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HD361-Conceptualizing Social Justice

HD361- Social and Political Contexts of Human Development

Conceptualizing Social Justice
Cherilyn Helguera
November 26, 2015

HD361-Conceptualizing Social Justice

When I read the description of my next semester courses for this term, I
immediately felt overwhelmed and disconnected. Being Caucasian, what do I know about
racism? I believed there was still negativity against those who were choosing to go down
the wrong path, but not because of their color, but their choices. Going through the
course allowed me to open my eyes about racism and social injustices still happening
When I began teaching over twenty years ago, I worked within the private sector,
which the average parent was white and employed within a company or organization that
allowed them to stay within the middle class median. Social injustice was not part of
conversation, solely based on their childs academic achievements. Now that I am
employed through a public organization that promotes diversity and is geared to
overcoming social injustices through empowerment of knowledge, I now see the
everyday conflicts to those of color.
Racism is not solely based to one color or ethnic group, but to everyone that is
different. Through my employment, I had listened to many parents of color make racial
comments to other families of not only different color but also the same. There was a
mother in my classroom that is an active parent with her three daughters, one who is in
my classroom. Mom is African-American and Mexican-American while dad is
Caucasian. Mom has made more racial comments towards the other parents of same race.
I see her judgments are based on characteristics of parenting, not color. She uses
her upbringing to compare to others around her. I must admit she is clearly open to
biracial relationships but judgmental towards how people of color parent their children.
She made a comment once about another parent who is African-American, that is such a

HD361-Conceptualizing Social Justice

typical black parent! I asked her what she meant by that comment. She said, Always
belittling and putting the children down. Arent we supposed to raise them up and
encourage them that they matter? I did agree with her, but I know that not all parents of
color do this.
When I participated in presentations regarding the NAACP and The Civil Rights
Act of 1964, it made me appreciate the efforts and sacrifices that were made in regards to
equality. I do see the advancement in social justices in socioeconomic status. Yet, the
world cannot change completely. Each mini cultural within a home comes with cultural
biases. These biases consist of what each adult is discriminating and these ideas are
passed down to the next generation.
I was encountered with a different issue regarding Thanksgiving. One parent said,
I dont participate in such a violent celebration! I asked her what she meant and she
spoke of the horrific acts towards the Native American people. I did understand her
prejudice towards this national holiday, since we began our course work with a mini clip
regarding Manifest Destiny.
Realizing how much information is made unavailable when learning the history
of the United States makes me feel ignorant. I have learned that the power of change is
based on my willingness to be educated. If it were not for this coursework, I would still
be blind to the social injustices that plague our society. Listening to the other students in
my class has also broadened my understanding of prejudices.
One phrase stands out the most for me that Professor Giraldo stated in class is
racial micro-aggression. This phrase means: subtle verbal/non-verbal assault on a person
of color by a white person whether consciously or unconsciously. I was shocked to know

HD361-Conceptualizing Social Justice

that these actions are still being displayed today. I have chosen to broaden my perspective
on people and be open to understanding cultural differences. As a professional educator
I want to begin this process within my classroom. Educating children and their families to
not simply tolerate one another, but to embrace our differences and celebrate them is my

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