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How many red umbrellas do you have? - Cuntos paraguas rojos tiene?
Rta: I have one red umbrella . - Tengo un paraguas rojo.

How long it does not rain like this? - Hace cunto tiempo no llueve as?
Rta: Since lats Sunday. Desde el pasado domingo.

How many sugar have the coffe? - Cunto azcar tiene el caf?
Rta: coffee is without sugar. - el caf es sin azcar.

How long does it take to prepare the coffee? - Cunto se tarda en preparar el
RTA: In ten minutes, your coffee is ready. - en diez minutos, su caf est listo.

How many doses are missing doctor? - Cuntas dosis faltan doctor?
Rta.. This is last dose. - Esta es la ltima dosis.

How long does it takes to make effect on my body? - Cunto tiempo se tarda
en hacer efecto sobre mi cuerpo.
Rta: I dont Know, it may take maybe 3 hours. - No s, puede tardar quiz 3


How long does it take you repair my car?

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