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College of New Rochelle

Graduate Art Education Lesson Plan Format
(Santiago, 2014; modified Spring 2016)

Unit Concept Title

Lesson Plan #
Lesson Title




Time Frame

Lesson Plan Title


Pop Art
Comic Strip Self Portraits Inspired by Roy Lichtenstein
Jackie DArco
July 2016
5, 40 minutes
Comic Strip Self Portraits Inspired by Roy Lichtenstein
Examine various techniques of Pop Art using technology

(1 2 sentences)

Common Core
Learning Standards
(CCSS) (list 1)

Standards (NYS;

CC.ELA: RH.9/10.2
Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source;
provide an accurate summary of how key events or ideas develop over the
course of the text.

NYS Standards #1 Creating, Performing and Participating in the Arts

Students will actively engage in the processes that constitute creation and
performance in the arts (dance, music, theatre, and visual arts) and participate in
various roles in the arts.
- Create art works in which they use and evaluate different kinds of
mediums, subjects, themes, symbols, metaphors, and images (b)

Learning Objectives

NYS Standard #2 Knowing and Using Arts Materials and Resources

Students will be knowledgeable about and make use of the materials and
resources available for participation in the arts in various roles.
- Use the computer and electronic media to express their
visual ideas and demonstrate a variety of approaches to
artistic creation (b)

NYS Standards #3: Responding to and Analyzing Works of Art
Students will respond critically to a variety of works in the arts, connecting the
individual work to other works and to other aspects of human endeavor and
- Analyze and interpret the ways in which political, cultural, social,
religious, and psychological concepts and themes have been explored in
visual art (c)

Students will:
Create an original artwork in Adobe Illustrator (1.b)

(list 2)

(associated with CCSS

and NYS Standards)
(list 3)

Academic Language

Analyze Roy Lichtensteins comic inspired imagery (3.c)
Manipulate tools in Adobe Illustrator to create a comic-book self portrait
inspired by Roy Lichtensteins technique (2.b)
Determine the central ideas/concepts that are show in Pop Art images
(CC.ELA: RH.9/10.2)

Roy Lichtenstein, Pop Art, Comic Book, Ben-Day dots, speech balloons, clipping

(list 3)

Materials/Resources !
(list technology, art tools !
and materials)

Tasks (procedures)

Prezi Presentation
Smart/Eno Board
Visual Handout

Initial Phase
Activating Prior Knowledge
Now we have been studying and experimenting with different
techniques of different artists of Pop Art for the past two weeks. We have
studied Jasper Johns, James Rosenquist, Keith Haring, and Andy Warhol and now
we are on our last and final artist and project on Illustrator. It seems that
everyone is getting comfortable with the tools of Illustrator. How is everyone
feeling with the basic tools?

Guided Instruction/Demonstration
Show the Prezi Presentation of Roy Lichtenstien and his artwork. Using
Analyzing an Image poster and the elements and principles of design, have
students describe what they see in the artworks. Students have a visual handout
provided for important information on the formal elements of the artwork that
they write next to each artwork being discussed.
Today, we are going to study the artworks of Roy Lichtenstein. What do
you notice about these artworks? What do you see? What does it remind you
of? Why does he have speech balloons (talk bubbles)? What is the artist trying to
convey in the phrases in these speech balloons?
Has anyone seen comic book prints up close? What have you noticed? The dots
are called Ben-Day dots, created by Benjamin Day
Use Ping Pong Discussion to create discussion about the artworks.
For our final project, we are going to do a self portrait inspired by Roy
Lichtensten. We will learn to use a clipping mask to create Ben-Day Dots? What
do you think Ben-Day Dots are? How do you think Lichtenstein created these
dots? What did he use?
We will also use flat color, like Keith Haring did in his artwork, along with thick
outlines and overlaid lines to convey shadows.
The teacher will provide portraits of the students taken during the last
project. The students will use their prior knowledge to place their portrait to

trace onto their workspace.

Middle Phase
Day 2-5: Review of Roy Lichtenstien technique
Review visual characteristics and color schemes of Andy Warhol along
with the tools in Illustrator
Students begin their repetitive color scheme artwork using Illustrator
Teacher circulates room to assist with handling the technology tools
When students finish their artwork, they print out their final piece on
high quality printing paper.

Independent Practice
Now we will begin our comic self portraits inspired by Roy Lichtensten.
It may be helpful to create that think, black outline and shadows first give your
picture some form. We will be creating a clipping mask as a class to create our
skin and eye color. Please make sure that your portrait has a speech balloon in it.
What would you say?
After the teacher reviewed the parameters of the project, the teacher
will show an example of a final product.
Teacher circulates the room to assist any students that need assisting

Concluding Phase/Collaborative Learning
At the end of the 5th class, students put their works from the past three (3)
projects on the corkboard wall and sit in their seats facing the wall in a semi
circle to have a Ping Pong Critique (similar to Ping Pong Discussion) about their
bodies of work.

Clean Up Process & Procedures
At the end of each class, the teacher will remind students save their work and
log off their computers.

Follow-up (includes enrichment/extension activities)

Differentiated Instruction (corresponds to students identified in prior Task)
Students with and IEP or ELL students receive extra support. The art
teacher will review the discussion questions with support teachers. Discussion
questions may be truncated based on each childs level.
Students are given verbal and visual instructions for the project.
Special needs children will be given the preparation ahead of time and to
be reviewed with the special education teacher.
Blind students will have an audio recording of any written resources. The art
teacher or teachers aide will scribe for the student. The student will be seated
at a computer close to the art teacher.

NYS Standard #1

(corresponds exactly to
each Standard and
Learning Objective)


Create an original artwork in Adobe Illustrator

Graded based on visual evaluation

NYS Standard #2
Manipulate tools in Adobe Illustrator to create a comic-book self portrait
inspired by Roy Lichtensteins technique
Graded based on visual evaluation

NYS Standard #3
Analyze Roy Lichtensteins comic inspired imagery
Graded based on visual evaluation

(CC.ELA: RH.9/10.2)
Determine the central ideas/concepts that are show in Pop Art images.
Graded based on visual evaluation

In-process product

Completed product

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