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1 RNC CDT Trace Method (Debug + L2

Statistics + Internal Printed Information +
SRB Datagram Report + TRB Datagram
1. Set internal trace parameters. ( the message setting is done, the L2
information just can be tracked. If LMT has not message setting,
please carries out the 1th and 2th steps )
This step is applicable only to V912 or a later version.

If the Message Setting option is not available, you have to re-set the function of
internal trace.

2. Open the UE Trace and select the Debug Mode check box.

3. Set the parameters related to L2 statistics, SRB datagram report, and TRB
datagram report, and MOS files.
If uses the AMR(12.2kbps scenario), set the sample num as 0;

If uses the AMRWB(12.65kbps/23.85kbps scenario), set the sample num as


4. Trace the Singalling quality.

5. Collect CDT data.

After CDT trace is created, the CDT data is automatically saved to the
specified path if configured. In this case, you can directly get the CDT data
under the path.

If the path for saving CDT data has not been changed, the default path is as
C:\Web LMT\output\MBSC\trace\tmfFile

MOS files derection


6. Cell Performance Monitoring

Chose RTWP

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