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Take a regular sheet of paper and fold it four

times vertically and as many times horizontally
as you have words to define.

For each of the words, fill in across with term,
student definition, picture or example, and fill
in the blank sentence.

Cut & shuffle.

Play in pairs, matching the four different
representations for each word.


Act it Out

Play like charades.

Groups of two director and actor

The director pulls a word out of a bag, shares the
word with the actor, and spends a few minutes in
rehearsal. Directors shout, Action! then the actor
goes to work performing for the class using props
but no language. The group who guesses the word
goes next.

Frayer Model


Every time a student uses a word in context, the
students applaud.

Venn Diagram


Students analyze the word they are learning by
comparing it to some other randomly selected
familiar object or situation. Ex: A function is like a
butterfly because

Alternately, draw a diagram similar to a Frayer
diagram. Students call out random words. Place
four of the random words in the outside rectangles
with the vocabulary word in the center of the
diagram. Students write a sentence using the
vocabulary word and at least one of the random
words. Ex: Broom, shoe, cat, car/Probability.
Probability is like a broom because it helps you win
a sweepstakes.

Word Sort
Choose words from your lesson/unit that
are critical to student understanding of
your objective.
Write key concepts or vocabulary on index

Word Map

Crazy Connections

Students pick a vocabulary word out of one
envelope and an ordinary word out of a second
envelope. The students job is to generate as
many similarities as possible.

Have students work individually or in small

groups to manipulate words under
categories, themes, or topical headings.

Word Bank

Students examine a list of words and place
them into the appropriate slot in a graphic

Group and Label

Students examine a list of words and place
them into groups based on common traits,
then label the groups.

Word Art

Examples: Para e



Divide students into groups. Provide each group
with a baggie of at least nine words. One student
draws a word and everyone in the group writes it
anywhere on their tic-tac-toe board. After nine
words are in the boxes, students create sentences
using the words across all possible directions.

Three-way Tie

Students select three words from a list and
arrange them into a triangle. They then
connect the words with lines and explain the
relationship between each word by writing
along the lines.

Vocabulary Games

Bingo students make Bingo card from
vocabulary words, teacher calls out

Wheel of Fortune or Hangman good for
previewing new vocabulary

Jeopardy good for review definition on
board, student comes up with term.

Word Baseball

Write to Learn

Threes a Crowd

Students decide which word of three does not
belong and why.

Could be expanded with more choices still
choose the one that doesnt belong.

Word Splash

Students write a story/paragraph using 5-15
vocabulary words. Each word must be
embedded meaningfully into the text.

Splash refers to random arrangement of key
terms around a topic. Students examine the
words posted in disarray and are directed to
construct meaning from seemingly unrelated
terms. Words are splashed visually to
students in any manner convenient for a
classroom, e.g., whiteboard, overhead, wall,
power point presentation, or on student desks.
This strategy can be used anytime during the
instructional flow of a lesson or laboratory

Carousel Vocabulary


Vocabulary words are written at the top of
chart paper posted around the room. Groups
have a short time limit to write as much as
possible about the word. When time is up, the
groups rotate to the next chart. The activity
continues until everyone has been to every

Same concept as Carousel, except this time
papers are stationary while students move.

Concentration (Memory)

Write words and definitions on small separate
cards. Scramble and place face down.

Match word to definition. Good for review.

Reading Maze

Certain words in a reading passage are
replaced with a 3-word choice that contains
the correct word and two distractors. Students
choose the word that best fits with the rest of
the passage.

Students are in groups of 3 or 4. Each group is
given a sheet of paper with a vocabulary word.
Students are given a short time limit to write as
much as possible about the word. When time is
up, the sheets are rotated to another group. The
activity continues until the sheets have made it
around the room.

Same as Graffiti, except students stay seated and
papers are passed from group to group.

Word Expert

Vocabulary Bookmark

Students select a word or words they would like to Create bookmarks to scaffold vocabulary.
be experts on. Create signs for their desks. If
Definitions, pictures, examples, can be placed
students need clarification on a word, they go to
on bookmarks.
the experts. Experts can create hand-outs,
pictures, models, etc. to share with the class.

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