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Jewel Rhay Tingson II STEP

Equality, something that has to be deal with in todays society. Something

that is in need of total understanding and reflection of every people, born in
different races, cultures and traditions. But, how do we end up this
mainstreams problem of today if that criticism upholds from within? A big
mark for us to redefine the way of ending up this dilemma.
Accepting the fact that all of us were born and grow in different with one
another. But world of today seems so frugal because of the constructive
criticisms that we have. Leading to lack of opportunities for all. Mostly, we
can found these issues of other nations through social and mass medias.
Others were ended up to a massive killings, shattered homes resulting to a
non-stop, all out war. If that certain ideals instilled to every minds of people
will be pass on to the next generation, resulting to a continually
disorientation of both groups. That is quite tricky for every leader of every
race to end up this one. We need to end up this, but how?
Heading to the last paragraph of this essay, we need to break walls with
another. That is symbiotic. Clash free and peace oriented. This is just like
students who used to wake up early in the morning, hard but we need to
work on it. Lets try to have peacetalks. And by that peacetalks that we have,
all we need is an open minded with an open heart. I know that we made
some lapses and disagreements to other parties but we should reconcile with
one another and moveon. Lets make this life worth living. Let's port with
one another. Let's stop the criticisms abound in this world of legacy. For one
way or another, we are still equal in the eyes of God. And lastly, we should
be proud and contented as what the Lord gave to us.

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