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Accessing the system

Electronic Certificate Authorizing Registration (eCAR) System

the eCAR System

Browser: Internet Explorer (version 8 or higher)

At the address bar of the IE browser type the URL address;


Function Key /
Using the System
The following lists the standard Function Keys in eCAR.


Prints the current page


Refreshes the current page


Moves the cursor to the next field in the page


Returns cursor to the previous field in the page


Submits the current page

Keyboard Operation
Keyboard operation is standard. The <TAB>, <Shift + TAB> keys are used to move
from one field to another. The keyboard can also used to enter data to text boxes (usually
the white boxes).
Mouse Operation
Mouse operation is also standard. The mouse can be used to place the focus on a
certain text box, just click anywhere inside the text box and the cursor will automatically
go to the first input character.

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Training Management Division

Ver 1.2 January 2016


Accessing the system

Electronic Certificate Authorizing Registration (eCAR) System

Create a Shortcut Icon of

eCAR on your Desktop
1. On your desktop, press the right-click button on the mouse. Then, click New and select

2. The Create Shortcut dialog box will appear. Type in the web address and click Next to proceed.

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Ver 1.2 January 2016


Electronic Certificate Authorizing Registration (eCAR) System

Accessing the system

3. Enter text in the Shortcut Name box and click on Finish button to create the shortcut.

4. At your desktop, you will see the newly created shortcut for eCAR.

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Ver 1.2 January 2016


Electronic Certificate Authorizing Registration (eCAR) System



to BIR eCAR Webpage
1. From the Windows desktop, double click the Web Browser (Internet Explorer version 8 or
higher.) On the address bar type (development server) / (production server) to go to eCAR log in screen.
2. The eCAR log in screen will appear.

Click compatibility view

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to display the page properly.

Ver 1.2 January 2016


Electronic Certificate Authorizing Registration (eCAR) System


3. Enter your User ID and Password. These will be provided by the system administrator to
the user upon approval of system access request. Click on the Log in button or press
Enter key to go the Change Password screen.

Note: You may only input the wrong password for three (3) consecutive times before you
are locked out of the system. Locked out users must contact the system administrator to
regain system access.
4. To change password, enter your Current Password and your New Password. To show
the password in plain text, click on the Show Password checkbox. Then, click on the
SAVE button.

Note: . A user will not be allowed to re-use any of his/her previous five (5) passwords.
He/she will be brought to the change password screen upon login: on his first login, when
using a system generated password, or when the current password has expired.

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Ver 1.2 January 2016



Electronic Certificate Authorizing Registration (eCAR) System

5. The eCAR System welcomes the user to the CAR and Report Modules.

6. To exit from the system, click on the Log out button. The users will go back to the log in

Note: Users may log out from anywhere in the system.

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Ver 1.2 January 2016


Electronic Certificate Authorizing Registration (eCAR) System

Create a New CAR

Create A New CAR

Note: It is assumed that you have already logged in to the eCAR system.
1. To create a new CAR, click on the CAR tab.

2. At CAR Search screen, click on the Create button to go to the CAR transaction details.

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Ver 1.2 January 2016


Electronic Certificate Authorizing Registration (eCAR) System

Create a New CAR

3. In the CAR transaction details, select Type of Transaction from the drop down list.
Sales buying and selling of real properties and shares of stock.
Estate - a tax on the right of the deceased person to transmit his/her estate to his/her lawful heirs and
Donation - a tax on a donation or gift, and is imposed on the gratuitous transfer of property between two or
more persons who are living at the time of the transfer
Others exchange of properties/property dividends

4. Select the Type of Property on the drop down list based on the data given.
Real combination of land , improvements, buildings and machinery in one transaction
Personal possessions other than real estate in one transactions.
Real and Personal combination of real and personal properties in one transaction.

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Ver 1.2 January 2016


Electronic Certificate Authorizing Registration (eCAR) System

Create a New CAR

5. Enter the TIN of the (seller(s)/buyer(s)) involved in the transaction. The Registered Name
and Address will be automatically populated. You can modify address if it is need to be

Note: Press TAB to move from one field to another. Do not press Enter key for a prompt
screen will appear asking if you want to preview the CAR.

If you want to add taxpayer, click the


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button and to remove taxpayers click the

Ver 1.2 January 2016


Electronic Certificate Authorizing Registration (eCAR) System

Create a New CAR

6. For Real Property

Once the real property has been selected, user will be redirected to the Real Property
CAR screen. Fill in all mandatory fields.

Taxable Base is auto-computed based on the Market

Value, Zonal Value and Selling Price whichever is

Total of all Real Properties based from the Taxable

Base column is auto-computed.

Total of all selling Price (for SALES transaction only) is auto-computed

Total of all taxable base , the label changes depending on the

Type of transaction selected. Total Taxable Base (SALES),
Total Gross Estate (Estate) and Total Gross Donation
(Donation) is auto-computed.

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JA eCAR 10

Electronic Certificate Authorizing Registration (eCAR) System

Create a New CAR

Enter property details (real) Add Particulars (Kind of Properties)

button to
ADD particulars.

Enter property details (real) Remove Particulars (Kind of Properties)

Upon checking the

specific Particular to
Remove - Button is

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Ver 1.2 January 2016

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Electronic Certificate Authorizing Registration (eCAR) System

Create a New CAR

Enter property details (real) Add Improvement


Enter property details (real) Remove Improvement

Upon checking the

specific improvement
to be removed the
remove - button is

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JA eCAR 12

Electronic Certificate Authorizing Registration (eCAR) System

Create a New CAR

Enter property details (real) Single Selling Price Multiple Properties Ex. Land w/

Upon checking the one Selling Price

checkbox the Selling Price field is
Total of all Real Properties based on the Higher of
Zonal and Market value column
Input the Total Selling Price of Land and improvement
Higher of Zonal and Market Value and Selling Price C

Enter property details (real) Comparing Land w/ Improvement

With One Selling Price for Multiple Properties

Without One Selling Price for Multiple Properties

Single Selling Price Checkbox When clicked, only total selling

price will be required for a sale transaction. The selling price fields for
the individual properties under the transaction will be disabled.
Checkbox is only shown for Sale Transactions.
Total Selling Price Field is auto-computed by the system when
single price checkbox is unchecked. When single price checkbox is
checked, field becomes enterable.

Total Taxable Base Field

is auto-computed

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Electronic Certificate Authorizing Registration (eCAR) System

Create a New CAR

Enter property details (real) One property with Multiple Classification

The rows depend on the number of

classification. Same Particulars,
Area, RDO, Title(OCT/TCT/CCT)
and Tax Declaration.
classification could have the same
or different Market Value, Zonal
and Selling Price. It could also have
one selling price to all classification.

For Personal Property

Once personal property has been selected, user will be redirected to the Personal Property
CAR screen. Fill in all the mandatory fields. Data may only be encoded for personal property
once checkboxes are ticked.

Note: For Donation w/ bank property input the details

under Other Assets.

Total of all Personal Properties

Total Selling Price is only available for SALES/OTHERS transaction

Total of all taxable base , the label changes depending on the type of transaction selected. Total
Taxable Base (SALES), Total Gross Estate (Estate) and Total Gross Donation (Donation)

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JA eCAR 14

Electronic Certificate Authorizing Registration (eCAR) System

Create a New CAR

Enter property details (personal) ESTATE

Bank Account details will be available for Estate Transaction only. Fill in all the
mandatory fields.

To add or remove item under Shares of Stock, Motor Vehicle, and other Assets, click on
the check box at the upper left corner. To add additional item click on the
button and
to remove/cancel property click on the
button. The user will be required to input
mandatory fields for the property chosen.

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Electronic Certificate Authorizing Registration (eCAR) System

Create a New CAR

For Real and Personal Property

Fill in all the mandatory fields.

Total of all Real Properties

Total of all Personal Properties

Total of Subtotal Real and Subtotal Personal
Total Selling Price is only available for SALES/OTHERS transaction

Total of all taxable base , the label changes depending on the Type of transaction
selected. Total Taxable Base (SALES), Total Gross Estate (Estate) and Total Gross
Donation (Donation)

7. Enter the reference document details. The transfer document is the basis of transaction,
date entered in the Date of Notarization shall be the Transaction Date for Sales and
Donation and Date of Death for Estate.

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Electronic Certificate Authorizing Registration (eCAR) System

Create a New CAR

8. Enter the payment details (with payments.)

Enter the payment details (exempt.) Click on the exempt check box. The user will no
longer required to enter mandatory field. Taxes that are exempt shall appear as taxes
exempt in the CAR form.

To add another payment, click on + button.

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Electronic Certificate Authorizing Registration (eCAR) System

Create a New CAR

To delete the added payment, click on - button.

For additional payments identified during review ex. payment for amended return and
penalties, check the per review check box.

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JA eCAR 18

Electronic Certificate Authorizing Registration (eCAR) System

Create a New CAR

9. In the Tax Exempt field, users should specify the reason for tax exemption. In Legal Basis
field, users may input a law or ruling used as basis for exemption. Enter the name of the
Revenue Officer, Group Supervisor, and Authorized Revenue Officer who reviewed and
approved the issuances of CAR.

Specifies the reason

for the tax exemption

signatories who
reviewed and/ or
approved the
issuance of the CAR

Law or ruling used as

basis for exemption Specifies the reason
for the tax exemption

signatories who reviewed

and/ or approved the
issuance of the CAR

Law or ruling used

as basis for

Enter remarks in the remarks field, if applicable.

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Electronic Certificate Authorizing Registration (eCAR) System

Create a New CAR

10. To preview the current transaction, click on the Preview button and CARs under the
transaction will be assigned a CAR Link with temporary CAR number. To clear all the
data that have been encoded, click on the Cancel button. To go back to the CAR search
screen, click on the Back button and unsaved changes will be lost.

11. The dialog box will appear. Click on OK button to preview the CAR.

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Electronic Certificate Authorizing Registration (eCAR) System

Create a New CAR

After Preview

Printed eCAR

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Create a New CAR

Electronic Certificate Authorizing Registration (eCAR) System

eCAR ESCROW Account (Exempt from Sale of Principal Residence)

Selecting SR tax exemption displays

the ESCROW account details

Fill in all ESCROW

account details

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Electronic Certificate Authorizing Registration (eCAR) System

Create a New CAR


The CAR preview screen shows the details of the transaction that have been entered into
the system. The transaction is automatically split on a one real property one CAR basis
while personal properties are all placed under one CAR. Previewed CARs may still be
edited. The barcode number is generated at this point. To go to the preview page of the
corresponding CAR, click on the CAR link shown on the upper left side of the screen.

Temporary CAR/
Transaction no.

CAR Links

Date of Transaction


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Electronic Certificate Authorizing Registration (eCAR) System

Create a New CAR

Click on the Submit button to create a unique transaction number. To go back to the
CAR creation page, click on the Edit button. Fields are filled out but editable.

The dialog box will appear. Click on the OK button.

It is assumed that we chose to edit the CAR. The CAR Edit screen will appear. This is
where users make all the necessary corrections. Click on the preview button to Preview
the CAR.

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Electronic Certificate Authorizing Registration (eCAR) System

Create a New CAR

11. Click on the Submit button.

12. The dialog box will appear. Click on OK button to create a unique transaction number. All
CARs under the transaction shall also be assigned a unique CAR number.

The CAR Generated screen will appear containing the unique CAR number on the upper
left side of the screen. Click on the CAR number to go to the preview page of the
corresponding CAR. Generated CAR may no longer be edited.

Car Link
Car Number

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Electronic Certificate Authorizing Registration (eCAR) System

Create a New CAR

13. Enter on the text box the accountable form serial number printed on the security paper
to be used for printing the CAR. The users must enter the accountable form number for
each CAR separately. While blank, Print button is disabled.
Click on the Print button to produce the PDF of the CAR to be printed. To cancel all
CARs under the transaction, click on the Cancel button. Then the user is brought to the
CAR create page with filled up but editable fields. CARs produced in this manner shall
have the same transaction number as the cancelled CARs but shall be assigned different
CAR numbers. To go back to the CAR Search page, click on the Back button.

The dialog box will appear. Click on OK button to proceed.

This error will be displayed for

any unsuccessful transmission
of data.

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Electronic Certificate Authorizing Registration (eCAR) System

Create a New CAR

14. Click on Open button to show the PDF copy of the CAR. Click on the Save button to
save the PDF copy of the CAR and to go back to the preview screen of the CAR, click
on the Cancel button.

This may vary depending on the version of the Adobe

Reader installed on your PC.

If you want to save the CAR, create a New Folder click Save button

Select a folder where

you want to save the

Type in the file name

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Click on the Save


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Electronic Certificate Authorizing Registration (eCAR) System

Print a CAR

Print A CAR
1. Open the pdf of the CAR to be printed.

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Electronic Certificate Authorizing Registration (eCAR) System

Print A CAR

2. On the PDF produced by the system, click on the File tab or press CTRL+P on your
keyboard to set up printer settings. Then click on the Print button.

3. Set to Fit. Then click on Page Setup option.

Note: Printer set up may vary depending on the type/brand of printer.

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Electronic Certificate Authorizing Registration (eCAR) System

Print a CAR

3. Choose Folio as the paper size and choose Manual Paper for the source. Click on OK

4. Click on Properties option.

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Electronic Certificate Authorizing Registration (eCAR) System

Print a CAR

5. Click on Print Quality then choose Best. Click on OK button.

6. Click on the Print button.

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Electronic Certificate Authorizing Registration (eCAR) System

Search A CAR

Search A CAR
Note: It is assumed that you have already logged in to the eCAR system.
1. On the eCAR System, click on the CAR tab.

2. Enter text on the box any of the following fields: Transaction Number, Car
Number Transferor TIN or Name, or Transferee TIN or Name. Then click on the
Search button.

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Electronic Certificate Authorizing Registration (eCAR) System

Search A CAR

The CAR Search result will appear at the bottom part of the CAR Search screen.
Transaction Number Link takes user to the details view page of first CAR under the
CAR Number Link takes user to the details view page (either CAR preview or
generated CAR screen depending on CAR status) of the CAR
Transferor shows the first (primary) transferor of the chosen CAR
Transferee shows the first (primary) transferee of the chosen CAR

Type of Property shows the type of property involved for the CAR
Date Issued - shows the issuance date of the CAR
Status shows the status of the CAR
Reason for Reissue/ Cancellation shows the reason, as entered by the user, for the
reissuance or cancellation of a particular CAR

Note: Real and Personal CARs has different Status. Personal CAR has only Printed
status because it will not be submitted to LRA .

3. Click on the CAR Number to view the particular CAR.

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Electronic Certificate Authorizing Registration (eCAR) System

Edit A CAR

Edit A CAR
(through search)
Note: It is assumed that you have already logged in to the eCAR system.
1. On the eCAR System screen, click on the CAR tab.

2. Enter text on the box any of the following fields: Transaction Number, Car
Number Transferor TIN or Name, or Transferee TIN or Name. Then click on the
Search button.

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Ver 1.0 March 2014

JA eCAR 34

Electronic Certificate Authorizing Registration (eCAR) System

Edit A CAR

3. Click on the CAR Number of the CAR to be edited. At the bottom part of the CAR Search
screen the CAR Search result will appear.

Note: Only CARs with the DRAFT status may be edited.

4. Click on the Edit button at the bottom of the CAR preview page.

4. The dialog box will appear. Click on the OK button.

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Electronic Certificate Authorizing Registration (eCAR) System

Edit A CAR

5. Make the necessary changes to the transaction and click on Preview button to save

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Electronic Certificate Authorizing Registration (eCAR) System

Cancel A CAR

Cancel A CAR
Note: It is assumed that ARDO/RDO have logged in to the eCAR system. Encoder
has no access to CAR cancellation. Check LRA status before cancelling the CAR.
Cancelling one (1) CAR, all the CAR in one transaction will be cancelled also (if in
case there are two (2) cars in one transaction.)
1. On the eCAR system screen, click on the CAR tab.

2. Enter text on the box any of the following field: Transaction Number, Car Number
Transferor TIN or Name, or Transferee TIN or Name. Then click on the Search

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Electronic Certificate Authorizing Registration (eCAR) System

Cancel A CAR

3. Click on the CAR Number of the CAR to be cancelled. At the bottom part of the CAR
Search screen the CAR Search result will appear.

Note: Only CARs with the generated, printed, printed w/ LRA confirmation, and printed w/o
LRA confirmation statuses may be cancelled.

4. Click on the Cancel CAR button at the bottom of the CAR preview page.
Replacement CARs retain their original transaction numbers but are assigned new
CAR numbers.

5. The dialog box will appear. Click on the OK button. The system will check the BIR-LRA
shared database for status update. If CARs status is in-process cancellation is no longer

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Electronic Certificate Authorizing Registration (eCAR) System

Cancel A CAR

Check the exempt box if certification fee is not to be collected. Details from the Original
CAR will be auto populated.

5. Enter the reason for cancelling the CAR. Then click on Preview button.

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Electronic Certificate Authorizing Registration (eCAR) System

Cancel A CAR

After preview, it generates a new CAR number

Original Issued CAR (ex. cancelled due to erroneous encoding of basic tax (CGT)

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Electronic Certificate Authorizing Registration (eCAR) System

Cancel A CAR

Original Issued CAR (ex. cancelled due to erroneous encoding of basic tax (CGT)

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Electronic Certificate Authorizing Registration (eCAR) System

Cancel A CAR

New CAR (replacement of the cancelled CAR )

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Electronic Certificate Authorizing Registration (eCAR) System

Cancel A CAR

Search the cancelled car after preview



*replacement CARs retain their original transaction numbers but are assigned new CAR

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JA eCAR 43

Electronic Certificate Authorizing Registration (eCAR) System

Reprint/Reissue A CAR

Reprint/Re-issue A CAR
Note: It is assumed that you ARDO/RDO have logged in to the eCAR system.
Encoder has no access to CAR Reprinting/Re-issuance.
1. On the eCAR System screen, click on the CAR tab.

2. Enter text on the box any of the following fields: Transaction Number, Car
Number Transferor TIN or Name, or Transferee TIN or Name. Then click on the
Search button.

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Electronic Certificate Authorizing Registration (eCAR) System

Reprint/Reissue A CAR

3. Click on the CAR Number of the CAR to be reprinted. At the bottom part of the CAR
Search screen the CAR Search result will appear.

4. Click on the Reprint or Reissue button.

If CAR is already expired the

button is changed to Re-issue

Only printed CARs and

CARs that have not yet
expired may be reprinted

5. The dialog box will appear. Click on the OK button. The system will check the BIR-LRA
shared database for status update. If CARs status is in-process
reprinting or reissuance is no longer possible.

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Electronic Certificate Authorizing Registration (eCAR) System


Reprint/Reissue A CAR

Enter new Certification Fee details, Reason for Re-issuance, and Accountable Serial
Form Number (Print button will be enabled). Then click on the Print button. Only the
certification fee details are changed when reprinting CARs. Other details such as
transaction and CAR no. are retained from the original printing.
For spoiled CARs, click on the exempt checkbox so that the users may not need to
enter new Certification Fee details.

Note: Reason for Reissuance field is editable. If reason is due to expiration of the Original
CAR please indicate the Original CAR #.
7. Click on the Print button.

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Electronic Certificate Authorizing Registration (eCAR) System

Reprint/Reissue A CAR

To view reprinted CAR in the search result:

Original CAR


Original Issued CAR (ex. Reason of reprinting - lost CAR)

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Electronic Certificate Authorizing Registration (eCAR) System

Assessment Service
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Reprint/Reissue A CAR

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Electronic Certificate Authorizing Registration (eCAR) System

Reprint/Reissue A CAR

New CAR (reprinted due to lost of original the CAR

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Electronic Certificate Authorizing Registration (eCAR) System

Reprint/Reissue A CAR

To view reissued CAR in the search result:



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Electronic Certificate Authorizing Registration (eCAR) System

Reprint/Reissue A CAR

Original Issued CAR (ex. reason of re-issuance: expired CAR, not yet presented to Registry
of Deeds)

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Electronic Certificate Authorizing Registration (eCAR) System

Reprint/Reissue A CAR

New CAR (re-issued due to expired original CAR)

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Electronic Certificate Authorizing Registration (eCAR) System

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Reprint/Reissue A CAR

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JA eCAR 53

Electronic Certificate Authorizing Registration (eCAR) System

Reprint/Reissue A CAR

To Print the Submitted - Not Printed CAR thru search:

1. Enter the CAR number, then click Search button.

2. Enter the new Accountable Form Serial number (print button will be enabled. Click on the
Print button.

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Electronic Certificate Authorizing Registration (eCAR) System

CAR Reports

CAR Reports
Note: It is assumed that you have already logged in to the eCAR system.

1. On the Home Page, click on the Report tab.

2. Select the report Type on the Report Dropdown List.

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Electronic Certificate Authorizing Registration (eCAR) System

CAR Reports

2. Select the report Type on the Report Dropdown List.

3. Choose Type of Reports.

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Electronic Certificate Authorizing Registration (eCAR) System

CAR Reports

4. Enter Date From and Date To, TIN, and Name of Taxpayer. Click on the View XLS.

These fields are not

For RDO/ARDO/CAS/Encoder the default
value will be based from the REGION and
RDO where they belong.

For Regional Director, Asst. Regional Director and CAS will access the districts
under its Region

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Electronic Certificate Authorizing Registration (eCAR) System

CAR Reports

Reports will show in Excel file. Click on Enable Editing to view and print the file.

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