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This paper is aimed at investigating the representation of women in Cocacola advertisements. The investigation is done through analyzing verbal and
visual texts found in the advertisements. Verbal texts are analyzed by transitivity
proposed by Halliday (2004) while visual texts are analyzed by using the
grammar of visual design proposed by Kress and van Leeuwen (2006).
Furthermore, the study employes critical discourse analysis as the basis approach
which is proposed by Fairclough (2006). The approach of Faircloughs cda
framework covers three stages of analysis, namely description, interpretation, and
explanation. Based on the findings, it is found that verbally women are
represented as active, responsible, knowledgeable, and confident. It can be seen
from the dominant transitivity processes found in Coca-cola advertisement texts.
Meanwhile, visually women are represented as active, attractive, communicative,
smart, sporty, enjoyable, and fashionable. It can be seen from the visual analysis
of Coca-cola advertisements by investigating the image content relation. Then,
from those representations, it is revealed that Coca-cola advertisements want to
convey two ideologies. The first ideology is feminism and the second is
Keywords : representation, verbal, visual, transitivity, grammar of visual design,
critical discourse analysis, ideology

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