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Persings English 8 Syllabus

Classroom Objective
The objective of our class is to become responsible young men and women who will
be successful in high school and the work place. In order to accomplish this goal,
certain guidelines must be maintained.
We are working together as a team this year. With everyone keeping this goal in mind,
I am sure we will have a successful year.
Required Materials
Folder and notebook for this class only
100 lined notecards
Ear buds/headphones at school every day
Textbook and various novels (provided by school)
All assignments are graded on a system of points. Grades are weighted which means
some assignments (tests, essays, projects) will impact your overall grade more than
o Writing30%
o Tests/Quizzes30%
o Homework20%
o Spelling/Vocabulary15%
o DOL5%
Every paper handed in to me must follow the proper format: your full name (first and
last), the date, your class period on the top right-hand side of the page and
assignment title with any page numbers on the top middle line. You will lose points if
any of these items are missing. Beginning second semester, a paper without a name
on it will receive a zero.
Everything must be written in your best handwriting. This makes a statement as to
how important this assignment is to you. If I cannot read something, I will not grade it.
Impress me with your neatness.
Each nine weeks I will drop your lowest homework score at the end of the nine weeks.
I do not accept any late work other than from excused absences (see below).
In order to learn to your fullest potential, I need you to be here. All work missed
because of absence must be completed. You will have one day to turn in assignments
for every day absent. This can be adjusted for extenuating circumstances if you talk
to me.
If an assignment is given when you were here and is due when you were gone, it is
due immediately upon your return.
When you are absent, please check Plus Portals when you return to see the agenda
for the day(s) you missed. You will need to access the missed DOL sentences from my
class website ( and copy down sentences you missed. The
blue crate on the back table will contain any handouts/assignments you will need. If
you need to make up any test or quiz, please make arrangements with me to do so.
This is your responsibility.

Group Work/Partner Work:

I believe that group work and partner work are essential to learning at the highest
level. When we talk about what we are learning, it has a higher chance of going into
long-term memory and connecting with us personally.
Most of the time, groups and partners will be assigned purposefully by me to ensure
the work is at the appropriate level for all students. It is not random but is thought out
and intentional.
In life we will have to work with people that are different from us. It is best for us to
practice this skill now- establishing strong habits for working with others and finding
value in the differences of others.
Groups are always changing. You will work with everyone in the class multiple times,
so remain positive.
Class Rules
RESPECTthis one word is the basis for all rules of conduct in this classroom for you
and me. I will expect all of us to treat one another with respect, to treat property with
respect, and to use language that reflects respect for ourselves, our peers, our
teachers, this school, and education as a whole. Breaking this rule will not be
tolerated. Each of you knows how you would like to be treated and you know how to
act. Let me see that in you.
You must be in your seat when class begins. Failure to do so will result in a tardy. Once
four tardies have been accumulated, you will be referred to the office.
Cheating on any homework assignment, quiz, or test will not be accepted. Any
student caught cheating will receive an automatic zero, and his/her parents will be
notified. If someone else gave you his/her work to copy, they too will receive a zero.
This is a serious offense.
Grading Scale











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