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Old Testament Significance New Testament Lessons

Ark of the

A symbol of Gods law, the Ark was

made of wood covered with gold. The Ark
was the throne of God where His glory
rest on the Mercy Seat (top), a symbol of
His mercy. The sacrificed blood was
sprinkled on the Ark to cover the sins of
the people.

The phrase Mercy Seat also means

propitiation. Jesus is the propitiation
for us today (Romans 3:25; I John 2:2.)
His blood was shed to cleanse our
sins. We come to God through Him and
offer our spiritual sacrifices (I Peter

The Inner

The Inner Veil hung between the Holy

Place and the Holy of Holies and was
passed only once a year by the High
Priest on the Day of Atonement (Leviticus

Hebrews 10:19-20 teaches that this

Veil represents Christs body which
was given for us on the cross. When
He offered up His spirit, the veil in the
temple was torn from top to bottom,
thus allowing anyone to come at any
time into Gods presence (Matthew

Altar of

Incense was continually burned at this

The Altar of Incense was a symbol of
altar that stood before the veil separating prayer. Christians are to be continually
the Holy Place from the Holy of Holies.
in prayer (Romans 12:12).
The High Priest was to make atonement
on its horns once a year before entering
the Holy of Holies.

Mercy Seat

A symbol of Gods providence, the Table God provides what we need (Matthew
Table of
Showbread held the twelve loaves of bread that were 6:25-34). We as Christians are daily in

a reminder that the tribes were constantly Gods presence. We are to feed on
in the presence of God and that God saw Gods truth (Matthew 4:4). Jesus is the
all that they did (Leviticus 24:5-9). The
Bread of Life (John 6:35).
bread also reminded the people that God
fed His people.


Symbolizing light from God, the intricately

patterned Lampstand was to give light
continually, fueled by clear olive oil
(Exodus 27:20)

Bronze Altar The Bronze Altar stood in the courtyard

Rev. 1:12-20 indicates local churches

are represented by golden
lampstands. Jesus is the light of the
world (John 8:12). Christians are to be
a light to the world, also (Matthew

of the Tabernacle. This is where the

animals were sacrificed to cover the sins
of the Israelite people.

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