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-MRIL@ Solutions


Case Histories Demonstrate theValue


M&tLTechnology to Oil and Gas Exploratian

Increasing reserves by providing a complete, accurate
analysis of a low resistiviiy/1ow contrast interval

Identifying commercial zones in a laminated,

fine-grained sand and shale formation

Improving completion stlccess in


permeab ility leservoir

Establishing water-free oil production in a low

resistivity zone

Direct Measurements Produce Better Results

The proof is in ihe logs. NUMAR's Magnetic Resonance
-maging Logging (MRlfo; is revolutionizing the
openhole logging business through direct measulement
of reservoir fluids, such as oil, gas, and water. Now,
operators can identify water-free production zones and
previously hidden pay zones in tl'reil wells using

NUlv{AR's MRIL technolo


The case histories presented here confirm MRIL's

unique capabilities in some of the toughest

leselvoil conditions.

A Halliburton Company

Measure Your Fluids


Increase Reserve Estimates Using MRIL@

Total Porosity from MRIL and Direct
Hyclrocarb onTyping (Di-{T) provides
a complete analysis of this 1ow
resistivity/low contrast example.
The drastic reduction in resistivity i.s
due to the large signal from the clay-

bound water and a small amount of

capillary-bound water. Water
saturation calculations are enhanced

by knowing the volume of claybound water. NUMAR's DHT

analysis indicates the fltrid type in
this interval is oil (with no gas or free

water), contributing an estimated

75% increase in reserves, and there-

fore justifying the drilling of addi-

tional wells.

Pinpointing Comrnercial Sand Units far Maximum Productivity

Due to the variability of clay
volumes and the iaminated
nature of the sands in this low
'contrast, shaly sandstone formation, the operator was having
difficulfy identifying which sand
units were commercial. The MRIL
tool showed that Zone A had an
irreducible water condition and
had sufficient permeability to
respond well to treatment. In
addition, MRIL identified three
other, thinner sand units (Zones
B, C, and D) as productive.

Improved Completion Success in Law Permeability Reservairs

Low permeability associated with f ine-grained,
consolidated sand was fui'ther reduced in this
resewoir by quartz overgrowths on the sand grains.
MRIL identified Zone A as having an irreducible
water condition, a high hydrocarbon pore voiume,


and sufficient permeability to be a commercial

zone" This information was used to design a

treatment program for ihe well, which resuited in

an initial30-day production rate of 9.14 MMcf/D
with 100 BOPD.

Law Resistivity Pay lJsingTotal Porosity withTDA

Prior to MRIL analysis, the operator was planning
to plug this well due to high water saturation
calculated using conventional resistivity analysis
(track 2). The MRIL MRIAN analysis (track 7)
supports the highwater saturation, but indicates
that the water is irreducible and should not
produce. Both the Direct Hydrocarbon Typing

(DHT) (track 5) and the Time DomainAnalysis

(TDA) processing (track 5) confirm Zone A as oii
productive, with TDA quantifying the oi1 saturation at 30-45%. MRItr- showed the permeability to
be over 100 millidarcies. Based on this information, the zone was perforated, resr-rlting in waterfree production of 2,000 BOPD.

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