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WHAT should you know about your audience?

What do they already know about your topic? Do they have an advanced degree in your 8ield, or
only a high-school level understanding of science?
What interests might your audience have that are related somehow to your topic?
Find common ground: what do you and your audience both agree on?
Will they expect you to build upon what they already know or teach something new?
Anticipate how might they respond will they be excited? Friendly? Skeptical?
What questions might they have?
HOW do you learn about your audience?
Think about all the different types of people with whom you might interact: students like you,
professional scientists, the general public (adults/children), journalists
Seek out someone who has presented at the same event in the past; ask them about who attends
the event and what you should expect
One-on-one or small group? Dont be afraid to interact! Ask them questions to learn about their
background knowledge and what they care about

Learn More

De8ine Your Audience from AAAS Communication 101

Know Your Audience from American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Writing for an Audience from University of Maryland University College
Understand Your Audience from IEEE Professional Communication Society
How to Talk to Real People in New York Times

Additional Science Communication Resources

AAAS Communication 101 for Scientists and Engineers training series
How to Communicate Your Work Through Stories - article
Message Crafting Worksheet to help you plan your presentation
RSG at Northwestern University short research talks by graduate students
ENGAGE at U of Washington research talks by graduate students
Hey Science Teachers Make it Fun - Tyler DeWitts video on
Talk Nerdy to Me - Melissa Marshalls video on
The Secret Structure of Great Talks Nancy Duarte on
The Visual Display of Quantitative Information and other books by Edward Tufte
Dont Be Such a Scientist by Randy Olsen
slide:ology: The Art and Science of Creating Great Presentations by Nancy Duarte
A Tips and Resources page from Principles of STEM Communication: an online, interactive module designed for high school
teachers and students to help improve STEM communication. Developed by the Of9ice of STEM Education Partnerships
( in partnership with Ready, Set, Go (, Northwestern University.

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