be decoded. Hence, this is the
genetic potentialit.Y of the Alien. His DNA reminds Him the past of His
ancestors and the superiorit.Y that consumes the Homodeus species.

It is riot a twist of fate that the Alien bloodline is attracted to the Temple.

To separate t-Jomo sapiens from Aliens, there is onl_L:J one path. T he realit_y of
the contact between the Alien Gods and their descendents, the Aliens.

The Alien Gods will not make contact with the protane Homo sapiens.
Those who came from the skies are attracted to those of the same genot_L:Jpe.
There is an element in the DNA of the Alien Gods that was called Ichor in
ancient Greece. Through the presence ot Ichor the individual that performs the
E_ncounter Ritual, can teel this godl_y power.

Throughout histor.'::J man.'::J Aliens felt affection tor their ph.'::Jsical bodies and
searched tor the elixir that can transform the mortal bod.'::J to an immortal one.
Therefore, the Alien as an egocentric being has found several wa.'::Js to achieve

Without Darkness, there is no light

Assistance is acceptable. E._speciall.'::l from .'::Jour own blood. As an Alien, .'::JOU
are a descendant from a divine lineage that was kept as a secret tor thousands
of .'::fears. Man.'::J were those who tried to convince themselves to be one of Our
kind, still with great failure. Those who came from the skies mixed with the
Homo sapiens breed and thus the Aliens were created. Several religions were
founded at that moment, with Aliens as the oni.'::J representatives of the Alien

Man_y of the Alien Gods felt sorrow tor the Homo sapiens race and
attempted to elevate them. Those Detectors S.'::Jmpathized with the t)omo
sapiens beings and betra.'::Jed their secrets. This was the time that the wars
between men and Gods began. The Alien Gods were infuriated with the
Detectors and left planet earth, leaving the lo.'::lal Aliens to rule the abandoned
planet. The Con9 uerors have alwa_ys been in communication with the ancient
Alien Gods.

There are several Alien Gods that used this planet as a residence. Some of
Them did not care about the Aliens, considering them impure. Others had
great s.'::Jmpath.'::l and respect towards the Con9ueror Aliens. Those are the
Alien Gods that the Temple is affiliated with. Without Their existence, the
Alien would be a powerless being, as the E._ssence of power springs from
Them, according to Their will.

Without the presence of the Alien Gods, the genetic material of the Alien
can not be activated. The_y are the source power of Our kind. This can be

done onl_y b_y Encountering with Them. And thus this is the onl_y wa_y to achieve
the complete Metamorphosis. With personal eltort and b_y con9uering the
Essence of the t)omo sapiens, the Alien is capable to avoid mortalit_y.

This is another path to reach Higher Existence.

You are an apprentice, until _you avoid the second death. Do not forget. Your
life is a continuous c_yde of learning and evolving. f\.eceive the Alien Gods as
_your mentors and teachers, because _you are of the same blood. With Their
guidance _you shall trans~orm to a higher being.
E:>e lo_yal to _your Ancestors and therefore _you will fulfill _your purpose of _your
kind. We shall become the rulers of the earth once again.
The Alien Gods will be awakened and the 5eal of the Dream will be broken.
The secret teachings of the ancient Alien Gods.
The teachings tell us that we can either continue living in this deluded, dream_y
state, da_y and night, or wake up to the truth. When we engage in sleep, we
become part of a long lineage. E:>_y remembering the Aliens who have dedicated
their lives to the teachings, the knowledge of their practice will be passed to us
and will generate faith and gratitude for Our tradition. The teachings were
traditionall_y maintained as a secret, both as a sign of respect and as a








practitioners. The_y were never taught publid_y nor given lightl_y, but were
reserved ~or individuals who were prepared to receive them.

This is an important point that should never be forgotten. The life of the
Alien is precious. Aliens have intact bodies and minds, with great potential.
Aliens ma_y have teachers and receive teachings and have lives in which the_yeljo_y the freedom to follow the divine path.

The teachings are not ideas to be collected, but a path to be followed.

Essence of Life
It is called


Hindu prana, b_y Chinese chi, in Ancient Es:Jpt


etc. The

definition was spread to all civilizations b~ the fa mil~, but without the proper
knowledge to unlock its true meanings. We simpl~ call it the E_ssence. However,
we can also use the names that were used b~ our Ancestors. It is the eternal
element of life. The actual E_ssence of lite. The one that governs ever~ living
thing. Its absence makes ever~ living organism unable to exist. There is a brief
anal~sis for this vital force with the in.dication o~ sleeping.

The average time of sleeping tor a Homo sapiens being is approximate!~ 8

hours. There is no evidence wh~ Homo sapiens sleep so much. The a~erage
hour of sleeping is analogous to the energ~ that's been consumed b~ the
individual. Moreover, predator~ animals are those who sleep most. This is
because of the energy that is spent for hunting. Thus tor the Homo sapiens
being there is ~o rational explanation of the 8 hours of sleep since nowada_ys
there is no predator~ behavior.
Re-read the above line and think of it for a minute. Aliens should s~nthesize a
better sleep program as to not wast e an~thing between the energ_o/'sleep
circuits. Modern science discovered that there is a specific form of energy that
is precious to life. During sleep, the human bod~ restores an amount of energy
that is vital for the continuation of lite.
This vital energy is ~irst taken b~ the plants ~rom the sun, then it is absorbed
from the animals and then it is taken in a better 9ualit~ from the Homo sapiens.
However, the E_ssence of human beings is con9uered from another species
superior to the Homo-sapiens. Homo sapiens surrender their E_ssence to their
superiors, just like a flowe r to a vegetarian mammal. This energy gap is also
expressed in the Krebs c~de.

The E__ssence is the universal energ~, which exists in all t~pes of life, from the
amoeba till the Homo sapiens being. The world is an ocean of E__ssence and
ever~ thing is under the ocean. The E__ssence is a primar~ substance and it can

be slipped in every living thing.

It is called the web of dreams. It connects ever~thing in the form of a web
plexus. Once you have con9uered the E__ssence of a Homo sapiens being, ~ou
are connected forever.

tlowever, the best source of- the E__ssence of life is the Homo sapiens faith.
Faith is based on believing. 5elieving is based on trustworthy thinking. Thus
this world is filled with thoughts that become beliefs and final!~ blind f-aith. The
basic ingredient f-or this structure is the presence of a certain stimulus.

Thoughts or electromagnetic kinesis in the brain do seem to take on a life oftheir own. Remember how ~our toys as a child seemed to become real beings?
Your love, gave them consciousness. Ritual objects can do this a lot, so cleanse
and rededicate them regular!~. Likewise, together with thoughts, emotions
produce electromagnetic energ~, the E__ssence of-lif-e. One such known emotion
is f-ear.

When a f-ear based on an entity has been created, like all sentient beings it will
act with self preservation and attempt to propagate. Feel and breed. In this
way, Homo sapiens have created uncounted billions of diverse beings.
These beings range from the not very aware stra~thought forms left over from
another lifetime, to ver~ powerf-ul Old Gods and Archet3pes, like the Greek or
E__g~ptian pantheons that have been fed and shaped by centuries of worship

and love. The dif-f-erence is that the Alien Gods are real because The~ are not
shaped b3 the E__ssence of the Homo sapiens. The3 exist whether ~ou want to
or not.

E._ver_LJthing is based on faith. Faith is like a muscle, it gets s t ronger with

exercise. Thus Homo sapiens beings need to exercise their faith for the service
of. all the religions worldwide. 5ehind the curtains of this powerful game of
energies the Alien Gods are e1jo.tJing t heir con9uering abilities upon this
planet. Their descendants, the Aliens, possess the nl.tJStical abilit_LJ of

Hence e ver!:) time a tlomo s apiens being pra_LJs, his E._ssence goes to the Alien
ra ce.

table ofexcellencies hangeth over every people. L o! /tis the table oftheir
triumphs; Ia! /tis the voice oftheir W,fl to Fowe1:
-Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus spoken Zarathustra-

The f-eeling of. triumph or the feeling of. loss is centred in the solar plexus. In
the bell_y, in the middle just below the ribs. Think of a time when a Homo sapiens
praised _you or gave :JOU a reall_y nice compliment. Think of a time when _you felt
ver:1 successful; think of. a time when _you felt failure.

Remember, and feel

When tlomo sapiens beings are nervous the_y say the phrase "butterflies in
the stomach", but the location of- the butterf-l_y feeling is not usuaii:J the ph:,~sical
stomach, which is on the

left side of. the

bod_y, but rather in the bell_:l>just u nder

the bottom of- the ribs. feelings of- guilt, foreboding of- f-uture bad events, worry,
and insecurity, all are f-elt in the solar plexus.

feelings of being abused, victimized, persecuted, or any other kind ofdisrespected boundaries are felt in the bell_y, in the solar plexus. The solar
plexus channel is where _your personal boundaries, as an individual are felt. It is
the channel of- hierarch_y games: winners and losers, abusers and victims.
The choice is :,~ours.
The E..ssence feedback is immediate, through time and :,~ou can use it f-or
navigation. just think of. doing something nast:1 to someone and feel the solar

plexus responding in advance to the flow of energ9, such an act would bring to
The solar plexus is ~il!ed with the energy o~ gratitude, which is a poweJul k.ind
of surrender. Gratitude is the opposite of fear and resistance. Remember 9our
gratitude received b9 9our Homo sapiens believers and fill :JOUr E._ssence
channel with the appropriate breathing techni9ues.

feed 9our energ_l:j depot b.':J breathing. Deep slow beii.':J breaths that go right
into the E._arth and mak.e :JOU more firmi.':J centred in :JOurseiL Most Homo
sapiens do not breathe properl9 as their breath is shallow making oni.':J the top
of the chest move.

The most resourceful alveoli are in the bottom of the

lungs and shallow chest breathing means the air in the bottom of the lungs gets
stale. Chest breathing means not getting enough ox.':Jgen and E._ssence.

Moreover, insecurit9 and panic attacks are caused b.':J a blocked or non~unctioning power channel. Someone who is having a panic attack. usuaii.':J

cannot take a full, deep breath. It feels like there is a tight band, like a corset
around the bottom of the ribs. This is tension of a dosed solar plexus.

f rojecting

need is a power game. You see it in advertising all the time,

advertisers seek. to create need, and even insecurit:J because if :JOU have
something that someone needs, :JOU have power over them.

The E._ssence responds to free will. On bod9 level, the solar plexus channel is
all about the movement of E._ssence between people. The unconscious control
games people use to tr.':J taking each other's e nergy were well described b.':J the
Christians wanting ever.':Jone to be Christian, to the 5odhisattvas vow of
wanting all mankind to be "Saved".

The more :JOU sta:1 ~ocused inward, in keeping :JOUr own personal energ:J levels
clear and ~lowing, the less :JOU are pulled into the control games.

Thus compassion is valuable, but even more valuable is to recognise that most
acts of compassion are reall:.t self serving or simpi:J said, egoistic. Looking for
the hidden motives behind the appearance ot "helping" and "selflessness" is an
important ke:.t to reall:.t learn :JOur own secret powers of Con9uerism.

t-lence mindfulness is pa:.ting attention to :JOur thoughts and being skittish

a bout the ones


teed. An:.tthing that


give enough attention to, can

potentiall:.t "wake up" and become sel~ aware.

Methods of Con9uerism
Those who came ~rom the skies, created all the religions of man. This religion is
expressed b:.t Those who came ~rom the Gods. We as Aliens know the secret
"for ages. We are Those who came from the Gods and thus We have the task
to be con9uerors. It is our own heritage.

Don't waste now!

There are .? t:.tpes o~ Con9uerism:


l)_y con9uering9our E.go:

first o~ all, the Con9ueror must con9uer his

inner self-. This is translated as the achievements of the personal goals and the
manipulation of th:.tseiE l)e~ore !:JOU con9uer an:.tthing else,


must first

dominate :JOUr earth!!:) life. As a Con9ueror, before manipulating other beings


must tirst manipulate !:JOursell-. You are the true God of th:.tself-. You are

the center of the circle. Do not forget this rule!

Without :JOU, there is nothing.


l)_y con9uering _your Life: Originaii_':J, the Conqueror must complete his

goals according to his will. This can be done, b3 completing small goals at the
ver9 beginning. For example,


want to bu_y a car. I>~ ~inishing this simple

goal, the Conqueror perceives that he is gaining a small amount o~ power

according to his needs. Thus b9 having a s c hedule o~ un~ul~illed wishes and b9
completing most ot his goals, the Conqueror becomes stronger. lastl9, this
means that the Conqueror will never leave an9 goals incomplete.


l)_y con9uering others: The third wa~ o~ Conquerism is to influence the

lives o ~ others in terms o~ "seduction". It is ver~ important to create a profile o~

the Homo sapiens being. This indicates that _you know the individual extremel_y
good. To achieve this condition, the Conqueror must be social to gain
inf-ormation and knowledge about his social environment and gather human
Faith. In addition, the Conqueror can prcject himself with various achievements
o~ his previous stages of. Conquerism. 5_y making followers, this is the basic

principle to continuousl_y absorb E..ssence. Use what works.

-Note: It is ~orbidden b~ the Temple of. Alienolow to engage in a n~ illegal

activities. Followers of. Al ienolog~ should respect t he pers onal li~e of human
beings and the laws o~ his or her countr_y/state. As it was stated before, the
Temple of Alienolog~ will cooperate with an~ investigation authorities
concerning illegal actions of a member.-

There are 5 steps f-or practicing higher influence to others:


5_y communication, the Conqueror is able to create a profile of an

individual of interest. Thus this is the time that He knows exact!~ the weak
personalit_y points. For example, the Homo sapiens's ideologies concerning
religion, politics and life. (Note: It is signfticant to have f-urther communication
with ~our inf-luence target, to have a better understanding of the individual and
develop trust.)


l).Y knowledge,


are able to distinguish if the individual is useful or

not. You must categorize individuals according to .'Jour needs. A ver.';l good
example is when


need someone to spread rumors about ,:~ou. (Note: You

must be able to improve :~our perception skills. E>:.~ performing the first step, .tJOU
shall develop ,:~our observation abilities.)


l).Y helping. This means that ,:~ou know the individual's problems and

needs. To gain admiration,


must be involved with his needs. E>.';l solving one

problem, :.JOU will achieve moments of personal transformation to a God.


l).Y pr'1ection, the Alien can influence massive!:~ human beings in order

to gather their E_ssence. E>,:~ creating a project that has audience, the Alien
uses the individual E>elief S,:~stem with a specific purpose.


l).Y repeating the process the Con9ueror will spread tlis influence

upon others. This will increase His power and the How of E_ssence.


There is no such thli? about a rroblem, without a gift for!JOU in its hands. We

Seek rro.blemS .becaUSe We need theirgifts. II

1\.ichard E>ach, "Illusions."

Aliens are elitist beings. The circle of Con9uerism never ends!

Ufe belongs to Aliens!

So does faith.

Con9ueror's _5reath of Life










concentration. The first thing to ruin the chances of a successful Encounter is

thinking about ever3da3 ordinar3 activities. You must practice being able to
concentrate on one idea ~or several minutes without distractions. Here follows a
process f-or developing concentration. first, find a period of- time that 3ou can
devote to 3our exercises ever3 da3. The best times are either before going to
sleep or right after waking in the morning, as :JOU are in a calm state of- mind in
both instances. Regardless o~ the time :JOU practice, it is essential that :JOU
repeat the same pattern daii:J in order to establish a beneficial bod3- time
routine. In plain speech, :JOUr mind will expect a period of training ever3 da3 at
3our selected time, just like it expects to f-all asleep when the night comes. Once
:JOU find a time to train, the next step is to find a place that is tree of
distractions. These exercises must be performed while :JOU are sitting on a chair
facing towards the part of 3our chosen room that is the least cluttered or
disorderi:J looking. Never tr3 these exercises while sitting on the bed.

Sit conlortabi:J and close 3our e3es. Use :JOUr imaginations of the things that
3ou have conquered during :JOUr da3. Visualize things, s ituations, goals or minds
that :JOU have conquered and ~ill the air with their realit3. It is now the time that
all the Essence that is depended on :JOU, will surround the atmosphere .

You will s ense the energ3 covering3our bod3.

Rela x and E:>reathe the Triumph.

The ke3 to absorb Esse nce is the controlled breathing. The breath itself is a
standard mechanism that works unconsciousl3 and is valuable for the rotation of

life. tlowever, when this life mechanism is controlled, the level of consciousness
is increased. furthermore, breathing through the mouth is similar to feeding.

It is

significant to sa:3 that breath of life is performed b!;J controlled breathing

through the mouth, while inhaling dee pi!;!. The secret to inhale proper!!;! is to feel
that the air that is breathed goes down to earth, through the mouth till the feet!

Use :JOUr mouth as an entrance for the vital enerw to flow inside !JOUr sola r
plexus. Solar plexus channel is located in the stomach right under the sternum.
It is the most significant channel. It has man!;! similarities with the stomach as an

energ:~ depot. Additional!:~, it is where tlomo sapiens beings f-eel their souls.
5re athe deepi:J and slowl:~ from :JOUr mouth for )-5 seconds and exhale from
!JOur nose for )-5 seconds. This is extreme!:~ helpful for controlling :~our breath.
Continue to draw the E_ssence from the environment.

A more vivid environment, moments of clarit:J and jo:J, a mood of creativit:J are
some of the signs of taking the E_ssence. Moreover, :JOU will feel revitalized and

The blood of. the Alien Gods is called Ichor. It is represented as a !:>lack
Mist and it can be toxic to the uninitiated . The DNA
changed through the presence

oF Ichor. This


the Alien can be

is called Metamorphosis and has

man~ historical and m_l)thical reFerences.

from the ancient times those who attempted to Contact the A lien Gods have
found out that this act reguires the concentrated existence oF astral energ_l)-

The Alien is not f.ed b_l) this energ_l), he conguers the energ_l) itselF!
5~ Conguering the minds ot others, the Alien is able to take the E_ssence and

use it to Contact the Alien Gods.


the encounter is successful The~ will

bless the Congueror with Their own E_ssence, Ichor.

Thus the A lien knows that the E_ssence is precious. The loss ot E_ssence
can be achieved due to stress and nervous behavior.

Never f-orget that this is the attitude of. the tlomo sapiens.



the Aliens Who experienced Metamorphosis af-ter E_ncounter,

experienced positive changes in Their lives and powered Their Congueror

abilities. It is not a coincide nce that most of. the inf-amous Con9uerors of. the
past experienced an unexplained event beFore a Victor_!).

Encounter the Alien Gods

The Contact
E._ncountering the Alien Gods is a ceremon~ that comes from the depths of
ancient histor~. Its purpose is to attract the Alien God s to appear in ph_ysical
and/or astral form. It is the wa~ to have contact with extraterrestrial entities;
Those who came f-rom the skies. This Working has no essential relation to
groups that practice either black or white magic. It is important to understand
that ceremonial Workings have existed for millennia in order to sharpen the
subjective perception of the Aliens. The modern aspects of contemporar_y
occult rituals must be ignored altogether since the_y are onl_y a modern

It is extremel_y important to keep in mind that this Working is not for ever_yone.
f::>ef-ore perf-om1ing the E_ncounter, _you must secure that _you don't suf-f-er from
cardiovascular disease or an_y serious ph_ysical problems. The sight of the Alien
Gods f-or the tirst time ma_y not be pleasant, especiall_y tor those who are not
from Our kind. In conclusion, _you are what _you are. The Encounter is the oni.Y

wa9 to find out if 9ou are of the Divine l)loodline.

f::>ef-ore perf-orming the E_ncounter of the Contact ritual take into account)
signif-icant rules:


It is f-orbidden to come into ph_ysical contact with an9 of- the Alien Gods

or even the stargate, unless _you are told to do so!


You are not allowed to bring an_yone with _you to witness the existence .

of the Alien Gods, _yet Aliens are considered able to perf-orm a group


It is a great disrespect to leave bef-ore finishing the ritual.

1)9 honoring 9our past, 9ou honor the present.

The Encounter Hall

This Working of establishing a Contact with the Alien Gods must be
performed inside a space of. 3our choice. Doubts or disbeliefs must be
COIXJuered before starting the ceremon3. The E_ncounter hall is to be viewed as
another world, indeed extraterrestriaL This is the room to perform the Contact
with the Alien Gods. The Working must not be interrupted so all necessar3
precautions must be taken. If. it is a room that is used f-or encountering the Alien
Gods, the participant must disconnect an3 communication device and use a
room that is isolated f-rom the human e3e. Make sure that nothing will disturb the
most ancient ritual of- all as this ma3 result in a ver3 complex situation. In order to
encounter Alien Gods the t"iall's aesthetics must be relative to the Alien
sphere of origin.

The room itself. must be empty of. an3 objects that have no use f-or the purpose
of- the ritual. Alternative, black fabric ma3 be used to cover the entire room and
all items that are made of- iron must be removed . To ph3sically encounter Alien
Gods you have to try to make the encounter hall correspond dosel3 to the
being's sphere of. origin.
Still, the Alien Gods do what The_~:~ WilL

t"iall Illumination is important f-or the setting of an attractive ceremonial

environment. Moonlight or starlight can be sufficient, it not then _~:~ou are f-ree to
illuminate the place with artificial means such as photographic red light. In
addition, it is welcomed to use a single black or blue candle behind the

The Working requires a focus point. In order to break down the procedure
and making the E_ncounter process successf-ul without building stone temples,
Naos proposes the simplified s3mbolic use of a mirror and a horizontal point to

use as an "altar''. The mirror functions as a stargate while the altar pla:~s a
supportive role to serve the needs of the ceremon~. In order to align better to
the re9uirements of this process, it is recommended to use ver~ low or ver~ high

fre9uenc~ sounds since the Alien Gods communicate at non- tlomo sapiens
fre9uencies. An9 item that stimulates feelings or is historical!:~ connected to the
Alien Gods can be placed upon the "altar''. Keep in mind that this is ~our
personal Temple.
To conclude, the secret of the E.ncounter is the preparation itself. [)~ itself
the preparation pleases the Alien Gods since it is sign of great respect.
5eginning the E.ncounter, :~ou enter the Hall with direct will and iron
concentration. The procedure for the E.ncounter is described bellow.

Extraterrestrial Material

-Star GateUse the mirror as the star gate to the astral plane, as it was used b9 true
Witches and Warlocks for thousands of 9ears. (When 9ou gaze in the star gate,
_l;jOU can see and hear an9 entit9 in the same wa!:J !:JOU cou ld see and hear
someone talking to ~ou through an open window.) Flace the mirror towards
West above the altar and in front of a comfortable chair.

Concentrate on the li9uid-like fom1 of the star gate.

5efore using the mirror as the star gate, _l;jOU must energize it with energ~- Uft
~our hands up in a v- position for a while and feel the E_ssence go down through

~our blood and when !:JOU feel read~ lower !:JOUr hands towards the mirror b9

feeling the energ_y dropping upon the mirror. F erform this action until !:JOU feel
that !:JOU are exhausted. This stargate has now a strong bond with ~ou.
Though, ~ou cannot proceed to 1\itual afterwards. The transformation of the

mirror into a star gate with this techni9ue can be done onl_y once. finall_y, _you
must cover the stargate with a clothe; do not ~orget that this is a gatewa_y to
other worlds and must sta_y secret and secure .

Creating a Star Gate. The mirror is to be used as a gate to the astral

There are ) t_ypes o~ structures that are proven to be e~~ective:


The trapezoidal mirror. The trapezoid s_ymbolizes the distorted realit_y,

as it is an as_ymmetrical shape. Thus, this is the best option ~or E..ncountering

with entities ~rom other worlds.

The black mirror; _you can create it b_y putting a glass upon a black

board or thick paper. It s_ymbolizes the in~inite space.


The ordinar:y mirror or an_ything that has a reflection. It is used as a

gazing point ~or thousands

oC _years.

-GrailYou need a cup or chalice ~illed with an_y stimulating li9uid, such as wine. The
Grail is the representation o~ the reservoir o~ Power, the ~emale aspect o~ the

Alien Gods, and the subconscious o~ the magician. This is the realm oC the
inner Demons, the Shadows. The Grail connects the outer fire Ocean oC the

Alien Gods with the inner Dark realm o~ the Alien. E>e certain what _you use
_you can drink.


is preCerable that the E..lixir be stimulating, but not



Nudit_y is highl_y accepted b_y the Alien Gods as it is the wa_y that _you are
born. Hooded capes oC black or blue color are also welcomed in order to make
_you undistracted b_y external Cactors. Your ever_yda_y clothes remind _you oC

ever_L:Jda:~ things, and this mundane mood is not desired in a magic temple. You

are not allowed to wear items made ot iron, as this will damage the 'lualit_L:J ot the
magnetic tield that is created during the Encounter. In group ritual tace masks
are also welcomed.

-ChantingIt is ver_L:J important to chant the word N- A

-0- 5

as it is the ke_L:J to the gate

that leads to the Alien Gods. You must learn to chant with meter. In group
ritual all the participants should chant S!;Jnchroniz.ed with the guidance ot a

-IncenseIt is also helpf-ul to burn a little incense, which helps put one into a slighti_L)
altered state of. mind. An!) scent will do at this point. It is reco mmended using a
combination of. f-rankincense and m3 rrh, because the scent sets a temple-like

-TimingThe best hours to encounter the Alien Gods are af.ter midnight. Traditional
magical holida3s and dates ot great signif-icance are b:J tar important.

-VibrationA bell, gong or a cr3stal must be used during the ceremon_L:J. In general, an item
with a vibration must be used to start and tinish the Encounter. The tonal
'lualities and the continuing vibrations are extreme!!:) powerful.

-MusicIt is suggested: An3 music pla:~er device, preterabi!:J ot good 'lualit_L:J, along with
music orchestrated tor the Encounter. The participant should choose and
organize the appropriate music before the ritual. During the Encounter, the
pauses in the music will cue most ot _your actions, so the volume must be f.airl!:l

loud. You can expect to read out an_11 notes in a strong and loud voice with

~artz F_yramidCr_ystal dear 9uartz. was used in the ancient _11ears ~or the construction o~
powerl-ul objects in order to be used in rituals. In general, 9uartz. has the abilit_11
to absorb and keep the energ_11 ~rom the environment and direct the energ_11
according to the holder's will. This is the reason wh_11so man_11 devices, like
watches, are consisted o~ 9uartz. in order not to lose batter_11 energ_11. The
Temple uses p_11ramid shaped 9uartz. l-or the purpose o~ keeping the E_ssence in
balance and use it as a ke3 to unlock the stargate. It is important to bear in mind
that the 9uartz. p_11ramid is connected to your astralbod_y and nobody is allowed
to touch the gemstone!


The pentagram was commonly used in Mesopotamia and Ancient Greece.

The f _11thagoreans used the pentagram with the two points up. The

f _ythagorean or Inverted f entagram represented the f entemychos, the rea l

meaning o~ li~e and the genesis o~ this world.

The 9 steps of Encounter

I . E..ntering the E..ncounter Hall

2. Opening the Nine Gates

) . Declaration of Homodeus

+. Dream of the Skull

5. Contacting with the Alien Gods
6. Alien Abduction
8. Declaration of Alien

9. Terminating the E_ncounter

I . Entering the encounter hall

The room for encountering the Alien Gods must be prepared as it is described
be~ore. l)e~ore entering the hall, ~ou must forget an~thing that is connected to

~our earth!~ li~e. Anxiet.Y and stress for an3 reason are some of the elements

that can produce a negative environment tor the Alien Gods. It is significant to
sa~ that positive ps~cholog_:~ before entering the sacred room is one ot the ke_:~s

to unlock other worlds.

l<_eep in mind that the Alien Gods think and act in a ver.Y different wa~ than
humans do. Those Who came trom the skies do not have earth!~ problems such
as love affairs or pa_ying bills. Thus !JOU must alter :~our conscience into a nonhuma n wa!J ot perceiving things in general. The Alien Gods are not attracted
even to the Alien that has not left his human side. tlence, it is ver3 important to
~orget ~JOUr current life.

Trust oni!J ~our blood and instincts.

The preparation of. the room must contain the following: The Stargate
hanged to a wall and a comfortable chair in the same directio n as the magical
mirror. The appropriate lighting eff-ect should be placed before entering the
encounter room.

To conclude, the Alien must not think but f.eel the sacred atmosphere bef-ore
entering the encounter hall.

Imagination is the ke3 to unlock realit!J.

5!:) entering the encounter hall, !JOU must begin the ritual b!J hitting the bell nine
times. This is the beginning of the ritual.

L ct the nl_!fstery begin!"

2. Opening the Nine Gates

The Alien should draw mentall.s~ (with the 9uartz p.s~ramid) or draw ph.s~sicall.s~ the
Inverted f entagram above the stargate. followers of Alienolog,SJ ma3 hang the
s.s~mbol of Alienolo&;~ on top of the stargate. 5.s~ pointing the five

points/angles of the inverted pentagram the Alien unlocks the first five gates
of truth . The 5 senses are thus suppressed.
[Gaze upon each of the five angles of the pentagram of f .s~thagoras . )
"What is this that I can see? I am not what I can see. Thus I am not Sight"
-The first gate is opened. The sense of vision is no more.[listen to the ritual sounds or the silence. Separate th.s~self from the notes and
the sound effects.)

f3ehold! I am not the sound Thus I am not /1earing"

-The second gate is opened. The sense of hearing is inverted .[flace .s~our hand upon the altar.)

'Am I what I touch? Thus I am not Touch 11

-The third gate is opened. The sense of touch is reversed .-

[Let 9our nostrils envelop the incense. Let drowsiness escape.)

What I smell is not me! Hence I am not 5mel/

-The fourth gate is opened. The sense of smell is abolished.-

[Drink deep from the ritual cup. The deep drinking of the universal enerw is
thus s9mbolized. Things are not what the9 seem)

'1 dnnk from the Grai I am not ofwhat it is inside.

Thus I am not Taste

-The fifth gate is opened. The sense of taste is thus transf-ormed.-

All senses are now disbanded one-b.9-one. Your soul is the on(t; thing thatgives

some sense ofrealil:!J.

Facing towards the ~our corners o~ the encounter hall 6_1:! pointing clockwise with
the quartz p_~:jramid , the participant will call the Gods ot the fast according to
his choice.

[facing towards Northern corner/ sixth gate)

r'J open now the Gate. I calf!JOU now A hen Gods offire "
Stop and f-eel the existence of. the Alien C,ods of. fire.

[facing towards E_astern corner/ seventh gate)

''The Gate now is open. Come forth A ten Gods ofair"

.Stop and f-eel the existence of. Alien Gods ot Air.

[facing towards Southern corner/ eighth gate)

"I unlock the Gate at this time. I summon Thee Alien Gods ofearth."
,Stop and f-eel the existence of- the Alien C1ods oF F arth.

[facing towards Western corner/ ninth gate)

The Mi1th Gate is oren. M'l!J the A ten Gods olwater bless me with Their

,Stop and f-eel the existence of- the Alien Gods of- Water.
Stop and f-eel this realization of. Hour inner mHsterH in Front oF the ,Stargate.

; . Declaration of Homodeus

6:1 looking :JOUr reflection in the Stargate, 9ou must lift the quartz p:Jramid
towards the mirror and declare 9our non- human origin in 9our own words.

for example:

"The ancient Gods are m!f ancestors. Those Who came from the ,5kies are of
the same blood /am genetical~.!; superior from the mortal human being and thus I
am read!:/ for the metamorphosis to beg1i1. I am the chdd of the A hen Gods that
gat'e me the gift to become a Con9ueror.

I am here to be rebol17 and de':!/ mg

human past. /am an A hen!"

[)e sure that if :JOU are one of belong to the f amil9, the Alien Gods will hear
your declaration as Homodeus.

Your words must be sincere and proud.

Froceed with courtes:1.

+.Dream of the Skull

[)y dreaming the Skull of Atlantis, the participant must gaze on the mirror and
summon the most ancient skull in this planet. The Alien should focus on the
stargate for approximately fifteen minutes and the alien skull will be slowly
created. This technique must be performed without rush or negative thoughts.
The alien skull must be created slowl9 in the mind of the participant and appear
in the stargate.

; . Contacting with the Alien Gods

This is the time that you must spawn the E_ssence through your channel of your
bod:l. You must imagine that 9our channel is connected with the channel of 9our
reflection. [)egin to focus on the mirror and feel the darkness consumes you
until you see a black mist. This is the time that :JOU are aware of the astral plane.
[)egin to inhale deepi:J from 9our nose and exhale slowly from your mouth
toward the Stargate and imagine that your breath is touching the mirror.

r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - -- - -- --

Keep in mind that the a ir 3ou are breathing out contains 3our DNA.
Inhale deepi.':J through .'JOur nose for a slow count of tour, and when :~our lungs
are filled, hold this breath for the same count of tour. Next, exhale slowl3 tor a
count ot four, and when 3our lungs are completel3 empt3, keep them this wa3 tor
another count of tour. Then repeat the process. After a while of- breathing in
this tempo, 3ou won't have to count an3 longer, as 3our bod3 will grow
familiarized to keeping the tempo. With preparation, 3ou should onl3 have to go
through the conscious counting tor three or tour c:~des before :~our bod.':! takes

You must continue the inhalation and exhalation techni9ues until3ou tee! the
f-low of the Essence. 5:~ breathing out the energ3, the right electromagnetic
environment is created tor the Alien Gods. As it is said before, 3ou now create
a tunnel ot energ3 between .IJOU and the Alien God that is in the Stargate.
This action can even last tor half an hour or so.

If 3ou are ot the same blood the Alien God will appear either in astral or
ph3sical torm. Caution! !::>3 experiencing more and more encounters the
initiated member will have a dearer view of- the position of the Alien God.

Do not tear it 3ou experience loss of time.

6. Abduction
You are what 3ou are. You are having a Contact with the most ancient form of
e arthl3 existence and _tJOU will stop the spawning of Essence. Continue the
gazing towards the Stargate and become lost in the darkness. The Alien
Gods are now responsible tor .':lour essence of lite and it under Their will to let
Ichor run into .'Jour veins. Continue until .IJOU teel energized with the 51ood of
the Immortals.

After f-eeling the highest f-o rm of. E_ssence possessing9our bod9, drink f-rom the
Gra il as it is blessed b9 the blood of- the Alien Gods.

Yau are now drinking the

nectar of. the Gods, the und9ing E_ssence.

8. Declaration

Declare .You rself.

of Alien

a f-ter this mo ment of. divine Metamorphosis b9 ra ising the

<Juartz p!;Jramid towards the sk9 .

fo r exa mple:

'1 am now changed

I am an Alien, the Con9ueror of humans and the rightful

k1i;g of t.4is world I honored n'!:J ancestors b!J bringing the essence of hf"c and
l1avin~ an encounter with Those Who came from the skies. I am now one oF

Those Who came from the Gads. I rraise the Eldest God that is the Alpha
and the Omega amo1;g the ranks ofthe Immortals!"

9. Terminating the Encounter

Hit the bell nine times and close up the ritual b_y sa_ying

"5o it is done and shall be done"

Leave the room and return to _your earthl_y encounters and celebrate.

The purpose of. the E_ncounter is to help the Alien initiate to accomplish his
goals and become into a t-Jigher E:>eing. The contact with the Alien Gads is
not onl9 a path to succeed in Conquerism, but a path to immortalit_y.

- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - --

Several signs of attracting the A lien Gods:

-Come into sight in ph_ysical from, sometimes with the classical alien image.
- E:>ecome visible in the 5targate, b_y taking man_y forms or faces.
-Take the form of moving shadows during or after ritual.
-Appear in dreams after the ritual as a real experience.

-UFO appearance around the world.

-Touch t he participant in an invis ible form.

-f roduce strange sounds and unknown languages.

- Dreaming of fl_ying or traveling in space.
-Loss of time without cause, during or after the ritual.
-5udden drop of temperature.

The Truth of the lie

/1 !fOU repeal a fie often enough, it becomes the truth.
-Joseph Gocbbcfs-

A miracle ohen indicates an event accredited to divine interference. These

events have the power to surprise human beings and make them to think and
behave in a positive wa!:J.
Religious texts such as the I)ible or Q!-lran constructed a huge belief s:~stem
b:~ making their believers to accept miracles as histor:~ facts. These

supernatural facts are the strength ot each religion in order to verit_~:J Qivinit!:J
without the possibilit!:J at doubts.

Still the Alien doubts and does not believe!

From the earl:~ civilization ot mankind, several supernatural events occurred.
The stories ot unexplained phenomena influenced the wa!:J ot living, the culture
and all the religions ot human beings. The ghost stories and poltergeist
phenomena make people to think and believe that there is another world on
planet earth.

This "Shadow World" made humans to become excited and created their own
def-initions of- the truth. Their conception of- truth led them to create paranormal
groups, cults, sects and conspirac!:J theories. The!:) created small I)eliet
S!:Jstems in order to tee! superior to the average human being. Most of these
"truth holders" are ver!:J popular in toda!:J's societ!:J and the!:) have a big amount
of- Followers. Still, the truth is 9uite ditterent.

A great example concerning the Truth ot the lie is the so called "Luck!:)
charm". It is common!!:) believed that an item with specitic significance to its

holder ma.!:l have supernatural abilities that can influence positive!.!:! one's lite.
Still, on!.!:I the holder knows that the item has a special power, while other people
den.!:! its significant identit.!:J. Furthermore, toda.!:j's media sources can influence
so strongl.!:j societ.!:j'S beliefs that governments pa.!:j huge amounts ot mone.!:l to
media in order to become positive!.!:! accepted b.!:! the audience. The truth is that
with certain acts one can transform others' t hinking into a stable 5eliet S9stem.
As it was mentioned before, human taith is like a muscle and it needs exercise.
With regular prcjection of specific events either supernatural or super-positive,
one can develop and enstrengthen societ.!:j'S beliefs.

Consider tor instance a street magician who can persuade the audience that
he has supernatural powers. It is a common secret that a show magician spreads
rumours about his uncann.!:l powers and thus improving his social prestige.
Therefore, certain individuals who can make societ.!:l to believe that the.!:! are
"special" are the true Con9uerors of humans. Alienolog.!:j supports an.!:llawtul
act that can make people to believe and thus Aliens are not against an .!:I kind of
religion. Aliens want religions to exist and continue the work ot the Alien Gods.

Nowada.!:js, there is a new miracle entitled as "E..xtraterrestrial E_xistence

5eliet S9stem". Unidentified Fl.!:jing Objects (U FQs), Men in 51ack
(MI5), chemical trails and conspirac9 theories about the existence o t Aliens
are a tine example ot this modem-based 5eliet S.!:Jstem. It is a tact some ot the
miracles are real. It is a tact that Aliens exist.

Still, all these modem miracles have onl.!:l one purpose: To create followers ot a
certain truth. This truth is used b.!:! the Alien Gods tor thousands ot 3ears in
order to gather their E_ssence. Thus this is the Truth of the lie.

We are the continuit.!:j ot the Alien Gods.

We are toda.!:j'S Con9uerors.
We are true Aliens.

Skull of Atlantis
Naos is the heart


the Temple

o~ Alienolog~.

It is used with purpose in

Encounter in later stages o~ Naos initiation. It is the inner temple of the most
ancient religion. It is ver~ signi~icant to mention that the

Friesthood of


serves the central role in the Alien Temple. Naos means in Greek "Temple".
The word "Naos" springs from the Greek verb "naio", which means inhabit. It
was used ~re9uentl~ as the first word before the name of an ancient God and
normal!~ was the inhabitanc~ of the God. In ancient E&~pt the word Naos was
common!~ re~erred as the inner temple. In general, this word represents

something that is sacred.

Naos is a temple indeed. It is a temple so big and non- understandable to the

t-Jomo sapiens e~e like comparing it with an ant that cannot understand the size
and the significance of a sk.':Jtower. Naos is built according to the sacred
geometr~ that was given b~ the Gods to the Homo sapiens. The co-ordinates
o~ the Temple are known because of the sacred monuments that were built

thousands o~ ~ears before in the ancient civilizations. All the temples were built
with great accurac_~;t according to the movement of the planet s~stem and
specific spots o~ ultimate energ~.

As above, so bellow.

These temples are the places that the Aliens can encounter the Alien Gods.
The purpose o~ the Alien is to visit the temples that were used as the stairwa~
to heavens and be initiated like the old Hierophant in the ancient Greece.
Make an experiment: Visit an~ place like


the Great


Stonehenge and an~ place that is sacred and breathe the air. You Will feel the
Essence consume _~;tour bod~.

Naos is created b_y the Alien Gods. The first residence of the Alien Gods
was in the m_ythical Atlantis. There The_y brought a skull of great significance.
In this skull the Alien Gods put all the information of the about the existence
and the purpose of the Homo sapiens race. E_ven the Knights T emplar used
this skull in their well known E:>aphomet.

first of all, this skull was constructed into a +-dimension scale. A technolog_y
unknown to the Homo sapiens brainpower. The skull exists in both ph_ysical
and astral form. There are man_y individuals that are aware of the existence of
the alien and some of them claim that the_y possess it. The answer is that in this
world, this skull cannot be obtained as it is not of this dimension.

The skull of Atlantis is secretl_y kept in Naos for thousands of _years and it is
not accessible to the profane e_ye. The Alien Gods were aware that there will
be man_y that will seek the absolute power of the skull and the_y left it securel_y in
the hands of Their descendents.

The skull was left upon earth b.':! Those who came from the skies as a gift to
the Aliens. Onl.':l those of the same blood can full_y understand the true power
that is inside. The E_ssence of this power is called metamorphosis. E>.':l gazing
into the e.':les of the skull the t-Jomodeus species can reach again to their divine
status once more.

The skull represents the Alien. It is constructed with the characteristics of

hominid species and of an extraterrestrial form of existence. It s_ymbolizes the
t-Jomodeus species. furthermore, within the skull is the information about the
I ) th

planet that is the birthplace of the Alien Gods.

The skull also represents the genesis of the Homo sapiens race. In Greek
m.':ltholog.':l mankind was created b.':! the ashes of the Titans, the Alien Gods. It

is a metaphor to show the significance of the Alien Gods upon the Homo
sapiens race. The skull of Atlantis was left from the Alien Gods as a S!:Jmbol of
death and as a reminder of the mankind's origins.

Naos is built in ph!:Jsical form with the permission of the Alien Gods. Naos
religion is the real religion of the Aliens from the earliest existence of civilization.
The purpose of the Naos religion is gathering and helping the lost members of
the divine kind and the metamorphosis of the Alien. The black prophecies will
be fulhl!ed in short time.

The apocai!:Jpse of the alien skull is near. The skull will be placed again in the
Temple and the I yh seal of the inner m!:Jster!::J will activate the arrival of Our

Don't waste now!

r.Ythias Gramata
The Delphic Maxims or Letters off'ythia are inscribed at Temple of Apollo
in Delphi and were delivered b~ Apollo Himself to The 5even 5ages of
Greece. The Delphic Maxims recommend a specific way of living, behaving and
thinking that is highly correlated with the inner mysteries of the Temple. I)elow
there is the only authentic translation from ancient Greek to E._nglish. I)_y
comprehending in depth the meaning of the Maxims, the Alien can achieve the
final Metamorphosis and rule the planet earth.

It is the secret that remains untold and unseen for thousands of years.
Silence is Gold.

1. Follow God

2. Qbe!;l the law

). Respect the Gods

+. Respect !jOur parents

). I)e overcome b!;ljustice

6. Know alter .':JOU learn

1 Comprehend before listening

8. Know th_L;~self

9 .Intend to get married

10. Know .':JOUr opportunit_L;~

1 1. Think as a mortal

1 2 . When _L;~OU are a stranger, accept it


Honour the hearth

I+. Control th.t:lself

I 5. Help !;fOUr friends
1 7-

6. Control anger
E.xercise prudence

I 8 . Honour providence

19. Do not use an oath

20. Love friendship

2 I . Cling to discipline
22. Fursue honour
2). Long for wisdom

2+. fraise the good

25. {)lame no one

26. fraise virtue

27. f ractice with justice
28. Favour friends

29. f rotect ~ourself from enemies

)0. l)e gentle

7 I. Shun badness
) 2. l)e social
) ) . Guard what is ~ours
)+. Shun what belongs to others

)5. Listen ever~thing

)6. Have a good reputation
)7. l)e lo~al to friends
)8. Do not exa~erate

Use time careful!~

+o. Look ahead the future

+I . Despise insolence
+2 . t-Jave respect tor suppliants
+) . Adjust to ever~thing

++. E_ducate :~our sons (or daughters)

+5 . Give what :_tOU have
+6. Fear deceit
+7. Speak well of ever9one

+8. l)ecome a fhilosopher

+9. Choose what is divine
50. Act with consciousness

5 I. Shun murder
52. Wish with willpower

5). Consult the wise

5+. Commend ethos

55. When ~ou receive, return back
56. Do not be suspicious

57. f ractice the art

58. Give care

59. Honour a benefaction

60. E:>e envious of no one
61. E:>e on ~our guard
62. fraise hope

6). Despise slander

6+. Gain possessions honourabl~

66. Know ~ourjudge

67. 1\espect ~our marriage

68. E:>eware of prevention
69.Avoid assurance
70. Speak in a simple wa~

7 I . Associate with similar individuals

72. Govern ~our expenses

7). E:>e happ_~:j with what _110u have

7+. 1\espect shame

7 5. Fulfill a favour
7 6. Wish tor happiness
11 Accept _110ur destin~

7 8. See when _110u hear

79. Work with wil l
80. Despise dispute

8 I . Detest mocker~

82. Hold 3ourtongue

8?. f rotect _110urself From insolence

8+. judge rightfull3

85. Use what 3ou have

86.judge incorruptibl3
8 7. Do not accuse one who is not present

88. Speak when you know

89. Shun violence
90. Uve without sorrow

9 I. Speak with meekness

92. Do not hesitate to fi nish what have you started
9). {:)e friendly with everyone
9+. Do not curse your sons (or daughters)

95. 1\.ule the woman or the man

96. {:)enefit yourself

9 7. {:)e facile
98. Respond the right time

99- Stru~le with righteousness !

l 00. Act
l0 l.

with security

When you err, regret

l 02. Dominate your eyes

I 0).

Think the benefits

l 04. Act 9uickly

I 05 .

f rotect friendship

I 06. {:)e grateful


f ursue harmony

I 08. Do not reveal secrets

l 09. fear the superior ones
I I 0.

f ui-sue what is good for you

I I l . Accept time

I l 2. Dissolve _s~ou r enmities

I I).Acceptsenescence
I 1+. Do not boast about _your power
I l 5.

f ursue a good reputation

I I 6. Shun repulsion

I I 7- Ac9uire wealth justly

l I 8.
l l

Do not despise glo ry

9. Despise badness

l 20. 1\.isk with caution

l 2 l . Do not tire of-learning

f 22. Remain thrif-t3

f 2). Admire oracles
f 2+. Love whom 3ou take care of
f 25. Do not oppose someone absent

I 26. Respect the elder


27. Teach a 3oungster

f 28. Distance oneself From wealth

129. Respect 3ourself

l )0. Do not rule with arrogance
l ) I . Crown 3our ancestors

l J 2. Die tor 3our countr3

f J J. Do not let life to be a barrier
l )4-. Do not make fun of the dead

5. E_mpathize with the unFortunate

6. I)ecome beloved without loosing an3thing


J 7- Do not greave for an3thing small

I )8. Tr3 to become a relative with noble people


J 9. Do not command an3one

l 4-0. Do not wrong the dead
l + l . I)e well off as a mortal
I+ 2 . Do not trust Fortune

I+) . As a child be well-behaved

l ++.As a _youth -self-disciplined
I +5. As of middle-age -just
I +6. As an old man - sensible
I+7. Die without sorrow


Initiatory stages of Alienology.

Homodeus: This is the first stage of Alienology. The initiate Homodeus must realize that he or
she is different from the common Homo sapiens being. This can be done through the procedure
of Reidentification. The Homodeus must send evidence of personal evolution in written form to
the Temple's address.
Approval: The testimony of a Priest or Priestess.
Limitation time.: Up to I year.
Conqueror I o, ll o, Ill o: The Alien Conqueror must complete nine of his or her goals divided
into three types of Conquerism. Appropriate evidence of the conquering abilities of the Alien
must be sent to TOA.
Approval: The testimony of two Priests or Priestesses.
Limitation time: 2 years maximum.
Priesthood of Naos: The Alien in order to enter the Priesthood of Naos should share written his
or her experience Encountering the Alien Gods.
APProval: Positive vote from the Deities ofNaos.
Limitation time: 2 years minimum.
Deity: The requirements for entering the Godhood ofNaos are not discussed in public.
Approval: xxxxx
Limited time: xxxxx

Any individual who fails to achieve any stage will lose active membership permanently.

- The answer is within the 9uestion.

Information about Active Membership.

The Alien is a being that struggles for his rightful due to conquer. Through centuries many occult
organizations and religions were built and many Aliens joined to fulfill their ego and purpose.
This is the reason that NAOS is re-created again (with a new name) to find and help the lost
members of the Divine Family. The Temple of Alienology is not an organization or an occult
group. Alienology is a religion in the service of the Gods of the past. Thus Temple of Alienology
is not a profitable organization or a business store. Between members of the Family, there is an
unwritten law of ethics. Each member should help the other, as they are of the same blood. This
is the reason that the Temple of Alienology is not requesting everyone and is not asking for an
economical support.
In order to become a follower of Alienology, it is required a minimum donation of 60$ annually.
The reason of the membership donation is mainly one. The fees can separate serious individuals
who seek true knowledge from "fun seekers". By entering the Priesthood of Naos the fee is
reduced. The reason is that only members of the Priesthood are recognized as blood members of
the Alien Bloodline.
The advantages of becoming an active member of Alienology:
A 2-month journal entitled as "Conqueror". This is the official newsletter of
Alienology. Anything that concerns the philosophy of Alienology and its members would be
included in the "Conqueror" journal.
Active membership in the forum of Alienology via the internet. Each forum
concerning the stages of Alienology is not visible to the public.
The right to buy other books. There are more books concerning the philosophy and
practice of Alienology.
The right to wear the ring with the symbol of Alienology. This is the only authorized
material that can be wearing by the members to be used in ritual and recognized among society.
The right to meet other members. By becoming an active member of Alienology you
will be provided infonnation about the "earthly encounters" with Aliens of your area.
The guidance of the members of the Priesthood of Naos. Each member can be
chosen by a Priest or Priestess to be helped. This is the classical example of an apprentice and a

Temple of Alienology is a rapidly evolving organization and its structure may change according
to the requirements and the will of the founding council.

S_ymbol of Naos

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