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Sahuarita High School

9 Grade Physical Science

Alya Verdugo

Course Expectations
Welcome to Freshman Physical Science, an integrated science course designed to
introduce students to the basic scientific concepts that govern living and physical processes that
occur on Earth. Your performance in this class will be measured by how well you can demonstrate
your understanding of these concepts. For this reason, your active participation (through notetaking, participating in group discussion, completing tasks, etc.) is vital.
Text: Glencoe Physical Science 2009, McDougal Littell Earth Science, Prentice Hall Chemistry,
and Glencoe Biology 2007. (Students will not take a book home. Books may be checked out from the school
library. Students are financially responsible for the textbooks they check out).

Contact Information:
Phone: (520) 625-3502 (x1582)
Room: F 112
Tutoring Hours: Tuesdays 3:30pm 4:30pm

1 inch, three-ring binder (NOT A SPIRAL NOTEBOOK)

College-ruled lined-paper (in binder, for notes)
Pencils & Black or Blue Ink Pen
Highlighter (recommended)

Course Outline:
1st Quarter- Dimensional Analysis, Experimental Design
2nd Quarter- Motion, Scientists Contributions
3rd Quarter- Energy, Matter
4th Quarter- Chemical Bonds, Electricity
This class will be using category weights. This means that student performances in different
categories are distinct from each other. These categories will be weighted as follows:
Laboratory Work/Projects 20%
Semester Final

The semester final is worth 20% of the final grade. Quarter and/or semester exams should be
expected. Exams will only be taken once. Grades will be based on the following grade scale:
90-100% = A,

80-89% = B,

70-79% = C,

60-69% = D,

Below 60% = F

It is the students responsibility to make up missed material. The goal is to have no missing
assignments during the school year. If you fail to complete an assignment, you will have 3 school
days to complete the assignment for full credit. If not completed in 3 school days, you may turn
in the assignment for 50% credit until the week before the last week of the semester. Do not
allow make-up work to accumulate. If you want to maintain a desired grade, immediately
complete missed assignments.

Good note-taking skills and organization are essential to this class. Note-taking is required and all
notes/returned handouts must be kept in chronological order in your three-ring binder. A Table of
Contents Sheet (that we review periodically as a class) will help ensure that all students have the
same notes/handouts. Notes will not be allowed on most tests however students are required to
utilize their notes as a studying tool.
Regular attendance is imperative for academic success. Students are responsible for getting any
notes and/or work that they missed when absent (either from a peer or by contacting the teacher
or checking the website). A student is tardy if/when a student is not inside the classroom when
the bell rings. Tardiness will not be tolerated. Following the first tardy a verbal warning will be
given and it will be documented in attendance, teacher-assigned lunch detention following the
2nd- 4th tardy, and a referral for after school detention will be written following the 5 rd tardy.
Excused tardies must be accompanied by a note.
Rules of the Classroom in a Nutshell
1. Come to class prepared* and ready to work.
2. Respect yourself, respect your classmates, respect your teacher- all the time!
3. Work cooperatively when asked to work in groups. Unless directed by the instructor,
students should work individually on assignments.
4. No electronic devices in class.
5. Restroom passes need to be kept to a minimum (3 passes per quarter)
*Coming to class prepared means you have your science binder, a pen/pencil, and that you have
completed assignments that are due. You must be ready to learn.

First Offense: Verbal warning. Second Offense: One minute detention after class
Third Offense: Phone call home and referral for detention. Serious offense: Immediate
referral to principals office.
Rewards/privileges for excellent classroom behavior and/or academic achievements include (but
are not limited to) live animal visits and tickets for quarterly prize-drawings.
Laboratory Protocol:

No horseplay.
Wear goggles and other safety equipment.
No eating/drinking or personal grooming.
Never leave a lab station unattended.
Clean up your lab station when done and put materials away as instructed by the teacher.
Stay out of lab areas unless instructed to be there.

Failure to follow safety guidelines and laboratory protocol will result in an alternate assignment in
addition to the possibility of no longer participating in lab activities. If a student fails to comply
with one of the Classroom Rules or Laboratory Protocol after having received a verbal warning,
parents will be contacted. Any other offense will result in an office referral, detention, and/or
removal of privileges.
Remember, the goal is to help you succeed in school and have your journey through science be a
fun one
I look forward to working with you this school year! Mrs. Verdugo

I have read the attached Course Expectations and understand the contents. Please sign below
and have your child return this confirmation/contact information sheet as quickly as possible.

Student Name (PRINTED) ________________________ Parent Name (PRINTED) __________________

Student Signature _______________________________ Parent Signature ________________________
Date ____________________


Student Email: __________________________________ Parent Email ___________________________

Phone: ________________________________
I have read the attached Course Expectations and understand the contents. Please sign below
and have your child return this confirmation/contact information sheet as quickly as possible.

Student Name (PRINTED) ________________________ Parent Name (PRINTED) __________________

Student Signature _______________________________ Parent Signature ________________________
Date ____________________


Student Email: __________________________________ Parent Email ___________________________

Phone: ________________________________
I have read the attached Course Expectations and understand the contents. Please sign below
and have your child return this confirmation/contact information sheet as quickly as possible.

Student Name (PRINTED) ________________________ Parent Name (PRINTED) __________________

Student Signature _______________________________ Parent Signature ________________________
Date ____________________


Student Email: __________________________________ Parent Email ___________________________

Phone: ________________________________

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