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Proceedings of the 9th WSEAS International Conference on APPLICATIONS of COMPUTER ENGINEERING


Faculty of Computer Systems & Software Engineering
University Malaysia Pahang
Lebuhraya Tun Razak, 26300 Gambang, Kuantan, Pahang Darul Makmur
Abstract: - The dynamics of antipolynomial
of complex polynomial zd + c, where d 2, generates
tricorn and multicorns antifractals with respect to function iteration. The purpose of this paper is to visualize tricorns
and multicorns with respect to superior orbit and analyze their symmetry.
Key-Words: - Antipolynomial, Superior antifractal, Superior orbit, Superior tricorn, Superior multicorn, General
superior escape criterion.

The dynamics of antipolynomial

complex polynomial zd + c, where d 2, leads to
interesting tricorn and multicorns antifractals with
respect to function iteration (see [2] and [4]). Tricorns
are being used for commercial purpose, e.g. tricorn
mugs and tricorn T shirts [11]. Multicorns are
symmetrical objects. Their symmetry have been studied
by Lau and Schleicher [6].
In 2004, Rani and Kumar computed superior Julia
sets and superior Mandelbrot sets for quadratic, cubic
and higher degree polynomials [8, 9] with respect to
superior orbit. Further, Rani et al. computed superior
Julia sets from complex Carotid-Kundalini map [10] and
complex logistic map [7] also. Kumar and Rani [5]
calculated and compared the number of points bounded
in superior Julia sets with the corresponding Julia set.
The purpose of this paper is to visualize superior
antifractals, i.e., antifractals with respect to superior
orbit and analyze the pattern of symmetry among them.
In this paper, we compute superior tricorns and
multicorns. In Section 2, we give definition of multicorn
and superior orbit. In section 3, we define superior
tricorn and multicorn, compute them, and analyze them.
Finally, we conclude the paper in Section 4.

Ac = { c C: { An c(0), n = 0, 1, 2, } is bounded}.
Multicorn for d = 2 is, generally, called as tricorn.
Crowe et al. [1] called tricorn as Mandelbar set and
Joseph Trotsky [12] as trigon. Nakane and Schleicher [3,
4] investigated that tricorn shares certain similarities of
quadratic Mandelbrot map and some of cubic
Mandelbrot map. Thus, they concluded that tricorn plays
an intermediate role between quadratic and cubic
Now, we give the formulation of superior iteration
method. It is an example of two-step feedback machine,
and constructed by the formula zn= b n f(zn-1) + (1-bn ) zn-1,
where z is a complex number and 0 < b n 1 and {b n} is
convergent to a non-zero number.
Superior Orbit: The sequence {zn} constructed above is
called superior sequence of iterates, denoted by,
SO(f,z0,bn) [5, 7-10].
SO(f, z0, bn) with bn = 1 reduces to Picard orbit (or
function iteration). In our present study, we fix b n = b.
Now, new and considerably improved escape criterions
are required for complex maps in superior orbit. For
zd+c, where d 2, Rani and Kumar [8] gave the
following general superior escape criterion with respect
to SO.
max {|c|, (2/)1/(d-1) }, where 0 < b 1

2 Preliminaries

3 Superior Tricorns and Multicorns

Let Ac =
denotes the antipolynomial of the
complex polynomial zd + c, where d 2 and c C, the
set of complex numbers. The multicorn for the map Ac is
defined as the collection of all c C for which the orbit
of point 0 is bounded [2]. An equivalent formulation is

Antifractals obtained by iterating Ac in superior orbit

will be called as superior antifractals. To visualize
superior antifractals for Ac, we use the general superior
escape criterion given in Section 2.

1 Introduction

ISSN: 1790-5117

When antipolynomial Ac is iterated in its critical


ISBN: 978-960-474-166-3

Proceedings of the 9th WSEAS International Conference on APPLICATIONS of COMPUTER ENGINEERING

orbit 0, with respect SO, we obtain many multicorns at

different values of , for the same d. We shall call these
multicorns as superior multicorns. Following is the
formal definition of a superior multicorn.
Definition 1. Superior Multicorn: A superior multicorn,
denoted by SMC, for the complex-valued polynomial
, for d 2, is the collection of all c C,
for which superior orbit SO(Ac, z0, bn ), with z0 = 0 is
bounded, i.e.,
Ac = { c C: { Akc(0), n = 0, 1, 2, } is bounded
with respect to SO}.
A superior multicorn for d = 2 will be called as
superior tricorn abbreviated as STC.
We made a program in C++ and generated many
SMCs for different pairs of (d, b). We colored the points
bounded in SMCs black. Here, we present some of them.
See tricorn in Fig. 1 and two STCs in Fig. 2 and 3 at b =
0.5 and 0.3 respectively. We observe that tri-symmetry
of tricorn is lost in STCs with the decreasing value of b
(Fig. 1 3),.
Also, see multicorns and SMCs at d = 3, 8 and 15 in
Fig. 4 12. We observe that at d = 3 and 15, SMCs
maintain symmetry in plane. At d = 8, SMCs loose their
plane-symmetry (Fig. 4 6, and Fig. 10 12). However,
they maintain symmetry about x-axis.
We generated many more SMCs for different value of
d and observed their symmetrical patterns. They all
supported the observations that for odd values of d, all
the SMCs are symmetrical objects, and for even values
of d, all the SMCs (including STCs) are symmetrical
about x-axis.

Fig. 2: Superior tricorn at (d, b) = (2, 0.5)

Fig. 3: Superior tricorn at (d, b) = (2, 0.1)

Fig. 1: Tricorn (d, b) = (2, 1)

ISSN: 1790-5117

Fig. 4: Multicorn at (d, b) = (3, 1)


ISBN: 978-960-474-166-3

Proceedings of the 9th WSEAS International Conference on APPLICATIONS of COMPUTER ENGINEERING

Fig. 8: Superior multicorn at (d, b) = (8, 0.5)

Fig. 5: Superior multicorn at (d, b) = (3, 0.5)

Fig. 6: Superior multicorn at (d, b) = (3, 0.1)

Fig. 9: Superior multicorn at (d, b) = (8, 0.1)

Fig. 7: Multicorn at (d, b) = (8, 1)

ISSN: 1790-5117

Fig. 10: Multicorn at (d, b) = (15, 1)


ISBN: 978-960-474-166-3

Proceedings of the 9th WSEAS International Conference on APPLICATIONS of COMPUTER ENGINEERING

[2] Robert L. Devaney, A First Course in Chaotic

Dynamical Systems: Theory and Experiment, AddisonWesley, 1992. MR1202237 Zbl 0768.58001
[3] Shizuo Nakane, and Dierk Schleicher, Non-local
connectivity of the tricorn and multicorns, Dynamical
systems and chaos (1) (Hachioji, 1994), 200-203, World
Sci. Publ., River Edge, NJ, 1995. MR1479931
[4] Shizuo Nakane, and Dierk Schleicher, On multicorns
and unicorns: I. Antiholomorphic dynamics. hyperbolic
components and real cubic polynomials, Internat. J.
Bifur. Chaos Appl. Sci. Engrg, (13)(10)(2003), 28252844. MR2020986 Zbl 1057.37047
[5] Manish Kumar, and Mamta Rani, A new approach to
superior Julia sets, J. nature. Phys. Sci, (19)(2)(2005),
[6] Eike Lau, and Dierk Schleicher, Symmetries of
fractals revisited. Math. Intelligencer (18)(1)(1996), 4551. MR1381579 Zbl 0847.30018
[7] Mamta Rani, and Rashi Agarwal, Generation of
fractals from complex logistic map, Chaos Solitons
Fractals (42)(1)(2009), 447-452.
[8] Mamta Rani, and Vinod Kumar, Superior Julia sets,
J. Korea Soc. Math. Educ. Ser. D; Res. Math. Educ.
(8)(4)(2004), 261-277.
[9] Mamta Rani, and Vinod Kumar, Superior
Mandelbrot sets, J. Korea Soc. Math. Educ. Ser. D; Res.
Math. Educ. (8)(4)(2004), 279-291.
[10] Mamta Rani, and Ashish Negi, New Julia sets for
complex Carotid-Kundalini function, Chaos Solitons
Fractals (36)(2)(2008), 226-236. MR2382153 Zbl

Fig. 11: Superior multicorn at (d, b) = (15, 0.5)

Fig. 12: Superior multicorn at (d, b) = (15, 0.1)

4 Conclusion
In the dynamics of antipolynomial
complex polynomial zd + c, where d 2, there exist
many tricorn and multicorn antifractals for a value of d
with respect to superior orbit. Further, for odd values of
d, all the superior multicorns are symmetrical objects,
and for even values of d, all the superior multicorns
(including superior tricrons) are symmetrical about xaxis.
[1] W. D. Crowe, R. Hasson, P. J. Rippon, and P. E. D.
Strain-Clark, On the structure of the Mandelbar set,
Nonlinearity (2)(4)(1989), 541-553. MR1020441 Zbl

ISSN: 1790-5117


ISBN: 978-960-474-166-3

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