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Lesson Preparation

2. Building Background

3. Comprehensible Input

Outlines: to help students

take notes in an organized

Contextualizing key vocab:

look over the context and
select key terms that are
critical to understanding
the lesson

Appropriate Speech: adjusting

your speech so it's easily
understood for ELL

Marginal notes: teacher

notes in the margin to help
focus on key concepts,
Adapted Text: taking dense
text and breaking it down so
it's easier to comprehend
Jigsaw Text Reading:
breaking in to small groups
covering a topic, then giving
that information orally to the
4. Strategies
Mentally active learners are
more proficient learners.
Discussing and doing make
abstract concepts concrete.
Using multiple learning
strategies help move
students towards

Vocabulary self selection:

student select vocabulary
they feel is important. This
helps empower the
Word Generation: review
net context vocabulary
through analogy
Visual Vocabulary: ELL
benefit from a picture of
the words meaning (ex. car
picture of a Honda)

Key Components
For Making Content

6. Practice and
Give multiple opportunities
to practice in relevant,
meaningful ways.
Practice includes "hands on"
experiences, time for
practice should be short (1015 min). Older learning
should be practices
distributed further apart
review material periodically.
Making and using graphic
organizers, engaging in
discussion circles. Modeling
correct English-gently but

5. Interaction
Participate fully: discussing
ideas and information, balanced
linguistic exchange between
themselves and their students
Encourage more elaborate
responses: Tell me more about
that; What do you mean by...;
How do you know?; Why is that
important?; What does that
remind you of?
Grouping configurations: two
different group structures be
used during a lesson varietywhole class partnering, flexible
small groups

Scaffolding Techniques:
Thinks aloud, graphic
organizers, increasing
independence for small
groups, partners and
independent work
Questioning Technique:
Thinking cube, Six higher

Explanation of Academic Task:

Step by step instructions with
demonstrations along with
writing and directions on the
board. Sufficient planning time
for ELL use graphic organizers
before, during and after
lessons. Multiple exposures to

7. Lesson
objectives must
be clearly
supported by
lesson delivery.
engaged 90100% of the
period for lesion
delivery to be
engaged in
activities that
relate strongly
to the materials
they will be
tested on. Class
time needs to be

Homogeneous or
Heterogeneous grouping: by
gender, language proficiency,
language background, and/or
8. Review & Assessment
Key vocab developed through analogy
repeating and reinforcing language
patterns for words to become automatic.
Paraphrasing: Oral rehearsal of what
student is going to say within the group
before they say it to the class.
Systemic Study: definitions alone do not
promote language development. Words
should be studied, seen, said, written,
many time in different ways.
*Assessment-gathering & synthesizing of
info of student
*Evaluation-making judgments about
student learning
*Informal Assessment-on the spot, to

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