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Fashion Design 1

Ms. Malory McKee

Welcome to Fashion Design! Its one of the most fun classes to be in! Youll learn about consumer
decision making, care repair, and alteration skills as well as how to identify characteristics of
quality apparel construction, wardrobe planning and budgeting suitable for the different
roles through life, and the history of and influences on clothing through time. You will also learn
all about patterns and how to sew on sewing machines and make various garments -a tie, pajama
pants, zipper pouch, and knit shirt (just to name a few!). Get ready to be creative!! (:


Guidelines & Expectations:


Respect yourself, others and ALL equipment.

Cellphone and Headphone use is at the

8:00-8:45am & 4:00-4:30pm by

appointment or as needed.

Be present, on time, prepared, & Positive!

discretion of the teacher.

4 Work diligently.
5 Have fun!

2 tardies = teacher warning & Parent Contact
3 tardies = Teacher Detention & Parent

4+ Tardies = Office Referral

Student handbook will be enforced and followed at all times!!


** Joanns Fabric offers a student discount but

you must have your school ID when purchasing! **

30 plastic grocery bags or plastic bags (Walmart, Kroger, Tom Thumb)

2 spools ALL PURPOSE thread (minimum 225 yards) 1 color matching background of PJ fabric & 1 color matching background of shirt fabric
_________ yards 45" cotton woven fabric, must be a print giving the fabric a right and wrong side.
_________ yards of fabric for shirt (Knit Fabric)
1 yard of fabric for tie
1 skein of yarn, needs to be not too thick or thin. This will be used to make a hat
1 yard of 45" cotton woven fabric and a small spool of matching thread
$3.00 for sewing supplies as follows: (I buy these in bulk to keep the cost down and make sure students have the correct supplies)
o Two simplicity patterns (pajama pants and shirt)
o Batting square
o yard of wonder under
o 1 yard of elastic
September 26 (A)
o 14 black zipper

ALL Materials Due:

September 27 (B)

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