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Complex Data structures

Array of Arrays

foreach $element (@AoA)

print @{$element},\n;

foreach $element(@AoA)
foreach $e (@{$element})

print $e\n;

print \n;


Array of Hashes


foreach $hash (@AoH)

foreach $key (keys %{$hash})
print $key = , $hash->{$key}, \n;

print \n;

Debugging Perl

perl -d ./

l 10 view specific lines

l function view function

b function set break points on the function

b 44

n steps over

s steps into

Look ahead/behind assertions


$string="Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday";

if($string =~ m/Monday\s(?=Tuesday)/)

print "positive lookahead\n";

if ($string =~ m/(?<=Wednesday)\sThursday/)

print "positive lookbehind\n";

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