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Download library release note

Version 4.102.x.x 2012-06-22

SMS02536913: Now compiles directly in Android (GIT repository available)
SMS02734048: Renamed structure to DownloadToolChain & removed IMC from the tool names.

Version 4.101.x.x 2012-06-20

SMS02664010: Support for file sizes between 2Gbytes and 4Gbytes is working again.
SMS02685424: Erase whole flash before download using OOS style command now works without
sending SecStart and SecEnd.

Version 4.100.x.x 2012-05-09

SMS02422993: 64bit Linux support
SMS02643483: FlashLess statically linked into the library
SMS02432143: Upload timed out via USIF on Windows

Version 4.99.x.x


SMS02446336 Support for board reset via Prolific chip gpio pins
SMS02555298 XMM6360 can now use MIPI from bootrom

Version 4.98.x.x


SMS02409263 Download is not terminated when PSI RAM transmit failing EBL checksum
SMS02484122 Create support for using MIPI via the Asamalab HSI-USB box
SMS02410099 Flashtool send ReqSecStart twice for NAND
SMS02469716 Include flashless DLL Solution for NVM single area erase.
SMS02529605 OSS: R01053 Add missing IMC copyright
SMS02529627 OSS: R01053 Add missing IMC copyright

SMS02498104 All KlocWork issues cleared. (was done in version 4.95 but not mentioned here)

Version 4.97.x.x


SMS02125479: [Flash tool and VP]: Dynamically change the hidden timeout when setting the boot and
comm timeouts.

Version 4.96.x.x


SMS02475263: [USB Driver] Update to version to solve uninstall issues

SMS02449762: [Buildsystem] Decrease build time on Windows
SMS02476132: [Bootsystem inc] Updated to the latest bootcore includes

Version 4.95.x.x


SMS02434040: The project sub-components libPrgHandler and libPrgSequencer can now be build with
the ARM RVCT compiler for use in target side SW builds.

Version 4.94.x.x


SMS02451059: Error in comparing HW and SW PID for some projects using Certificate security.

Version 4.93.x.x


SMS02430674: Substitute release for version 4.92 that was released with dynamic GCC libraries. No
changes in code.

Version 4.92.x.x


SMS02430674: Substitute release for version 4.91 that was released in debug version so users could
not use it. No changes in code.

Version 4.91.x.x


SMS02424350: Add to release folder. For support of users that uses the
library with their own compiled code. Release folder cleaned.
SMS02422711: Added support for the XG716 chipset.
SMS02402106: Added support for the XG225 chipset.
SMS02415998: Add Android support

Version 4.90.x.x


SMS02369702: XMM6360 Download with speeds over 921600 baud is now possible while using the
max speed of the boot-rom.
SMS02373183: XMM6360 USB download is now OK.

Version 4.89.x.x


No functional changes in code.

SMS02355454: Module test now run on checked-in files (if PC environment is as expected)

SMS02313347: Small improvements to the build system.

Version 4.88.x.x


SMS02339022: ASpec. FSpec and DSpec are added to the Doc folder.
SMS02339086: Module test is added to the Test folder.
SMS02340930: Lint check is added to the Test folder. Some warnings are removed from code.

Version 4.87.x.x


SMS02213839: The cryptic error message when doing full erase of OneNand is replaced by a user
friendly text.
SMS02321020: Support for XMM6360 boot-ROM baud rate change functionality.
SMS02316630: Updated FlashLess DLL released.

Version 4.86.x.x


SMS02278581: USB Support for Linux

SMS02302093: Linux deadlock bug fix for signal handling

Version 4.85.x.x


SMS02013980: The entire library project is now compiled with the GNU Compiler
SMS02139858: New interface function to allow the MMI to ask if a specific option is available in a
given SW.
SMS02143298: New interface function to set USB test modes.

Version 4.84.x.x


SMS01634792: Release USB Driver Ver to solve USB connection stability problems.

Version 4.83.x.x


Upgrade: Prolific Driver v.1.4.17 for Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7

SMS02103147: Resolved all Klockwork issues
SMS02152605: Gekko board padding issue
SMS02155978: Added FlashLess as an application in the Linux release

Version 4.82.x.x


SMS02054100: Issues installing flashtool USB driver on Windows 7 x64

SMS02013980: Added support for the XMM706 and the XMM6360

Version 4.81.x.x


SMS02107473: Critical bug fix for Linux release, resolving a boot stage freeze.

Version 4.80.x.x


SMS02058152: Handling of Memtest errors.

Version 4.79.x.x


SMS02044122: Update of USB RAW mode handling to enhance speed.

SMS01619431: Support for NVM handling on NAND systems. Works only if the EBL supports it.

Version 4.78.x.x


SMS02008746: The option to start-up phone after download is now set again in the released INI file.
SMS02000502: The download DLL can now be compiled with GCC.

Version 4.77.x.x


SMS01771603: FlashTool_E2 now support erase feature before writing FLS file on NAND platform.
Support for XMM2230 updated BOOT-ROM.

Version 4.76.x.x


SMS01898966: Support for USB raw-mode download of images with sizes between 2 and 4Gbytes.
Progress bar update during raw-mode download.

Version 4.75.x.x


SMS01696796 : The download library is now compiled from cross platform code.
Delivery is now for Windows, Linux and MacOs.
No functional updates from release 4.74
SMS01886095 : Since the Intel purchase of Infineon Wireless we have changed name to
Intel Mobile Communications (IMC). All references to Infineon have been
replaced in released files and documentation.

Version 4.74.x.x
SMS01395771 : FlashTool can now be use the same com port as used by other tools.
All variables in the DCB structure that is not set by the Download DLL
are now set to default values.
SMS01750960 : The Power control option is now off by default.
This gives far more stable download via USIF.
SMS01768406 : The option to set alternate boot speed is now only visible for XG626,
and the checkbox label is changed to ES1.0/ES1.1 support

Version 4.73.x.x
SMS01714119 : The mechanism for detecting XG626 ES1.1 or ES1.1A as introduced in version 4.71
proved not to be stable. It is removed and fixed values for the boot speed is
implemented. 115200bps as default (ES1.1A) and 460800bps (ES1.1) if an
option is set.
SMS01718235 : Interface specification is updated according to company standard.

Version 4.72.x.x
SMS01696877 : Show CID for both HW and SW when downloading via FlashTool.
Only active for XMM2130 platforms fused to certificate mode.
SMS01549665: Support for optimizing usage of USB bandwidth by sending data in Raw-mode.
Will be used only if the EBL2 also supports this mode.

Version 4.71.x.x
SMS01652270: Support for XG626 ES1.1A. Try boot on both 115200 and 460800 bps.
Correct handling of E1.1A for USB.
New interface to enable IFX debug of SPI (via USIF-SPI bridge)
OOS command type for reading NAND bad sector info added to DLL interface.

Version 4.70.x.x
SMS01584509: Support for flash-less re-release to allow alignment with release of MMI.
SMS01535873: Support for switching to high baud rate before loading EBL2

Version 4.69.x.x
SMS01638236: Now again support for XMM1100.

Version 4.68.x.x
SMS01584509: Support for flash-less systems download. Using flashless.dll
NOTE: Check MMI release note to see if the MMI is ready for flash-less handling.
SMS01587281: Support for 32 bit alignment on sending the PSI for XG626ES2+, XG223 and future
SMS01589378: Support for downloading to Virtual Prototype systems by sending very small chunks of
data with delay in between.

Version 4.67.x.x
SMS01544673: Bug in multi channel download handling is fixed.

Version 4.66.x.x
SMS01543159: Added handling of XML files injected into the FLS files. The XML data is sent to the
EBL as the last step in the boot-process.
SMS01563200: Some source files did not have correct header information.
SMS01336666: Support for MPEH and AGR with unified FlashTool. The support is implemented and
tested. However for some SW with injected customer build EBLS, which do not have correct name and
version string, the download will not work.
SMS01467784: Basically the same as above.

SMS01541637: Handling of NOT RELEASED EBLS (See SMS01336666) Upload functionality is


Version 4.65.x.x
SMS01519721: Added support for protocol 1.32.

Version 4.64.x.x
SMS00895560: Support for erasure of the whole flash before download fixed for NOR systems.

Version 4.63.x.x
SMS01477675: Support for getting extended flash ID and first 16 words of the flash array..

Version 4.62x.x
Support for erase of extra regions (defined by seg-pack) when downloading.

Version 4.61.x.x
SMS01467784: Added support for XG213 for unified handling of MPEH and AGR based phones.

Version 4.60.x.x
SMS01433377: Added support for XG223 and XG215 (Exactly same handling)
As both chips are at the bring-up state testing on actual HW has not been possible.

Version 4.59.x.x
SMS01362550: Binary mode for erase, download and upload are fixed. (Note: Secure modes may
block some binary actions)

Version 4.58.x.x
SMS01332917: Corrections for support of XG626 Link Establishment Response, found during bringup.

Version 4.57.x.x
SMS01332917: Enable support for XG626 Link Establishment Response.

Version 4.56.x.x
SMS01268412: Force erase of total area length option now works on CUST class area.

Version 4.55.x.x
SMS01221639: The error print-out is fixed for protocol 3.32.

Version 4.54.x.x
SMS01240042: Print out of boot response details for XMM1100 projects.
SMS01224729: "Flashloader logging is very slow (7 times slower)". The log file is now only opened
once instead of opening,appending and closing every time something is logged. This makes tracing
much faster, but we have not measured how much faster it is - this is all we can do to speed trace up
without omitting information in the trace.

Version 4.53.x.x
SMS01242479 Made support for odd length certificate.
SMS01236598 Fix for download/upload to/from NAND in binary mode.

Version 4.52.x.x
SMS01229586 Binary mode does now works with FFC files as reference.
SMS01229609 Check of HW details against the info in signature is now OK for XMM1100 platform.

Version 4.51.x.x
SMS00936291: Flashing Certificates Flashtool
First working version of all current certificates features.
Added support for a larger COM port string, and made sure that a large string does not cause over

Version 4.50.x.x
SMS00934737 Added support for write, read and erasure of certificates.

Version 4.49.x.x
SMS00954652 "DLL Trace crashes on some PC's" FlashToolE2 v. solved. Moreover, extra
trace information about OS and driver versions, and added the possibility for any program using the
Download DLL to inject data/messages into the DLL trace file (needed for GUI module test).

Version 4.48.x.x
SMS00947647 Testing found an error when using XMM6180 EBL2s older than version 10.8 whan
loading SW with support for NVM.

Version 4.47.x.x
SMS00943701 Sending separate SetAddress for read operations to satisfy security requirements in
EBL2 for uploading from phone in secure mode.

Version 4.46.x.x
SMS00887853 Support for the storage NVM concept.

SMS00906364 Download speed via USB is enhanced by using protocol 3.32 (length 32bit and constant
package length) and by skipping the write data packs (using USB handshake)

Version 4.45.x.x
SMS00897775 Download DLL: automated release test: Major clean up of trace code and inserting of
COM port emulation. Various communication errors have been corrected in this process.
This version is only compatible with FlashToolE2 version 3.37 or above, since the DLL interface has
been changed.

Version 4.44.x.x
SMS00933679: The DLL now handles Protocol type 2 correctly, so the enhanced protocol features and
erase modes will work as expected.

Version 4.43.x.x
SMS00913256: Check for dynamic EEPROM entry in the memory map (from PRG file) and do not
attempt to erase this area if there is no entry.
SMS00932160: Fix side effect on XMM1100 download, from expanding the boot RX buffer for
XMM6180 downloads.

Version 4.42.x.x
SMS00882099: Support for extended bootcore response fixed.

Version 4.41.x.x
SMS00916912: "wrong IMEI / SimLocks after Flashing" fixed (ebl_xgold213.h updated).

Version 4.40.x.x
ifwd_comm.c: updated to support usb boot using usb bootrom.
ifwd_comport.c: purge of internal buffers not done for usb port.
ifwd_boot_sgold.c: boot using usb bootrom added.

Version 4.39.x.x
SMS00882793: Download DLL's protocol handler is missing a range check on error codes returned by
SMS00879966: XMM6180 Modem Express Card Software Reset for triggering flash procedure (added
GP0 control)
SMS00879804: Disable option for setting test mode in FlashTool (added parameter to ban EEPROM

Version 4.38.x.x

Solved SMS00844023 Update download DLL to support xgold110

Version 4.37.x.x
Solved SMS00843392, SMS00849017, SMS00837477, SMS00857427, SMS00849017,
Flashtool auto detect if the chip is ES1.x or ES2.0 and select the correct EBL_Loader/EBL
Download with support for XG618 for XMM6180 and ICE3 hardware.
Updated I2C driver for SGOLD2, so not found I2C devices will not stop download process
No Lint & compiler warnings policy is now enforced!

Version 4.36.x.x
SMS00849017: "Handle ES2 Link Establishment Response"Implement support for new XM618 ES2
Link Establishment (Boot) Response in the Download DLL.

Version 4.35.x.x
SMS00844023: Update download DLL to support xgold110. The support is added under the
assumption that XG110 behave like XG102 download wise.

Version 4.34.x.x
SMS00827942: [Download Tool Chain] Release Planning - INI file handling. Support for Injected
ZIP file in DLL added. Note that the FlashToolE2.exe may not yet support this feature, so this is
only part of the solution.
SMS00833907: Download DLL for XG213 in CC. XG213/XMM213 chip download support added.

Version 4.33.x.x
Fixed SMS00831325: Spansion MCP/NOR support.
Removed ripple on TX for XMM6180. Support for spansion AAD mux flash chips on XMM6180.

Version 4.32.x.x
Fixes SMS00782492: "Support for Spansion NOR flash for XMM6180 platform."

Version 4.31.x.x
Fixes SMS00802281:
Fixed problem with upload of large data packages (>16KB).
Support faster usb download and upload of largeblock NAND based target.

Total progress indication is merged from other branches (this has been a popular customer request that
should be on the common branch also).

Version 4.30.x.x
- SMS799062 Bug in 'Check file signature HW cfg value'
- SMS764778 Handling of unfinished download ... (need MMI update to close the UTP).
- Misleading errors are removed.
- Support for total progress.

Version 4.29.x.x
- Solution for SMS00780830: Support for XGOLD618. Autodetect if hardware is set for AD or AAD
flash mux mode. PRG file must contain correct EBU setting for AD or AAD flash mux mode.
- Fixed correct length of last upload request for binary upload.

Version 4.28.x.x
- Solution for SMS774668 is excluded from this release as it is not requested by one customer.
- All other solutions were included in the test release (4.27_test_4) approved by the same customer.

Version 4.27.x.x
- More support for EGoldVoice Ver2
- Linerarize problem of SGold systems fixed. (SMS767873)
- Length of protocol enhancements structure is corrected (SMS774668)
- Handling of injected EBL and RAM-PSI in binary mode is fixed. (SMS768449)

Version 4.26.x.x
Fixed bug in EEPROM update linearize function.
Prepare for support of XGold102 and XGold 213 chipsets.

Version 4.25.x.x
Default RAM-PSI was included in the previous release, use same as in 4.23.

Version 4.24.x.x
Load of EBL with higher baudrates added (instead of 115200).
Fixed bug in certificate validation for EGold.

Version 4.23.x.x
EBL-Loader with support for high speed loading of EGoldVoice EBL is removed from the release
again as download can not start unless the new EBL2 is injected.

Version 4.22.x.x
Support for high speed loading of EGoldVoice EBL.
Updated target error handling for EGoldVoice.
Error, in handling of encrypted sec-pack when using HW-dongle, is fixed.
Code warnings removed.
Support for more baudrates.

Version 4.21.x.x
UTP: SMS00750796, SMS00741345:
- Base address of Erase whole flash is fixed for EGold Voice.
Speed optimization:
- Support for high speed load of EBL
- Support for target conditional skip erase.
- Support for target skip write-package CRC check.
- Support for high voltage programming.
API readout of flash programming voltage. EFP
Support for download of FFC files.
Check of USER_ID HW bits against bits in the certificate in secure mode on EGOLD Voice.

Version 4.20.x.x
Return error if USB device is not found when using USB auto download mode.
Fixed problem with overwriting allocated memory in function COMPORT_open() located in IFWD_comport.c
when trying to open can USBx port multiple times. This is related to Port swapping issues.

Version 4.19.x.x
Now support for two identical flash devices on Sgold3 in the default EBL.
Error, in Erase whole flash before download, is fixed.

Version 4.18.x.x
Sideeffect found in the changed CRC handling in previous version. It is now fixed.

Version 4.17.x.x
Error, in the erase whole flash option for SGold3 NOR systems, is fixed.
Error, not downloading the last byte if size is odd, is fixed.
Error, in CRC check handling, is fixed.

Version 4.16.x.x
Binary Mode Upload for NAND can now generate a pre-flash image (controlled by the parameter
Added parameter IFWD_DL_dll_parameter_force_plain_upload to control that uploads should only
include the specified data itself (no extra added EBLs or MBN at the end).

Support for downloading external EBL with USB added.

Version 4.15.x.x
Error in binary mode preflashing download fixed.
Error in binary upload fixed.
Added time stamps to function traces.

Version 4.14.x.x
Updated to handle RAM-PSI code to be taken from the EBL appended to a BIN file.

Version 4.13.x.x
Further corrections to fix problems with multi USB download in automatic mode.

Version 4.12.x.x
Fix for problem with multi USB download in automatic mode.
File API interface functions are fixed so they support file streams.

Version 4.11.x.x
Error in the EEPROM patch concept for EGoldRadio is fixed.

Version 4.10.x.x
Same as version 4.9; due to confusion when using our new automatic release tool.

Version 4.9.x.x
Unstable boot on SG3 is fixed.
Error no erase of dynamic eeprom after download of bootcode FLS file, is fixed.

Version 4.8.x.x
UTP SMS00661541, problem with core voltage level, is fixed.
UTP SMS00703073, Support for new EEPROM patch concept.
Memory leaks eliminated.
Error, in conditional erase of dynamic EEPROM vs download of FLB files, is fixed.

Version 4.7.x.x
Error in erase-all mode for NOR flash is fixed.

Version 4.6.x.x
Added support for trace on Single File Handler state-machine and handling flags.
Support for flash memory type SST32HF64A2
Communication buffers size doubled to 32K to support USB transfer using 16K block size.
Error in RX trace function is fixed

Version 4.5.x.x
Fixed repeated injection of EBL for EGold.
SGold timer duration for EBL transfer increased to 30000 milliseconds to avoid timeouts on large
Added support for trace of DLL actions (Function calls and IO).

Version 4.4.x.x
Support for binary mode NAND system pre-flashing and cloning is finalized.
Support for NAND erase all option to include erases of bad-blocks also.
Conditional erasure of dynamic eeprom is fixed so it will work correctly on NAND systems.
EGoldVoice boot handler is updated so HandshakeMode values from the PRG files does not cause
CRC errors.

Version 4.3
Fixed the last functions that didnt check for invalid header format, so that the DLL does not enter an
endless loop on invalid data.

Version 4.02
Made DLL more robust against getting files without a proper header on the interface (needed to allow
Binary mode download).

Version 4.01
Must be used with tool chain version 2.x
Speed optimizations:
IMPOTRANT: PC USB driver 10/07/2007, (or newer) must be installed before the
speed optimizations will have full effect. This driver is included in the release.

Support for 16Kbytes protocol packages.

Protocol CRC calculation and check can now be disabled if USB-loader in target supports this
File data CRC calculation and check can now be disabled if USB-loader in target supports this

Erase of total area length.

Erase of whole flash.

Multi TOC file handling finalized.

Version 3.10 (Version should have been 4.00)

Support for new prg format added due to file format change. It will not be backwards compatible!

Version 3.09
Support for Sgold-Radio ES2 also on NAND systems (only small block NANDs at the moment)

Version 3.08
Support for Sgold-Radio ES2

Version 3.07
Error in bootloader for MPE-Lite is fixed.
Support for Sgold-Radio ES2 is prepared still only support for ES1

Version 3.06
Error in updating the static EEPROM on NAND systems is fixed.

Version 3.05
Support of SG3H added.
Error, in checksum handling for multi load region files, is fixed.
Checksum error in EEPROM download when Test mode is enabled.

Version 3.04
Error, preventing DFFS files to be downloaded correctly, is fixed.

Version 3.03
Error, in handling of DSP code download, is fixed.
Error, in handling of injected EBL-loader, is fixed.

Version 3.02
Now the whole flash can be erased when downloading boot-system files to a NAND system. (UTP

Version 3.01
Fixed bug in DFFS handling.

Version 3.00
Added support for E2 Tool chain (new PRG file header format).
Added support for NAND disk system (.dfat files).
Compiled the stand-alone library with Visual Studio .Net (VC7) instead of VC6.

Version 2.15
Bugfix to avoid damage of NAND board (forced timeout if no partition found).
The bootload cannot be overwritten if this dont touch flag is set by FlsSign.exe.

Version 2.14
Close comport handling is improved.
Interval between AT sync word transmit is now 20ms
NULL pointer check added to EEP update mem array.

Version 2.13
Added support for S-Gold Radio.

Version 2.12
Added 20ms delay after device synchronized to make boot more stable.
Functions to send 'End of process' pack to the target, is added.
New release including major cleanup and use of new MAC NAND interface introducing PSI and SLB
partition handling.
Now the correct CFG file is selected for eeprom update in case no FLS file is downloaded.
Removed unused define, change sending time from 20ms -> 1ms (will not have much effect in
Windows XP).

Version 2.10
Added support for SG3 bootcore 3
Error check and 32 bit alignment introduced to the EEPROM linearize function.
Support for HASH check on EEP files is added.
Support for separate download of dynamic and static part of DFFS files is added.

Version 2.9
Fixed USB boot problem by polling as before when booting on USB.

Version 2.8
Fixed problem during multi channel boot: a boot would erase target capability all channels (not just the

current). This resulted in checksum errors if a channel was booted while others were downloading.
Fixed COM ports that remain open when open has failed (e.g. open a normal COM1 with higher speeds
than 115200 would fail, and leave the port open).
Error in EBL Memory configuration fixed.
Speed optimization: removed run-time debug from main loop.

Version 2.7
Reduced CPU load while booting by not polling in rx result on every clock.
Fixed problem with Protocol handler that will keep on failing once it has failed once.
Fixed problem with using 32 channels (last channel will now open)
HW reset and power down functionality added
New release supporting 4k NAND alignment for the PI region in the code sw partition.

Version 2.6
Added extra reset timeout to avoid repeated downloads on the same phone during USB autoboot
Fixed COM port open bug, where a port open fail would cause it to fail forever until the program is
closed and run again.
Handling of 1Gbit BIN files are now correct.
Handling of Load Regions is changed to use addresses instead of total length.
Sec End now only send on Erase dyn EEP for NAND.
Source of PC-crash in BIN mode is fixed.
Support for SST flash is now OK.

Version 2.5_test2
Patch/test release to overcome problems with EEPROM Update on the MPEH platform.

Version 2.5
Handling of 1Gbit BIN files is now correct. The DLL now waits after the reset command has been sent,
so auto boot with USB does detect the same target right after a download.

Version 2.4
Error, preventing boot on SGold2 systems (introduced in version 2.3), is fixed.
Error, preventing stable boot via USB, is fixed.

Version 2.3
Now support for NAND flash on the SGold3 (safe mode) platform.
External timeout set-up has effect now.
The result of the target-PC capability negotiation is now shown during download.
Additional EEP checksum error is now fixed.

Version 2.2

Problems with multi channel download are fixed.

Error, when using DEP/CFG files with long lines, is fixed.
Checksum error after EEP download is fixed.
Path length for DEP and CFG files are now 300 chars.

Version 2.1
Better detection of idle state, and when in idle no CPU power is used.
Optimized code for speed
Added 3 parameters to "IFWD_DL_set_dll_parameter()":
IFWD_DL_dll_parameter_skip_empty_blocks (faster downloads)
IFWD_DL_dll_parameter_faster_crc_method (faster downloads)
IFWD_DL_dll_parameter_lower_multichannel_CPU_load (less CPU usage)
Fixed problem when opening multiple USB ports
SGold 2 EBL is updated for better support of Sibley flash.
SGold 3 EBL is updated due to automatic detection of muxed or non-muxed bus.

Version 2.0
UTP SMS00360820 is resolved with this release.
Support for Enhanced protocol where the PC and the target negotiate capabilities before
download starts.
Protocol enhancements:
- Overall download speed is increased by sending write response before the actual write.
- DFFS file download speed is increased by avoiding the transmission and target side
handling of packages containing only 0xFF as this is the value in the flash after erase
Instruction cache is enabled on SGold for faster execution.
General optimizations are made different places in the code.
Support for EGold Voice.
Support for external RAM on CS3 or CS4 on EGold Radio and Voice.
Generic support for both multiplexed and non-multiplexed flash interface on SGold3.

Version 1.22
PEC is disabled for EGold communication to fix rare download failure.
Flash handling is changed to fix delay with AMD devices

Version 1.21
The COM port driver will now no longer try to change parameters that the device says are unsupported.
This fixes crash problems on devices that e.g. could not change baud rate. Updating EEPROM data has
been made more robust. The DLL will now use 0% CPU time while no COM ports are open.

Version 1.20
Fixed crash problems when updating some EEPROM data.

Version 1.19
DLL Interface has changed to version 1.12. Enum types that are not ints have been removed from the
interface, and replaced with basic ANSI C types. This is done to ensure compatibility with MSVC.
Made boot and COM port handling more robust, and COM1 is now supported again. Cleaned up source
code to make the DLL code compliable in MSVC++6.0 as a library. The recently added support for
SST FLASH chips has been temporarily removed to avoid stability issues.
The Download DLL code is now available as a MSVC++6.0 library stored in the file under the VisualStudio folder. This folder contains both the MSVC
projects that generated the library and a binary release and debug version of the library. A small
console test application with source and executable is also stored there as a reference as to how the
library could be used.

Version 1.18
Support for IFWD_coder DLL. This enables customers to protect their files from unauthorized
download by giving the choice of dongle protection.

Version 1.17
Support for automatic download start mode is added.

Version 1.16
Support for static EEPROM update is added.
An error in the low-level AT command handling is fixed.

Version 1.15
EGold EBL is updated to read OTP flash area and to handle SLB lock/unlocked flag.

AT mode commands are implemented.

Error handling is updated for boot and comm handlers.

Version 1.14
EGold EBL is updated to fix download problems, related to size of last download data package.

Version 1.13
Function to read SW version data can now read from file without the need for COM-port open and
connected target.
Function to force a HW reset on the target is implemented.

Version 1.12
Temporary fix for improving download speed.
Fixed in handling of binary download, upload and erase.

Older versions
For the versions before version 1.12 there have not been any release notes.

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