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Assignment 3: Vincent Van Gogh

Vincent Van Gogh one of the best Dutch painters of all time, although he
was not known throughout out most of hes life. The artist was born in
Groot-Zundert, Netherlands. Vincent work was highly notable for its beauty,
emotion and color. Various symptoms were display by Vincent Van Gogh as
expressed by him were hallucinations, nightmares, absent mindedness,
impotence, insomnia and anxiety. Also reporting to have suffered from
seizures or crises in December 23, 1888 when he cut off part of hes ear.
He had a history of being admitted to mental mental institutions was
diagnosed by three medical doctors. He was diagnosed by Dr. Felix Rey
acute mania with generalized delirium with epilepsy. Dr. Theophile, Zach
diagnosed him as a type of epilepsy and Dr. Paul, Gachet saw him in hes
last 10 days of life. Various episodes of these reported attacks throughout
the years. Attacks consisted of confusion, unconsciousness and these
episodes were followed by periods of incoherence these periods affected
him severely unable to draw, paint or even write letters. He reported
hallucinations and nightmare. He had a severe insomnia problems unable
to sleep for three weeks. Suicidal reports were reported and noted in hes
letters ideas he wrote to hes brother. Evidence of Ludwigs 8 as
experience a restless, driven state of psychological unease that finds relief
through creative problem solving illusions. This was shown when he
moved to France and would spend money on paint rather than food he
would live of coffee, bread and absinthe. Later he had one of hes biggest
episodes where he cut hes ear and gave it to a prostitute. Often found
himself depressed and alone for hope he turn into painting and nature. He
drew the little yellow house which was where he used to live in France.
Clearly demonstrating psychological unease and finding relief with art
expression. Exhibit an unyielding drive for dominance and supremacy in
their chosen discipline Ludwigs. He completed a total of 2,100 works, 890
oil paintings, 1300 water colors, drawings and sketches. Most expensive
paintings were sold for 82 million. He is considered to be the greatest
Dutch painter after Rembrandt. How does art contribute to experience
mental illness. It has been found that Severe distortion of mental
processes and impaired functional capacity inherent to the psychotic states
hinder creative outputs (pages: 194- 195). I dont believe mental illness
contributes to mental illness I think people who suffer form mental illness
find themselves needing copping skills to dealing with all the emotional
distresses of being mentally ill. Divergent thinking is closely link to
schizophrenic spectrum with creating writing. In the case of Vincent Van

Gogh as describe by therapist Vincent was above all a miserable,

wretched man Dr. Rey. Ludwig was strongly advocate for suffering a
mental illness may facilitate the development of ideas of a highly creative
mind. I think the fact that he had such mood swings and emotional
instability made him be able to demonstrate those emotions on hes
painting giving him an outlet. Also, the time he was suffering severe
psychotic breaks was not a time of understanding and appropriate
treatment for a person like him, makes you think would he had live longer if
he was born in the recent years? In my opinion it would have maybe would
of affected him in a better way. Does it mean hes painting might have
change? Possibly I think hes art was hes medication and he threw all hes
power into hes work. He was great and inspiring he had talent I think even
without the mental illness that would of come about maybe not as strong as
with hes current mental state but I do believe he was indeed a very
magnificent mind who was probably very misunderstood.

Vincent van Gogh and mental illness | The British Journal of Psychiatry.
(n.d.). Retrieved July 25, 2016, from
n.d.). Retrieved July 25, 2016, from
Kaufman, J. C. (n.d.). Creativity and mental illness.

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