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Carissa Gamboa

6th and 7th Grade Visual Art
(909) 386-2050 ext. 280
Conference Period: 7:40-8:28(1st Period)
Course Description: Art is a class which combines a little Art History, a variety of projects, drawing
assignments, personal art critiques and an art show. Throughout the year students will be studying artwork
from other countries such as Africa, Asia, and Mexico, as well as various art movements and artists.
Students will have the opportunity to use a wide range of art supplies and mediums while in my classroom.
1. Students must be inside the classroom before the start of class, remember there is no bell for the start
of class. Students must be prompt! Students will be dismissed from their seat at the end of the class
2. Students will get their art process journal and check the board for instructions. Students will
complete their starter and any drawing activities in their journal.
3. Students are to write all notes into their process journal and use it as a reference for when working
on their artwork.
Materials: Students are expected to bring the following supplies to class everyday:
Sharpened Pencil
Art Sketchbook

All students will have an Art Sketchbook. ALL SKETCHBOOKS MUST BE 9X12(you can
purchase at Walmart, Target Michaels, Jo-Anns, Hobby Lobby and most office supply stores)The
purpose for this sketchbook is for the students to have a place to keep all of their assignments. But,
more then just a place for the students to store their materials the sketchbook is a place for students to
work on their artwork and evolve with their project as then research, create sketches and finally create
their artwork. The journals will be graded at the end of each quarter.
Absences and Make-up Work:
Students are expected to be in class. You cannot pass a class you do not attend. Therefore, excessive
absences may result in a failure. It is the responsibility of the student to collect missed work or notes. I
will accept make-up work within three days of an excused absence. All major projects or assignments
are due on the assigned date regardless of attendance. For each day after an assignment is due
10% will be taken off the final grade up to 50%, I will no longer accept after 5 days.
Grades/Grading Scale and Policy:
Quarter and semester grades, will be based on all earned points from classwork, homework, studio projects,
quizzes, tests, and their art journal. Student grades will be given every two weeks for you to monitor your
progress. Students will not receive credit for work that is not completed. Students will receive a zero for an
assignment that is turned in and not complete.

A = 100-90%

student has demonstrated mastery of standard above grade level

Chavez Middle School * 6650 N Magnolia Ave. * San Bernardino, CA 92407

A = 100-90%

student has demonstrated mastery of standard above grade level

B = 89-80%

student has demonstrated complete mastery of grade level standard

C = 79-70%

student has demonstrated minimal mastery of grade level standard

D = 69-60%

student has demonstrated less than minimal mastery of grade level standard

F = 59-0%

student has not demonstrated mastery of grade level standard

Category Break Down:


Art Journal


Studio Projects







Plagiarism Policy:
Plagiarism will not be tolerated. If I discover that any student has plagiarized a paper or project, an
automatic F grade will be given for that assignment with an opportunity to make it up. You must do
your own work.
In Art Class materials will be used that can be dangerous if not used appropriately. In addition it is your
students responsibility to use ALL materials appropriately. If materials are not used appropriately your
student will receive a charge to their account which you will need to take care of by providing a
replacement material or paying the cost of the material. Materials we will be using that could be
dangerous are:
X-acto knives
Block printing knives
Scratchboard tools
Paint(can stain clothing)

-----------------------------------------------Student Acknowledgement Statement

I have read, discussed, and understand the grading policies, and rules of _____________s class, as well
as the consequences of not abiding by them. I further assume responsibility for my actions, my work
and my grade. I understand that the degree of my success is my choice, and I accept all of the results,
good and bad, that are the outcome of my choices.
Student Signature ___________________________________________

Date: _________________

Parent Signature _____________________________________________ Date: _________________

Chavez Middle School * 6650 N Magnolia Ave. * San Bernardino, CA 92407

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