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1.1 MATLAB Program Source Code:

% Program Exp2
% Amplitude Modulation
fs = input('\nSynchronous Amplitude Modulation\nType in freq of samplingin Hertz
= ');
f1 = input('Type in freq of first(information) cosine sequence in Hertz= ');
fc = input('Type in freq of carrier cosine sequence in Hertz = ');
K1 = input('Type in the first gain constant = ');
Kc = input('Type in the carrier gain constant = ');
N = input ('Type in length of sequence = ');
n = 0:N;
%x = K*exp(c*n);%Generate the sequence
stem(n,xa1);%Plot the first cosine signal
xlabel('Time index n');ylabel('Amplitude');
title('Cosine Signal');
% pause;
% Calling the ploting of the magnitude spectrum function
stem(n,xac);%Plot the carrier cosine signal
xlabel('Time index n');ylabel('Amplitude');
title('Carrier Signal');
stem(n,xaf);%Plot the first cosine signal X carrier signal)
xlabel('Time index n');ylabel('Amplitude');
title('Modulated Signal');

1.2 Keyed In Parameters:

Synchronous Amplitude Modulation
Type in freq of sampling in Hertz = 8000
Type in freq of first (information) cosine sequence in Hertz= 100
Type in freq of carrier cosine sequence in Hertz = 1000
Type in the first gain constant = 3
Type in the carrier gain constant = 3
Type in length of sequence = 512

1.3 Results:

Figure 1: Corresponding output waveforms

1.4 Discussion
Based on the outputted waveforms, it can be confirmed that the amplitude of both information and
carrier cosine sequence are indeed 3 (gain constant = 3). Length sequence of 512 represents the total
number of time index n at which the waveforms are generated, as can be seen from the above figure.
The modulated signal represents the DSB-SC, with the double sidebands evident in the plotted
frequency spectrum, centered around 1kHz.



2.1.1 Changes in Program

This command (Line #12):

is replaced with:
f2 = input('Type in freq of second(information) cosine sequence in Hertz
= ');
f3 = input('Type in freq of third(information) cosine sequence in Hertz
= ');
K2 = input('Type in the second gain constant = ');
K3 = input('Type in the third gain constant = ');
Sc = input('Type in the shift constant = ');
xa1 = Sc + K1*cos(2*pi*n*f1/fs) + K2*cos(2*pi*n*f2/fs) +

2.1.2 Keyed In Parameters

Synchronous Amplitude Modulation
Type in freq of sampling in Hertz = 8000
Type in freq of first(information) cosine sequence in Hertz= 100
Type in freq of carrier cosine sequence in Hertz = 1000
Type in the first gain constant = 2
Type in the carrier gain constant = 2
Type in length of sequence = 512
Type in freq of second(information) cosine sequence in Hertz= 200
Type in freq of third(information) cosine sequence in Hertz= 300
Type in the second gain constant = 2
Type in the third gain constant = 2
Type in the shift constant = 5

2.1.3 Results

Figure 2: Corresponding output waveforms.

2.1.4 Discussion
In this part of the experiment, there are now 3 information message signals instead of one. The
resulting modulated signal shows the asynchronous modulated waveform, with a middle frequency
centered at 1 kHz with peak amplitude near 2500, sandwiched by another 6 frequencies, 3 on each
sides, each having amplitudes of 500.

Section 2.2: Amplitude Modulation with Increased Carrier Amplitude (x40)

2.2.1 Changes in Program
Amplitude (gain constant) of carrier changed to 40.
2.2.2 Keyed In Parameters
Synchronous Amplitude Modulation
Type in freq of sampling in Hertz = 8000
Type in freq of first(information) cosine sequence in Hertz= 100
Type in freq of carrier cosine sequence in Hertz = 1000
Type in the first gain constant = 2
Type in the carrier gain constant = 40
Type in length of sequence = 512
Type in freq of second(information) cosine sequence in Hertz= 200
Type in freq of third(information) cosine sequence in Hertz= 300
Type in the second gain constant = 2
Type in the third gain constant = 2
Type in the shift constant = 5

2.2.3 Results

Figure 3 - Corresponding output waveforms.

Section 2.3: Amplitude Modulation with Original Carrier Amplitude and Changed fc = 100Hz
2.3.1 Changes in Program
Amplitude (gain constant) of carrier changed back to 2, its frequency changed to 100Hz.
2.3.2 Keyed In Parameters
Synchronous Amplitude Modulation
Type in freq of sampling in Hertz = 8000
Type in freq of first(information) cosine sequence in Hertz= 100
Type in freq of carrier cosine sequence in Hertz = 100
Type in the first gain constant = 2
Type in the carrier gain constant = 2
Type in length of sequence = 512
Type in freq of second(information) cosine sequence in Hertz= 200
Type in freq of third(information) cosine sequence in Hertz= 300
Type in the second gain constant = 2
Type in the third gain constant = 2
Type in the shift constant = 5

2.2.3 Results

Figure 4- Corresponding output waveforms. It can be noted that the graph for modulated
signal frequency spectrum is now shifted to the left, indicating decreased carrier frequency.


1. a) A = a sum of 3 different sinusoidal waveforms with maybe varying amplitude and frequency

m = products of 3 sinusoidal functions multiplied by another sinusoidal function (message signal)

sin (2*pi*fc*t)] = the expression for a sinusoidal carrier wave

b) (i) Frequency of all message signals = 100 Hz, 200 Hz and 300 Hz
(ii) Amplitude of carrier frequency = Kc = 2, 40
(iii) Amplitude of cosine signals stayed the same, whereas for modulated signal increased
significantly, reaching 500. The same can be said for the magnitude of frequency spectrum.

(iv) When carrier frequency is lowered to 100 Hz, the number of complete waveforms produced per
a given time period decreases.

2. DSB (Synchronous)-SC is considered more efficient than DSB (Asynchronous) AM because it

doesnt waste energy or power transmitting the carrier which doesnt carry any intelligible
information. Useful information are stored in the sidebands. Power savings in DSB-SC when
compared to Asynchronous AM are up to 50%.

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