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Freshman Seminar Syllabus

Ms. Shaffer
Room 511
831-796-7500 x 2680
Text the message @4k47 to the number 81010 for class updates.
Welcome to Freshman Seminar. Freshman Seminar is an academy intended to support
students academically, socially, and otherwise. This class mirrors Advancement Via Individual
Determination (AVID) elective courses and is intended to support students transition to AVID in
sophomore year. Both AVID and Freshman Seminar are elective programs that help students to
achieve the necessary requirements and skills to be successful in high school and eligible for
university acceptance. Our program has two major components: tutorials and Freshman
Seminar curriculum. Tutorials, small study groups, will occur twice a week. Throughout this year,
students will learn and practice the skills that will help them succeed in high school and college.
Students will also build a strong classroom community.
Class Rules: Our class rules fall within the Viking Creed
Never Give Up
Turn in all of your work.
Try your best on all assignments.

Stay Focused
Focus on the task at hand during
Talk during appropriate class times.
Use restroom before class.

Honor Yourself and Others

Be read to work every day with
homework and class materials.
Only capped drinks are allowed in class.
Save food and gum for after or before class.
Be on time and seated before the final
bell rings.

Stay Positive
Repect others opinions.
Be kind and caring to everybody in
Use appropriate school language in
the classroom.

In addition, all North Salinas High School rules will be followed in our class.
Materials Needed:
A minimum of

two #2 pencils (with erasers)

two black pens
one blue pen
one red pen
two highlighters (different colors)
one pack of binder paper
2 or 3 inch three-ring binder
binder dividers (a minimum of six, which is one per class)
pencil case/pouch
NSHS planner/agenda
Chromebook (once issued)

*If you are unable to acquire the required supplies/materials needed for this class, please let me know!

*Work may need to be completed at home using your Chromebook with internet access. If
needed, hotspots can be checked out from the library for at-home internet access.
Essential Standard/Classwork Policy:
Expect to participate in class every day. It is your responsibility to email or talk to me in order
to make up classwork and homework during an absence. Missing work will earn a 50% F
grade until turned in. I accept all late work for 60% credit (without an excused absence). If
you have an excused absence, you have 1 day for each day absent to submit your missing
assignment for full credit.
If you are absent, you are responsible for checking the Google Classroom to complete your
missing work. If you have questions about assignments, you are responsible for emailing or
talking to Ms. Shaffer at the time of the absence for clarification.
Evaluation: Final grades will be weighted by the following categories:
Binder Check (30%)
Binders will be checked and graded in the AVID class weekly. Binders will be graded for
organization, Cornell notes, materials & supplies, and a completed daily planner. If you
are absent for Binder Check, due to illness, you may request a Binder Check on the day
you return. Additional binder checks may randomly occur throughout the year so binders
must be organized at all times. A minimum of three (3) pages of Cornell notes/learning
logs are required for each class each week for 5 classes.

Class work , Homework, & Projects (30%)

Class work and homework assignments are designed to help students to develop personally
and academically and to ultimately prepare them for college and a career. Essays will be
written in MLA format.
There will be numerous individual and group projects each semester.
Tutorial (30%)
Students will be graded on each tutorial session. Students earn points for their questions,
participation, and reflection during the tutorial process. Since tutorials are a collaborative
effort, students must be present and participate to receive credit. Students who are
absent due to illness may make up points by completing a one page writing assignment
from a provided list.
Portfolio (10%)
Students will collect specified documents to be placed in a portfolio. Portfolios will be
assessed at least once per semester.
Grading Scale: Final grades will be assigned as follows:
100% - 90% = A
89% - 80% = B 79% - 70% = C

69% - 60% = D

Below 60% = F

*Grades may be reviewed at any time through the Home Access Center. It is your
responsibility to review your grades; I suggest checking the HAC at least weekly, if not daily.
If you do not have an access code, please contact the school immediately. If there is a concern
about your grade, please email or come discuss the issue at lunch or after school and I would

be happy to give you the support you need. Please contact me immediately; do not wait until
the end of the quarter.
*Copied work will receive no creditto either party!! And yes, I read everything. So please,
dont try it.
Citizenship Grade: Citizenship grades are issued each quarter.
An Outstanding (O) grade is earned if all of the following criteria are met:
All assignments turned in
No unexcused absences or tardies
Evidence of preparation during class activities
Evidence of active participation and on-task behavior
Excellent textbook care
Book, paper, and writing utensil always brought to class
An Unsatisfactory (U) grade is earned if any one of the following occurs:
Academic dishonesty (cheating) will result in a zero
and a U citizenship grade.
Tardiness will result in detention and, after five
tardies or absences per quarter, in a U grade.
Destruction/abuse of property will result in a fine and a U grade
Excessive neglect of responsibilities will result in a U grade.
A Satisfactory (S) grade will be earned if the criteria for Outstanding Citizenship are not met
and if none of the violations listed under Unsatisfactory Citizenship occur.
*In order to be on time, you must be seated when the bell rings. If you are tardy or dont
have materials ready at the beginning of the class period, your citizenship grade will be affected.

Student Name: _________________________________

Return this paper with signatures. You may leave a comment if you desire, but it is not

As a parent, I would like for you to know something about my child, _______________:
Write your comment in the space below.

I have read the syllabus and understand the expectations for English 1-2 GATE.

_______________________ _________________
Parent Signature

_______________________ _________________
Student Signature

Nombre del estudiante: _________________________________

Devolver este papel con firmas. Puede dejar un comentario si lo desea, pero no es

Como un padre me gustara que sepan algo acerca de mi hijo _________ .

Escribe tu comentario en el espacio a continuacin.

He ledo el programa y comprender las expectativas de English 1-2 GATE.

_______________________ _________________
Firma de los padres

_______________________ _________________
Firma del alumno

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