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Introduction to

A Unit for 2nd and 3rd Grade Gifted
By Katy Murray
August 2009

Purpose: To introduce and allow the students to become familiar with Howard
Garnders theory of the Multiple Intelligences.
Goals/Objectives: This project addresses the following Odyssey program goals:

Foster self-understanding, a positive self-image, and an awareness of issues

and problems associated with being gifted

Promote critical and creative thinking

Foster inquiry

Develop communication skills and confidence

1. Teacher should administer to the students the Multiple Intelligence Inventory
(Appendix A) (Wilkens, 1996). This inventory will be saved and kept in a
student file as a pre-assessment that can be used when developing lessons
and activities for future use in the classroom. Play the song Smart Parts by
Justin Roberts (1997) as a fun and engaging introduction to seven of the nine
2. Complete 1 of the intelligence-based activities daily. At the end of the lesson
and activity, have the students complete the reflection form (see Appendix B)
based on their experiences. All of the lessons have some form of a product
descriptor, checklist, or direction sheet to follow to ensure students are on
the right track, while not taking away from the opportunity to express their
Verbal/Linguistic: Personal Poetry (Appendix C)
2nd grade students will be required to think carefully about themselves to complete
an open- ended form poem. 3rd grade students will brainstorm colors, articles of

clothing, animals, pieces of furniture, weather features, and fruit. They will then
compare themselves to one of each of these, focusing on the underlying
characteristics, features, and purposes of the items chosen.
Logical/Mathematical: Logic Puzzles (Appendix D)
Students will complete a sampling of multi-step logic puzzles with varying degrees
of difficulty.
Visual/Spatial: Pictionary Junior (Appendix E)
As a class or in small groups, students will play the game Pictionary Junior. They will
be asked to focus on what aspects of this task are more or less challenging for
Musical/Rhythmic: Musical Images (Appendix F)
Students will listen to 4 pieces of music, 2 of which should be the same selection,
but played in a different format. On a piece of paper divided into 4 quadrants, they
will draw the image each piece brings into their minds.
Bodily/Kinesthetic: Charades (Appendix G)
The students will fill out a sheet on which they are asked for personal responses for
several categories, such as favorite food, animal, and sport. They will then play
Charades in stations with 3-4 students per group to act out their responses and
guess those of their classmates.
Interpersonal: School and peer situations (Appendix H)
Working in groups of 3, students will receive situations that could happen to them in
the school environment. They will then discuss possible solutions to problems and
feelings that might be involved with the scenarios.
Intrapersonal: Personal goals (Appendix I)

Students will develop goals for themselves necessary to achieve a successful school
Naturalist: Word sort (Appendix J)
Working in groups of 3-4, students will receive an envelope of cards with an
assortment of random words written on them. They will then classify these words
into categories that they determine. In the time allotted, students should find many
different ways to categorize the words. This is an activity that could be converted to
an independent one, but by working cooperatively, the students may discover more
creative ways to sort the words.
Existential Intelligence: Thinking about and responding to difficult questions
(Appendix K)
Students will choose 1-2 of lifes larger questions provided to think about and
respond to in any form they choose. They may prefer to write a journal entry, create
a Power Point, make a poster, write a web log (blog) or choose something different.
Students should be given adequate time to ponder these questions and not
expected to respond immediately.

Appendix A:

Multiple Intelligence Inventory

Name ______________________________

Multiple Intelligence Inventory

Directions: Put a check mark next to each statement that you feel applies to
_______ Books are very important to me.
_______ I can hear words in my head before I read, speak or write them
_______ I enjoy words games like Scrabble, Boggle, and Hangman.
_______ I like tongue twisters, nonsense rhymes, and limericks
_______ Writing, reading, and social studies are easier for me than math
and science.
_______ When I am in the car I pay close attention to the billboards and
_______ I have written things I am very proud of.

_______ I can easily add, subtract, and sometimes multiply and divide in
my head.
_______ I like science and math.
_______ I like to look for patterns and sequences.
_______ I like when there is a logical explanation for things that happen in
the world.
_______ I love to use charts, graphs, and maps as ways to organize
_______ I can take things apart and put them back together easily.
_______ I like to play games like chess, checkers, and Mastermind.

_______ I enjoy doing puzzles and mazes.

_______ I often have vivid dreams at night.
_______ I like to draw and doodle.
_______ I like books that have interesting and beautiful illustrations.
_______ I remember things best when I can picture them in my head.
_______ I like building with LEGOS, Kinex, and Magnatiles.
_______ I enjoy games like Jenga and Blokus.
_______ Colors can often affect my feelings.

_______ I like to spend my free time outdoors.

_______ I enjoy playing and watching many different sports.
_______ I enjoy acting things out and doing skits.
_______ I like using manipulatives in math and it helps me understand what
we are learning.
_______ I enjoy going on amusement park rides.
_______ I like working with my hands (sewing, building, etc.)
_______ I often feel like I have to move or fidget with my hands or feet.

_______ I have a pleasant singing voice and I enjoy singing.

_______ I remember how to sing a song I have heard once or twice.
_______ I like tapping along to music.
_______ I sing or listen to music while I do other things.
_______ I play or would like to play a musical instrument.
_______ I make up my own songs.
_______ I like to listen to the radio

_______ I can remember things better when I hear them to a beat or


_______ I like being with my friends.

_______ I like to play team sports instead of individual sports.
_______ When I have a problem, I like to talk to someone about it instead
of working it out on my own.
_______ I like making new friends and I find it easy to talk to new people.
_______ I like working in groups in school.
_______ I like going to birthday parties and other celebrations.
_______ I do not like being alone for very long and prefer to have people
around me.

_______ I like to work by myself.

_______ I like to write in a journal or diary.
_______ I like to sit and think about things I see and feel.
_______ I am aware of my own feelings.
_______ I dont worry about what other people think of me.
_______ When I feel sad I know what to do to make myself feel better.
_______ I try to make sure that everyone is treated fairly.

_______ I enjoy being outdoors.

_______ I notice different kinds of rocks, plants, and animals.
_______ I am not scared of bugs.
_______ I like to solve problems.
_______ I enjoy collecting things.

_______ I do not get upset if my schedule changes unexpectedly.

_______ I ask questions often.

_______ I enjoy looking at artwork and thinking about its meaning.

_______ I would like to travel many places and meet people different from
_______ I understand what I learn better when I can see how it is used in
the real world.
_______ I am interested in learning about religions andcultures around the
_______ I wonder if there is life on other planets.
_______ I like doing yoga and stretching to help me relax.
_______ I like talking with people about questions that do not have definite
_______ I enjoy helping people and animals.

Appendix B:

Student Reflection Form

Name _____________________

My Reflection
1. On a scale of 1-10, with 1 being the easiest and 10 the hardest, how
difficult was this activity for you? ____________________
2. Why do you think this activity was or was not difficult for you?
3. How would you change the activity to make it more enjoyable for you?
4. How would you change the activity to make it more challenging for
5. What did you enjoy most about this activity?
6. What did you enjoy least about this activity?

Appendix C:

I Am Poems

I Am
By _____________________


I am _______________________,
_______________________ and _______________________.
I appreciate
but not
_________________________, _________________________,
and _________________________ are important to me.
I think
but _______________________________________________.

I wonder if
I care about
I can _____________________ and
I want
The future
so I _______________________________________________.
This is who I am!!!!!
I am

I Am
by _____________________
I am like _________________________ because
(a color)
I am like _________________________ because
(an article of clothing)
I am like _________________________ because
(an animal)
I am like _________________________ because
(a piece of furniture)
I am like _________________________ because
(a weather feature)
I am like ________________________ because
(a fruit)

Appendix D:

Logic Puzzles

Appendix F:

Musical Images

Name ______________
Musical Images
Listen to the 4 pieces of music played by your teacher. As you
listen, draw in the assigned box the images that the music
reminds you of. Have FUN!!!

Appendix G:


At each station you will be acting out for your group something
that represents YOU! Before the activity can begin, you need to fill
in each line with the word that you will be acting out. Remember,
do not let anyone see your answers they are going to have to
guess what you are acting out!
My favorite animal ____________________________________________________
My favorite sport ______________________________________________________
My favorite food to eat __________________________________________________
My favorite subject in school ____________________________________________
An unusual feeling I have felt before _____________________________________






Appendix H:

School and Peer Situations

Discussion Directions
Each group of three will receive a card with a situation written on it that
could happen to a second or third grader in school. With your group, you
should discuss possible solutions to the problems, whether or not something
like this has even happened to you, and how you felt or might feel if it did.
Be sure to listen to each member of your group and cooperate with each
other. When you have felt you have had a substantial discussion, your group
will receive a new situation to talk about. Remember, this could happen to
Situation #1: Your best friend just told you that he does not want to play with
you at recess or after school today. How would you feel? What do you think
you should do?
Situation #2: Your friend comes over to your house and tells you her dog
died. She is very upset and you want to help. What are some things you
might say to your friend?
Situation #3: Your teacher assigned a new project today that you are very
excited about. You want to get to work right away after school but your little
brother will not stop bugging you. How can you ask them to stop without
hurting his feelings?
Situation #4: You are out on the playground and you see people bullying
another student. You are afraid of the bullies, but dont like what is
happening. What are some ways you could help stop the bullies?

Situation #5: Your friend stole a piece of candy from a store. You dont want
to tattle, but you know stealing is wrong. What should you do?
Situation #6: There is a new student in your class this year and She is very
shy. How could you make her feel welcome in this new place? How would
that make you feel?
Situation #7: Out at recess your friends are fighting with each other about
what game to play. You dont care what you play, but you do not like wasting
time arguing about it. How can you convince your friends to compromise
with each other?
Situation #8: You have a big test tomorrow that you have known about for a
week. After school you have soccer practice and piano lessons, and you dont
think you will have time to study. What can you do so that you do a good job
on the test?

Appendix I:

Personal Goals

Name ____________________

Personal Goals for 2010-2011

I want to have a successful school year! These are the goals I am

setting for myself to achieve this:
1. _________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________
4. _________________________________________________
5. _________________________________________________
6. _________________________________________________

Appendix J:

Word Sort

Word Sorting Activity

You will be given twenty random words on cards. Your task is to sort these
words into categories that make sense to you. You must classify each of
the words into a group and be able to justify your reasoning for that







Sea lion



Ice cream cone

Picnic basket
Tennis racquet

Appendix K:

Lifes Larger Questions

Lifes Larger Questions

Choose 1 or 2 of the following questions to ponder and form an
opinion on. Take your time in thinking about your responses; then
decide on a way to present your thoughts. You can write a journal
entry, create a blog, make a poster, or decide to use a different
means to communicate your ideas.

Questions to consider:
Why am I here? Why are humans here?
Can animals understand us? Do animals have feelings like
Is there really such a think as ghosts? Why do they exist?
Why are some people good and some people evil?
Do aliens exist? Can there be life on other planets?
Where do living things go after they die?
How do famous philosophers, historians, and thinkers get
their ideas?

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