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Literatura en Ingls III.

Mtro. Emiliano Gutirrez Popoca
Guidelines for writing final essay

Discuss one of the following topics in 3-4 pages, double space.

Using at least one critical text that addresses specifically the text(s) you are analyzing is
strongly recommended.
Comply with format standards for academic essays and use MLA system of citation and
bibliography consistently.
Give proper credit to works cited. Do not plagiarize. Plagiarizing in the final essay will be cause
for failing the course.
Read and reread texts carefully.
Address directly the topic or questions required.
Quote from the texts to exemplify and always comment on what you have quoted.
Have a critical approach, do not just paraphrase.
Do not digress from the topic of your essay.
Provide a clear thesis statement (the aim of your essay and how you plan on achieving it,
expressed in one complete affirmative sentence), and a clear, solid conclusion.
Look up and use literary terms properly.
Revise grammar, syntax, punctuation and spelling.
Hand in printed essay. Digital versions will not be accepted.

1. Paradise Lost. Discuss the role of Satan, Beelzebub, Adam, Eve, Uriel or Gabriel in Paradise Lost.
Focus on Books I, IV and/or IX. If needed, make reference to other books of Paradise Lost.
Research about different critical approaches to this character and carry out a discussion providing
your own perspective on the construction of this character and its implications.
2. The Way of the World. Discuss Millamant and Mirabell and their interaction in the play. What sets
them apart from other characters in the play? Do they complement each other? How? What tensions
exist between them and how are these solved at the end of the play?
Shorter comment: in case you only need to present a critical comment, develop the following in 12 pages. Take into consideration the guidelines above.
1. Analyze one passage that defines one of the characters (Satan, Beelzebub, Adam, Eve, Uriel,
Gabriel) in Books I, IV or IX. How is this character defined by his/her description, actions or words?
2. Analyze one passage in the play that deals with the relationship between Millamant and Mirabell.
How does this passage define the interaction of these characters?

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