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The three periodical vehicles which compose the expression of the human being and
which make him what he is (the Monad, the Soul, and the Personality) are each related
to the three planetary centers: Shamballa, the Hierarchy, and Humanity, and therefore
to each of man's individual three major centers. TEV 192
A point that we need to grasp is that each successive initiation brings about a more
complete unification of the personality and the Ego, and on higher levels still, with the
Monad. The whole evolution of the human spirit is a progressive at-one-ment. IHS 18
H.P.B. speaks in The Secret Doctrine of the "three periodical vehicles," referring as he
does so to the Monad, the Soul and the Personality; he is dealing, therefore, with the
nine aspects of divinity which connote the nine major initiations and those divine
characteristics through which the three major aspects of divinity reflect themselves. In
this connection, it is well known to students that the Monad expresses itself through the
Spiritual Triad, the Soul through the three aspects of the Egoic Lotus, and the
Personality through the three mechanical vehicles. It will be obvious to you surely that
these three periodical vehicles are under the influence or impression of the three major
planetary centers and are, therefore, finally conditioned by the three major energies
[electric, solar, fire by friction] to which I referred earlier in this section. I do not feel it to
be necessary to enlarge upon this basic relation; it is that which integrates the human
soul into the vast general whole and makes the individual an intrinsic part of the
sumtotal. TEV 134
It will be obvious that these three attempts to define the process of initiation present
only the outer form aspect; each initiation has three aspects, as has all else in nature,
for initiation is a natural process. There is first, its form aspect; then its soul or
consciousness aspect; and finally, its life aspect.
The form aspect culminates experience and presents the disciple's comprehension
of the initiatory process; the consciousness aspect indicates in a mysterious manner
the rate of expansion as the disciple has undergone the process; the life aspect permits
of extra-planetary contact, thus indicating the possible future and the eventual
processes of identification. RI 532
In dealing with the subject of Deity, we have always been told that we know God
through His nature, and that nature is Spirit or Life, Soul or conscious love, and Form
intelligently motivated. Life, quality, and appearance--these are the three major aspects
of divinity, and we know no others; but that does not mean that we shall not contact
other aspects when eventually we provide the mechanism of knowledge and the
intuition to penetrate deeper into the divine Nature....
As we consider these initiations, the three mentioned above stand out clearly. At the
Birth in Bethlehem we have the appearance of God, God is made manifest in the flesh.
At the Transfiguration we have the quality of God revealed in its transcendent beauty,
whilst at the Resurrection initiation the life aspect of divinity makes its presence felt.
BC 136
Finally the time comes when the initiate works simply with three types of energy whilst
expressing himself in incarnation: the energy of life itself, the negative energy of the

personality, and the positive energy of the soul. Thus he is an expression in conscious
manifestation of the three aspects of the Trinity. EH 35
When the third initiation is taken the initiate becomes aware, not only of the
significance of the command to Know and of his innate ability to Express the will nature
of the monad in carrying out the Purpose of Shamballa, but that (through his fused
personality-soul) he is now in a position to "make revelation" to the Hierarchy that he is
en rapport with the monadic source from which he originally came. He can now obey
the command to Reveal, because the Transfiguration is consummated. He is not now
revealing the soul only, but all the three aspects now meet in him and he can reveal the
life aspect as will and not only the soul aspect as love or the matter aspect as
intelligence. This is, as you know the first major initiation from the angle of the greater
Lodge on Sirius, because it is the first initiation in which all the three aspects meet in
the initiate. The first two initiations--oft regarded by humanity as major initiations--are in
reality minor initiations from the Sirian point of view, because the relation of the man
"under discipline and in training" is only a tendency; there is only a developing
recognition of the Father and a slowly growing response to the monad, plus an
unfolding sensitivity to the impact of the will aspect. But in the third initiation these
developments are sufficiently present to merit the phrase, "revelation of the glory," and
the Transfiguration initiation takes place. RI 316
From the angle of the higher initiate, this rule [IV] is related to the activity of Monad,
Soul and body within the planetary Life, and covers a great mystery and an entire
system of relationships of which man in the three worlds is a dim and uncertain shadow.
Some clue to the higher quaternary dealt with in this rule will emerge dimly in your
consciousness (more is not yet possible) if you will attempt to realize the following:
1. The Monad relates the initiate to the Will of God, to the Council at Shamballa, to
forces active on the planet Pluto, and on another planet which must remain
nameless, and also to the Central Spiritual Sun.
2. The Soul relates the initiate to the Love of God, to the consciousness aspect of
Deity, to the Hierarchy as a whole, entering it through the Ashram of the Master
Who has aided him to take initiation, to the planets Venus and Mercury, to the
Sun Sirius, and to the Heart of the Sun.
3. The Personality relates the initiate to the Mind of God, to the intelligence
principle of the planetary Life, to humanity as a whole, to Saturn and Mars, and
to the physical Sun through its pranic aspect.
4. The Life aspect of the planet, or that great ocean of forces in which all these
three aspects live and move and have their being, relates the initiate to that Life
which works out through Shamballa, through the Hierarchy and through
Humanity, thus forming part of the great sumtotal of manifestation.
It is to these major quaternaries that Rule IV refers, and their relationships only emerge
as the initiate keeps the rules. RI 96-97

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