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Como eu sei que ele a pessoa certa?

Have you ever wondered what true, lasting love looks and feels like?
Maybe you are in a relationship that you think is not living up to its
true potential. Maybe you need an example of real love to know if
this is the guy for you; if he is the one that God has called you to
We know that no one is perfect but dont let that be your excuse to
stay in a relationship with someone who might not be the one for you.
Here are just a few ways that you should be able to tell that this man
truly, really loves you like Christ loved the church.
I believe everyone has one great love in their life; an
unexplainable, undeniable, unrepeatable love that can only fall short
of the ONE greatest act of true love that this world will ever witness
(Jesus sacrifice of His life for yours). The man who captures your
heart will know you and will know your soul and he will love every
single thing about you.
Second to God, you should be everything to him; nothing else
in the world besides Jesus and family should matter. Not his
job, not his friends, not his career, not his own accomplishments and
hobbies, nothing else would come close to the joy that he would have
if you were that one girl (though all of those things are very important
he wont be as concerned with them if he is truly, really, completely in
He would sacrifice these things to spend time with you, getting to
know you, learning how to love you. Dont just try to make it work
with someone. Love should not be forced or have to work hard at
falling in love with another individual. Dont just do all the right
things, say all the right words, and stay together in all the right ways.
There must be a real and lasting FOUNDATION to your love.

Ask yourselves this question: Does he know me? Do I know

him? And vice versa.
Someday, someone will come along and you will outright,
unashamedly love that person. He will make you forget about your
present life and will sweep you off your feet. You will want to make a
life together and you will be oblivious to everything that stands in the
pathway of your love for each other. Everyone else around you will
dim in comparison to seeing his face in the room. And you will not
want to leave his side for a moment. And he will not leave yours.
You will love each other and no matter what life throws your way-it
would be a small set back in the light of your love because you will
have each other; and that would be enough.
You may think its impossible to feel that way for
someone. You may think everything that Ive just said is a silly
fantasy and wishful thinking. But its not. God will bring this into your
life if you fully surrender everything you have just to be His. You will
fall in love with Jesus. And when you enter a relationship with the
person of His dreams for you the two of you wont ever want to stop
talking about your love for each other and about the love of the One
who brought you together.
It will be a 3 way relationship between you, your loved one, and Jesus
Christ. Love will conquer any pit fall the devil sends your way. Love
will overcome any difference or struggle between you and with other
issues. Your love for each other will be beyond priceless. It will be real,
it will be stronger than anything else youve ever known, and it will be
forever because Jesus was at the center of it all.
Most importantly, this young man and young woman who are
together will be together under God. They will diligently lead
each others hearts closer to the Heart of Jesus. They will not be

selfish and spend time together solely for the purpose of fun. They
will encourage one another to grow in the ways of the Lord.
God says he blesses those who love Him with good things-for the
glorification of HIS name and for His names sake (PS. 23) He brings
you into a good and healthy, godly relationship for a purpose just like
He brings other things into your life for a purpose. And that purpose is
always to bring glory to Him.
Will you bring Jesus glory through your relationship by
honoring Him and the elders Hes placed in both of your
lives? Always at the forefront of every godly relationship Jesus should
come first and foremost in both of your lives. Though you are together
you are to have your personal and private relationship with Jesus. Talk
about your Savior when you are together and learn about Him
together, yes. But always spend time alone seeking and putting God
above everything in your life-including your loved one.
When you first became a Christian and were loyally, unregrettably
tied to Eternity with your Savior you felt a fire in your heart. When you
read about what Jesus did for you on the cross you feel an undefined
gratitude and love for your sweet, sweet Jesus.
We love because He first loved us. 1 John 4:19
This is what real, true love feels like. Romantic love for the
earthly one your soul will find will only be an inkling of how much
Jesus loves you. We will never fully comprehend how much He loves
us but we get a taste of it when we search for Jesus with all of our
heart, soul and mind. And when we do this-HE will give us someone to
share that love with.
Hopefully this will help you discern if the boy you love really is the
ONE. Compare the way he treats you to the way Jesus would treat
you and ask yourself if he shows you real Agape love.

Ready to answer some questions to put things into perspective?


Have you ever felt loved with agape love from someone besides
Jesus? If so who?

If you are in a relationship is it for the purpose of glorifying your

Father in heaven?

Do you spend time in prayer and worship together?

Will you give up idols so that only Jesus remains? Are you willing
to do this?

Have you ever experienced Gods love in your life? If so, tell us
about it!

I look forward to reading your replies! Thank you for taking the time
to read this. God bless!

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