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A guide to education

consumers of how the choices

they make in their dietary
habits affect the health of
their body.

The Jewish-Hebrew dietary guide of the Nation of Israel
for wellness living and wholesome habits.

The Administration of
Dietary Health of the
Nation of Israel


The Administration of Dietary Health is an official government department overseen by

The Commission of Public Health and Sanitation of the Nation of Israel.

All rights reserved. The Administration of Dietary Health reserves the right to restrict the duplication,
copying, transmission, and reproduction of printed information presented within the Healthy Living.
Healthy Habits. Booklet. No part of this document may be reproduce or transmitted for commercial
purposes without proper permission from author. A written request may be presented to copy, duplicate,
and reproduce such information presented in whole or in part for commercial usage. Nonprofit usage for
educational purposes may copy, duplicate, and reproduce such information presented without prior consent
from publisher, The Administration of Dietary Health.

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The Administration of Dietary health


Table of Contents
About our Administration ..................................................................................................5
How Can Healthy Living Help Me? ....................................................................................6
What is Healthy Living? ....................................................................................................7
Fresh Vs. Preserved ............................................................................................................9
Dietary Food Groups ........................................................................................................ 10
Primary Four of Vegetation ............................................................................................. 11
What is a Serving? ........................................................................................................... 12
Basic Dietary Requirements ............................................................................................. 14
The Hexagon Dietary Health Chart .................................................................................. 16
About Each Food Group .................................................................................................. 17
The General Dietary Pyramid .......................................................................................... 19
The Juvenile Dietary Pyramid ......................................................................................... 20
Nutritional Values Matter ................................................................................................ 21
Developing Healthy Habits .............................................................................................. 29
Proper Cooking Temperatures .......................................................................................... 30
Handling Leftover Food ................................................................................................... 32
Proper Storage of Foods ................................................................................................... 34
Benefits of Wellness Living............................................................................................... 35
Basic Dietary Restrictions ................................................................................................ 36
Cultural Customs of Israel ................................................................................................ 37
Coming Soon! ................................................................................................................... 39
Contact Information......................................................................................................... 40

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The Administration of Dietary health


The Jewish-Hebrew dietary guide of the Nation of Israel for wellness living and
wholesome habits.

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Then Jesus explained: My nourishment comes from doing the will

of God, who sent me, and from finishing his work. You know the
saying, Four months between planting and harvesting. But I say,
wake up and look around. The fields are already pipe for harvest.
The harvesters are paid good wages, and the fruit they harvest is
people brought to eternal life. What joy for the planter and harvester

alike! You know the saying, One plants and another harvests. And
it is true. I sent you to harvest where you didnt plant; others had
already done the work, and now you will get to gather the harvest.
John 4:34-38

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The Administration of Dietary health


About our Administration

Healthy Living. Healthy Habits. serves to inform you of healthy practices you can add to your
regular lifestyle. Within this booklet is The Administration of Dietary Health answers regarding
nutritional advice for its Israelite citizens. The information provided is through the references of the Holy
Bible with modern research information. All information is intended to provided knowledgeable insight of
how to add healthy values to your daily diet and regular routine. Healthy Living. Healthy Habits. goal is
to help you make better choices that will improve your overall health and joy for living.

This booklet will provide information about dietary needs, nutritional foods, healthy sanitation
practices of food safety, and much more. We have summarized the best nutritional advice for Israelites!
Fresh, wholesome, organic, natural, and nutritional. Healthy eating is that simpleand fun! There are so
many options to choose from when seeking to begin healthy living. The first step is to learn about how food
is made and the nutritional content of each food source. This booklet helps to educate Israelites of how to
make important decisions in their health. Remember, fresh and natural foods that are unprocessed are the
most wholesome and nutritional to improving your overall health. By adding a few fresh crisp vegetables
and mouthwatering fruits to your normal diet, you are taking control of your health and wellbeing. Start

Grocery Tip for Israelites

Where does your food come from? Is your food processed in a factory? Is the
food you purchase imported from out of the countries or locally grown? Within
the community of Israel, we consume only fresh, organic, and ripe fruits,
vegetables, wholegrains, nuts, and legumes. Additionally, all fish and meats are
consumed on the same date of butchering and catch. Everyone may not have a
green thumb or a garden to grow their own vegetables and fruits. Learning how
foods in your grocery store are grown and handled can help you make small
adjustments to your daily diet. You are in control. Learn where your food comes
from. Visit your local farmer, wildlife hunter, and fish market today!

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How Can Healthy Living Help Me?

There are numerous benefits of healthy living that greatly impact your overall enjoyment to life.
Studies have shown that when people live balanced life of activity, proper hygiene, and healthy eating
there is a higher enjoyment of health. By simply choosing to walk a few extra steps you are providing your
heart with necessary robustness to build strength. There is truth to the saying, An apple a day keeps the
doctor away. Fruits and vegetables are powerful sources of necessary vitamins and minerals your body
needs to stay healthy without medical intervention. Healthy choices help you live longer with a greater
satisfaction from your own personal dietary selections.

It is easy to add a new routine of fitness by alternating your daily habits. A five-minute walk to the
corner of your street can be a simple start that escalates into a 30-minute jog around your neighborhood as
your fitness level changes. Also, learning how to bake crispy chicken rather than deep-frying can also lower
your daily caloric count. Which means you can occasionally add a fun tasty treat of sherbet ice cream with
fresh fruit to your diet. Healthy eating and physical fitness is just that easy and that simple! Try it today.

Where can you add one 5-minute session of physical activity to your day? One five-minute activity
is a great start for beginners. You can gradually increase your activity level in the challenge of physical
fitness development. Perhaps parking farther from your job and walking a few extra steps in the morning,
lunchbreaks, and in the evenings. Or maybe decreasing the amount of sugar in your diet by swapping a cup
of water instead of your usual soda, coffee, or tea. Healthy living helps you have a greater joy for life. You
are better able to explore all that life has to offer you. You are healthy, active, and lively. Eating healthy,
Fitness guide of Israelites
By adding a daily total of 20-minutes of physical low-impact
exercise to your routine, you are better able to control your
own health and physical fitness level. Fitness activities can
be broken into segments of 5 five-minute segments. Walk.
Jump. Pull-ups. Crunches. Mix it up! Think 5-5! Five
activities for five minutes each day. Get more active, today!
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getting a full-night rest, being physical

fitness, self-exploration, and raised
self-esteem are all the benefits of total
body wellness. Yes, you did it! Now,
what other healthy choices can you

The Administration of Dietary health


What is Healthy Living?

Healthy living is about becoming proactive in your overall wellness. Wellness is the total body
fitness and health of a person. A person who is physical, emotionally, spiritually, and nutritionally well will
have less instances of sickness, stress and have a longer life expectancy. Your natural immune system
begins to fight off infections instantlybefore you even begin to show symptoms of a disease. Your
hormones are naturally regulated to safe levels. All of these factors directly affect your wellness and life.
Healthy living is important to everyone in the pursuit of a lifestyle of enjoyment.

There are many factors that directly affect your health. The environment upon which you live, such
as air quality or your sanitation practices. Foods also have a direct impact on your quality of health. You
get our nutrition from your foods, especially fruits and vegetables. Get to know your foods! Foods like
blueberries have a ton of antioxidants and several B-Vitamins which improve your natural energy level.
This power packed food works with your body when you have a full night rest to keep you going
throughout the day. By adding a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables to your daily diet you will naturally
become energetic. Learn how to play with your food. Have fun with the variety of fresh foods and how
they influence each other for your benefit. Be a kid again. It is okay to explore the possibilities of fun in
Did you Know?
Soda has been proven by researchers to have tons of
health risks. The amount of sugar in one serving of
soda a day equate to 39 Lbs. per year. That is the
weight of a 1-year old child. Wow!

learning how to enjoy fresh nutrition that

improves your health.

Another major component in living for

wellness is learning how to reduce and eliminate

the uses of artificial sweeteners, preservatives, and colorings. Eliminating foods with artificial sweeteners,
preservative, and colorings can also improve your overall health. Often times food manufactures use
artificial additives to lower the cost of production to process foods. However, you can learn how to make
the same foods in your home with small adjustments. Many fruits can easily be switched into foods to
lower the usage of sugar. Not only are you able to add in the health benefits of natural sweeteners and
colors but you are also able to sneak in some additional nutrients. A few drops of beet juice can easily add a
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vibrant ruby color to your cake. A sprinkle of turmeric can liven up a dish with its bright orange tangy
coloring. Dates or figs can be reduced into a thick syrup to sweeten cakes and sauces. Honey can be lightly
drizzled into your smoothie for a touch of sweetness. The options are endless when you learn how foods can
work together to improve your health. Crushed apples can add moisture, vitamins, natural sweetness to
your cakes and deserts. Healthy eating is delicious and fun. Apples, pears, beets, squash, tomatoes, and

By choosing foods that are fresh your body is better able to process the nutrients it needs. The
Administration of Dietary Health advises its
What is Fermentation?
Fermentation is the process of decomposition of
foods that begin to breakdown sugars and develop
alcohol, fungus, yeast, and the cultivation of
bacteria. Fermented foods are decayed that have
spoiled that may many days, months, years, and
even generations. Yikes!

citizens to restrict the consumption of fermented

foods. In our modern time, the process of
fermentation is widely used to enhance or
preserve foods. However, the Nation of Israel is
prohibited by the Law of God to consume foods
older than two days old. Foods that have been
prepared by heat such as cooking or cold such as

freezing should not be consumed after the third day. Additionally, the Nation of Israel is strictly
prohibited from living among, inhaling, and consuming mold, fungus, and yeast. This law was instructed
to the holy priest of Israel during the times of Moses the prophet and Aaron the High Priest.

Foods that are fermented require your body to work overtime to keep you well. Your body begins
to produce more T-cells which is your immune system defense team. The increase presence of T-cells
indicates that your body is attempting to fight an infectious invader. By decreasing and eliminating the
consumption of fermented products such as wine, yogurts, beer, sourdough, yeast, malt, blue cheeses,
vinegar, soy sauce, sauerkraut, and other aged products your body will become healthier in its natural
defenses. Remember, choose fresh foods to gain the most nutritional value for your body. Now, that is

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Fresh Vs. Preserved

Foods that are preserved by freezing and canning lose its natural nutritional content overtime.
Additionally, the process that is required in preparing your foods to be preserved also lessens its nutritional
contents, requires a large amount of sodium, and produces harmful fats. Also, you are at risk of consuming
foods with yeast, insects, and bacteria that may be present in the process of preservation. Likewise,
vegetables, grains, legumes, nuts, and fruits that are slightly cooked have a high vitamin and mineral
content. Foods that are boiled for a prolong time lose its nutrients to the water, which is usually discarded.
On contrast, certain foods require heat prior to consumption in order to activate certain nutrients and
disarm other toxins that are broken down in the chemical process of heating. Many nuts and seeds are
prime examples of this rule. By learning how foods are positively and negatively affected through the
chemical transition processing of heat and cold you can become proactive in your own health and

Gardening Tip

Foods that are dried or smoked

require less processing to preserve.
However, meats that are smoked should
reach the recommended internal
temperature and be consumed on the
date of smoking. Meats that are dried
to make jerky are a good source of
protein and quick energy in emergency
circumstances but the meat is

Grocery mart pricing of fresh vegetables and fruits can be

expensive. There is no secret, the best things in life tend to
cost more. Dont settle for frozen vegetables and fruits.
They do not have the same amount of nutrients. Try to
garden by planting a few items in your backyard or
neighborhood garden. Plants are very diverse in where
they can grow. Get creative! Save old milk jugs to plant
lettuce or carrots. Use old egg cartons to germinate new
seedlings. Not only are you saving money but you are also
helping the environment as well. Visit your local library or
community garden to learn how you can develop your
green thumb with inspiration of healthy living!

considered raw and uncooked. Certain vegetables, fruits, grains, beans, lentils and other legumes are good
options to preserve by drying. However, fresh foods are always safer and more nutritious. Many beans,
nuts, grains, and legumes are only consumable after they reach full maturity to be dried on the vine or shell
and them harvested. By learning how your food is processed and grown you can make healthy choices
everyday regarding your overall wellness.

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The Administration of Dietary health


Dietary Food Groups

There are six basic dietary categories of foods groups. Vegetables, fruits, grains, protein, dairy, and
additives. The dietary needs of individuals
vary from birth to adulthood and can shift
drastically throughout each stage. There are
numerous choices within each food category,
especially in the vegetation of plants. The
typical Israelite diet can be considered a

Then God said, Look! I have given you every seedbearing plant throughout the earth and all the fruit trees
for your food. And I have given every green plant as food
for all the wild animals, the birds in the sky, and the small
animals that scurry along the groundeverything that has
life. And that is what happened. Genesis 1:29-30

vegetarian diet, however, it is not uncommon

for the consumption of animal muscle fibers to obtain a natural source of protein and other nutrients.
When opting for plant sources of protein, fiber, and other nutrients almonds, pistachios, walnuts,
chickpeas, lentils, and peanuts and other beans are great alternatives to regularly add into your diet.

Dietary Tip for Israelites

There are so many sources of vegetation food sources.
Dont stop here. Get involved with your health and
taste buds! Learn how foods work together to
nurture your body and tantalize your palate. By
combining different foods, you will never get bored
with your options of nutrition and healthy living.
What are you waiting for? Get exploring at your
local farm, grocery store, library, and kitchen today!

The Administration of Dietary Health

recommends Israelites to focus consumption of
dietary nutrition on natural vegetation sources.
Produce items that come directly from the Earth
hold a powerhouse of nutrients for consumers.
Vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fiber, protein,
organic sugars, healthy oils, and wholesome fats.
The land gives us many choices in our ability to
mix foods into delicious and delectable dishes that

are filling and nutritious. Healthy eating is for everyone. We all have bodies that have the same basic
needs. We are provided through the resources of our God, Yahweh, to have all we need from the Earth.
There is no question of why vegetables and fruits come in such eloquent variety to keep our creativity
flowing as we learn about our Earth, chemistry, and biology. Explore all that the world has to offer you by
learning about your own dietary needs and how various plants provide a wide source of nutrients from
vegetables, fruits, grains, nuts, legumes, and beans.
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Primary Four of Vegetation

This chart provides basic examples of food sources from each category. Israelites are encouraged to
focus on The Primary Four of Vegetation in the promotion of healthy living and sustainable agricultural
practices. Mix it up! Get creative with your meal options. Become a culinary artist of homemade cuisine
by trying new combinations of your favorite dish. What are you waiting for? Have some fun and explore
The Primary Four of Vegetation today!

Below is a dietary food group chart that provides examples of each food groups:



Rice varieties




Wild Rice
Wheat berry
Brown Rice


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The Administration of Dietary health

Ice cream

Vegetable Oils
Maple Syrup
Corn Syrup


What is a Serving?
Food is fun. Its just that simple. We need food for nutrients, fiber, fats, sugar, and protein. But
how much is enough? The Administration of Dietary Health advises Israelites to limit the daily
consumption of foods to a maximum of 1-homer which is equivalent to a 2-liter soda bottle for an adult of
twenty years of age. That sounds like a lot. However, within a healthy eating environment a person should
eat several small meals throughout the day as they actively work. This combination of continuous work
and eating ignites your natural metabolism. When a person consumes a vegetarian based diet the
recommended amount of daily consumption is within respectable limits. A juvenile and an elderly person
may consume less because of their daily needs and ability of consumption. By actively monitoring the
daily consumption of foods in addition to
And Moses told them, It is the food the Lord has given you to
eat. These are the Lords instructions: Each household should
gather as much as it needs. Pick up one homer (2 liters or 2
quarts) for each person in your tent. Exodus 16:15-16

engagement of physical activity, you are

better able to control your own health and
body weight.

Most servings of foods will consist of a handful of an item. A handful of nuts equals one serving. A
handful of berries is another serving. That equates to two servings of foods. A meal should be balanced
with The Primary Four sources of the vegetation food from vegetables, fruits, protein, and grains. One
serving of each of the primary four food source consists of a meal. Many people mistakenly believe that
they can only acquire calcium from dairy products but many vegetables, fruits, beans, and legumes contain
necessary calcium sources. For instance, white beans, figs, bok choy, kale, black-eye peas, almonds,
oranges and turnip greens are all natural sources of calcium. Pretty cool to know since many adults form a
condition called lactose-intolerance. The soil provides all the nutrients you need to live healthy and happy!
By focusing your dietary needs on balancing these four primary food groups you are off to a great start
toward healthy living.

The nutritional and dietary needs of young children is significantly different from adults. Young
children, especially infants require dairy in their diets. Thankfully, mothers that choose to eat healthy and
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breastfeed their infant for at least a year are helping their young one. Mothers can choose to breastfeed
longer if they like. As a child grows the dependence of dairy in their diet can be reduced and substituted
with other vegetation sources. This method is similar to how animals naturally begin to wean their young
from their milk. As children grows they are better able to process the variety of vegetation food sources to
balancing their dietary requirements. Be creative in getting your children interested in their vegetables and
fruits. Spinach Power can turn your little one into an amazing super hero. Carrots can turn any kid into a
silly bunny. Also, help them pick their vegetables or favorite recipe to get them interested in eating those
leafy green veggies. By letting kids have fun with their foods, they are able to learn healthy eating habits
What about Animal Protein Sources?
The Nation of Israel recognizes animal protein sources from natural
vegetarian livestock, venison, poultry, and fish. The Administration of
Dietary Health encourages the Jewish dietary guidelines found in the
Book of Deuteronomy and the Book of Leviticus. The consumption of
animal protein sources from sheep, goats, cattle, deer, quail, chicken,
and other natural vegetarian animals. Marine life protein sources are
only consumed from fish with both fin and scales like Snapper, Tilapia,
Salmon, Trout, and similar marine life.

that will grow with them into

their adulthood. Plus, all foods
are superfoods with amazing
nutritional benefits for children
and adults!

Since a serving is
measured in the handful of a

person, infants and children are expected to consume smaller portions of The Primary Four on a daily basis.
A child under the age 13 years old should consume homer daily (1-liter) of the variety of the first five
food groups on The Juvenile Food Pyramid. Since milk and dairy products have a large amount of fat,
protein, and other dietary nutrients younger children get a great quantity of calories and nourishment from
milk and dairy products. As a child develops their natural requirement for milk and dairy decreases and
other nutrient sources can be substituted through a regular diet of vegetables, legumes, nuts, and fruits.
Parents you have the greatest influence in your childs health and wellness. Help their body fight off pesky
childhood diseases by directly impacting their immune system with organically grown and local produce
from The Primary Four of Vegetation. They may not like not having an excuse for missing school but you
can rest assured they are well equipped to fight infections that are typical of childhood. No nasty cough
syrup needed when a few spoonful of fresh crisp veggies is close at hand. Go Dr. Dad and Pediatrician Mom!

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Basic Dietary Requirements

Total body wellness begins and is enhanced by the choices and options consumers have in their
dietary health. Dietary health is the natural supply of nutrients from food sources. A balanced diet will
consist of the daily consumption of food sources from the primary four vegetation sources and minimally
supplemented with non-vegetation sources like meat, dairy, and additives. The Primary Four of
Vegetation are vegetables, fruits, grains, and proteinall sources of vegetation. The supplemental sources
are meat, dairy and additives. By learning how foods interact with your natural chemistry you are better
able to control your health. Now you get it, you are on your way to total body wellness!
Physical activity for Israelites
Listen to your body, learn when you
are hungry and when you are thirsty. Most of
your water consumption will be included with
vegetables and fruits, which have a high water
content. But drinking water in-between meals
is also expected. Your body was naturally
created to eat several small meals throughout
the day. Other foods, such as breads, pasta,

There are many ways to add exercise and fun family time
into your weekly routine. Choose one day a week that
will become a weekly tradition of family time. You can
bike, hike, swim, or walk a local nature trail. The
possibilities are endless. Dont worry if your older
children dont seem interested at first. They encourage
them to explore. Dont think of this as exercise but as a
fun family activity to explore and become aware of one
another and nature. Where will you explore next as a

meats, and nuts have a lower water content. Therefore, drinking more water during your mealtime will aid
in the digestion of your meal. Additionally, water will expand your stomach to encourage the feeling of
satisfaction and it required for your circulatory system, digestive system, nervous system, reproductive
system, and cellular repair and production. Your body is engineered to function with water. Water is a
nutrient that your body needs to function. The consumption of juices or fruit smoothies should not be
substituted for the consumption of water. Your body needs pure filtered fresh water daily. Juices from
vegetables, nuts, or fruit are considered meal portions that are counted toward your daily caloric intake.
Water is a simple and easy way to help your body. Water can be used to dilute juices to lower the natural
sugar content in fruits that can be harmful to your teeth. The glass is neither half-full or half-empty when
you fill it with water. A refreshing thought on a pure outlook. H2O, here I go!
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The nourishment of our life is in the balance of our diets.

The Administration of Dietary Health

Did you Know?

Your body needs water to function properly. Every internal
organ system and external organs require the usage of water to
operate. Your body weight is made up of approximately 65%
water. Infants hold a water weight percentage of 78%. Adults are
recommended to consume and drink a total of 2.7-3.7 liters of
water from food and beverages. This may seem like a lot but
water is very helpful to your bodys development, operation, and
function. There are fun ways to make water more interesting by
adding fresh pieces of fruit but limit the amount of sugar and
honey when possible. Drink up!

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The Administration of Dietary health


The Hexagon Dietary Health Chart

The Hexagon Dietary Health Chart illustrates how you can make better decisions in balancing each
meal and your daily consumption of foods. Dont forget the Primary Four of Vegetation: vegetables, fruits,
grains, and protein from vegetables such as nuts, legumes, peas, and seeds. Now you get it! Think healthy
choices by choosing vegetation. The options are many and the variation of delicious dishes are endless.
Each meal and snack should consist of an item from The Primary Four of Vegetation. Vegetables are filling
and satisfying food options that have lower
caloric values which is good for your health.


The daily bulk of your diet should be from the

consumption of vegetables. By balancing



each meal and snack with healthy food

options that are fresh you are well on your


way to total body wellness and fitness.



Did you know?
While animal meat is a great source of protein and their
skin can be used for hide to make leather and other
products, Israelites do not consume the bones, internal
organs, or tendons. Only the animals muscle is consumed
that is not attached to animal fat. All parts considered
inconsumable is discarded.

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The Administration of Dietary health


About Each Food Group

The Administration of Dietary Health recognizes six dietary food groups for Israelites. These food
groups are adjacent to the Holy Bible in guidelines of health, holiness, and nutrition. Outline is a basic
description of each dietary food groups. By learning the various types of foods within each category you
are better able to make healthy decision regarding your health. You are well on your way to becoming
more health conscious in your daily decisions of what you consume and how your choices directly affect
your health. Now, take a look at the six dietary food groups and learn how each is important to your

A reminder to love our soil, water, and air. Vegetables are packed with healthy sources of nutritional value
for your health benefit. Natural sources of vitamins, fiber, minerals, starches, protein, and lets not forget
flavor. Yeap! Vegetables are a natural way to enhance the flavor of your food. Mix it up! With so many
complex of tastes and a rainbow of colors to choose from the possibilities are endless.

Most people think of fruits for their sweet taste and juicy filling. But did you know that fruits are also
another way to add an influential impact of nutrients to your daily diet. Fruits can be frozen to enjoy in a
freshly blended smoothie or used to garnish an eloquent dish for an interesting flair of flavor. Fruits are
just as complex and interesting as vegetables in their ability to add flavor and nutrients to your meal.

Grains are the edible seeds of plants that are ground to produce pasta, biscuits, rice deserts, tortillas, cakes,
crackers, cornbread, and flatbread. Grains add fiber, carbohydrates, nutrients, and minerals to your meal.
Whether you roast them to make granola or grind them to make bread, grains are a fun way to spruce up
your meal while making eating fun. With so many types of grains, there are infinite recipes to add
wholegrains into your diet. Choose wholegrain options that are unprocessed and minimally handled
without being stripped of their color from bleaching. Starches are good for your body when in moderation.
Grains provide fiber, sugar, and other necessary nutrients that your body needs to properly function. Just
do not forget moderation is key in the consumption of certain grains.
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There are three sources of protein: vegetation, dairy, and animals. Vegetation sourced from legumes, seeds,
and nuts: black-eye peas, string peas, sunflower seeds, lentils, soy, and peanuts. All dairy sources are
packed with protein. The third source of protein is animal meat and fish. Protein is good for the proper
functioning of many internal organs such as your heart, brain, and of building muscles. Protein also assist
you in feeling full and satisfied from your meal. The Administration of Dietary Health recommends the
selection of protein sources from vegetation choices as the healthiest option for your daily meal planning.
However, dairy and meat sources are also great alternative to incorporate protein into your diet. By
choosing protein sources from vegetation sources you are getting a more direct source of nutrients.
Nutrients supplied from animal muscle is limited since it has been processed from the animal.

There are two sources of milk products. Humans and animals produce their own supply of milk after the
birth of their young. Dairy milk is collected through the lactation process of an animal mother such as a
heifer, ewe or goat. Milk is designed to provide all the nutritional content required for the development of
the young. The process of lactation continues until the young no longer requires milk to survive. Since
milk is developed in the process of lactation, there are many nutritional values of milk to supplement
within diet. The less processing of the dairy product the more nutritional values it will contain. Dairy is
typically consumed for the value of calcium to strengthen bones, teeth, and aid in other body functions.

Additives are foods that should be consumed in moderation such as sugar, fats, oils, salts and honey. Most
foods that are unprocessed naturally maintain their appetizing flavors of sweetness, bitterness, sourness, or
saltiness. By learning how to add different vegetable and fruits to your dish or beverage you can naturally
enhance the taste of your foods with minimum additives. The addition of sugars, oils, honey, and salt into
dishes or beverages should be moderated into a limited daily quantity. In addition, oils and fats should be
limited to the natural vegetation sources. The Administration of Dietary Health advises Israelites to
eliminate the consumption of animal fat from their diet altogether. As these sources have a high amount of
cholesterol and saturated fats that are horrible for your health. However, many food groups from the
Primary Four of Vegetation are slammed packed with amino acids, Omega-3 Fats, Polyunsaturated Fats
and Monounsaturated Fats. Vegetable based fats are good for your health from foods like nuts, avocados,
cashews, olive oil, pumpkin seeds, and pine nuts.

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The General Dietary Pyramid

The Administration of Dietary Health has developed The Dietary Pyramid to properly illustrate the
six dietary food groups in the necessity of daily eating. This diagram demonstrates the importance of
consuming a diet largely composed of The Primary Four with vegetables being the most important to
dietary consumption. Adolescents ages 13 and older can begin to incorporate this diet into their regular
meal planning. The specific requirements of juveniles differ from adults in the amount of calories,
nutrients, and minerals needed on a daily basis. However, most adolescents being to mature into the
various developmental stages to prepare them for adulthood by the age 13 years old. Therefore, their bodies
have a similar nutritional need as adults while requiring a lesser amount of caloric value.

This Dietary Pyramid benefits the direct health of Israelites in the promotion of wellness and
fitness. By consuming the daily maximum intake of 1-homer (2-Liters) a day, this suggested dietary graph
works. Juveniles should consume less quantities of the daily adult maximum. A regular lifestyle of fitness
and fresh foods are the beginning of a new routine focused on wellbeing. Remember a meal serving of food
consists of handful from the Primary Four of
Vegetation. The meat, dairy, and additive
foods groups are supplemental food choices
to be utilized sparingly. By adding regular
snacks throughout the day that consist
mainly of fresh vegetables and juicy fruit
you are better able to give your body the
energy it needs to keep you active and your
metabolism pumping up to activity.
Remember that fruit and vegetable juice is
equivalent to the consumption of solid parts.
Also, opt for freshly frozen treats that have
not been preserved for longer than a day or
two for the best nutritional value. Have fun exploring the possibilities and benefits of healthy eating.
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The Juvenile Dietary Pyramid

The Juvenile Dietary Pyramid was developed by The Administration of Dietary Health for the
specific developmental needs of infants and juveniles. Young children have special needs that require more
dairy in their diet than adults. As a child begins to grow, parents and caregivers can begin to transition
children onto a diet similar to their own. All infants require the nutritional necessity of milk in their diet
until they are better able to process The Primary Four beginning with vegetables. As children develop in
ages their bodies can naturally handle a well-balanced diet without the supplement of dairy from animals.
For parents who are concerned of their child becoming calcium deficient from reducing dairy products in
their diet they need not become too concern. There are various of vegetation food sources packed with
calcium and other bone-healthy minerals to proper support the development of an actively growing child.
Many dark-leafy green vegetables are organically fortified with calcium. Vegetables like bok choy, collards,
spinach, cabbage, kale, okra, and mustard greens are just to name a few organically grown vitamins. Foods
like soy milk or almond milk is also another option. Children can be safely weaned from regular dairy
consumption when following a fresh diet full of variety of The Primary Four of Vegetation. Help your
child explore the organic options that soil has to offer them.

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Nutritional Values Matter

In order to get the most from your food you have to know the nutritional value. All foods have a
natural source of nutrition for the supplement of your daily needs. Each type of foods has its own
nutritional value so switch up the types of food you consume to get the most of your health options.
Within the Nation of Israel, we do not consume a large of amount of mechanically processed foods from
factories. A huge benefit from our native agricultural environment where we grow our own produce and
care for our own animals. We eat fresh and local all the time. This greatly decreases our requirement to
introduce additional supplements into our dietary needs.

Below outlines the variety of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. We have supplied some
examples of which foods supple each nutrient for your convenience.
Fitness Fact for Israelites

Vitamin A: Vitamins such as Vitamin A
which is essential for visual development and aids
in the prevention of inflammations and dryness of
eyes. Carrots, sweet potatoes, apricots, fish,
cantaloupe are just some of the good sources of
Vitamin A.

Did you know that physical fitness greatly improves

your cognitive and intellectual development? Yeap,
it does! It raises good hormones, lowers stresses, give
your more energy, and requires your body to work
together. The possibilities are endless in your ability
to get moving: tennis, volleyball, running, aerobics,
swimming, and mountain climbing. What are you
waiting for? Get active and have fun exploring the
discoveries of your life.

Vitamin B1 (Thiamine): Thiamine is naturally found in vegetables, grains, beans, nuts, and meats.
Many nuts, oats, oranges, legumes, peas, seeds, eggs, beef, and milk are natural sources of B1. Helps fight
disease such as thiamine deficiency syndrome, neuritis (nerve inflammation), liver failure and disease,
pellagra, heart disease, indigestion problems, and beriberi (a deficiency disorder from lack of Thiamine).
Vitamin B1 also assist to improve the immune system, regulate appetite, alleviate diabetic pain, and many
other health issues.

Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin): B2 or Riboflavin is found in a number of dietary sources recommended for

the Israelite dietary consumption. Many green vegetables such as spinach, fenugreek, lettuce, broccoli,
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asparagus, peas, and Brussel Sprouts contain B2. Also, fruits like bananas, figs, apples, pears, and berries
are wonderful sources of this B vitamin. Additionally, salmon is a powerhouse of concentrated B2 from
approved animal sources. Lastly, roasted almonds, flaxseeds, oats, soy nuts and sunflower seeds are hardy
sources of organically fortified Riboflavin. B2 helps your body to naturally heal its self, aids in the
production of blood cells and skin cells, boost energy level, increases ability to lose weight by raising
metabolism, regulates digestive system, and protects skins and eye health. Riboflavin is especially
important in treating night sweats by regulating hormonal function. This vitamin also benefits skin
development and your digestive health, while preventing or treating liver failure and disease, burning feet,
visual impairments.

Vitamin B3/ Vitamin P (Niacin/Nicotinic Acid): Niacin is naturally found in peanuts, legumes,
avocados, nuts, potatoes, and wholegrains. Vitamin B3 is useful to your bodys ability to breakdown and
digest carbohydrates and fats. Your body also uses this nutrient to regulate your digestive functions,
nervous system, and manufacturing of sex hormones. Individuals with cholesterol problems should eat
foods high in Niacin since it is found to lower cholesterol levels. Plus, your skin will become more radiant in
appearance through the benefits of skin, hormonal and cellular health development.

Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid): Vitamin B5 is vital to the normal regulation of your bodys growth,
height, and development. Like other B-Vitamins, it aids in the chemical process of absorbing and breaking
down carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Also, Pantothenic supports the level of cholesterol within the
bloodstream. The adrenal and sex hormones are also supported through the presence of Vitamin B5. Some
sources of obtaining Vitamin B5 are bran, wholegrains, cauliflower, sweet potatoes, beans, nuts, avocado,
lentils, chickpeas, avocado, kale, broccoli, white potatoes and sweet potatoes.

Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine): B6 improves cognitive and intellectual development, improves the

function of your immune system, nervous system, and mucous membranes. Pyridoxine is required for your
body to breakdown certain proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. Also, B6 is responsible for the function of
many internal organs including kidneys, livers, thyroid, circulatory system, skin, and your heart. Like
other B Vitamins, B6 can be naturally supplemented into your diet by consuming wholegrains, legumes,
carrots, avocados, spinach, peas, bananas, wheat bran and potatoes, dairy, and eggs.

Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin): Cobalamin is a vitamin that is naturally found in many foods like soy,
poultry, eggs, salmon, and milk. This vitamin aids in the function of digestive health but helping your
body produce the activity of hydrochloric acid within your stomach. Also, the development of red blood
cells is dependent upon B12. Many other complex bodily functions like neurological development and
function, brain development and DNA synthesis is also dependent upon the presences of B12 within the
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Vitamin Bc or B9 (Folic Acid): Folic Acid is found in many food sources as well as dark leafy green
vegetables, asparagus, collards, broccoli, kale. Many citrus and non-citric fruits are also great sources of
Folic Acid; as are grains, poultry, dark green vegetables, beets, eggs, lentils, nuts, seeds, and soy products.
An organic compound that helps your body develop and heal the cellular growth of tissues, organs, and
skin. Specific DNA synthesis, nucleotide biosynthesis and red blood cell repair and reproduction is
dependent upon the daily supply of Folic Acid. In addition to the promotion of molecular cellular
reproduction of new cellular growth especially important in the development of fetal growth. Folic Acid
also prevents anemia, Alzheimer disease, and many cancers. Folic Acid also promotes the healthy
development of internal sex organs and is very necessary in the early stages of pregnancy to reducing fetal

Vitamin B17 (Nitrilosides/Amygdalin): Is a vitamin found within fruits, vegetables, grains, and
seeds. Some sources include blackberry, boysenberry, crabapple, cranberry, currant, raspberry, barley,
buckwheat, flax, millet, black beans, strawberry, black-eye peas, fava, garbanzo peas, beet greens, green
pea, kidney beans, lentils, lima beans, watercress, cashew, macadamia, spinach, eucalyptus, sweet potatoes,
and yams. Studies have demonstrated that B17 has an incredible organic ability to combat of certain
cancers. Amygdalin is not toxic to your body but it works as a natural chemotherapy treatment to destroy
harmful cancerous cells within your body. Unlike chemotherapy there are no harmful side effects or hair
loss from the treatment of radiation to kill cancerous cells. Likewise, a deficiency of B17 could introduce
the susceptibility of cancer developing within your body.

Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid): Vitamin C promotes the health of effectiveness of your immune systems,
prenatal health, and reproductive system. Another benefit of Vitamin C is it reduces immune system
deficiencies and certain cancers. Also used to prevent cardiovascular disease, strokes, and visual
impairments. Ascorbic Acid has been proven to reduce the signs of aging and wrinkling of skin. Most
citrus fruits such as grapefruits, oranges, tomatoes, lemons, limes contain large quantities of Vitamin C.
Additionally, many non-citrus fruits supply large quantities of Vitamin C. Non-citrus foods like papaya,
strawberries, kiwi, cranberries, watermelon, raspberries, pineapple, cantaloupe, apples, bananas and pears.
Vitamin C has a sour-tangy taste. However, vegetables like Brussel Sprouts, kale, mustard greens turnips,
watercress, spinach, chard, cauliflower, broccoli and many herbs also provide alternatives of Vitamin C.
The importance of Vitamin C was discovered by sailors who tour long sea journeys and developed scurvy.

Vitamin D: Vitamin D is produced through the bodies exposure to natural sunlight. 20 minutes of
direct sunlight is all your body needs each day to organically produce Vitamin D. Vitamin D works to
strengthen your immune system, raises hormonal levels that would reduce depression and prevents rickets
which is the softening and weakening of bone in children. This nutrient works with other minerals such as
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calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphate, and zinc to increase the intestinal absorption of this supplemental
mineral. Vitamin D is naturally found in fatty fish like Salmon, and other sources like cheese, egg yolks

Vitamin E: Vitamin E is an essential antioxidant that neutralizes free radical or toxins within the
body from pollution. Studies have found Vitamin E lessens intensity of premenstrual cramps of females.
Also, useful in the prevention of visual impairments such as cataracts. It should be noted that diabetes and
Alzheimers patients also benefit greatly in lessening the symptoms of this disorder and may also prevent
the occurrence of both illnesses. Vitamin E also helps the body to manufacture new cell development for
quicker healing, reduces signs of aging. Vitamin E can be acquired through the consumption of almonds,
peanuts, hazelnuts, sunflower seeds soybeans, corn and wheat germ. Additionally, the oils of such sources
also contain the necessary vitamin E your body needs.

Vitamin H/B7 (Biotin): Vitamin H or more commonly known as Biotin. Often commercialized for
its cosmetic ability to beautify and strengthen hair, nails, and skin. This vitamin is also useful to your
bodys natural ability to metabolize proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. Diabetics also benefit from Biotin
since it helps your body process glucose. Unlike other vitamins, Biotin is not stored in the body. Any
excess amount is filtered through the body and passed through urinating making the necessity for daily
intake important. Its main organic sources are peanuts, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, wholegrain wheat,
cheddar cheese, avocado, salmon, raspberries, and raw cauliflower. Researchers believe that the body has a
natural ability to produce B7 within the intestinal tract through the presence of natural intestinal bacteria.

Vitamin K: A team vitamin works with other vitamins, proteins, and minerals for your bodys
health. Vitamin K also works other nutrients like Calcium to strengthen your bone health and help your
cellular development. Vitamin K is supplied to your body through food sources you consume but your body
will also create its own supply through intestinal bacteria in your gastrointestinal tract. If you are looking
for some food sources that supply this necessary nutrient add some leafy green vegetables to your daily
diet. Parley, kale, collards, lettuce, cabbage, spinach, Swiss chard, turnip greens, mustard greens and
romaine lettuce. Other sources include broccoli, cauliflower, Brussel Sprouts, eggs, grains, meats, and fish.
Vitamin K helps your body heal through the production of cellular development and repair for blood, organ
tissue, and skin. For this reason, Vitamin K is important to your blood appropriately clotting during a
wound, without Vitamin K your blood will not stick together you continued bleeding will continue. Of the
13 proteins required for your blood to sufficiently clot, Vitamin K produces four.

Vitamin P (Bioflavonoid/Hesperidin): Vitamin P is a newly discovered organic vitamin found in

dietary plant sources. Vitamin P has been found to be beneficial to diabetics for its natural ability to
reduce blood sugar and improve insulin resistance. For individuals with high cholesterol problems, Vitamin
P reduce lipids that negatively affect your health. Additionally, Vitamin P is found to also lessen
inflammation of the nerves, skin, and joints. With incredible properties of an antioxidant to naturally
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combat allergies, carcinogenics, and viruses this is a natural remedy for many cures. Hesperidin is found in
the skin of many vegetables and fruits such as apples, berries, cherries, lemons, grapefruits, grapes, lime,
apricots, peaches, yellow and green peppers, tomatoes, onions, broccoli, and parsley. Other sources are
wholegrains, chocolate, green tea.

Magnesium: A natural remedy for treatment as an antacid for digestive illnesses. Magnesium is also
important in the production of energy, molecular cellular health for DNA and RNA development, and the
support of bone health. For individuals with blood disorders or glucose dysfunction Magnesium assist in
the regulation of glucose function, blood pressure and cellular development. Magnesium is also used in the
manufacturing of laxatives. You can naturally add sufficient amounts of Magnesium to your daily diet by
consuming beans, nuts, wholegrains, brown rice, spinach, chard, pumpkin seeds, and black beans.

Potassium: A mineral with significant influence of your overall health in regards to supporting your
kidneys, heart, and other internal organs. Individuals with low potassium levels often times suffer from
high blood pressure, heart disease, strokes, arthritis, cancers, digestives issues, and infertility. By adding
bananas, avocados, potatoes, dairy, lemons, grapefruits, spinach, collard greens, almonds, and peanuts to
your regular daily diet you are better able to protect your body from malnutrition and malfunction.

Iron: Food that are rich with dietary iron are meats such as beef, salmon, veal, and poultry sources.
There are many organic sources of dietary iron: lima beans, red kidney beans, chickpeas, walnuts,
pistachios, pecans, cashews, prune, plums, green peppers, rice, collard greens, mustard greens, kale, grapes,
apricots, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds and squash seeds. Iron is absorbed into your body during the final
stages of digestion in the smaller intestines. Iron in necessary for the production of hemoglobin and red
blood cells. Sufficient amount of iron leads to an increase in natural energy levels. Furthermore, iron aids in
the metabolizing proteins as it works with other nutrients in your body to process and absorb vitamin and
Calcium: One of the most known minerals is calcium. However, most people are fully unaware of all
the benefits of this popular mineral. Calcium is required for the development, repair, and strength of your
bones and teeth. However, other organs use calcium to properly function such as your hearth, gums,
muscles, and nerves. An increase in calcium intake can protect you against cancers, diabetes, and high
blood pressure. There are numerous organic foods that supply a rich amount of calcium into your diet
besides dairy. For instance, spinach, kale, turnips greens, and collard greens, white beans, figs, Bok Choy,
Blackstrap Molasses, black-eyed peas, almonds, oranges, and sesame seeds.

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Phosphorus: Phosphorus is another mineral that works to improve the strength, development, and
function of your bones and teeth. But the benefits dont stop there. Your body uses phosphorus to for your
digestive system, balancing of hormones, improve physical energy, regulate excretions, formation of
protein, repair cells and tissues and balance the various of internal organ functions like your heart, kidneys,
brain, and blood. There are an abundant of organic sources to supply your daily requirement of
phosphorus. Foods like: sunflower seeds, beans, almonds, pecans, peanuts, walnuts, meats, fish,
wholegrains, rice, potatoes, broccoli, peas, lentils, and chickpeas.

Sodium: Sodium also known as salt is vital in the stabilization of your internal electrolyte system.
Your body uses sodium to properly function in the mechanics of your muscles and regulation of body fluids.
All foods have a natural presences of sodium. Some natural foods have a higher sodium content than
others. Sodium is typically added to dishes to enhance the natural flavor of foods. Sodium intake should
be limited and used sparingly on a daily basis. Foods that are manufactures or processed have a much
higher sodium content than the recommended daily requirement.

Zinc: Zinc is a powerful mineral in that your body only requires a small amount to perform
normally. The benefits of zinc are linked for increase repair of cellular tissues and healing of wounds, burns,
and cuts. Zinc also promotes the development of growth and maturity for those with a stunted growth. As
an anti-carcinogenic, zinc can be used to prevent and treat of many types of cancers. Similarly, a holistic
treatment option for diarrhea, age-related visual loss, attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder, anemia,
common colds, depression, anorexia, ulcers, lesions, diaper rashes, gingivitis, herpes, leprosy, muscular
cramps, brittle bones, and acne. Treatment for the genetic impairment Wilsons disease. Food that
naturally contain zinc are beef, poultry, deer, lamb, lentils, nuts, whole grains, wild rice, garbanzo beans,
quinoa, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, pine nuts, blacked-eye peas, split-peas, sunflower seeds, and cashews.

Iodine: There are several sources of food that naturally provide a rich supplement of iodine. Some
local foods are dairy, poultry, fish, boiled eggs, prunes, corn, bananas, cranberries, green beans, Himalayan
crystal salt, navy beans, strawberries, and baked potatoes. Iodine benefits more than regulating your
thyroid, it also promotes the function of your reproductive system and supports fertility. Breast cancer
development is also linked to iodine deficiencies. Iodine deficiencies can also affect your energy level,
cholesterol level, hormones and swelling. A person with low iodine intake may become depressed. Mothers
provide a natural supply of iodine to their nursing infants during breastfeeding.

Sugar: Sugar is a mineral that should be used sparingly. Many fruits naturally contain high levels of
sugars. As your body processes carbohydrates the starches are transformed into sugars. There are many
sources of sugar from fruits like apples, pears, plums, bananas, to name a few to vegetables. Vegetables
have a lower sugar content than fruits. Additionally, nuts like almonds, peanuts, cashews are also sources
of sugars. Sugar provides your body with an instant boost of energy and helps to raise blood sugars when
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feeling hungry. Individuals with low blood pressure are treated with small dosages of sugar. However,
diabetics are expected to monitor their blood sugar levels for excessive lows or highs. While sugar is a
necessary mineral to your diet, overconsumption of sugar can cause health issues including weight gain.

Dietary fibers are the indigestible strands of vegetables, wholegrains, legumes, and fruit. Fiber is important
to the digestive function of your body. Fiber eases the flow of your bowl movement to a more regular
amount and duration. Individuals experiencing constipation may be prescribed to increase their water,
dietary fiber intake, and daily activity. Dietary fiber also helps your body maintain its normal body
weight, lowers your risk of diabetes, and heart diseases. Foods like strawberries, oats, celery, lettuce, sweet
potatoes, chickpeas, corn, kale, and so many other vegetable, fruits and legumes are wonderful supplements
of dietary fiber.

Your body needs dietary protein or amino acids to properly function and produce cells, tissue, and bones.
Body cells like muscle, organ tissue, cartilage, and skin all require your body to have an adequate amount
of protein to repair, replace, and develop body cells. There are several sources where you can add protein
into your daily diet. Meats, fish, nuts, beans, seeds, legumes, dairy, and certain wholegrains all provide
dietary protein. Most people believe that protein in only necessary to feel full after eating and building
muscle mass. While protein can extend your bodies satisfaction of fullness and does assist in the
development of muscle mass, your body actually needs protein for other reason. Your body doesnt store
protein the way your body stores fat. The higher your daily physical fitness level the more protein you can
incorporate into your diet. Protein helps your body repair damaged tissues and bulks muscle mass to
prevent you from additional bodily injuries. Protein is especially important to the growth and
development of young children, athletes, and pregnant women. Your body distributes your daily intake of
amino acids to the various cells of your body.

There are several types of dietary fats that your body requires to properly function and others that you
should refrain from for risk of your health. Healthy dietary fats help your body produce energy to function
properly including the manufacturing of cells and regulation of hormones. Your brain and nervous system
also utilize the fatty acids in your diet to operate sufficiently. Body fat is useful for the even distribution of
your regular body temperature. A healthy level of body from fat is required to evenly carry vitamins and
minerals to each organ system of your body. However, too much body fat can restrict the amount of
vitamins and minerals your body absorbs and is able to distribute properly. Fats also help you enjoy the
satisfaction of fullness from your meal. Your body will receive its healthy dosage of healthy fats from plant
sources such as peanuts, almonds, cashews, hazelnuts, cottonseed oil, pumpkin seeds, walnuts, butternuts,
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sunflower seeds, grain, avocados, olive oil, safflower oil, flaxseeds, chickpeas, lentils, corn, and soybeans.
Certain fish like salmon and trout are known to provide your body with a healthy sources of dietary fats.

Harmful Dietary Fats

Saturated Fat is supplied to your diet through the consumption of animal fats. Vegetables
oils like coconut oil, palm oil and kernel oil also supply saturated fats. Whether fatty tissue, animal skin, or
dairy products all supply your body with unnecessary saturated fat. Saturated fat cause elevated
cholesterol levels within your blood stream that negatively effects your body especially your heart. Raise
cholesterol levels can cause cardiovascular disease, stroke, obesity, and diabetes. Saturated rates should be
limited within your regular diet and consumed through vegetable sources rather than animal sources for a
healthier living.
Trans Fat is another unhealthy fat that is naturally found in certain foods in within an
insignificant level. However, most trans fats are produced through oil during a food processing methods
called partial hydrogenation. Much like unsaturated fats, trans fat also raise cholesterol levels within your
blood stream and can cause obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and other health risks.
Cholesterol is a soft waxy fat that clogs your blood vessels or arteries that are connected to
the flow of blood circulated to and from your heart. Your body naturally created cholesterol in your live in
the processing of animal fats, eggs, and dairy products. Your body requires cholesterol to creates its own
supply of hormones, Vitamin D, and bile. Fruits and vegetables do not contain cholesterol.

Healthy Dietary Fats

Monounsaturated fatty acids are found in many fruits, grains, nuts, legumes, and vegetables,
and vegetables oils. Vegetable oils from olives and canola are natural sources of monounsaturated fatty
acids. Monounsaturated fatty acids naturally improve your cholesterol levels, regulate your insulin levels
and control blood sugar.
Polyunsaturated fatty acids support your body by reducing cholesterol levels, decrease your risk of
developing diabetes, obesity, and cardiovascular dieses. Polyunsaturated fatty acids can be added to your
regular diet by adding fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, legumes, and vegetable oils to your diet.
Omega-3 fatty acids are found in fatty fish like salmon and trout but vegetable, nuts, seeds and
grains also supply healthy dosages. Vegetable sources like olive oil, peanuts and peanut oils, safflower oil,
flaxseeds, canola oils, soybean, walnuts, butternuts, sunflower seeds and oil, corn and corn oil all supply
Omega-3 fatty acids. Leafy green vegetables like Omega-3 fats are proven to benefit your heart by
lowering the risk of coronary artery disease and thrombosis (a blood clot within your blood vessels).
Individuals who suffer from arthritis may also benefit from the anti-inflammatory effects of Omega-3
present your body. Lastly, Omega-3 regulates and stabilizes your cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

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Developing Healthy Habits

The Administration of Dietary Health encourages Israelites to practice healthy habits to get the
most of their nutrients. Health habits that become a part of your normal routine are not as bothersome to
put into action. It is easy to add a few healthy habits into your daily routine. Physical fitness is a healthy
habit that involves the cognitive, intellectual, neurological, hormonal, and physical alignment of your
body. Your body is an incredible machine of stamina, agility, strength, and reason that works together for
Food Safety Tip
Produce foods of vegetables and fruits are grown among
the Earth in naturally exposed environments. Wildlife
and insects both enjoy the nourishment of fresh organic
vegetables and fruits. Be sure to thoroughly examine
your food for signs of parasites, spoilage, and disease
before consuming. Also, once they have passed the test
for consumption dont forget to wash your hands and
food with warm soapy water before eating and while

your total body wellness.

Another healthy habit that promotes the
total body wellness of your health is
sanitation and hygienic practices. Your
body has a natural defense system called an
immune system that is directly powered by
your nutritional input of dietary
consumption. However, by eliminating
unnecessary exposure of bacteria, yeast,

fungus, virus, and microorganisms your body is better equipped to keep you healthy and active. Learning
and using basic sanitation practices and healthy dietary needs help to reduce you from acquiring an
infectious disease or developmental impairment. You have so much power within your hands for
protecting your total body wellness. Pick fresh organic and locally grown foods from The Primary Four.
Wash your hands and food prior to cooking and consumption. Two ways you have the power to improve
your health! Pick. Wash. It is that easy. Just two steps.

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Proper Cooking Temperatures

Knowing how foods provide your body with necessary nutrients is only one part of a healthy
lifestyle. Fruit and most vegetables do not require cooking prior to consumptions. Vegetables and fruits
can be blanched, boiled, baked, stir-fry, grilled, and deep fried. Although, deep-frying methods should be
used in minimal instances. Additionally, wholegrains do not require cooking prior to consumption but most
grains taste better with roasted or cooked over heat. The Administration of Dietary Health recommends
Israelites to fully cook all animal meat products to a status of well-done. Domesticated livestock can be
cooked to an internal temperature of 165 F or above. Wild-caught animals, poultry, and fish should be
cooked to a minimum of 170 F or greater. Meats are considered well-done when the center of the meat
reaches the minimum internal temperature. The flesh will change in countenances, firmness, and texture.
Eggs are considered well-done when they are no longer loose or running but slightly stiff and fluffy.

Type of Animal

Well-Done Temperature

Cattle (Cow, Calf, Bull and Oxen)

165 F (73.9 C) and above


165 F (73.9 C) and above


165 F (73.9 C) and above

Wild-caught Fish

170 F (77 C) and above

Domesticated Poultry

165 F (73.9 C) and above

Wild Game Venison (Deer, Gazelle, Goat, Etc.)

175 F (80 C) and above

Wild Game Birds

170 F (77 C) and above

Poultry Eggs

160 F (71.1 C) and above

Ground Meat

170 F (77 C) and above

By properly cooking foods you are better able to arm your natural defense system to fight off
harmful bacteria, virus, fungus, and other microorganisms that may be present in animal products. Also,
ensuring animal products are kept no longer than two days from the date of kill or butchering is also
essential to protecting your health. Consuming foods that are fresh reduces the requirement of
preservatives and helps you to get the most nutritional value from your meal. Also, by consuming fresh
meats you are raising the life expectancy of livestock and other wildlife. Since, animals are butchered on
the demand of daily request of the consumer there is less waste of animal meat from non-consumption.
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Health is essential to the satisfaction of life. Healthy food options, physical

fitness activities, and proper sanitation practices are a major requirement
toward that satisfaction.
The Administration of Dietary Health

Did You know?

There can be microscopic organisms, parasites, fungi, viruses, and bacteria present in and on
your hands, kitchen surfaces, cooking utensils, and food. By washing your hands, cooking
utensils, and cooking surfaces prior to handling foods you reduce the risk of infections from
harmful bacteria, virus, and other microorganism that may be present. But your food also
requires a good washing prior to preparing or consuming. It can take several hours to a fullweek before symptoms of a food illness or foodborne parasite is recognized in your body. Meats,
fish, fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, legumes, water, dairy products, and other food
supplements should be properly cleaned, examined, and stored to reduce the risked of a
foodborne illness or foodborne parasite. Certain parasites, bacteria, viruses, and fungi can
remain dormant in cold and freezing temperatures. However, most parasites, bacteria, viruses,
fungi and other microorganism cannot live in extreme heat. Remember, washing can save your
life and encourages your wellness.

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Handling Leftover Food

The Administration of Dietary Health advises
Israelites to properly handled leftover food in a hygienic

Any meat left over until the third day must be

completely burned up. Leviticus 7:17

manner. All Israelite dietary laws are founded on the

Jewish Covenant handed to the family of Israel through the time of Moses the prophet of Israel and Aaron
the High Priest of Israel. In the preservation of holiness and health, Israelites are prohibited from
consuming foods that are more than two days old. In most cases, all meats, grains, dairy, vegetables, and
fruits that have been processed with heat, salt, cold or other cooking and preservation methods are
prohibited from consumption upon the third. This guideline permits Israelites to collect food and prepare
meals in advance for the observance of holy festivals where cooking is prohibited. By consuming foods no
older than a day old, Israelites are better able to reduces the consumption of spoiled foods that develop
bacteria, yeast, microorganisms, and fungi.

When storing leftover foods, meals should be promptly placed in refrigeration system where the
temperature is at least 40 F. At 40 F the process of aging and the growth of harmful illnesses are reduced
significantly. Be careful because harmful bacteria, yeast, fungus, virus, and microorganisms that were
destroyed during cooking can reoccur if foods are left out at temperatures below the recommended cooking
temperature. While placing foods in a refrigeration system lowers the risk of spoilage it doesnt not
Did you Know?
Most fresh fruits and vegetables can be stored for 27 days after harvesting when stored properly. Each
food has a specific procedure of storing to prolong
its shelf life after harvesting. Vegetables and fruits
are great to have small quantities on hand for a
quick munch but dont harvest or purchase too
many fruits and vegetables. Spoiled foods attract
parasites such as roaches, flies, worms, and fungi.

eliminate that risk completely. Foods can still

age, ferment, mold, and spoil in cold
Dairy products such as milk, butter, and
cheese should be consumed on the day of
collection. Fresh dairy has numerous health
benefits that are enjoyable to consumers. While
fresh cheeses eliminate the wide-variety of

textures, flavors, and appearances of many cheese, there are tremendous health benefits to consuming fresh
dairy. Cows that are unstressed and not forced to over lactate in the production of milk are healthier.
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These cows are better able to accumulate the vitamins and minerals needed for their normal health and
thus produce healthier offspring who are feed from richly nutritious milk. Fresh whole milk collected from
healthy cows is packed with more vitamins and minerals that also help to supplement your dietary needs,
as well.

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Proper Storage of Foods

Understanding how to properly stored vegetables, fruits, grains, nuts, beans, lentils, fish, dairy
products, and meats is essential to your physical health and the environmental health. Foods that have
been harvested can be immediately washed with warm soapy water prior to storage, when properly dried.
For instances, artichokes, tomatoes, pepper, and pineapple can follow this rule. However, other foods such
as potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, and legumes are best to wash just prior to preparation. A simple
brushing of any dirt debris found after harvesting is all that is required to reduce the development of
fungus, and bacteria. Also, understanding that

Did you Know?

fruits such as berries, asparagus, lettuce, broccoli,

Consuming foods with lycopene have been proven to

reduce your risk of susceptibility of sunburn.
Tomatoes, guavas, watermelon, papaya, grapefruit,
red sweet peppers, asparagus, purple cabbage,
mangos, and carrots are all vegetables containing
high sources of lycopene and other nutrients. Now,
that is an organic sunscreen you can feel great about!

and other leafy vegetables require the process of

refrigeration to preserve food from spoiling.
Understanding how to properly store foods is the
key to getting the most of your food choices and
ensuring you get the most nutritional value
possible for each variety of food.

The chart below provides a general guideline of the storage life of vegetation produces such as fruits,
grains, vegetables, oils, and honey. The storage life of each food may be extended or reduced bases on the
procedures of storage after harvesting.

1-2 Days

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2-4 Days

4-6 Days

7+ Days
Hard Squashes

The Administration of Dietary health

12 Months


Benefits of Wellness Living

There are many benefits to wellness living that greatly impacts the daily pleasure of your
life. Regular sleep, reduced stress, physical exercise, social recreations, environmental exploration, spiritual
foundation, and a balanced diet all have a significant impact on your total body health. But what is
wellness living? Well, wellness living focuses on the specific needs of each person to function at a normal
capacity. Everyone has the same basic needs for wellness living although their influences may change
Fun Health Fact
Many people suffer from anxiety, depression, and
stress. But the smell of the herb Sage can reduce
anxiety. Lavender and Chamomile are two flowers
that are known to help you relax which can reduce
stress levels and anxiety. Also, the sun and physical
fitness raises endorphins or hormones within your
body help you feel happier. Plus, exercise improves
brain function. Hugs are also a great way to lower
stress, anxiety, and depression. Fun natural ways to
add healthy habits to your daily lifestyle.

overtime depending on development. For

instance, the wellness living requirement of an
infant is different from a small child and very
different from a teenager. Also, a healthy
woman may require a different wellness living
approach upon pregnancy. But the substance of
achieving total body wellness is the same for

A person who is able to incorporate total

body wellness into their normal lifestyle will have a higher life expectancy than the general public. You will
also have fewer instances of sicknesses. Did I mention you will also enjoy a more satisfactory life through
your self-exploration and built social and environmental awareness. It is interesting to learn how your
bodys health is directly impacted by your environment, habits, choices, and behaviors. Your bodys
natural chemistry and hormones become to regulate as they adjust to your perception of life. A person who
invests into their health with knowledge, time, and healthy habits is more productive, creative, and

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Basic Dietary Restrictions

The Jewish-Hebrew people have always followed a strict dietary lifestyle filled with organic and
healthy choices of the soil, land, air, and water. In collaboration of the commandments of God presented to
the family of Israel through the prophet Moses, we continue to adhere to the same principles of holiness and
healthy habits. These basic principles are
further detailed in the Books of Genesis,
Exodus, Deuteronomy, Leviticus, and


And so my judgement is that we should not make it difficult

for the Gentiles who are turning to God. Instead, we should
write and tell them to abstain from eating food offered to idols,
from sexual immorality, from eating meat of strangled
animals, and from consuming blood. For these laws of Moses
have been preached in Jewish synagogues in every city on
every Sabbath for many generations. Acts 15:19-21

Israelites are advised to consume freshwater

and saltwater fish with having both fins and scales. Examples of approved marine life include Salmon,
Trout, Snapper, Tilapia, and Bass. (Reference: Leviticus 11:9-12)

Blood and Fat

The consumption of blood and animal fat is strictly prohibited as a Covenant law and commandment for
the Israelite community. This law was introduced to Noah after the Great Flood and reinforced after the
Israelites fled from Egypt. All animals must be properly drained of its blood prior to butchering of the
animal. (Reference: Leviticus 7:22-26)

Livestock and Wildlife

Israelites are permitted to consume the meat of animals considered ceremonially clean. These few examples
of such animals include sheep, cattle including oxen, goat, quail, chicken, deer, and gazelle. Animals
approved for consumption should have an instinctive vegetarian diet with both split hooves, and chews the
cud. Approved poultry animals must have an instinctive vegetarian diet. (Leviticus 11 & Deuteronomy

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Cultural Customs of Israel

The Nation of Israel is descendent from the
ancient roots of the family of Jacob of the third
Patriarch Father of Israel. Our dietary customs
are handed down to us from our ancestors and the
Lord Jesus Christ. In keeping with the traditions
of our ancestral culture, Israelites family members

Jacob named the place Peniel (which means face of

God), for he said, I have seen God face to face, yet
my life has been spared. The sun was rising as
Jacob left Peniel, and he was limping because of the
injury to his hip. (Even today the people of Israel
dont eat the tendon near the hip socket because of
what happened that night when the man strained the
tendon of Jacobs hip.) Genesis 32:30-32

refrain from certain dietary practices. One of

which is the consumption of an animals hip including the tendons. Israelites do not consume any part of
animals that is not muscle fiber including organs, skin, bones, hair, and tendons. To continue the tradition
of how the Nation of Israel received our name and heritage from God, we do not consume the hip meat of
an animal. The hip of sheep, cow, goat, deer, or other approved animal can be provided to the priest of God
as a sacred offering. This family tradition reminds each generation of Israelites to pass on the heirloom of
the Jewish-Hebrew heritage to their children.

The Nation of Israel began as a small household community. God called Abraham and Sarah who
took their many household servants to leave the native land of Ur where the Chaldeans resided. After
many years of traveling and learning the Covenant of God, the Lord gave Abraham a son through his wife
Sarah. Their son was named Isaac who is the second Patriarch Father of Israel. After the death of Sarah,
Abraham sent his oldest servant to locate a wife for Isaac among his relatives in Ur. Rebekah who is the
niece of Abraham was chosen by God to the be second Matriarch Mother of Israel. Rebekah left her family
in Ur and traveled to the land of Canaan to web Isaac. Rebekah and Isaac had fraternal twin son named
Esau and Jacob. Esau would become his own nation called Edom of the Edomites. Jacob would become the
Nation of Israel of the Israelites. The two brothers did not get along with one another as they were very
opposite but their rivalry was foretold by God during Rebekahs pregnancy.

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As ancient tradition of the Israelite family, the father would bless the older son with the inheritance
of the father. When came time for Isaac to bless Esau who was the older, Jacob received the blessing
instead. This infuriated Esau and he plotted to kill Jacob but not before Rebekah sent Isaac away to live
with his distant relatives in Ur. After serving 15 years for his uncle Laban to wed his two wives, Rachel
and Leah and obtain livestock to support his family, Jacob left Ur. When Jacob left Ur he had 11 sons and
a daughter from his two wives and two concubines. On his way back to Canaan, Jacob was sent messengers
to Esau of his travel but was fearfully greeted by his brother Esau and the Edomite warriors. The night
before Esau and Jacob reunited, Jacob sent his family, servants, and livestock across the river and
remained alone in his camp. During the night Jacob was approached by a wrestler. After many hours of
tumbling in the twilight hours, Jacob was winning. As daylight approached the wrestler wanted to leave
but Jacob requested to a blessing and to know wrestlers name. The man who was God touched Jacob hip
and injured his socket. But the man also blessed Jacob by changing his name to Israel. On the way to
Canaan he had another son Benjamin by Rachel. In all Jacob had twelve sons who become the Twelve
Tribes of Israel. Each tribe of Israel inherited its own tribal territory within the Land of Canaan and other
nations. This is how the House of Jacob became the Nation of Israel.

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Coming Soon!
Look for the Healthy Living. Healthy Habits. Jewish-Hebrew Cookbook.
Our cookbook will feature some of the best easy to prepare homemade Jewish-Hebrew cuisine. Healthy
living and healthy habits is not difficult with a little preparation and a pinch of creativity. You will learn
how to prepare satisfying and delicious meals that everyone in your family will love. Our chefs will help
you create healthy wholesome meals for your whole family without a lot of time in the kitchen. Never feel
overwhelmed with how to add more of The Primary Four of Vegetation to your daily diet with occasional
substitutes of meats, fish, dairy, and other additives. We will feature meals for breakfast, lunch, dinner,
on-the-goal snacks, and holiday specialties. Healthy Living. Healthy Habits. Jewish-Hebrew Cookbook is
coming soon to make a healthy life of physical fitness and nutritional wellness a part of your daily lifestyle!



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Contact Information

The Administration of Dietary Health branch department of The Commission of

Public Health and Sanitation of the Nation of Israel

Princess Alkeeta of Israel

Jewish-Hebrew Monarch of the Nation of Israel
Office of Royal Legislative Administration


(919) 670-6457




Release Date: Wed., July 20, 2015

Last Updated: July 20, 2016

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