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save the date

Donate School Supplies - Every Sunday in August,

we're collecting school supplies for our mission
partners on Mercy Drive. See for details.

Journey of Discipleship - Pick up your course catalog

today and get started on the path God has for you.
More details and assessment at

Small Group sign ups are open until August 22.

Sign up now at

VoiceMALE. All men are invited to join the men's

choir which will sing next Sunday, August 28th in our
Traditional services. Only one rehearsal, this Thursday,
6:30-7:30pm. No audition necessary, just join us.

For the Life of the World, our Fall sermon series

and study, is coming September 11. Find out how to
participate at

Financial Peace University begins September 11. Learn

to manage your money using Dave Ramsey's proven
curriculum. Details & registration at

Faith and Work. Join us September 15 for lunch with

featured speaker, Dr. W. Kent Fuchs, President of the
University of Florida. Details, email

just in case
For our 9:45 Genesis worshipers who are getting to know
the Sanctuary: the best way to reach restrooms during the
service is to go to the Narthex (entry doors for the Sanctuary on Church Street). There is one restroom available
in the Narthex, and more in Allen Hall, adjacent to our
Sanctuary; our ushers can direct you. We ask you enter and
exit through the back of the room to minimize distractions
in worship.

recycle your bulletin

8:15am & 9:45am worshipers can help the church be better
stewards of our resources and environment. If you do not
want to keep this extremely handy bulletin, just hand it to
one of our ushers as you leave. The bulletins are reused
for the 11:00am worship service, and recycled on Monday

AUGUST 21, 2016

congregational care
As a caring body of believers, please remember in your
prayers those who have recently been hospitalized or are
recuperating at home: Michael Ashington-Pickett, Michael
Jevitt, Raye Roth, and Nancy McDonald.
Our sympathy to Debbi Cusick on the death of her
husband, Rick Cusick, August 11.
Ross (Ashley) Johnston on the death of his dad.
Heather Taylor on the death of her dad, Jim Hardee,
August 15.
To be added to our prayer list call the Pastoral Care office
at 407.423.3441 x1455, or submit an online prayer request at

housing for the homeless

We're continuing to work with local partners to house the
homeless in Central Florida. As Dr. Swanson reported in a
recent sermon, much progress has been made, but there is
still more to do.
The Central Florida Supportive Housing Program (CFSH)
helps the chronically homeless in Orange, Osceola and
Seminole Counties be successful, long-term renters. Your
rental units can help individuals take charge of their lives
and make your community a better place to live.
For more information on promoting your property to CFSH
tenants, please contact Todd Luna at
or 407.893.0133 ext. 621. For more details, visit

Stewardship Report as of August 14, 2016.
Tithes & Offerings

This Week
Fiscal YTD
$83,122 $861,457

Give easily and securely online from your smartphone at



106 East Church St., Orlando Florida 32801

407.423.3441 /firstpresorlando /fpcorlando


Ministry Focus
Prayer for Illumination
*Scripture Reading

Kim Allen
Rev. Brad Staton
Genesis 3:1-13; 21-24
pew bible p. 2-3

At the conclusion of our Scripture reading, the leader will

say, This is the word of the Lord. The congregation is
invited to respond, Thanks be to God.


Legends of the Fall

Assisting in Worship: Rev. Becky Davis and Wil Brown.

(Give securely on your smartphone at



The authors of the various books of the Bible were

clearly aware of earlier manuscripts and writings of
previous authors of Scripture. For example, the words
of Isaiah in our opening Call to Worship use some of
the very same phrases David used in the writing of
Psalm 103. Isaiah, who lived several hundred years
after King David, was clearly very aware of the Psalms.
Our opening hymn, All Creatures of Our God and King, was
written in 1225 AD and draws its material from Psalm
148. St. Francis of Assisi is credited with writing this
text which was translated into English in 1919.
St. Francis was known for his love of nature and
animals and had an affinity for communicating with
them. Youll note the first three verses of the hymn
sing of a perfect creation. Verse four introduces the
Fall as forgiveness, pain, and sorrow enter our song. Our
hymnal contains five of the seven verses. The final
stanza concludes with a doxological praise to Father,
Son, and Holy Spirit as the whole created order sings
praise to our great God. In preparation for singing the
opening hymn, read through Psalm 148.

- Dr. Dan Sharp

(Please silence all phones and electronic devices.)

Two Chorale Preludes

Call to Worship

bedrich janacek

no. 23

*Processional Hymn of Praise

All Creatures of Our God and King

Lasst Uns Erfreuen

*Ascription of Praise
Organ Praise
All Creatures of Our God and King

james curnow
John Hietala, trumpet

Pastoral Report
*Passing of the Peace
Call to Prayer

no. 468, verse 1

My Jesus, I Love Thee

Pastoral Prayer
Ministry Focus

Romans 5:12-17
Kim Allen

Thanksgiving Through Tithes and Offerings
*Prayer of Commitment

Duke Street

(Give securely on your smartphone at

Musical Offering
Amazing Grace

james curnow
John Hietala, flugelhorn


Prayer for Illumination
*Scripture Reading

Rev. Brad Staton

Genesis 3:1-13; 21-24
pew bible p. 2-3

At the conclusion of our Scripture reading, the leader will say,

This is the word of the Lord. The congregation is invited to
respond, Thanks be to God.

Legends of the Fall


*Hymn of Response
Our Father, We Have Wandered

no. 371
Passion Chorale

*Invitation and Charge

j.s. bach

Prelude and Fugue in D minor
* All who are able are invited to stand.

Assisting in Worship: Dr. David Swanson, Dr. Dan Sharp,

organist Josiah Armes.
Visual Arts: The flowers on the Communion table are given
to the glory of God in loving memory of Sara Vaughn, by
Hardy, Betty, and Brandon Vaughn.

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