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Exploring Prenatal Brain Development

Exploring Prenatal Development

Amber Kalender
Fresno Pacific University

Exploring Prenatal Brain Development

Prenatal development is the process where the soon to be infant is developing in the
mothers womb. This process of development occurs from the time of conception up until the
birth of the infant which is typically 40 weeks. In particular the brain development of the fetus
accelerates at 28 weeks. In my first article the process of prenatal is broken down into the three
stages of prenatal development.
In the first article I have selected is entitled, Prenatal Brain Development, the three
stages of prenatal development are listed with the type of development that is occurring in the
womb at that particular time. The first stage of development is the germinal stage which occurs
the 2 weeks after conception. The stage where organ systems develop is known as the embryonic
stage which ends at the eighth week of pregnancy. During this stage where the embryo is now
referred to as a fetus. When looking at brain development the last stage, fetal stage, is where the
brain develops quickly and doubles in size. According to Boundless, The cerebral cortex grows
larger, and the fetus spends more hours awake. The fetus moves with more coordination,
indicating more neural connections within the brain. The nervous system is controlling more
bodily functions, and even personality begins to emerge in utero. (Boundless 2016). During this
time the fetus is developing at a rapid pace and the fetus is developing coordination and aspects
of its personality. By the time the fetus reaches week 28 the brain will have doubled from the
size it was at 16 weeks. At this time the thalamic brain connections formthe fetus can
distinguish between voices, and can remember songs and certain sounds after birthbecomes
sensitive to light as well (Boundless 2016). After the thirtieth week brain development

Exploring Prenatal Brain Development

continues at a much slower rate. This article provides the breakdown of what is occurring inside
the womb during the three stages of development.

The second article I have selected, How to Improve Baby Brain

Development during Pregnancy, discusses what an expecting mother should
eat in order to promote healthy brain development. The article breaks down
what is healthy for the fetus and what is not. It also examines foods that are
perceived as healthy and can be, however in terms of prenatal development
these thought to be healthy foods can hurt the development of a fetus. A list
of what not to eat includes, undercooked meat, soft cheese, deli meats, soy
products, raw eggs, unpasteurized milk, and alcoholic beverages.
(Developing Human Brain. 2016). The article also warns against low fat diets
and promotes diets with fats from healthy foods for the fact that the seventy
percent of the new tissues the fetus is developing are fat based. The article
also promotes music during the time of prenatal development, Studies show
that music enhances brain function, and stimulates many parts that are not
stimulated in any other way. A study of musicians brains shows in excess of
5 times as many interconnections in the brain than non-musicians.
(Developing Human Brain. 2016). Playing music and reading to a developing
fetus can result in the fetuss brain developing many more connections than
a fetus who did not receive such stimulation. The Article is meant to inform

Exploring Prenatal Brain Development

expecting mothers of what stage of development their fetus is at and what

they can do to allowing their fetus to develop and the most efficient rate.
In the two articles discussed the most important purpose was to inform
expecting mothers or people interested in prenatal development what is
occurring to a developing baby and when. The articles have scientific
evidence to back up their claims. In the first article, Prenatal Brain
Development the entire article was consisted of facts of the process of a
developing child. The second article, How to Improve Baby Brain
Development during Pregnancy tips for expecting moms are offered which
could be up for debate in some expecting mothers opinions. The article
offers studies as their evidence which expecting mothers can listen to but
should be aware that studies change. With that being said most of the tips
about what food to eat and what not to eat seemed to be accurate from my
own previous experience. Overall these articles are great resources for
anyone who is looking to learn about prenatal development or anyone
looking to ensure their baby develops under the best conditions.

Exploring Prenatal Brain Development

Boundless. Prenatal Brain Development. Boundless Psychology. Boundless, 26 May. 2016.

Retrieved 24 Jul. 2016 from

Exploring Prenatal Brain Development

Developing Human Brain. How to Improve Baby Brain Development during Pregnancy. 2016.
Retrieved 24 Jul. 2016 from

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