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Ryan Benedict C.

PROF; Irish Destura

Carmela C

Jerome C

23 Sgt p
Bernardo St
Caniogan Pasig

23 Sgt p
Bernardo St
Caniogan Pasig

Bernadette C

Rafael C Santos

23 Sgt p
Bernardo St
Caniogan Pasig

23 Sgt p
Bernardo St
Caniogan Pasig

Joy Lyn Delos


1 What makes the the interaction hard/easy for you? What are the factors to
consider in performing the activity?
It was really hard to interact with different kinds of persons outside and
inside the school maybe if you have a very charming look and personality it
would be much easier for you to interact with them because they are very
hesitant to interact with me well the factors that I need to consider in doing
this activity is you should have a charming attitude for you to get a great
interaction with them. The next factor is the manner of how you approach
them it should be on a nice way. The difference between the two is that the
people who tends to know me is much easier for me to interact while for
those students that didnt know me its really hard to approach them

2 What is the initial reaction of the respondence as you approach them? Why
do you think is the reason why they are hesitant to participate?
The initial reactions of the respondence were very different from one
another some of them didnt hesitate to participate but most of the time they
are very hesitant in performing my activity with them I think the main reason
why they are very hesitant is that they are asked to give personal
informations like student number and the name which should be private
other thing I thought of is that maybe they are hesitant due to my approach
to them in doing this activity.the difference on the first human bingo was the
initial reaction was really natural and they are not hesitant to participate
while on the other hand it is really hard to approach the second batch of
persons I encountered they are only not hesitant when I said it was a
requirement for my subject

3 Do you think socialization is an easy concept? Why or why not?

Well socialization is really an easy concept but the thing is we people tend to
make it hard due to different factors one of it is the use of modern gadgets it
is a factor because we tend to use gadgets rather than to socialize with other
people the second thing is that people now a days are really hard to
approach due to different attitudes that we have and lastly socialization will
be hard when the people surrounds you never wanted to talk to you are to
socialize with you

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