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Archdiocesan Value Education Centre - AVEC

Don Bosco Youth Services Matunga, MUMBAI 400 019

Tel: 24154477 E-mail:
Prayer Service and the Installation Ceremony of School Office bearers

Theme: Leadership and Learning are indispensable to each other J.F.Kennedy
Quote: The price of greatness is responsibility. Sir Winston Churchil
Logo: "Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much." --Helen Keller
Prayer Service for Installation Ceremony - Student Council.
Ritual: Symbol Wheel In union there is strength
Scripture: Mt. 5: 14 - 16. You are the light of the world
Prayer Songs: 1. Bind us together Lord:
2. We are marching in the light of God:
Requirements: (Time - 15 minutes)
A Teacher and 2/3 student leaders will take full responsibility for prior preparation:
1. Arrange and organize the prayer service, with prior preparation for the requirements.
2. Prepare the Lamp to be lit and the Wheel, Quotes for display during the prayer service.
3. The choir to practice earlier the given songs and lead the assembly to sing.
4. Assign 7 readers to responsibly render their role; practice earlier to set the prayer tone of
devotion with reflective pauses to let the service flow without flaw.
{AVEC Prayer Services are comprehensive to conduct during the school assembly or class
assembly. Pupil participation in preparation of Rituals, Poster, Singing and Reading will enhance the
effect. In case of time constraint, you are encouraged to condense and have it rather than miss its
dynamism. Kindly spread the prayer for the benefit of others.}
Introduction: (Keep a lighted lamp/candle on a stand burning throughout the prayer service).
Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success says
Henry Ford. We are here as a school community to thank God for the gift of these newly elected enthusiastic and dynamic leaders of our institution. Today is a special day for the school community
as the school bestows the governing charges to office bearers of the student council for the year
2014-15. It is a great honour to be chosen leaders as dealers in inspiration, integrity and optimism.
Just as the wheel in the unity of its components (hub, spokes and rim) moves through different
contact points to complete a cycle, we the school community move through the academic year
progressively. Let us pray for the spirit of unity and collaboration in the school community for
greater dynamism and effectiveness in singing Bind us together with the choir.
*Building a New Humanity Through Universal Values*


Archdiocesan Value Education Centre - AVEC

Don Bosco Youth Services Matunga, MUMBAI 400 019
Tel: 24154477 E-mail:
Choir and Assembly: . Bind us together Lord:
Bind us together, Lord / bind us together with cords that cannot be broken.
Bind us together, Lord / bind us together, Lord; bind us together with love.
Ritual of the symbol - Wheel:
Reader 1:
The wheel is the earliest inventions of the caveman in the history of mankind for making pottery in
Mesopotamia (Iraq) in 4000 B.C. The creation of pottery was significant in the advancement of
humankind as pottery vessels allowed humans to transport water and migrate from the water source.
The invention of the wheel helped in the advancement of science and technology in building steam
engines, railroads, and factories. Nearly every machine from tiny watch gears to automobiles, jet
engines and computer disk drives is based on principle of wheel and axle.
Reader 2: (A student displays the cycle wheel or Asoka chakra of the national flag.)
The wheel is a symbol of progress. The Ashoka Wheel with its 24 spokes as on the national flag of
India portrays the supremacy of the law of dharma (virtue / righteousness) 24 x 7. Eight-spoke wheel
represents the eightfold path leading to enlightenment through Right faith, Right intention, Right
speech, Right action, Right livelihood, Right endeavor, Right mindfulness and Right meditation.
The wheel denotes unity in action and movement to promote change, life and progress. India must
move and go forward with dynamism of a peaceful change.
Reader 3:
The WHEEL consists of 3 parts The HUB at the centre and RIM at the periphery - connected by
the SPOKES. The advantage of spokes is that they distribute stresses uniformly while being lighter
and at the same time hold, strengthen and speed up the wheel.
We can compare the components and purpose of the wheel to the unity and function of team work in
school community. The cooperation, collaboration and concord of every member will make the
school community effective and efficient.
Reader 4: (Student displays the HUB dismantled from the cycle wheel)
- The HUB at the Centre is the School Administration - the Manager, the Principal, the staff; the
school policy and rules; the school curricula and evaluation guidelines. Coordination of persons,
materials and ideas, knowledge and principles is needed in the over-all direction of school enterprise.
Effective administration results in the economy of material, time and energy.
Reader 5: (Student displays the SPOKES dismantled from the cycle wheel)
- The SPOKES are the teachers and school council - the elected representatives of the school and
class school head boy/girl, school captains, class monitors, captains and those with responsibilities
of holding the team together. Student council serves to engage students in learning about democracy
and leadership
Like the spokes of the wheel, the leader connects the student community with positive energy and
right perspective, being patient and passionate in what he does. A leader is a person who guides
others towards a common goal showing the way by example and creating an environment in which
*Building a New Humanity Through Universal Values*


Archdiocesan Value Education Centre - AVEC

Don Bosco Youth Services Matunga, MUMBAI 400 019
Tel: 24154477 E-mail:
other team members feel actively involved in the entire process. Good leaders influence and
empower others inspiring trust and confidence to reach ones fullest potential.
Reader 6: (Student displays the RIM dismantled from the cycle wheel)
- The RIM or circumference of the wheel is the student community from tiny tots in the nursery to
adolescents in the senior secondary with their family (parents & siblings). Each point in the rim is
unique and represents the uniqueness each one plays in making the wheel complete & connected.
Students are active participants in their education who think analytically to deal with relevant issues
that reflect their interests related to curriculum or activities.
A leader is a person who motivates others towards a common goal, leading the way by example and
creating an environment in which other team members feel actively involved in the entire process.
True leader works for a cause in the spirit of selfless service and not for applause.
Let us now listen to the scripture reading which specifies the role of a leader as one who makes a
difference - just as little addition of salt makes a difference to the taste of food.
Scripture Reading: Mt.5: 13.
Reader 7: The scripture reading from the gospel of Saint Mathew chapter 5 verse 13 says:
"You are the salt of the earth. But if salt loses its taste, with what can it be seasoned? It is no
longer good for anything but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.
Closing Prayer (by any Teacher)
O God, from whom all power comes and by whose Divine Will we all must abide, we thank you for
our opportunities and our privileges. We beseech you to bless, assist and enlighten the newly elected
leaders of our school. May they prove worthy of the confidence placed in them by the school
community. May they be just and upright in their thinking, honest in all their actions, and ever be
guided by a true conscience. Give them wisdom, courage, generosity and joy to promote the school
spirit, serve the student community and committed citizenship in the society. Amen
Leader: Let us join the choir in singing the song We are marching in the light of God and repeat it,
as we move on to the ceremony of installation.
Choir and the Assembly:
Hymn: We are marching in the light of God:
We are marching in the light of God / We are marching in the light of God
We are marching in the light of God / We are marching in the light of God
We are marching, marching / We are marching Oh Oh / We are marching in the light of God
We are marching marching / We are marching Oh Oh / We are marching in the light of God
(Continue replacing) We are living in the love of God
We are learning in the love of God
continue with The Installation ceremony: overleaf - separately.

*Building a New Humanity Through Universal Values*


Archdiocesan Value Education Centre - AVEC

Don Bosco Youth Services Matunga, MUMBAI 400 019
Tel: 24154477 E-mail:
Installation Ceremony for the School Office bearers of 2014 - 15
Teacher Commentator:
(Customize the category/order - Manager/Principal/Vice Principal etc.)
Today we are here to witness the installation ceremony of the school cabinet / student council for the
year 2014-15. While the music is played and the drums beat we welcome our Manager .
Principal.., Vice principal .and our house teachers
.. of, .of .house, .. of, .. of, to invest our office bearers with the official symbols of authority.
(After they have taken their places on the dais and due applause, the commentator continues)
The School cabinet officially represents all the students in the school and in a shared responsibility
work as a team to promote student participation and student welfare in school curriculum and
activities. If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more then
you are a leader says John Quincy Adams. Creative, capable and committed group of students are
the ones who will shape the future of our country India and the student council generates such
leaders each year in enhancing their soft skills of collaboration and confidence.
The elected office bearers of the school and class will now take their position and come in a group to
take their oaths and receive the badges and later stand on / near) the stage to join the school anthem.
School Head boy/girl :
(need not mention names if time is short)
School Secretary :
Sports Captain :
N.C.C. /Scouts captain :
House Captains (4)
House Vice Captains: (4)
Class Monitors (10 or 12)
Principal/Manager: I call upon School Head boy/girl,
School Secretary ,
Sports Captain ..,
N.C.C. /Scouts captain ..
..House Captain & Vice captain ..
..House Captain & Vice captain ..
..House Captain & Vice captain ..
..House Captain & Vice captain ..
for the year 2014 -15 to take their oath before God, before the school assembly to be faithful to their
call and dedication to duty to serve our school with love and dedication.
(Those called raise their right hands in front and will take the oath together).
The Oath:
(led by the School Head, office bearers will pledge together)
In the presence of honoured persons and members of the school assembled here, we the
students of school, chosen as office bearers for the year 20114-15, solemnly
promise to do our duty before God and His people faithfully. We commit to uphold and
*Building a New Humanity Through Universal Values*


Archdiocesan Value Education Centre - AVEC

Don Bosco Youth Services Matunga, MUMBAI 400 019
Tel: 24154477 E-mail:
honour the code of ethics of our school and safeguard the interests of this
promoting the welfare of the student comunity. So help me God.

institute in

School Head boy/girl:

Respected Principal, on behalf of the school council, I humbly ask you to confer on us the honour of
Principal/Manager: I am pleased to confer the same. I ask you before the assembly gathered here,
will you as leaders of this institute/school take up the responsibilities demanded of you?
Leaders together: Yes, we will.
Will you in the name of God obey and respect the authority and uphold the rules and regulations of
this institution?
Leaders together: Yes, we will.
Principal/Manager: I now invest you with the symbol of authority and leadership. May this flag/
(Badge)/ be a constant reminder to you of your responsibility and service to the students. May
the student community on their part, respect, obey and help you in the discharge of your duties.
Teacher Commentator: The Principal/(Manager) decorates the school office bearers with the
official symbol (flag/ badge/).
(When all have been invested the assembly will give applause by clapping)
Thank you (Manager) / Father or Sister Principal.
Teacher Commentator: We now request the Manager / (Vice principal) to affirm our class
monitors in directing their oath and invest them with official symbol of authority.
(When they have taken their stand)
Manager / Vice Principal):
We now request the class monitors
Std 10 , Std 9 ..
Std 8 , Std 7 ..
Std 6, Std 5 ..
Std 4 , Std 3 ..
Std 2, Std 1 ..
to come forward to take their pledge before God and the school assembly to be faithful and loyal in
performing their duties; and be good example to their class mates and school mates.
(All the monitors take their position in a semicircle facing the dais)
Monitors Oath: (raise their right hands in front and will take the oath together)
In the name of the members of my class, I solemnly pledge to do my best towards the progress
of my class in conduct, studies, games and activities. So help me God.
*Building a New Humanity Through Universal Values*


Archdiocesan Value Education Centre - AVEC

Don Bosco Youth Services Matunga, MUMBAI 400 019
Tel: 24154477 E-mail:
The Manager / (Vice Principal) :
I now invest you with the symbol of leadership. May it be a constant reminder to you of your
responsibility and duty.
Teacher Commentator: The Manager / Vice principal decorate the class monitors with the
official badge.
(When all have been invested, the assembly applauses by clapping)
Thank you Manager / Vice- principal.
Teacher Commentator: Let us join the choir and sing the prayer On this school your blessing
Lord, while the monitors are decorated with the titles /badges
Choir & Assembly:
Prayer Song: On this school, your blessing Lord.
(repeat till the badges are pinned)
On this school, your blessing Lord. / On this school, your grace bestow.
On this school, your blessing Lord. / May it come and never go.
Bringing peace and joy and happiness; / Bringing love that knows no end.
On this school, your blessing Lord. / On this school, your blessing, send.
Speech of Exhortation:

by the Manager /Principal

(Team work divides the task and multiplies the success)

Vote of Thanks:

by the elected School Head boy/girl or School Secretary

The National Pledge: (The school head recites and the assembly repeats it.)
India is my country. All Indians are my brothers and sisters.
I love my country. I am proud of its rich and varied heritage.
I shall always strive to be worthy of it.
I shall give my parents, teachers and all elders, respect, and treat everyone with courtesy.
To my country and my people, I pledge my devotion.
In their well being and prosperity alone, lies my happiness.
School Anthem:

by the school community.


Thunderous Applause or the Scout Clap.

School Dispersal:

All leave to their respective class rooms.

*Building a New Humanity Through Universal Values*


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