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General Pathology MCQ

1. Regarding amyloidosis;
a. Is excessive deposition of normal complex protein
b. Hodgkins lymphoma associated with primary
c. Amyloid deposits in basement membrane
d. With hematoxylin and eosin (H&E), it stains green
e. On electron microscopy, amyloid appears as
branching fibrils
2. In cell injury;
a. Brown atrophy is seen in myocardial cells
b. Lipofuscin causes cellular functional abnormalities
c. Hemosiderin commonly accumulates in
d. Hyalin drop degeneration does not cause any
macroscopic changes
e. Hyalinosis is reversible
3. Acute inflammation is;
a. A response of the human body to injurious agents
b. The first line defense in injury
c. Commonly associated with the formation of
d. Specific to the type of tissue injured
e. Accompanied by systemic features such as fever
4. Granulomatous chronic inflammation;
a. Lead to formation of granulomas
b. Coagulative central necrosis is seen in syphilitic
c. Commonly follows recurrent attacks of acute
d. Heals by fibrosis
e. Tumor giant cells are seen
5. Inflammatory mediators are

a. Sequestered in intracellular granules

b. Synthesized de novo in response to a stimulus
c. Are not produce due to host proteins
d. Found in plasma as vasoactive amines in inactive
e. Major causative factor for vasodilatation
6. In vascular congestion;
a. In the lungs alveolar septa are thickened
b. In the liver macroscopic appearance is nutmeg
c. Venous infarction does not cause edema
d. Lung shows changes if brown induration
e. Is a feature of left heart failure
7. Regarding infarction;
a. Pale infarcts commonly occur with venous
b. Coagulative necrosis, leads to a solid infarct
c. Infarcts in brain are coagulative at the beginning
d. Septic infarcts are seen in acute bacterial
e. Wedge shape infarctions can be seen in kidney
8. Hemorrhage;
a. Can occur in malignant hypertension
b. Is associated with atherosclerosis
c. Petrifaction is a sequale
d. In the liver causes hemochromatosis
e. In the brain can lead to cyst formation
9. Thrombosis;
a. Is formation of a solid mass from constituents of
b. Occurs in tissues when blood escapes from an
injured vessel
c. Occurs in vessels after death
d. Follows endothelial damage
e. Leads to thromboembolism

a. Can cause sudden death
b. Can occur with tumor particles
c. Can occur in pneumothorax
d. Is possible in traumas with soft tissues smash
e. Can occur in pregnancy

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