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5 Common Hip Injuries

5 Common Hip Injuries

Without the hip, many of the movements we take for granted each day would not
be possible. Hips are important in bearing our weight, walking, running, and giving
our body stability. However, hips can be injured. Below are five of the most common
hip injuries and their symptoms.

Normally, the head of the femur, or thigh bone, rests in a socket in the pelvis, or hip
bone. When the head of the femur slips out of this socket, it is called a dislocation.
This can happen as a result of trauma or accident, such as a car wreck or a fall.
Symptoms of hip dislocation include pain and mobility issues. If nerve damage
occurs, there may also be numbness or lack of sensation in the ankle or foot.

If a break occurs in the upper quarter of the thigh bone, or femur, it is called a hip
fracture. This often occurs due to a fall or from an impact to the hip, but it can also
be the result of degenerative conditions, like osteoporosis. Symptoms of a hip
fracture include pain in the groin or the outer and upper thigh area, as well as
issues with movement of the hip.

Hip strains occur when the one of the muscles in the hip is stretched or torn. This
often occurs due to overuse, stretching the muscle beyond its capability, receiving a
fall or sudden impact, or suddenly forcing the muscle to bear an unexpected weight.
Symptoms include pain, swelling, and sometimes loss of strength.

Bursitis occurs when the bursa, a small fluid-filled sac that cushions bones in joints
throughout the body, becomes inflamed. Hip bursitis refers especially to

inflammation of one of the bursa in the hip. This can be caused by overuse injuries,
trauma, injury, or degenerative conditions. Bursitis can also be caused by bone
spurs, arthritis, and other conditions. Symptoms of hip bursitis include sharp and
intense initial pain in the hip that often turns into an aching pain. The symptoms are
usually worse at night or with use of the hip.

Osteoarthritis is one of the most common forms of arthritis, or joint inflammation.
Normally, the bones that makes up the joints in the body are covered in articular
cartilage, a smooth material that allows the bones to easily glide against each other.
Osteoarthritis is what occurs when natural wear-and-tear damages that cartilage.
This condition is very common, usually caused by aging, being overweight, or
suffering an injury that adds stress to your hip joint. Symptoms include discomfort,
stiffness, bone spurs, inflammation, and painful mobility.

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