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The Devils entertainments and amusements are distractions that lure you away from thinking about reality. The reality that
the world is in such a poor state, you should be crying instead of laughing!
Satans magic, fake mirror of false images distorts grossly the reality of the way things really are and the way I see things.

Even the dark times, the seeming downhill slopes of your life have in reality been uphill slopes in My direction. (I:50)
Other worlds,... other dimensions..., other realities..., they all have the same core, the same Creator, and the essence is the
same everywhere and in all of these: love, light and life, they are one, and they are to be desired. (I:52)
Welcome to the point between theory and reality! Thats where you need faith which can see beyond that which meets the
eye. (I:55)
Your life is but a vapor... yet while you live it, you deem it so important, and every moment seems to be the absolute and
only reality, all that matters, except by faith, which tells you, cheer up, theres more!
The flesh sees only the temporal, the immediate. Faith looks beyond, at the Promise, laid there before the foundations of
the world, and reaches out for it, stands on it, chooses it as a firmer ground than what is generally perceived as reality.

It is mans temptation to assume that he needs to finish what God has started. In reality, God is only in the process of
choosing those who choose to let Him work through them, to help Him establish His true Kingdom. (I:88)
Pride is a little kid pretending to be a grown-up. They mimic adults, when in reality they dont have a clue of what being an
adult is really all about: The worries, the responsibilities, the hard work of caring for others. (I:140)
Everything on Earth is only a shadow of a heavenly reality... an image of something greater to come. (I:151)
What looks like the difficult path to you may be in reality the easiest path, for when you cant do it, Ill do it for you.
Lets start all over again on a good, firm, solid foundation of knowledge of the fact that in reality, when it comes down to it,
youve got and know nothing! (I:157)
Snap your fingers and the facade collapses and you see the wondrous glorious reality of how things really are, namely that
I am truly in control! (I:171)
Be free to be the real you, and thats a serious fighter!
I want you to inspire in people a hunger for the greatest mystery of the universe, arouse a curiosity in their minds and
hearts about what it is that makes you tick, that faith that there is something so much greater and more real than this
world. (I:208)
Behold, I make all things new, if you give your old world to Me and let Me remake it into a much better, new and glorious
reality! (I:239)
Its time to open up your eyes to My full Reality! Youve got to be fully awake and aware of My Reality first, before you can
attempt to wake up others. (I:293)
Keep looking at Me and the power I have given you to blow the devils nasty illusions to bits!
But some of his software is still integrated in your concept of reality. Whatever he tries to present to you as reality or
relevant is absolutely irrelevant, and doesnt stand a chance as soon as you let Me move in with My Reality, that what I
consider relevant and important!
There seemed to be more in it for Adam and Eve to choose to eat of the forbidden tree: more knowledge, a new taste, and
the serpent even said, Ye shall be as gods! Now, that sounded interesting! But what was the reality? - Curses, pain,
thorns and agony ever since, in exchange for paradise.
Which reality counts to you? - The here and right now, the affairs of this life and what others think about you? Or that
which is of Eternity, of what your Eternal King will think and say of you when you come Home to Him with meager or plenty
increase and profit from what I have invested in you? (I:392)
Who wants to deal with real people, when the faces and bodies on TV are so much more "perfect"? Who wants to deal with
real life when the thrills and kicks he can give you are so much nicer, easier, better? Well, there's only one thing about it all
and that's that it isn't real. It's all fake and phony, and you're enjoying it all on borrowed time and money, while in reality
he's cheating you out of your lives, your time, your energy and your touch with reality.
For a lot of people, reality is the worst thing to cope with. They stuff their worlds and lives with the devil's substitutes, be
they money, material possessions or his entertainment or drugs, foods, games, sex, or their jobs, all of which are often
excellent counterfeits of My Reality.

So, My advice for you today is: don't try to get away from reality! It may not be perfect, but it's the best thing that could
happen to you! It will strengthen and mold your character, make you grow into a real man, one who will not only seek his
own selfish satisfaction, but one who is concerned about others and their welfare as well. Those who are trying to escape
from reality by numbing themselves and trying to alter and adjust it artificially to their liking are only cheating themselves
out of the most valuable things this life has to offer.
If you just manage to be real everyday, to walk humbly on the ground of My Reality, staying faithful in the little, mundane
things of life and keeping the heavenly vision while doing so, focusing on Me and My Reality without being deceived by
any of the devil's soap operas, then in My eyes that's already a lot, and you won't even have to tell people all that much
about you. They will sense it. They will feel it. The very air about you will be different. There will be "strange" vibes
accompanying you wherever you go, of a world that smells and tastes so weird to them: the smell and taste of the Real
World. (I:411)
Just like in an inflated economy, the day of reckoning will tell whether an inflated ego really has got what it takes when met
with the sharp pin of reality. That's why I want you to walk on the ground of My humble Reality, not float around on some
cloud of self-deceit, like so many others, so that you can tell them, "Come on down, walk on the ground with Jesus!"
The Spirit is the true Reality. (I:427)
Step out on the water of permanently positive reality, and stay there, by focusing on Me non-stop!
Become My new creature permanently, by refusing to look at the waves of the negative reality of the devil, and staying fully
in My positive Reality! (I:561)
You've got nothing to lose except that stony prison of a reality in which the enemy would like to keep you locked up. (I:582)
You must learn to separate the meaning of the words "invisible" and "unreal!" (II:165)
Sometimes, in order to make things "real," they need to start taking place in the heart. (II:240)
Some people are incapable of living without some kind of artificially glorified self-image. They can't bare the shame of the
ugly reality of what they really are, how nothing they really are, how little good there is about themselves, and just how
desperately they need Me to help them stay on guard and to keep them from stumbling. (II:285)
I like efforts to integrate the Spirit World more into personal reality. (II:301)
Sharing things with others makes them more real. (II:327)
Some just don't want to see more than what their narrow little minds have determined for them to be their reality. (II:332)
I sometimes like to perplex people and get them back on their heels and the ground of the reality, that when it all comes
down to it, theres really mighty little anyone really knows. (2012:14)
The rock bottom of hard core reality is not any sort of cushioned, comfortable ground.
The reason why the most uncomfortable place for a real believer is a comfortable place, has something to do with the
degree of reality in it.
People have become artists at artificially altering their reality according to their liking and preferences, but the hard rock
truth is usually anything but comfortable or pleasant in this world.
It may be a small comfort to you, but at least youre no longer living in any illusion about any rosy state this world is
supposedly in thats simply not based on reality. (2012:26)
Its a tough job to wake them up from their illusion of The partys only just begun, to the painful reality, but lets just say
thats part of your job. (2012:55)
My Reality and that of the Spirit World far exceeds that which you, from a rational viewpoint would currently consider
reality, so whos to say where exactly reality begins and ends?
Whats important is that people remain on the grounds of My Reality, or at least the shreds thereof they know about, rather
than sticking to the artificially imposed versions of reality that either totally exclude Me from the picture or else put tight
limits on My role in it. (2012:64)
Getting a grip on reality at its core is not an easy or common thing, and when you do, it can be a lot to deal with, which is
precisely the reason why most people prefer the sugar coated, pink glasses version.
They cant cope with reality in its naked state. They have to dress it up as something nicer, prettier; something easier to
live with and more acceptable.
Getting a grip on reality is what makes your life a bit harder than that of the vast majority of folks who dont acknowledge
the spiritual forces at work. (2012:145)
I never intended to bring people religion, as much as reality and the truth. (2012:148)

Youre noticing how hard it is to be or stay real, to not put on some kind of act, either for the sake of others, to impress
them, or to make you feel better about yourself
Thats the reason why, while it might be more pleasant or commendable to see the good in others, focus on that and hope
for the best, have an optimistic attitude, etc., its equally important to be courageous enough to face the truth, both, about
oneself, as well as about others, especially the ones you love and are closest to. (2012:180)
You need to come to grips fully with the reality of how much I love you, and realize that nothing much less any sin or
wrong-doing of yours can separate you from that love, ever. (2012:183)
Which reality do you prefer to accept? The one that doesnt include Me, and where everything revolves around mundane
things no rhyme, no reason; no ultimate sense or purpose? For many people its easy to accept. All they need and all
they lean on is themselves, the system they so faithfully believe in.
If I am not real, then what is? And what would it be worth living for? How worthy of living would such reality be? (2013:2)
Its shocking and sad, but also liberating and eye-opening, giving you a clearer scope of reality, when you realize that the
only One Whos going to be able to help you make it, Whos truly always going to be there and wont possibly let you down,
is I. (2013:15)
Things going wrong, or less than the desired way they should be, are generally reminders of the current state of reality,
which, in two words could be wrapped up as something wrong, definitely, no matter how nice things may seem to be at
times, and you almost think youve arrived, and relax and settle down for good.
As things are just going a little uphill, you tend to put your confidence more in yourself and the circumstances than Me, but
thats a dangerous thing to do, because its pretty much an illusion. Ive got to be your strength and what you rely on,
otherwise youll be just as sunk as anyone else who puts their trust in the flesh. Be glad Im saving you from that fate by
keeping you close to Me by keeping you down to the ground of that reality when your mind and attitude are about to take
off into the clouds again (2013:21)
Develop some patience, hope and believing faith and trust for those lasting things to come that really matter in the long
run! Often you may have to forego some of those temporary kicks and thrills in order to make room and get ready for the
real and lasting ones. (2013:34)
I have to shatter your illusions about this world and let you wake up to the reality of how pitiful it truly is.
Most folks keep drifting in their illusions about the world, ignoring most of the ugly reality, and they need to do it, in order
to keep going. But in order for you to keep going, I dont want you to ignore the pitiful reality, but instead turn to Me, your
and this worlds only hope for genuine and lasting improvement.
The reality of the extent of the difference I can make in your daily life has to sink in with you, and thats why Im allowing
you to see and experience the extreme contrast.
When you can see reality with untainted view, without becoming depressed about it, its a sign that youve got a working
connection with Me.
Im your Key to make it through this reality. (2013:36)
For you the here and now still carries the greater weight, it seems preeminent to you, when in reality its only a tiny
shadow, a vapor, compared to the much greater part of the creation and picture of your existence, which for you is
presently invisible, and only perceptible through tiny glimpses of faith
The inability to cope with the ugly reality, as far as this world is concerned, is a weakness in itself. (2013:38)
You might say that the hole in the donut is the visible part of your reality, along with all its problems and adverse
circumstances all the things you dont like. The donut is the greater reality that engulfs and surrounds all that, and,
opposed to all that nothingness, lack of rhyme and reason the hole represents, full of good things to enjoy.
It takes a little bit of effort and willingness to see the good, the greater good, surrounding all the obvious evil and vanity
which most folks perceive as their entire reality.
When you can face the entire scope of reality and can still focus on the larger, positive and good portion of it, then youre
learning to overcome and walk by faith. (2013:57)
Things may still keep going for a while, but from the looks of it, do they seem to be getting any better? And even if they
were, youre not getting any younger, and you might say, youre on your way down, and thats where the saying is once
again confirmed that My way up is down, since thats the direction in which youll find My reality the Real Thing, not the
matrix they sell you as reality. (2013:69)
Whats it going to be for you? Mans mini-matrix of dead ends and endless limitations, or the never-ending open Realm of
My Reality for you to explore? (2013:97)
The Place that will make any place on earth as perfect as it can be is My Place, and your availing yourself of It and Its
reality. (2013:127)
A whole dimension full of spiritual beings and helpers would like to help you catch a part of their reality realm more

important than what the physical and visible world offers.

Try to get ahold of Us, Our Spirit and greater Being inside this World of the Spirit a greater and more wonderful and
better Reality!
Pay attention to the truly lasting Dimension thats out of this temporary world youre in right now. Get ahold of the lasting
Reality youll wind up in eventually: the Spirit World and more lasting dimension than the temporary one (2014:41)
Once your reality starts reminding you of hell somewhat, or appearing very much like it, you start appreciating My part
more, and start looking forward to Heaven hereafter, and give the here and now for you less importance. (2014:174)
As ugly as your present may be, keep an eye on the brighter future for you and believers!
Make it as huge a part of your reality as you can, so that the temporary physical world doesnt drag you down too much!

Thats what faith is all about: believing in the existence and reality of things beyond what you can see. (2015:103)

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