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Loose Associations vol 1

Photographers' Gallery 2016 no ISBN Acqn 26578
Pb 13x18cm 63pp 16ills 9
Loosely inspired by the gallerys activities, this collection of essays, images, philosophies, fictions
and other observations reflect a commitment to words and images; photography, publishing and
distribution; thought and process. Through an eclectic mix of forms and styles this publication
hopes to draw attention to ideas around photography and image-making and provoke new
thinking within its myriad contexts and cultures: traditional, experimental, digital, networked.
The first edition takes the Autumn 2015 programme as a point of departure, presenting essays
written and visual, accompanied by both loose and precise associations between ideas,
technologies and approaches to making work. As well, we offer a collection of lists from various
contributors. These seemingly random inventories artistic, literary, absurd, political, banal,
personal offer an insight into the meaningful, inspiring, irrelevant or disruptive things and events
encountered whilst working.



Loose Associations vol 2 Issue 1

Photographers' Gallery 2016 no ISBN Acqn 26579
Pb 13x18cm 79pp 34ills 16col 9
The new edition of Loose Associations, contains exclusive essays from Luke Dodd, Roy Foster
and Sean O' Hagan plus an interview with Roseanglea Renno and a special colour section of
Saul Leiter photographs amongst many other riches.
LA is a quarterly publication from The Photographers Gallery. Inspired by the gallerys
programme of exhibitions, this collection of writings, images and observations focuses on current
ideas around representation, image-making and photographic forms.



Loose Associations vol 2 Issue 2

Photographers' Gallery 2016 no ISBN Acqn 26580
Pb 13x18cm 63pp 37ills 9
The third volume of our reader takes the exhibition Double Take: Drawing and Photography as it's
starting point with a series of articles and images from exhibited artists.
Artists Nancy Hellebrand, Justine Varga, Bindi Vora and Maurizio Anzeri present their work which
share a fascination with impression and mark making.
Plus Holly Pester and Nicolas Malev consider the line, Sam Mercer looks at contouring and
there is a selection of photos from the late Bert Hardy.


Loose Associations vol 2 Issue 3

Photographers' Gallery 2016 no ISBN Acqn 26581
Pb 13x18cm 83pp 31ills 23col 9
The forth volume of our reader takes the exhibition Made You Look as it's starting point with a
series of articles and images from exhibited artists.
Made You Look explores dandyism as radical personal politics, a willed flamboyance that flies in
the face of conventional constructions of the black masculine. It proposes that the black dandy,
with his extravagant emphasis on dress foregrounds a hyper-visible identity, which counters the
heightened vulnerability, the result of a charged history of objectification. In the context of this
exhibition, dandyism isnt simply about sharp dressing but rather, consciously problematising
ideas of male identity through dress or deportment that is arresting, provocative, louche, camp
and gloriously assertive.


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