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The Guardian

You ever notice how the world just seems to be going to hell in a hand basket?
Have you wondered if the world is ending and prophecy is being fulfilled?
All my life Ive thought about it, All my life I was told and warned " BE PREPAREDBE READY" the time is near!! The Lord is coming! and the world as we know it will
end. Are you ready?
They had been married for 23 years and raised a family together. He had never
taken a wife before he met her, she had been married twice before. He had come
into her life and helped her gain control and gave her purpose. Before him she
was wild, daring ,out of control and full of grief. She loved him dearly and he her.
You might say he saved her and gave her a new life.
They had even been sealed for all time and eternity in a temple of his church. She
admired his strength in his faith but could not gain the same for herself, that was a
fact she never shared with him.
Neither was she truthful of her past sins, sins she could not ask forgiveness for, if
she couldnt forgive herself how could she ask God to forgive her? From
appearances she was a saved church going Christian but her sole was dark and
ashamed. She was living a lie just to make him happy. All she wanted was for him
to be happy. After all he was really her savior.
She was happier than shed ever been in her life, but there was a constant
dread,a nagging in her gut that she did not understand until it happened. Not until
that day
The day started out the same as any other, the sun came up, there were morning
showers, breakfast, just another Monday. Dana turned on the morning news and
settled down to watch it as she ate her oatmeal, John had already left for work
and she thought about what she needed to do that day. There was laundry,
cleaning, dusting and some errands . Dana had the same routine every Monday.
She had become settled into a ho hum life but it was her life. She was content just
doing what ever it took to take care of her husband. With the kids away at school
he was her only focus.
Suddenly she felt the house shake a little, then stop, that's odd, she thought,
maybe an earth quake, maybe a sonic boom, maybe she was just a little off
balance today. No matter it seems to have stopped.
As she cleared the breakfast table she could hear sirens at first just one then lots
of them. At the same time she saw the early warning alert system cross the
screen on the TV, It started to grow darker outside and a cold chill raced down her
spine . Was it war, were they being attacked? She sat down to watched the
banners cross the screen. STAY IN DOORS!! DON'T PANIC!!
Is it a terrorist attack !! Her thoughts raced to John . She grabbed the phone to
call him but the power went off. What should she do? Just then John burst though
the front door and she ran into his arms. Thank God your are here and safe I was

so scarred! Don't be scarred Dana it's happening! What's happening John!? The
second coming!! It's God I saw the angels I heard the trumpets, I felt it in my sole!!
It's the day we have been preparing for! He was so excited he was almost
Stunned she just looked at him and tried to make sense of what he said. It steadily
grew darker and as it did she heard moaning and crying the wailing was almost
unbearable, John took her hand and rushed to the door. Come on he told her, we
have to be there to welcome him and prepare ourselves to go with him!! She
stumbled after him in a daze, thinking she was having a very alarming dream and
wanted to wake up! Please just let me wake up!!
John's excitement was beyond joy and he never noticed that even though she
held his hand she was a step or two behind him reluctant to follow. She noticed he
had a glow like a halo from his head to his toes
Dana just closed her eyes and just kept saying It's a dream It's a dream. My
husband is not glowing, it's all in my mind! This is all a big nightmare.
As they entered the city it looked like a war zone.
Crumbled buildings, smoke raising from the rubble, people walking around
bleeding dazed and confused, some crying some unable to utter a sound. What
happened John! It's being destroyed he said, people are being forced to come
into the streets forced to be waiting for him forced to be ready for judgment. There
was that word! Judgment . She felt sick, it can't be today, she wasn't prepared,
she wasn't ready.
She could fake it with John , family and friends but God, well God would know!
John hurried to join others that were praying and singing they were waiting and
ready. She couldn't help but feel she did not belong here. It's only a Dream, only a
Dream! As it grew even dimmer she could not believe her eyes, the spirits of the
dead were raising up like wisps of smoke and angels were guiding them upward a
bright light shown though the dark ominous sky and they went toward it like moths
to a flame. Hundreds, thousands maybe millions who knew? The sight took her
breath and gave her chills and caused her emotional stress.
Again she became aware of John and his giddy happiness, she became aware of
the mourning and the fears of those lurking in the shadows those not worthy to be
in his presence. The only thing that kept her standing in the open was John , now
as always she drew her strength from him. as long as she held tight to him maybe
she could get though this and not be noticed maybe she could just keep faking it!.
Surely he had enough faith and enough strength of spirit for both of them.
Suddenly there he was, as he walked past the people those that were his faithful
children took on that same glow she saw on John and they ascended toward the
light with the faithful dead, Angels sang and it was beautiful, but it did not drown
out the cry's Dana heard. she was aware of the misery and sadness in the
shadows. John on the other hand only saw the beauty and only heard him all
though he never spoke.
Dana tried not to look at him, tried to hide behind John, tried to make her heart
stop beating , tried to make herself WAKE up. Finally he stopped in front of John
and John fell to his knees, tears flooding down his cheeks, Rise my son and
faithful servant the rewards are now yours. rise and be free of this world join the

army of the saved and righteous. John stood up and his body fell away his spirit
was beautiful, but he could not raise up to the light and it took a few seconds to
realize why. Dana still held tight to his hand , she was not glowing she took on an
ash color as tears streamed down her face. John came back to the ground
puzzled. Dana had eyes cast down and would not look at John or God. God this is
my wife sealed to me for always, if she does not go then I can not go.
I am sorry but she can not go with you. John's joy changed to fear not for himself
but for Dana. Please Lord let me stay with her
There was no answer. Dana knew what she must do. John forgive me that I did
not prepare myself as you did, I love you , I know you must go and I must stay.
Please don't make it worse for me.
Dana I can't leave you, I can't leave you alone to face what will be certain hell.
John you can and you must just don't forget me. Know that I love you and I am so
sorry I failed you she said it in a whisper, slowly she released his hand one finger
at a time one heartbreak at a time each worse than the one before, she watched
until he was far above her almost out of sight when she heard him say " I will
come back for you ",she could not hold back the sobs any longer, she fell in a
heap on the ground and and cried like each breath was her last. God I am so
ashamed and so sorry I am not worthy? What am I expected to do. Rise and hear
me -you will be given a second chance as many left here will be given. Some will
correct their wrongs many will not. It will be difficult . You will be given the three
soles you took before they had a chance to live ,your judgment will be based on
how you care for them. With that said she was aware of three children ages
maybe from a few months to 6 years old. The six year old was holding the baby
and the 5 year old was clinging to her brother.They were dirty, hallowed eyed and
sad . She turned to ask more questions when she realized she was alone .The
light in the sky faded and the angels no longer sang. She reached a hand to her
children and as she did all her memories were erased, she knew her children but
could not remember what had happened, why were they here how did they get
here, where was home ? Obliviously it was a war and she was in shock. People
were burned and bleeding they were crying for help and mercy. some were buried
under the rubble and their cry's were weak and haunting , everyone seemed in a
daze and ignored the injured and dying. All she could think of was the need to
find a safe shelter, The little family of four walked slowly away. Dana took the
baby into her arms and kept the other two near her side. Her mind kept
saying(There's something I forgot and I need to remember but she could not.)
She stumbled down the street ,her mind racing as to what to do where to go , how
to protect and care for her children . Some buildings were totally destroyed some
only partially. It grew darker and she became more aware of the dark soles lurking
in the shadows. The baby whimpered softly and the other two hugged her legs
tighter, which made it more difficult to climb though the crumbled walls of the city.
Hours pasted and she was still trying to make some since of it all, Exhaustion
made her desperate for some kind of shelter, thats when she noticed a gate
slightly open at the side of a house,
The house looked relatively solid but she wanted to make sure. Dana handed the
baby to the six year old and sat them down by the twisted fence and told them to

wait, don't make any noise and she would be back in a minute. She was a slim
woman but still had a hard time squeezing though the partially opened gate. first
thing she discovered was a body of a man killed by falling bricks from the house. It
made her cringe and she wanted to go back to her children, but she had to see if
there was a safe place for them to rest. In the dim light she could see the yard
filled with downed trees and parts of surrounding homes. She crawled over the
man half buried in brick and made it to the back of the house. Praise God she
thought this house has a basement apartment that could not be detected from the
street! Slowly opening the door to see if it was occupied she could see it wasn't
damaged, and apparently it's only occupant was outside at the gate. As fast as
she could she hurried back to the children. Dana wanted to remove the body but
decided if she did perhaps others would enter as well. Squeezing back though the
gate she gathered the baby into her arms and surveyed the streets to see if any
one was watching them. OK it seems clear , first she sent the six year old though,
but she forgot to tell him about the body of the man and he bolted back to her.
Please Ben be strong for me and go though so I can hand you the baby, the man
will not hurt you, I promise you will be safe trust me. The little guy fought back
tears of fear but agreed to go back though. once on the other side Dana handed
the baby (Robbie) to him. then she poked the five year girl named Lily though and
told her to go to her brother. She did one last look around to make sure no one
was watching and she went though the gate. As she climbed over the poor man
again, she mumbled "I am sorry we can't bury you."
Inside she found a bed and blankets, the children were worn out and eagerly laid
down to rest and get warm. That done she explored the small apartment looking
for food, and items that she would need for the children when they woke up. All
the perishable food was spoiled, but she found canned items, boxed dry foods
and some crusty bread. No water. There were two bathrooms and water still in the
tanks of the toilets. Dana knew she would have to find more, maybe in the house
above the apartment, she also knew others would be soon be searching for food
and water so she had to find it first. There were stairs that led up to the main
house from inside the apartment, a few bricks had fallen on them but she could
still get up to the door. it wasn't locked so she slowly opened it and in the dim light
she could see that no one had rummaged it yet. Quickly she grabbed some pillow
slips and started filling them with any and all items that might be good to eat. She
made multiple trips up and down the stairs. Then she filled whatever containers
she could find with water from the toilet tanks. Plus she was in luck she also found
a case of bottled water. It was like finding GOLD! On her last trip up she became
aware of noise outside in the street. Dana went to a window and peeked out .
People were fighting, crying, stealing from the weaker injured ones and looking
more like animals than humans. She had to make sure she and the children
weren't found. so she decided to conceal the basement door with the hutch from
the dining room. It was so heavy but she finally got it moved . It covered the door
completely. That should do it since the basement could not be seen from street.
One last look around making sure she had not missed anything she opened the
door, she didn't see any one, hugging the wall as she left the door way, quietly

ever so slowly she made her way around to the side of the house hoping not to be
seen by any of the street thugs. Just as she made it to the gate she heard them
and flattened herself to the ground hoping she wasnt seen. they were still a
house or so away, she knew she would have to be fast getting though the gate
before they found her. She nearly tore the skin off her shoulder as she hurried
over the body of the man in the rubble. Already the stench of him was almost
more than she could stomach. Quickly she ran around to the back of the house
then waited and listened to see if they would follow. They were at the gate! her
heart was racing, then she held her breath fear would not let her take a breath.
One of them said " there is dead guy here, I can see part of him and smell the
rest!" The gate won't open because of the bricks and his body. Probably nothing is
back there worth the trouble it would take to get back there so lets move on,
slowly she exhaled, then she heard " But I still say I saw someone moving around
over here at this gate. " Well if there was any one here they did not escape though
that hole in the gate and over that body! So your eyes are playing tricks on you it
was only shadows let's get the hell out of here. then they were gone, at least for
As the days passed Dana only ventured out of the apartment at night in search of
food and water. During the day she kept the children as quite as she possibly
could, For the first week the streets were full of screams and terror, she and the
children trembled and huddled on the bed, often she worried her little family would
be found and killed by the savages running the streets. It got harder to find food
and at the same time the noise in the streets got quieter. Finally she ventured out
into the light of day, seems the thugs went deeper into the city in search of food,
and more people to abuse. leaving mostly old men, women and a few children in
the neighborhood. They looked hallow and thin, everyone was starving and weak,
but they were afraid to leave.
Dana kept to herself ,but listened from a distance to the people share news from
others passing though the area. Seems it wasn't much better any where else, and
some places were worse. There were tales of torture, and killings from gangs in
the inner city, but what really put fear into her and others were the tales of
cannibalism especially of children because they were easy to kill and it took less
time and fuel to cook them. She tried real hard to pretend that those stories of
killing and eating children were made up to keep people from seeking better
places, she did not want to believe that humans had converted to animals,
although she saw all the signs with her own eyes and heard it with her own ears.
One day a new story was told , one about hope. She heard some travelers say
they were off in search of a place everyone was calling Sanctuary , a place where
there was law and order, a safe place for kids, and enough food and clean water
for all that wanted to live there . They even had a Hospital and Doctors. Everyone
was so excited about the story of Sanctuary, but the travelers did not know where
it was only rumors of it's location, they had heard the journey was one of danger
and most meet with death. But it was worth the risk, after all what was the
alternative to not seeking it? Death any way! Many people wanted to go with

them but were told they could not, small groups might be able to go undetected
but larger groups would draw too much attention from all the crazies.
Dana could not risk her childrens lives on a whim, with no proof it just did not
justify her taking the children into danger.
With each day food became less available, people were eating grass, weeds,
bugs , rodents any thing that would fill that gnawing in their stomachs. Most of the
children in the neighborhood had died . Her children were so thin and pale, Dana
gave them her rations and in turn was becoming dangerously thin herself.. The
word Sanctuary kept coming to mind. One night Dana was awakened by a sound
that made her heart stop, the baby was sick and gasping for every breath,
He was blue around his lips and was running a horrible fever. She cradled him in
her arms feeling so helpless so alone. What could she do? there was no medicine,
no food and very little water, she cried out" Lord help me what can I do?" Tears
ran down her cheeks and onto the babies face he looked up at her, tried to take a
breath and died in her arms. Her world ended. She sobbed and held the baby so
tight all the fight was gone from her, she could never keep her family safe, what
did she think she was doing?
After a while she became aware that Ben and Lily were by her side, she thought
to herself " these little children have suffered so much and seen things no child
should see Yet they stand here trying to give me strength and comfort, they are
the reason I have to find This place called sanctuary or else we will stay here and
all die.
In the dim light of morning Dana dug a tiny grave ,wrapped her baby son in a
white sheet and with the help of Ben and Lily they buried the little body, Afterward
Ben took her hand and said " mommy he isn't hungry any more" She fought back
tears and squeezed his hand.
Dana knew she could not expect the children to walk for miles looking for the
mythical sanctuary, so she had to come up up a way they could ride in something,
out of sight if possible, just encase there really are cannibals preying on children
and old people. As she walked the streets she searched the rubble for things she
could use to make some kind of cart that would carry the two kids and what little
food and possessions they had. Time was not in their favor due to the desperation
and hunger of the people who had not fled their homes. She did her best to avoid
any of the towns people and kept the kids out of sight. She did not want any of
them to know she was leaving in case they would try to rob her or try to tag along.
She kept remembering what others had said about that journey They said a small
group might go undetected but large groups would draw attention. She wished
she knew if they were right, because she could not shake that idea that there was
safety in numbers.Within a few days she had found a wagon that only had two
wheels, some bike parts, a wooden box, some wire and odds and ends of rope
and a large piece of canvas. The kids helped fashion a wagon type cart,they did it
several times, trail and error till they had one that did not fall apart when loaded

and pulled. Then they carefully chose what they needed to take and what they
could do without. It wasn't that big a decision since there wasn't much to choose
Dana tried to plan a route to take, worried that many of the roads were not
usable she feared she'd have to go though the inner city, she did not know where
she was going but others said they were going north and east of the city out to an
area that is more farm land or was at one time. Somewhere out there was
rumored to be Sanctuary. She was hoping she and the children would not have to
face the savage gangs that had taken over the city, so any smaller streets around
the inner city would be safer. At least that was her logic.
Finally she was as ready , the fear of going was almost paralyzing, but she knew
they were going to die if they stayed any longer. At least going gave them a slim
chance of survival. A fighting chance to save her children.
Her plan was to leave well before dawn, so she and the children went to bed
early that night. But sleep did not come, there was no peace only worry and fear.
They loaded the cart and slowly pulled it down the cluttered streets , trying to be
as quite as possible. Hoping to get beyond the old neighborhood before any one
woke up. As they traveled it became apparent that it was going to be a longer
journey than she thought. The children tired easily and so did she. They had not
had proper food for many months and were actually very weak. After a couple
miles the kids climbed into the cart and slept as Dana pulled her little family one
step at a time. and that's exactly what she kept saying in her mind " One step at a
time, one foot in front of the other." But she found that after about five miles she
started looking for a place to spend the night and rest , it seemed this trip might
take weeks , and she did not have enough food or water for weeks. But she could
not go back. She knew what was back there for them. There were abandoned
wrecked vehicles every where on the roads, so she searched for a van or some
type of large truck they could get into for the night, hidden and safe. She found a
big RV, that actually had a bed in it so they unloaded the cart and made
themselves at home. Dana reminded the kids to stay very quite in case during the
night others roamed the highway searching for people to prey upon. They shared
some crackers and water and went to sleep, this time Dana had no problem
sleeping , she was exhausted. Just before dawn they awoke to some people
traveling on the road, she watched them though the torn curtains on the RV. Just
appeared to be a group of a few men and a couple women carrying back packs
and little else headed the opposite direction they were planning on going. The
three snuggled together awhile longer and as the sun rose so did they. Before
leaving the RV Dana looked out each window making sure it was safe to load up
and be on their way. Some dried fruit a little water and they were off.
Not long down the road Dana saw signs saying they were nearing the freeway,
she seemed to remember it looped around the city, but she did not know how she
knew that. it would take longer to go around the city but she was sure it would be
It was getting hot and the sun was relentless, the kids were getting a little
sunburned so she had them get under the tarp on the cart, they complained about
the heat but soon fell asleep. as she neared the on ramp to the highway she

could see for miles down the road, there were car, trucks, campers, boats, you
name it, blocking nearly every lane. some were burned beyond recognition, some
turned upside down,and some so twisted and mangled you could not tell what
they used to be. She stood staring at the scene thinking about all those people
that probably died down there and wondering if this was the right way to travel.
Food and water would not be accessible on this road unless she took an off ramp
to search for it, still all the more reason very few other people would travel this way.
She took a deep breath and pulled the little cart with her sleeping children down
the ramp and began weaving in and out of the littered vehicles. Ben and Lily woke
up and quickly bounced out of their covered cart curious about where they were.
Dana had not seen or heard any one since see saw the group earlier that morning,
still she encouraged them to be quiet an stay near.Going was slow and there were
times they had to move some of the clutter in order to pull the cart along. As
evening grew near Dana began looking for one of the vehicles that would serve as
a comfortable safe place to sleep. There wasn't much that wasn't totally destroyed
but a few hundred feet down the road she could see another huge motor home,
if they were lucky it would be intact with at least something to sleep on. Dana
approached it cautiously, making sure no one else had the same idea. Slowly she
opened the door and peaked in, it was obvious people had been in it, but it was
empty now. The kids knew the drill and helped unload the cart and hide it out of
sight. They explored every cabinet and cubby and found nothing to eat. so they
shared some of the raisins and a bit of water and Dana could not help but see how
hungry they still were even after she had given them her share. She knew she
could not keep that up or she would be too weak to go on. As it grew dark they
curled up close to one another and Dana could not fight back the tears as she
prayed for guidance and a miracle.
Just as the sun's rays hit the motor homes windows they woke up and wished
they could just stay in bed safe in their Mother's arms. There were fleeting
moments in Dana's mind when she just wanted to give up and not face the world
outside. But as she studied those little faces smiling at her it was clear what
motivated her to keep moving. They were all she had in the world and she would
gladly die trying to save them.
So it was load up the cart again and keep heading east. The kids enjoyed playing
tag among the littered cars , and Dana kept slowing them down although she got
a kick out of watching them play.
They took a break in the shade of a huge horse trailer, luckily there were no
horse bodies inside. It was another really hot day so they rested longer than Dana
had planned to and she fell asleep. Her dreams were troubled and she was
restless, she woke up quickly and fearful that she left the kids unprotected. Her
eyes quickly searched for them and there standing a few feet from her was a
rather large man . A man that had her kids by the hands one on either side of him.
Dana jumped up with lightning speed and grabbed for them. He let them go and
they ran to her. As she wrapped her arms around them she was shaking like a leaf,
wondering what next. Who are you and what do you want she demanded. He just
stood there and looked at her. She reminded him of someone from long ago,
someone he couldnt totally remember but she was in his memories somewhere.

Seemed like forever before he said in a low voice that he had been following
them for about 5 miles or so. He told her he meant her and the kids no harm. He
was just wondering about them. Like where they were going and where was her
husband? Dana studied him closely, that inner voice told her to demand he leave
but she felt he would not and did not want to cause a scene or push him to anger.
She lied and said they were meeting her husband down a little further on the road.
He did not believe her and told her so. She responded back with he did not have
to believe her and would he please just go and leave them alone. His eyes
narrowed and he shifted his weight then he said I had a woman much like you
traveling with me. She had a child. A little boy aged 7. he paused a long time, and
so Dana asked him" where are they"? are they near? He sifted his weight again
and continued his story.
A few weeks ago I left them asleep and went to find food, when I got back they
were gone and our camp was wrecked. Everything destroyed, every thing gone. I
knew who took them and hurried off in hopes of freeing them. Next night before I
had a chance to locate them the woman stumbled out of the darkness, she was in
shock, beaten, raped and bleeding. But she did not have the boy with her. She
was unable to talk. He said he nursed her back to health as much as he could and
after a few days she was able to tell him what happened. One of the inner city
gangs found her and the child asleep and took them to the city to one of their
strong holds. It was hard for her to tell the story, but she did. she was raped
multiple times, beaten and had perverted sick things done to her, things she could
not tell him. But the worse part was they made her watch as they tortured her son,
killed him, barbecued him and ate him in front of her. She begged them to kill her
but they only laughed , drug her back out to the street and told her that they hoped
one of them had impregnated her and in nine months she would have another
tasty meal for them.
He told Dana that one day after he thought she seemed better she went off alone,
and didnt come back .He found her a few days later in a tree where she had hung
Dana was stunned, the nightmare stories she heard were true . What had she
done? What kind of Danger had she put her kids in.
They both stood in silence . Finally he said to Dana, I saw you alone with these
kids and felt you could use someone with you as security. Do you know where you
are going or are you just going?
Dana studied him closely, not trusting him but wanting to. Finally she told him
about the little town she left because there was no food and everyone was dying.
She told him she had heard rumors about a place called Sanctuary and decided
the only chance she might have to save her children was to try and find this place.
She admitted she had no idea where to look. Samuels eyes narrowed as he told
Dana he too had heard about this place but had never been there, nor had he met
any one who had traveled there. I am willing to help you find it if its actually is a
real place. I have some of time on my hands and you could use the help.
Dana was torn between taking him up on his offer or telling him to leave. She
didn't feel she could trust him but letting him walk away meant she would be alone
again and be in fear every minute day and night..

Finally she reached her hand out and said " I'm Dana" He took her hand with a
firm shake and said " I am Samuel nice to meet you Dana."
The kids hadn't been around a man before, or at least not that Dana could
remember, she could not for the life of remember their father. They were curious
and watched him but kept their distance. As the little group started on the road
again Dana thought how nice it was to have someone help pull that cart. She also
was praying she hadn't made a mistake. A few hours before evening came
Samuel started scouting around for a safe place to spend the night. He finally
settled for a travel trailer and helped Dana unload the cart and get the kids inside.
Dana got some crackers and bits of raisins out for the children and apologized to
Samuel for not having enough for him. He smiled and reminded her that the
children needed it more.
Samuel did not stay inside with Dana and the kids, he slept outside under the
trailer. Dana was glad because she still did not trust him and wasnt comfortable
with the thought of sleeping with a strange man near her . Next day they were up
before dawn, Samuel wanted to get an early start because they needed to get
past the next 15 exits as quickly as they could. Those exists all lead to the inner
city and the gangs patrolled them on a regular basis. Samuel had a small pair of
binoculars and every mile or so he would stop and climb onto the highest vehicle
available to see if he could spot any gangs ahead of them. There were signs of
violent attacks on the road, dried blood, and peoples belongings . It made Dana
want to run as fast as she could the next 15 miles. She felt like she was in a state
of constant hyperventilation. Samuel told Dana that she should check any
backpacks and bags on the road encase food or water was over looked by the
gangs after attacking travelers. It was almost dark again, and Samuel was on the
prowl to find sleeping quarters. Many of the gangs prowled at dark and he wanted
to be sure they did not choose a place that looked too nice .
Several campers and motor homes were just too inviting, beds, comfy blankets,
no clutter or filth, they may as well have had a welcome sign at the door.
Differently a trap. He told Dana to stay clear of those places and to look for a run
down , trashed vehicle that they could sleep in. She found the perfect one. dirty,
torn up just a trash heap, but enclosed and hidden from sight. She and the kids
wasted no time crawling in and falling asleep.Samuel found a bunch of card board
and and covered himself just outside. During the night they could hear people
moving around inside a few of those inviting motor homes and Dana was again
grateful that Samuel was with them keeping them safe, because she was sure if
not for him she would have fallen for that comfort trap and they would have been
killed. As the days passed Dana grew more secure with Samuel, and actually
enjoyed the fact he was with them.
Every morning they lay quite for several minutes making sure no one was near
before coming out of hiding. Samuel was already up and scouting ahead. The kids
were allowed to play until he returned. It was one of those mornings that Lily saw
a butterfly, her eyes lite up as if it were Christmas. She kept trying to get closer as
it fluttered just out of reach of her little fingers. She wasn't paying attention to the
fact that she was getting further away from her Mom and brother and Dana hadn't
noticed that Lily was no longer with in sight. Suddenly a hand grabbed Lily's arm

and the other hand covered her mouth so she could not scream. She looked up at
the man in terror and she knew she had broken the most important rule her
mother told her every day. Never wonder off alone!
The man was smelly and greasy. He smiled at Lily and said, if I take my hand
away do you promise not to scream? Then he quickly added" I just want to play
some games with you, Then I will take you to play with some of my friends, and
after we finish playing games we will have you stay for lunch or dinner. He gave a
wicked awful chuckle. She did not answer, she knew in her heart she was in
danger. He picked her up like a rag doll and headed to one of those maintained
motor homes. once inside he shut the door and and looked out the windows
making sure no one was around or following them he knew she wasnt alone and
wanted to make sure her family hadnt seen him take her.. He loosened his grip on
her and she darted away from him but her blocked her path and just grinned.
Again he told her he just wanted to play some games with her, Thats when he
grabbed her and and quickly ripped her clothes off. Lily screamed in terror . His
filthy hand covered her mouth again. With one hand he held her on the bed as he
pushed his pants down and crawled on top of her. She bit him and he removed his
hand just enough allowing her to let out a blood curdling scream as he preceded
to rape her. In his lust he did not notice that the door to the motor home swung
open and there stood Samuel, his face distorted with rage. He grabbed the man
by the back of his neck and pulled him off Lily. There was a struggle but Samuel
was a large man and always carried a small ax that hung on his belt. In his rage
Samuel used that ax to hack the man to pieces.
Dana pushed past the blood soaked scene cradled Lily in her arms and covered
her in a blanket. Seemed like for ever before any of them spoke. It was Samuel
that finally spoke and told Dana to get Lily out of there get her dressed and get
ready to go and go quickly before someone missed the animal he had just killed
and start to search for him.
He was probably a scout and when he doesnt report back, they will come. Lily
and Dana were in a state of shock and it took Samuel grabbing them by the arm
and shoving them out the door to get Dana to realize how much danger she and
her family were in...
Dana dressed lily without saying a word and Lily just trembled in shock after
being raped and then seeing her rapist cut to pieces in a blood bath. Ben didn't
totally understand what had happened but he could sense the dread in his Mom
and Samuel. They hurried as fast as they could to put distance between
themselves and the bloody motor home, knowing that when the body was
found(what was left of it) they would start the hunt. As Samuel searched the road
ahead for patrols, he saw a sign that said the Oakley River bridge was one mile
ahead. They would have to cross that bridge and get off the highway , he also
knew that it would be guarded because there was no other way to get over the
river without traveling at least 5 or 6 more miles . He told Dana they would have to
get across in the dark and she strongly objected, and he pointed out to her that it
was her fault that Lily was almost taken and killed, it was her fault they were
without a doubt going to be hunt down like animals, but as he lashed out at her
even more he could see she was already blaming herself so much that nothing he

could say could bring any more pain. She held Lily tight and sobbed. She felt her
heart would break. How could she be so careless?
Samuel changed his tone of voice and again told her they had no choice but to
try and cross in the darkness, he would know more when they got within site of
the bridge. the four of them darted in and out of the wrecked cars and trucks.
Pausing every few hundred feet to listen and look for any gangs prowling around.
All was quite and they saw no one until they were in site of the bridge. The bridge
was cleared of all vehicles and was open with no cover .At the beginning of the
bridge were too guards sightly hidden from site. Samuel took his binoculars and
studied them a few minutes, then he studied the bridge from one end to the other,
he noticed what seemed to be possible booby traps and decided that they would
not be able to sneak across under cover of darkness. He turned and sat down by
Dana and she immediately noticed he was troubled. She whispered to him and
asked what was wrong, he shushed her and told her not to speak, told the kids it
was not safe to talk and for them to be absolutely quite until he could figure it out.
So Dana and the kids snuggled together and fell asleep, while Samuel continued
to study the lay out of the bridge and the actions of the guards.
He watched Dana and the kids sleep and couldn't help but wonder if he'd be
better off not helping them, he had an emotional need to help and protect them
even though he didnt understand why and at the moment it seemed like a suicide
mission. Trackers behind them and a road block in front. Then his eyes spotted
the fact that along the outside of the guardrail was probably wide enough to get a
foot hold onto while holding onto the railing. The kids could never do it but if they
were strapped onto their backs like back packs it might just work. But there was
no rope. He got an idea and woke Dana. Dana we have to make some rope out of
any kind of cloth we can find. I will cut it into strips and you braid it together. She
looked puzzled and softly asked Why? Then he said our only chance to get to the
other side of this bridge is along the outside rail. The kids will have to be carried
like back packs because they won't be able to hold on to the rail all that way so we
have to tie them onto us. Her head was shaking NO NO! I can't do that , what if I
fall, he looked at her and asked " would you rather the kids and yourself suffer a
slow painful death by being caught or risk a quick death to the river below, trying
to make it to freedom?" It's your choice but you only have those two choices. She
felt sick and agreed to make the rope, knowing he was right. She knew she would
have to leave all the belongings she held dear, it wasn't much but when you have
nothing even tiny things seem a lot. She pulled all the extra clothing out of the
bags while Samuel scouted around finding car seat straps, seat covers,
headliners any thing that might help keep those kids in place. It took several hours
and was almost dark when it was done.
Suddenly a group of trackers joined the guards on the bridge. Samuel could
hear bits of their conversation. They were talking about looking for the bastard
that killed Turk,and how they had already killed three men they found but did not
believe they were the ones that had hacked Turk to pieces. Why dont you think
you got the guy ? asked one of the bridge guards . The tracker looked at him and
said " none of the three we killed were strong enough or big enough to do the kind

of damage that had been done to Turk."But don't worry we will get him. He must
be trapped on this road some where unless he circled around us. But I don't think
he did. When we do get him we are going to hack him to pieces, he'll be so
tenderized he'll melt in your mouth." and they laughed.
They told the bridge guards to be on the lookout for any one passing by,
Samuel slid quietly down beside Dana and knew they had to do their best to
cross that bridge first chance they got.
After the trackers shared the meat of the men they killed they said their
goodbyes to the bridge guards and went off into the darkness hunting like savage
animals in a pack. Dana and Samuel waited until they were sure there was at
least a mile between them and the hunters then they started strapping the kids to
their backs, Samuel took Ben because he was heavier, Lily went with Dana. Once
secured they slowly made their way in the darkness to the rail and as the guards
were busy playing cards and eating around their small fire. Samuel climbed over
the rail then helped Dana do the same. The ledge wasn't as wide as he thought
maybe 8 inches or so, but it was still do able. They kept their heads down as they
inched along trying to avoid the light of the flickering fire. It was hard for Dana to
balance with Lily's added weight but she just tried not to think about it. inch by inch
foot by foot they made their way down the rail. finally Samuel felt it was safe for
them to stand up a bit now they were in total darkness. That made it even worse
not being able to see where you were going or what was ahead, just feeling your
way along. Dana could hear the river below and she focused on that and Lily's
heart beat. All the sudden Samuel stopped, he whispered to Dana that the ledge
was broken, and he could not tell how much was gone. he told he to stay put while
he tried to reach the other side. He was a tall man with long legs but he could not
reach the other side. They could not go back, not after coming this far, he
calculated that they must be at least half way across. Finally he said lets straddle
the rail and scoot along like kids on play horses. Dana said you are kidding right?
He said no It's the only way,. Dana was worried because it put them in the open
but was more worried about the traps on the bridge or going back. So they
climbed onto the top rail and pulled themselves along , after about 10 feet or so
Samuel stopped to test the ledge again, still no ledge. So another 10 or 15 feet he
tried it again. This time his foot touched solid ledge. Dana was glad to get off the
rail, it was too wide for her to comfortably sit on and she was so sacred the whole
time they were out in the open. Slowly , quietly they made their way along the
outside of the bridge rail, seemed it was taking forever when Samuel stopped and
made a low shhh, for Dana and the children to be quite. up ahead was what he
expected to find. Two more guards . It was starting to get light and he could make
out that they were snoozing and not very alert at their jobs, they had to get past
them and to safety before the sun rise or they'd be found, but how? He studied
them for awhile then came up with a plan, he whispered to Dana that he was
going to take Lily off her back and Ben off his, then he wanted Dana to cross the
bridge without being seen then remove some of her clothes, after that he told her
to approach the guards and act lost and confused. But before Samuel could finish
telling her the plan she immediately started saying No No No. I can't I m a afraid
and I can't , Samuel grabbed her arm and said; The first thing out of your mouth

before you even finish listening is NO! Unless you have a better plan there is no
other way, How will that save us Samuel? Dana asked with tears in her eyes, what
if they kill me while you get away? Samuel looked at her and said" I am not going
to leave you, If you would listen to the rest of the plan you would know that. While
they focus on you I will sneak up behind them and make sure they don't kill any of
us. Now we don't have much time, so you need to get going. Dana drew a deep
breath and slid past him and the children giving each child a hug, praying it
wouldn't be the last hug they ever got from her. She made her way to the end of
the rail and crawled past a few bushes until she made it to the road.Then ripped
her clothes , exposed a few body parts and took another deep breath, she had
never been so afraid in her life. slowly she stumbled toward the guards.
Meanwhile Samuel told Ben and Lily to close their eyes keep them closed and
slowly count to 100. Ben asked why ,and Samuel said because I don't want you to
see what I have to do to those bad men.
The guards seeing Dana coming toward them jumped up guns drawn ready to kill
her. Dana put her hands up and begged them not to shoot. Are you alone one of
them asked her? Yes she replied "I am lost and can't find my family I saw your fire
and was hoping you could help me. They lowered the guns and grinned at each
other, as they answered, Sure we will help you,come over here where we can see
you better. She was reluctant to go near them but knew she had to distract them
so Samuel could get closer. Trembling she walked toward them. once close
enough they grabbed her and their hands were all over her body. She whimpered
and tried to pull away but they pushed her to the ground and began tearing her
clothes off. They were more like animals and not men. Their laughing and
mocking her about wanting them to help her was sickening to hear, suddenly
there was a jolt from one of the men and something hot and wet flowed onto
Dana's chest, his body jerked and fell away, the other man became aware of
Samuel standing above him and he grabbed for his gun just as Samuel bought
the small ax down and into his skull. Dana rolled out from under him and started to
panic. Samuel knew she had to be quite in case there were others near by, he
grabbed her shoulders and shook her, but it did not help, so he smacked her hard
and she went to her knees and just sobbed. Samuel ran back and got the kids,
helped Dana up and hurried down the road to find somewhere for Dana to get the
bloody clothes off before the sun came up enough for the kids to see it. besides
she was leaving an easy trail to follow with ALL that blood dripping from her .
Finally she spoke, she thanked Samuel for saving her and the children but she
had no problem finding fault with him covering her in blood. He laughed and told
her it was a good color for her, besides he did not have time to ask the gentleman
to get off the lady before he chopped his head off. In a sick way she saw humor in
that statement and smiled.
They found a house a short way down the road , Samuel broke the door and they
went in. luckily their were some clothes suitable for Dana to change into and a bit
of water in a tub from the last rain so she could wash some of the dried blood off
her face and hands. After crossing the bridge all night she and the children just
wanted to curl up in the comfy beds and sleep, Samuel would not let them, he had
to remind Dana that when the new guards came to do their shift and found the

dead ones they would follow the trail of blood that dripped from Dana's clothes
and hunt them down. They would have to circle around and go the opposite
direction. hopefully that would fool them and they would lose the trail. After a few
miles Dana begged Samuel to let them rest. They were tired , hungry and could
hardly walk. Samuel agreed and they found an area off the road that was well
hidden. He made sure it was not noticeable where they left the road so if they did
figure out which way they went they would not find their hiding place. As they lay
down under the brush and trees Samuel pulled a package from his shirt, it was
food, food he had taken from the dead guards camp, it wasn't much but it was
better than starving. As Dana lay there looking at Samuel keeping watch, she felt
affection stirring within her for this man. He keeps her family safe and risks his life
for them. It puzzled her how much she was drawn to him. it was more than
Curled up next to her children she fell fast to sleep. After a couple hours Samuel
woke them and told her they needed to move on and find a suitable place to stay
the night. It was hard to force her body to move but she knew they had to get
further away from the bridge. Samuel listened and watched up and down the road
for several minutes before he moved them out onto the open road.
They walked slow and cautious, but still covered several miles in no time. They
were getting into a heavily wooded area, it was peaceful and the temperature was
cooler. Fewer houses meant they were probably going to sleep outside that night.
Dana was worried it might be cold with no blankets and unable to build a fire
because some of the gangs might see it. Samuel told Dana it would be dark soon
and they needed to find shelter. Just up ahead was a road that went off into the
woods. They decided maybe it might actually be a driveway and lead to a house,
it was worth a try.
As they walked the kids had to be carried, and Dana wished in her heart someone
would carry her.
She just felt she could not go much further that day. Suddenly she stopped dead
in her tracks, she tried to speak but only air escaped he mouth. Samuel quickly
put Ben down and went on alert. What? What's wrong Dana? Finally she muttered
look up ahead in the tree line! What do you see? Where Samuel asked? There,
don't you see it? A sign! Yea I see a sign but I can't read it most of it is hidden by
the trees. Yes she said but I see enough of it to know it says SANCTURARY.
Samuel studied it and then he said , it does say that! she got an Adrenalin rush
and ran toward it . When she finally was standing under it she could read the
whole sign. and fell to the ground cursing and pounding her fists on the pavement.
Its a wild animal Sanctuary, all this time she thought she was looking for a place
for people, a safe place for her children and all it is is an old animal Sanctuary. All
hope was gone. Samuel tried to comfort her and convince her this wasn't the
place and they would keep looking. She knew he was right it was just she was so
exhausted so ready to just rest. She got to her feet and Ben and Lily gave her a
hug as if to let her know she wasn't alone and it was going to be alright. As she
looked into their faces she saw the hope and faith that she had almost forgotten, it
brought a peace to her and she hugged them close and the tears stopped.
Now back to the business at hand, shelter for the night.

Their steps were heavy as they walked down the road and night was not far away.
Samuel encouraged them to pick up the pace or they were going to out in the
open when it got dark. That's something you never wanted to be. Still they creep
ed along, just too tried and hungry to hurry.
Samuel decided he would go ahead and see what he could find then come back
for them. It was a risky move but he was getting desperate. He told Dana to
keep alert and stay to the shoulder of the road encase they had to made a dive
into the brush. The three watched as Samuel hurried out of sight. Ben was usually
not very chatty but he was nervous and so he talked about the moon and stars,
bugs, birds just every little thing his sleepy little eyes could see. Lily joined in with
the mindless conversation as Dana tried to keep her ears open for sounds of
gangs traveling the roads looking for their next victims. Finally she shushed the
kids and reminded them they had to be listening not making so much noise. It was
dusk now and she was starting to get anxious that Samuel had not returned. It
reminded her of the times when she faced things without him, and how she and
the kids really needed him. How they were a lot safer with him and how short lived
their lives would be if he did not come back. The knot in her stomach was now in
her throat and she felt a panic attack coming on, but if she fell apart so would the
kids. In her mind she kept saying, he's coming back, but why did I let him leave us?
Tears dripped down her face , just as she saw his burly shadow down the road in
the dim light ahead. Thank God, they were going to be OK.
As he grew closer they mustered enough energy to run to him and throw their
arms around him. Whoa, guys what's this all about? Did you think I wouldn't come
back for you?
Dana said no we knew you would be back , we just worried something happened
to you. Then she asked if he found somewhere for them to stay the night? He said
yes, it wasn't great but he thought they'd be safe there till morning. He picked the
kids up so they'd make better time and fussed at Dana to keep her moving.
Samuel turned down a narrow road that probably went to the animal park, there
was a large parking lot and walls covered in vines, almost looked like a mountain.
Dana studied the wall towering above them and searched for any thing that
looked like a gate or door but could not see anything in the dimming light. Samuel
led them to a thicket along the wall, it was big enough for all of them and by pulling
they vines together they could not be seen once inside. Dana gathered up leaves
and grass to make a bed for the kids. They were asleep even before their heads
hit the ground. Once they were taken care of Dana went to work on one for her
and Samuel as he kept guard making sure no one had followed them . Finally she
curled up next to the kids and she drifted into a deep much needed sleep.
Samuel was pretty sure they were safe and in the darkness he could hear their
soft breathing it gave him a sense of worth and contentment. He wasn't even
aware he had fallen asleep as well. A few hours passed when they awoke to rain.
a cold miserable rain. the thicket kept very little of it off them They had no dry
clothes, no dry place to get out of it and now the danger of hypothermia was a real
problem. Dana huddled the kids in her arms trying to protect them from the cold.
Samuel hoovered over her, but the rain just poured down onto them. Dana was so
depressed they had lost all their extra clothes, what little scraps of food they had

and now they were huddled in a thicket wet and freezing. She thought she
remembered seeing a piece of plywood or cardboard just down the road a few
feet, she wasn't sure what it was because only a tip was visible. She told Samuel
she was going to get it to see if it was big enough to keep the rain off the kids.
Samuel said no I will go but he had not seen it and had no idea where to look.
Dana convinced him to stay and keep the kids under his body as much as
possible. As she pulled the vines back to exit their soggy hiding place she came
face to face with a tall slim ghostly white figure. Startled she stepped back quickly
and gave a little distressed gasp. Samuel grabbed his ax and went into protection
mood. As he drew his arm back to attack a voice said Son I have come to help
you and the family. It was soft voice, one that calmed Samuel and he felt totally
safe. The stranger had long flowing hair and light colored eyes. he could be seen
plainly even in the wet darkness. Samuel and Dana gathered their wits and asked
him who he was and what did he want? The being in long robes studied them a
moment and softly said.
Come with me and I will take you to safety. Just then he glanced over his shoulder
and then back at Dana and Samuel. He told them that the ones that were hunting
them are near and they needed to come with him now. Dana's mind was racing,
she was in a weakened condition ready to surrender, Samuel was confused and
his judgment was scrambled, but for some reason he trusted the stranger and
he knew what the alternative would be and he knew that in his exhausted
condition he would not able to fight the thugs coming up the road. They picked the
kids up teeth chattering and lips turning pale blue, and followed the tall figure
along the vine covered walls. He stopped at a huge door that was nearly invisible
unless you knew where to look. The pale one raised his hand and it opened, they
walked with this being into the compound as the heavy door closed tight behind
them. He led across a courtyard to a small room in the first building they came to,
once inside he asked them to wait until someone came for them , their guide
turned and left with out making a sound. All Dana cared about at that point was
that her children were in a warm, dry place. Her mind was foggy , Samuel as well
and the kids just stared as a door opened and three very kindly old men came in, .
White hair, beards .light eyes kind voices. They smiled and welcomed them to
Sanctuary. What ? What had they said? could it be true that they haphazardly
stumbled onto the very place they sought for weeks? They told Dana and Samuel
that first on the agenda was to get them warm, fed and rested. tomorrow they
would be summoned and all their questions would be answered. Without another
word a dark woman came in and asked Dana and the children to come with her,
without hesitation she followed. Samuel rose to follow, but he was stopped, Dana
questioned why he could not go with them, the answer she got was all your
questions will be answered in the morning Of course Samuel asked if she was
sure it was safe to go with this woman without him, he did not like being separated
from them without knowing where they were and who these people were. Dana
smiled and touched his cheek and assured him she would be fine., Then she
turned and went with the woman. Samuel stood and looked eye to eye with the
men, they studied him then asked him to follow them to his room. He was
somehow uncomfortable with it but went anyway. In the room was a hot bath,

clean clothes, food and drink and the most beautiful bed he had ever remembered
seeing, with sheets, a blanket and a big fluffy pillow! He decided it was all a
dream and he was not in a hurry to wake up.
It was the same for Dana and the kids, hot bathes, real food , comfortable clean
clothes and aw those beds, after bathing and eating some amazing fruits and
breads, they got into those beds and Ben looked at his mom and asked why she
never told him about this place or about beds with sheets and blankets. Lily
wanted to know if it was a dream and would they wake up back in the cold rain?
Dana just smiled and said God I hope it's not a dream, if it is we are all having the
same dream. Even Samuel, asked the kids? Dana thought for a moment and
replied that she hoped he was having the same dream too. There were beds for
each of them but they huddled close in one, safe and at peace Sleep came
quickly and it was a sleep like none they ever remembered. The last thoughts
Dana had was the hope that all the trials they suffered and survived were finally
over, and now they could just breath and live without fighting to survive. She
thought about her baby, and wished he were there with them.
When morning came she was awakened by voices and activity in the compound.
Dana did not ever want to leave that bed or let go of those kids smelling so fresh
and clean, as she lay there watching them sleep she almost did not recognize
them with shiny hair and smudge free little faces. She couldn't help but smile.
There was a soft knock on the door and when she opened it a women was there
with breakfast, Dana was shaking , it was more than she could take in, eggs toast,
coffee,milk even juice! she had only dreamed of food like this, she fell to her
knees. The woman helped her up concerned she was ill she started to get help,
but Dana motioned for her to stay, as she caught her breath she hugged the
woman and told her she could never express how grateful she was for all the
kindness . Lily and Ben smelled the food and from a dead sleep were out of bed
like shot and staring at the tray they dove into it like animals. Dana was
embarrassed but the woman smiled and joked about what great appetites they
had. She told Dana that as soon as she had eaten that she was to get dressed
and she would return to take her to see the elders, and the details of her life in
Sanctuary would be explained. As soon as the door closed Dana joined the kids
and stuffed herself till she could not eat another bite. It was an amazing feeling to
be so miserably full and content. After wiping the food from Ben and Lily faces she
turned her attention to getting dressed. She did not see her clothes and was sure
they had been taken during her bath, so since she was told to get dressed she
assumed there were more clothes here somewhere. As she opened the closet
door she was pleasantly surprised to see several outfits already matched up and
ready to wear. Even things for the children, how did they know the sizes? even
down to shoes, perfect! It was hard to chose what to wear, but settled on a long
skirt and simple white blouse, somehow she felt it was the best choice to meet the
elders in. As she got the children dressed and hair brushed that there was that
soft knock at the door. She opened it and this time two women stood before her.
One to take her to the elders, one to stay with the children. Dana felt a little
uneasy about leaving the children but decided that if they had meant them harm
they would already be dead . She hugged them good bye and said " I will be back

soon " as she walked out the door following the slender fair woman. The woman
smiled at her and asked how she slept, how was her breakfast and remarked at
what a perfect choice she had made with her clothing. Dana smiled back and told
her everything was more than perfect and she could not remember ever sleeping
that well before. As far as the clothes she thanked her for the compliment. They
strolled along tree lined roads people were busy with their activities and hardly
seemed to notice Dana. But she was fascinated by them.
After about 10 minutes they arrived at a white building with very large carved
doors. As they approached the doors they opened slowly allowing them to enter.
Once inside the doors closed just as slowly. The two women stood in a grand hall
with sweeping stairways, She told Dana to wait there and someone would come
for her then she turned and went up one of the stair ways .
It was just a matter of a few moments when a being like the one who found them
outside the walls, came toward her then motioned for her to follow him. She
smiled at him and followed but he did not smile back. They walked down a long
hall, shiny marble floors perfect white painted walls. At the end of the hall she
could see double doors that opened to show a bright room with a half circle
shaped table and three older men, white hair piercing blue eyes. She hadn't been
nervous until now. Her guide left her and the doors shut behind him.
Come in my child you are welcome here. The sound of his voice was calming and
Dana relaxed and stepped forward. Opposite from the three men was a chair and
they motioned for her to sit.
The one in the middle sort of smiled then he asked Dana if she had been treated
well since her arrival. Dana's eyes lit up and she almost blurted out how wonderful
every thing was, the food, the beds, the bath the clean clothes, the feeling of
being safe and at peace.The one to the right asked if she and the children had
long term plans to stay in Sanctuary. Puzzled by the question Dana asked ' why
would we ever want to leave?' Very well then we will tell you how your life will be
here, you must follow a few simple commandments, work a job and be a
productive part of the colony.
What type of commandments Dana asked? The three of them studied her a
moment it made her very uncomfortable. Finally the third man spoke' if you wish
to stay and raise your children within these walls you will do what is expected,
you will be taught what the rules are . Dana felt fear that she and the kids would
ever be asked to leave and she could not understand why she would question any
rule they had, she would never do anything to cause her family to be made to
leave this place. Please sir I meant no disrespect, I will gladly do what ever is
expected of me. The middle man gave that half smile again and told her all is well,
they understood her desire to stay. Tears rolled down her face and she managed
a smile. The questions began:
you were brought in with a male companion, was he just your guide or something
Dana had started to become very fond of Samuel, but she wasn't sure it was the
something else they asked about. So she said he was just a friend that helped
them find this place.
Silence as they watched her , then another question;

What do you know about Samuel? What did she know she asked in her mind,
truth was she really did not know a lot about him, but he saved them on several
occasions and ever though he was big and gruff she thought him to be a caring
She wondered why they wanted to know about Samuel, but did not ask.
Dana we know about the child you buried several months back, and you did your
best to save him" Now she really did get teary eyed, how did they know about
Again they were interested in her emotional response and sat quietly and watched
her. Finally--Do you have any interests , hobbies or skills that are beneficial to our colony?
Dana replied that she could sew a bit, cook, teach or learn what ever they needed
her to do. Good, that's an excellent attitude, maybe you would like to work in our
textile department, we make all the clothing from our Lamas, sheep and even silk
worms and cotton. That sounds great she said but I wouldn't have a clue how to
make cloth from any of those things. They were quick to inform her that all she
needed to know would be taught to her. So she agreed to learn a new skill and
smiled from ear to ear.
They told her a home would be given to her big enough for her and the kids and
every thing she would need would be supplied.
Just then the doors opened and her guide was there to take her back to the
children.She turned to leave and realized she had so many questions, but when
she turned back to them they were gone.
How's that possible that fast? She looked up at the tall figure taking her back,
studied him for a few moments and decided she'd get no response from him know
matter what she asked. Just out side the building the woman that brought her
came to take her back. She was a little more talkative, telling Dana her name was
Beth and her job was to make sure that people with appointments to see the
elders got there on time. Then she asked Dana if she had been assigned a job yet.
Dana quickly said yes she was going to be in textiles. Oh, Beth responded that is
an important job. Why asked Dana? Beth giggled and said just think about it, with
out people doing your job soon we'd have nothing to wear and how would that
look? Dana agreed it was a very important position. But she expressed her
concerns about not being able to do the job. Just then one of the taller robed
beings passed them and Beth went from kind of friendly and funny to eyes down
and very serious.
Dana noticed they weren't going back to where she left Ben and lily. Beth where
are we going? I thought we were going back to my children. Oh we are replied
Beth, they are at a different area with other children their ages. Just then Dana
heard children playing and laughing and she hurried her step so she could see
her kids. What a blessing to see them playing with other children. But Ben and Lily
weren't playing, they sat huddled together on a bench and when they saw Dana
they run as fast as they could and threw themselves into her arms. Why aren't you
playing with the other children, why aren't you having fun? Ben looked puzzled.
We thought we'd be in trouble for not staying where you left us. The woman made
us come here and we were worried that you would not be able to find us. Plus we

were afraid to be out in the open making noise. Dana hugged them tight and told
them how proud she was of them, but now it's OK to play on the swings , run ,
laugh, yell and just be kids. Their eyes lit up and they hesitated a moment but then
like a shot were off to the slides and swings. Dana thought the blessings of being
here was food, shelter, clothes and safety but now she knew it wasn't just that, it
was watching her children being children and being happy.
Samuel did not sleep well that night, he kept thinking of Dana and the kids and
wondering why they insisted he be separated from them. He got up as the sun
rose, and he happened to catch a peak of himself in the mirror, wow someone
needed a shave and haircut. There on the sink was a fresh razor and shaving
cream, he'd had almost forgotten how to shave it had been so long. It took several
minutes to get all the hair off his face and after he rinsed several times it was
astonishing what a difference it made. he did not recognize that face. Just then a
knock on the door and to his surprise was breakfast with all the trimmings. If this
was a dream he did not want to wake up. The boy that bought his food sat it on
the table and smiled softly as he backed away, then he told Samuel that when he
finished someone would be coming to cut his hair and then he would be taken to
see the elders. Samuel felt a little uncomfortable, but nodded OK to the boy. After
he gorged himself on hot food he decided to get dressed. he had many choices
but because he thought maybe Dana and the kids would be seeing the elders as
well he wanted to look the best he could, so picking his clothes wasn't easy.
Another knock at the door revealed a man with a bag in his hand, he was the local
Barber, and he was to cut Samuels hair. After the cut Samuel looked amazing
which made him even more excited at the possibility of seeing Dana. Guess he'd
really gotten fond of her, and he missed her. The man seemed pleased with the
work he'd done on Samuel s hair and he excused himself and left. Before the door
was completely shut another knock and Samuel opened it to one of those tall pale
beings like the one that they meet at the wall. He told Samuel he was there to take
him to the elders for a meeting. Samuel nodded and turned to reach for his ax.
The pale one took a step forward and blocked the door. Samuel studied him and
asked why he blocked the door? The answer was that he did not need the ax and
the laws in the compound were that NO WEAPONS were allowed or needed.
Samuel argued and told him where he went his ax went. Still the tall one did not
budge. Again he repeated the rule and waited. Samuel decided to go along with it
because he wanted to meet the elders and get a better idea of where he was and
what was going on, so he laid the ax on the table and in a gruff unhappy tone he
told the man it better be there when he returned. The pale one turned to allow
Samuel to exit the room and shut the door. They walked along the tree lined roads,
and Samuel observed people busy with their jobs and family, he sensed a
calmness and a sort of peace, he felt an evil in his gut like a wolf in a pen filled
with lambs, and he tried to hide it and push it aside. As they approached the large
building the doors opened to reveal sweeping stairways and a long hall that ran
between them. At the end of that hall were two large white doors that opened as
they approached, The pale one stopped and motioned for Samuel to enter. As he
did he was faced with a half circle table. around that table were 6 old men they
were all almost identical with blue eyes, flowing white hair and the same robes. in

the middle of the room was a chair and Samuel was asked to sit there. He
hesitated but he finally sat down. There was an uncomfortable silence as they
starred at him. Made him shift his weight in the chair and felt a bit nervous. Finally
it was Samuel that broke the silence. Who are you people and where am I exactly?
One of the elders softly said" we offer a place of hope and safety to those that
seek it. Then another said we know you are here by chance not by choice, we
know who you are and what you've done. Samuel said yeah I am the one that
bought Dana and the kids here, I protected them and risked my life for them.
Another elder raised his hand to stop Samuel talking, then he said " Samuel how
long did you track Dana before you finally revealed yourself to her?
Samuel starred long and hard at the elder that asked that question, as he
pondered why he asked it and how he knew he had tracked her? Several miles he
Your intentions were to kill her and the children, what changed your mind?
Shocked Samuels eyes narrowed and he studied them. Samuels first thought
was to deny it, but he knew that they knew and so he told them he changed his
mind when he stood watching her sleep , she reminded him of someone he once
cared about. Then when Lily placed her hand in mine, gave it a squeeze and
smiled at me I knew I could not harm them. Another elder said" what happens
when she ever finds out that the woman and boy you told her about were actually
your wife and son, and that they were captured as you were off on a raid killing
helpless families. and in fact it was your own men that killed and ate your son
because they did not know you had a family.
I never told the others about my wife and son because I thought they would be
safer hidden from them.
After they killed your family you sought revenge and killed several of those men
as you pretended to protect Dana and the kids.
Samuel went into a rage he leaped from the chair and was in their faces pounding
on the table and screaming that they deserved death. and I WAS saving Dana
and the children! Those killings were justified!
From no where two pale ones stood on either side of Samuel and as they
touched his shoulder he calmed down and they sat him back in the chair.
Samuel you are a killer, it's what you do, it's who you are. We don't feel you have
a place here, we can't make you leave unless you break our laws but we ask for
Dana's sake you search your sole, what there is of it, and make a decision with
her well being in mind. If you stay you will be monitored constantly, you will be
given a job that gives you no access to anything that could be used as a weapon.
Ask yourself if you can change that much. She thinks she loves you and you have
strong feelings for her, but it could turn into a whole different set of emotions if she
ever finds out who you really are and your role with the gangs. Samuel's head
was spinning, then he asked "WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE"! how do you know about
my wife and son, how do you know I am the leader of one of the most brutal
gangs in the city? I never told anyone?
We know all there is to know about you and your life style Samuel.. As far as who
we are" We came here after the world ended, when God took those he felt worthy
and left the rest to suffer and die. We wanted to see the punishment in action and

what we found was there were those that were pure evil and those that weren't
and those somewhere in between. We asked God for permission to stay and
watch it play out. we were granted that request on condition that we can not
interfere with their decisions or actions nor can we try to control them . We can
only observe. Then we got the idea to create a safe haven for those that showed
signs of goodness and hope. They have to seek it on their own, we can not bring
them we can not force them to stay and they can only stay as long as they follow
the rules. We don't even chose them the guardians do. They are angels of a
different level left here by God, but they seem to take a great interest in protecting
a hand full of the doomed, kinda like they are their pets. You are the first the
guardians let enter that wasn't worthy to be here, and we are puzzled as to why.
Samuel thought for a moment then said what do you mean the end of the world?
When did that happen? Are you saying that all the destruction is not from a war
and our memories are not intact because of some nerve gas or something? Am I
to believe I was left here because I am a bad person and this is Hell? All of you
are crazy and I am not buying it. I don't know how you know the things about me
that you do but I don't believe in God or angels or what ever you are.
We told you this because once you leave here you won't remember what we said,
that way we will have no influence on your actions. Eventually all the evil ones will
kill themselves off, that's when the ones that are left can take over and start again.
It's a game of good verses evil.
By now Samuel was in a state of disbelief, anger and a little fearful. He stood up
and asked to be taken back to his room. He turned toward the door and then
remembered Dana, He turned back to the elders to ask when he could see her but
in a blink of an eye they were gone. Now he was sure he was crazy and had lost
his mind. Out side the door the guardian waited and just as the elders had said
Samuel forgot what he had been told as soon as he stepped outside. He did not
speak as he was taken back to the room, he was so confused he could not
remember how the meeting went with the elders, there was something he had
forgotten. He did remember the offer of becoming something he wasn't in order to
stay, and he wasn't interested in becoming a common worker or farmer. Back in
the room first thing he looked for was his ax, it was right where he left it.
It was lunch time and food was bought to him. Wow he could get used to this, but
still he wanted to see Dana.
The elders called a meeting with the guardians, they wanted some answers as to
why Samuel was inside the walls. He was dangerous and it was a mistake. The
guardians had no problem working with the elders but they were their own bosses
and resented being questioned about Samuel. But they did understand why they
were upset and they agreed they should have discussed it before doing it. After
listening to the arguments they decided to share with the elders why he was
allowed inside. Since they could not interfere with the humans they saw Samuel
as a tool. they were hoping that he would not stay, they hoped because of his love
for Dana he would be convinced to bring others here as he did her and the
children. They were hoping for a spark of humanity to grow in him and he would
want to redeem himself and eventually join her here. The elders pointed out that
was a huge gamble! They promised to watch him closely while he was here and

wait to see if they were right about his potential.

Samuel grew restless cooped up in that room, and he opened the door to go out,
as he did he came face to face with the tall one that had been watching over him.
He became angry and asked if he were a prisoner , the answer was no but he was
still not allowed to roam around the compound without a guide. He was told that if
he wanted a tour then he would be given one but he could not take the ax. Samuel
was reluctant about placing the ax back on the table but he did and off he went on
his tour. He was shown the different areas of production, groups of homes,
schools, medical facilities, playgrounds and all the while he grew more restless.
This was not the lifestyle he wanted, he could not reform and be just one happy
citizen in a sea of happy soles. He needed to be free, he wanted to make his own
rules. Suddenly he caught a glimpse of Dana. She was playing on the swings with
the kids. Her hair blew into her face as she swung back and forth, her smile and
laughter was intoxicating to Samuel. He hardly noticed Ben and Lily or the tall
guide beside him. All he saw was her and his heart nearly jumped from his chest.
Up until that moment he hadn't realized just how much she really had come to
mean to him. He raised his hands and shouted to her. When she heard her name
and recognized his voice her heart too beat twice as fast. But she did not
recognize him with a shave, haircut and clean clothes. He hurried to her as she
jumped from the swing and they hugged each other so tight Dana could hardly
take a breath. She pushed away from him and with a smile so bright she said so
this is what you look like! He smiled back at her and asked if she approved?
Hmm ,not bad at all. Oh Samuel I have so much to tell! She started chattering
about her new job and the home she was to get, the food , the clothes and on and
on. Then she asked Samuel if he had chosen a job yet or did he know where his
house would be and maybe they would be close, maybe they could share a house.
He stopped her and as he held her hands he told her he did not want to stay here
and he was in hopes that she would go with him, they could build a life outside the
walls. Dana slowly pulled her hands from his, but Samuel look around you. Do
you see my children running, yelling and having fun for the first time since, well
since I can't remember? Do you see they aren't afraid of being killed here, I am
not afraid either? We don't have to hide or be hungry. Samuel this is everything I
hoped it would be, this is where we have to stay. Please stay with us. But she
could see in his eyes that he would not be staying. At first he was angry, then his
eyes turned from her and he watched the kids yelling and chasing each other,
they were laughing so hard it made him smile and even though he didn't want to
understand how she felt or that she would chose this instead of him, he did
understand it. He drew a deep breath and squeezed her hand softly. Dana I love
you so much but I don't belong here, I have to go back to what I know, I can't be
this. If I could I would. Are you sure Samuel, couldn't you try? He dropped her
hand and smiled a forced smile, then mumbled he would sleep on it. As he and
the tall one turned to continue their tour Dana asked Samuel to join her later for
dinner so they could talk more about it. Samuels answer was sure that sounds
, and he walked away. She stood there confused by his choice, numb that he did
not see their future here, heart broke that he would not choose her and Sanctuary.

As they walked the tall one asked why he would not want to stay here with the
woman he loved, Samuel did not answer, probably because he did not
understand why himself. He wanted to be alone and did not join Dana for dinner.
He was sole searching, and the answer was always the same, he could not stay
and be what they wanted him to be. Early the next morning he asked to see the
elders. The request was granted and he went to the great hall to talk with them.
He explained how he felt as best he could, he asked them that if ever he were to
change his mind about coming back would he be allowed back in side?They were
quite, then told him that his actions in the past would say no he could not come
back, but they had a proposition for him that might earn him the right to return if he
changed his mind in the future. They had a job to offer him, they knew it probably
would not change who he was, but would give him an opportunity to redeem
himself from past sins, and provide him with needed supplies he did not have on
the outside. They asked if he would become a guide for others seeking sanctuary.
in return he would always have food, clothes and medical care when ever he
needed it . Hmm thought Samuel. The plan intrigued him almost caused him joy,
except for leaving Dana. How long do I have to give you my decision? The elders
looked at him then at each other and told him he had to decide now. Well then I'll
do it. But how will you know when I need supplies? And how will you know what I
need? They smiled and assured him it would not be a problem. He said his good
by to them, and was going to go find Dana to let her know what his job was to be
when they asked him not to. They told him it would be too difficult for her and if he
cared for her he would not hurt her. He was taken back to the room, where he
gathered his ax and a few clothes and he was escorted out to the main gate. The
tall one told him they were aware of who he was and would not ever let Dana find
out. The gate opened and Samuel walked out and it closed behind him. But as
promised suddenly he had a backpack with food and items he would need for his
quest, so off he went. Before night fall he needed a place to sleep , and like magic
he found a warm cave to make a meal and sleep.
Dana asked about Samuel and was told he made his decision to leave and did.
She excepted the answer, it hurt her deeply but decided to get on with her new life
with her kids. Sometimes she thought of him but it was hard to think of him without
remembering the horrors outside the walls and she never wanted to return to that.
With the kids going to school and Dana loving her job she thought she couldn't
be happier until the day her house was finished then a whole new happiness
opened up to her and the kids when they walked though the doors a roof over her
head that was hers, a door to shut when she needed to be alone and safe. Life
almost perfect!
New families occasionally came and with them came stories of a mighty man
that led them to safety , risking his own life to do it. A man called Samuel. Dana
always smiled to herself as she listened to the stories, she was so proud of the
man that saved her and her children and even though she wished he had stayed,
she knew that what he was doing was more important. and she was OK with that.
The guardians never let the elders forget that they had made the right choice
letting Samuel into the compound and offering him the job of scout and guide.
What wasn't ever talked about was the fact that not all the people Samuel ran into

on the roads made it to Sanctuary. He played a game called one for you one, two
for me. But at least some made it. Before, very few did.
The guardians knew what he was doing but they of course never shared that
information with the Dana they just looked the other way and let him appear to be
a hero.
Dana raised her children in the peaceful community, life was good for them. She
had friends but not close ones and she never took a husband, her two children
were her world. Sadly as Ben and Lily approached their teens the trauma of
things they had experienced started to come to the surface of their personalities.
Dana wasn't blind to the tell tell signs of troubled teens. She knew all teens reach
a point of not being children yet not adults and they were at the cross roads of
choosing the path they wished to follow. Of course as their mother she never gave
up on them, even when she was called before the elders to try and decide the
course of discipline to be used when Ben would rebel at high school, church and
at his vocational school. But no matter what she tried he was head strong. Then
right before his 17th birthday he told her he wanted to leave Sanctuary and join
Samuel. He had decided that's what he was meant to do, he wanted the
adventure and glory like Samuel, he did not want to be a farmer or a common
worker in a boring compound. Dana's heart sank, she could not let her son go out
those gates and into the living horrors that she knew still existed there. The stories
made Samuel sound like a super hero but she knew the things he had to do to
protect and deliver the ones that made it here. That was not what she wanted for
Ben. But he wouldn't listen. Even prayer brought no peace to her heart. She
wished Samuel were here to talk some sense into him.
At the same time Lily had become promiscuous and seemed to have no pride or
self a esteem. Dana felt it was because of the rape when she was younger and
watching Samuel chop her attacker to pieces. That would be enough to scar any
child for life. Many times she was brought in for discipline to the elders but they
could not interfere . Dana was so lost, she talked to her daughter, prayed with her,
loved her with all that was in her but nothing helped. She could see in Lily's eyes
the pain, despair and the sadness and she believed if she could change it she
One day Ben got into a fight on a job he was doing, he caused serious injuries
to the man he attacked. Covered in blood not his own, he was brought to the
elders. Dana was sent for as well. The elders sadly explained to Dana that Ben
could no longer live in Sanctuary, Ben smiled from ear to ear, but Dana fell to the
floor too numb to speak or cry. The elders felt her pain, the pain that a mother
feels when she is about to loose her child was almost more than they could bare.
They knew how hard she worked how much she sacrificed, how much love she
felt for this boy, but they had rules and Ben broke them one by one, only this time
no leniency could be allowed. A messenger ran into the room and announced that
the man Ben attacked had died. To take anothers life was the last straw. Sadly
Ben seemed not have any remorse for what he had done. The guardians took him
out of the room, and that's when Dana started to sob. The elders said nothing.
There were no words to comfort her. She rose from the floor and stumbled out
side. She could see Ben and two guardians just up ahead. Dana hurried to them

and grabbed Ben, she held him so tight, memories of his childhood,his laughter
his tears his hopes and dreams all came flooding into her mind and she was sure
she was not going to survive this moment. Ben suddenly felt what he had cost his
Mother, he became aware of what this meant, he was never going to see her
again, or have her hug him and tell him everything was going to be OK. He wished
he could undo what he had done, and he was afraid for the first time. The
guardians took hold of his arm and told him to gather what he could in a backpack,
because that was all he would be allowed to take. Then he was to kiss his mom
goodbye and they would escort him out the gate. Banished into the outside world
for the rest of his life, which if he did not find Samuel would not be for very long.
Dana was not allowed to follow him to the gate. The goodbyes were said in her
little home and then she was ordered to stay there until they were gone. As they
neared the gate Ben started to cry, he was young and troubled but he was sorry
now, he did not want to go, please wasn't there something he could do to be
forgiven? The guardians did not speak, they were cold and uncaring about this
boy who now begged for forgiveness and as the gate was opened Ben would not
go out, so they picked him up and threw him out into the dirt and closed the gate
never letting him back in.
He was so alone and as he lay there all the bad memories of fighting to survive
out here came back to him. What had he done? After laying there for what
seemed forever he finally got up and surveyed his new surroundings. He missed
his Mom already and was saddened thinking of the pain she was feeling. He did
not mean to cause her pain. He just hadn't thought about the consequences of his
actions. He started to walk down the road he had walked down all those years ago
only this time it was away from what he had sought as a child and toward the
He realized he had to be cautious until he could locate Samuel, he had no way to
defend himself if he was found by any of the gangs.
Dana felt like she was dying, she threw herself onto his bed and hugged his
pillow seeking his scent, she had suffered many things, this was the worst, even
more than when she buried her baby, she hadn't had him long enough to form the
relationship that she had raising Ben.
Just then she heard Lily come in the front door. Dana jumped up to tell her about
Ben, as she started to tell Lily about what happened Lily told her she tried to stop
Ben, told him it was none of his business and just walk away but he wouldn't.
Dana was stunned , all the sudden she realized this had something to do with Lily
that Ben was probably defending her. He loved her and always watched out for
her. Dana looked Lily in the eyes and asked her what happened, Lily said she was
with some men when Ben walked in on them, he got into an argument with one of
them and when the man laughed at him and called Lily a whore and not fit to be
any thing but a dog, Ben went nuts and attacked him. Dana looked at her
daughter and told her she may as well just killed her brother because he was
banished to the outside and would never be allowed back in. Dana asked her why
couldn't she be a decent girl, didn't she know no man would ever want her as his
wife and they she would always be shunned by the other women and families?,
and that she would always be an embarrassment , and now she cost her brothers

life and for what? Suddenly Dana thought if she went to the elders and told them
what happened maybe they would let Ben come back, maybe they would see he
was only trying to protect his worthless sister. She grabbed her shawl and rushed
out the door. Lily just stood there taking in what her mother had said to her, Dana
did not notice how distraught Lily was as she left. Nor did she care. She rushed to
the elders and begged for an audience with them. They agreed to see her but
would not change their minds about Ben. They listened and then told her they
understood what had happened but it did not change the fact that a man died at
Ben's hands.
As the guardians led her away she just kept pleading with them even after the
chamber doors closed. Oh what a mess her life was her son gone because of her
daughter and the people talking in whispers about all of them. Somehow she
made it back to her door, took hold of the door knob and opened it, she didn't want
to talk to Lily right now and hoped she was in her room, she wasn't ready to
forgive her and maybe would never forgive her. But as she entered the main room
of the house there was Lily hung from a rafter dead. Dana snapped, her screams
could be heard for miles. some of the villagers rushed to her aide and cut Lily
down and laid her gently on the floor. Pinned to her blouse was a note saying she
was sorry she caused her mom embarrassment and the loss of Ben, and she just
wanted her mom to forgive her and love her. Please Mom forgive me.
Dana lost a big part of her sanity that day and was hospitalized for months. When
she was finally released she was given a different home and the old one had been
torn down. all reminders of her old life were gone. She was given simple jobs and
people were extra kind to her, many did not understand how she survived, those
that knew her before knew that she had not survived and that this shell was not
Ben traveled close to bushes and trees in case he had to hide, and hunger had
become his biggest enemy. Days went by when he'd see no one other times he
would see the different gangs patrolling the roads looking for their next victim, but
he saw no one he thought he could trust. A week had gone by when he heard a
familiar voice just off the road in an open patch of the woods. he slowly
approached to see if it really was Samuel, only Samuel heard him and circled
around behind him. Almost killed the boy before he knew who it was. Ben what on
earth are you doing out here? Ben smiled real big and said good to see you too!
Then they gave each other a bear hug, Ben really needed that hug. He told
Samuel what happened and that he was banished forever. Now he was here to
help Samuel save people and be a hero so his Mom would be proud of him again.
Samuel gave a half smile and studied Ben. He knew Ben did not know the truth
about who and what he really was and he wondered how he'd react when he
found out.
Samuel slapped him on the back and told him to come meet some friends of his
and he led him back to the group of five guys sitting in a circle round a small fire.
They studied Ben as he approached with Samuel. Samuel gave a big grin and
said guys this is my son Ben. Ben smiled and extended his hand, he was so proud
that Samuel introduced him as his son. He was excepted immediately but their
conversations were short and Ben felt like they were hiding some secret from him.

He was fed and and given a tent to sleep in, but had trouble falling to sleep, finally
he rested his mind and body and fell into a deep needed slumber.
Early the next morning before dawn Samuel woke his friends and led them from
camp so Ben could not hear them,he told them that Ben thought he was hero and
saved people, they got a laugh out of it, but Samuel told them now he had him
away from his Mom he would train him to be as good if not better at killing than he
was. But he told them not to share any information about what they really do until
the time was right. They agreed and went on their way.
When Samuel got back to camp Ben was up and asked where everyone was.
Samuel told him they had some roads to search for lost people and that at some
point they would meet back up with them. Ben was excited to start finding people
and taking them to safety at Sanctuary. But first some food and hot coffee. It
wasn't great but it was a lot better than the almost nothing he'd had for a week.
Ben ate the meat then asked Samuel what kind it was, he had never had anything
like it. Samuel asked if he liked it and Ben said it was a little sweet but OK.
Samuel grinned and told him it was sheep. Sheep! Ben said with a questioned
look on his face. Yeah Samuel said, sheep are easy to kill. He was thinking how
Ben would react when he found out that that sheep had two legs not four.
As the days went by they hadn't met any families to rescue, Samuel knew Ben
was disappointed and kept telling him sometimes it takes awhile, but it would
happen. Then one day along the road came a dirty half starved group of people.
Their were two men and a woman, with four children. the kids were so
malnourished that Ben could not even guess their ages. Samuel did not rush out
to meet them and he stopped Ben from approaching them. Ben was confused and
asked him if this wasn't what they were supposed to be doing, weren't they
supposed to help the weak and lost? Samuel almost lost his temper with Ben for
questioning his judgment, but he caught himself and decided that he needed to be
what Ben expected until he could sway him a different direction. So he told him
that when you first spy a new group that you have to watch them and make sure
they are who they appear to be and that you need to get the feeling that they are
good people worthy of saving. Ben did not totally agree with what he said but kept
it to himself. In Ben's mind and heart these were desperate people in need of help
and it wasn't his place to judge them, or Samuels. But he had a gut feeling to
keep his opinions to himself until he knew Samuel better. After spending several
days with Samuel he kept getting a feeling that things weren't exacting as he
thought they were but couldn't put his finger on what was amiss. The hesitation
about helping these poor soles really threw Ben off.
After watching the small group stumble along for about 30 min. Samuel and Ben
approached them from behind and scared the living daylights out of them. The
kids shrieked in horror and ran to the woman while the two men took a protective
stance around them. In their condition it would not have been a productive fight.
Nor a successful one. Ben spoke to them in a soft kind voice and told them who
he was and that he and his dad were there to take them to Sanctuary. Of course
they were not trusting of what Ben said, but they wanted to believe him with all
their hearts, they were so tired, so weak, so ready to lay down and die but the
thought of a rescue was too much to hope for. They had prayed and prayed for a

miracle, now they were so afraid to trust these two men. The horror stories of a
man that tells people that same story and then has a gang kill them has been told
and retold in all the camps. But something about the gentleness of Ben made
them relax a bit.
Ben carried a small amount of food in his nap sack and offered it to the children.
They grabbed it like they hadn't eaten in weeks, it made him feel so good inside to
feel he eased their pain a little. He knew Samuel also carried some food and
looked to him to give it to the adults. Samuel really did not like Ben taking charge
but he played the part of a hero and and opened his bag and handed the food to
the three adults. Ben asked Samuel how far they were from the gates of
Sanctuary, Samuel said he guessed about one days journey and after the group
rested over night they would take them there in the morning. So they took them to
a clearing and made camp, a small fire and put up shelter for them to get some
rest, Samuel left saying he would go see if he could find more food and water. Ben
was just happy playing savior and friend to these people who were at deaths door
and now actually smiled once in awhile. His heart was happy and he knew that
this was what he was born to do, this was his destiny. Finally every one settled in
and fell asleep. Ben watched over them like a guard dog, but eventually he fell
asleep. He was jarred out of that sleep by screams and fighting, he jumped up
and saw at least 10 to 15 men grabbing the kids and adults and dragging them off
into the woods. He grabbed an ax and tried to protect them but was out numbered
and someone hit him on the head with something heavy. When he woke up it was
over they were gone. He struggled to his feet and followed the trail they made in
the brush. That's when Samuel suddenly appeared in front of him and asked
where he was going. Ben explained what happened and that they had to go after
them and help them. That's when Samuel told Ben it was too late and he
explained that he had heard the screams and followed the trail only to have lost it
near the ravine. Ben was so upset, he asked Samuel where he had been and
maybe if he had stayed with them they could have fought them off. Samuel turned
quickly and faced Ben in anger, I was out searching for food and I would have
been there if I even thought for a moment our camp would have been found. You
are lucky they left you for dead. Ben felt something wasn't true about what Samuel
said, but he was a hero and he was a great man, so he tried to shake off that
feeling, but the screams of that family would not get out of his head, they haunted
him and he was sure they would haunt him the rest of his life. How did they know
where they were? Where was Samuel all night? What Ben did not know was part
of what Samuel said was true, he was getting food, but the food was the family
and it was for his gang.
Ben's head was killing him, but he forced a smile, and said OK dad we lost that
group but we will go find another. Samuel put his arm around the boys shoulder
and gave a little squeeze and told Ben he was glad he had not been taken. But
Samuel knew in order to maintain Ben's trust he would have to rescue someone
Samuel let Ben rest and shared food and water. After a few hours Ben felt he
could travel and they packed up camp and headed down the road. Ben was quiet,
so was Samuel, they walked slowly, but suddenly heard someone talking . That

made them stop dead in their tracks and listen closely it was coming from a thicket
a few feet from the road . Samuel motioned Ben to stay put as he approached the
voices like a cat sneaking up on a mouse. When Samuel could actually see the
group he spoke to them from a few feet away just in case they were armed he did
not want to get shot. Of course his voice sent them running in several directions
but Ben caught one of them and Samuel tripped another. He quickly assured them
that he wasn't going to hurt them, took his hands away and stepped back. The
man was wide eyed and terrified but decided to trust Samuel after seeing Ben
walk up holding the hand of his daughter, she ran to him and he scooped her up in
his arms. Then he called out to the others. His wife, one son and another man.
Ben told them who they were and that they were going to try and take them to
Sanctuary if they wanted to go. They smiled and said we absolutely want to go!
We have been searching for it for months and did not know if it was a real place.
Ben assured them it was a real place and they would do their best to get them
there safely. Samuel told them it was only a days walk and they should rest and
have some food and water before they started. The food was welcome and
consumed quickly. They walked an hour or two when Samuel pointed out that
dusk would soon be on them and they should find a safe place to spend the night
and continue come morning. To Ben it seemed like deja vu all over again. only this
time he was making sure Samuel stayed in camp. It did not take long to find a
place since Samuel knew all the roads and shelters for miles around. Once they
were settled in sleep came easily to everyone except Ben. He tossed and turned
and kept having flash backs of the night the other family was taken. In his dream
like state he remembered something, and that something caused him to awake
with a start, He sat up and stared at Samuel for a long time as he lay sleeping.
The pieces did not fit and he was confused. He was sure that some of the men
that attacked him and the others were Samuel s friends he had meet a few days
before. He thought he recognized them before he was hit over the head. But how
could that be? Yet it might explain why he wasn't taken or killed. But what might
Samuel have had to do with it, or did he know about who did it. He sat quite his
head still hurt but the more he thought about it the more he was sure of what he
saw. His instincts told him to keep it to himself until he could put the pieces
together, but he would watch Samuel closely. He admired that man and even felt
a love for him but something just wasn't right..
At first light everyone packed up and prepared to be taken to Sanctuary. The
group made hushed conversations as they followed Ben and Samuel down the
dusty road. They did not allow themselves to feel happiness because after
months of fear, disappointment and terror, happiness was not a word they spoke
Every few miles they would stop to allow the children to rest, then pushed on,
Samuel wanted to get them delivered before dark ,he just wanted to get the job
done and get Ben back on the hero road again and believing him to be a Savior.
Ben was deep in thought and acting oddly toward him, he dismissed it as head
trauma and stress.
Finally they turned on the road to the fabled Sanctuary. They took the group up
to the gate and told them to stay , someone would come and get them. Then

Samuel and Ben turned to walk away. One of the men called out to them thinking
they were being abandoned when the gate opened. Ben stopped and looked over
his shoulder and caught a glimpse of the tall guardian. It looked at him and
nodded a slow hello Ben forced back a tear and without Samuel noticing he
nodded back. He felt a warmth deep inside because he helped those poor people
find hope and happiness and he thought of his mom and he missed her. He hoped
that the guardian would tell her that he saw him and he was well. He and Samuel
walked back down the road and back to the every day reality of UNCERTAINTY.
Samuel felt relief that his good deed was done and now maybe it would help Ben
get back on the path he was creating for him. Ben on the other hand was deep in
thought about the night he was attacked . He wanted to talk to Samuel about it but
still wanted to wait till he could fit a few more pieces of the puzzle together. As
they walked Ben started to relax and began telling Samuel how excited he was to
find the next rescues. Samuel forced a smile and said sure kid we will keep our
eyes and ears open for those lost and in need, but in his mind he was thinking of
his gang that would need more food soon and Ben would just have to wait for his
ego boost of being a hero..
Days went by and they saw no one. Ben was starting to feel foolish about not
trusting Samuel and he settled into his new life and started learning the terrain
and the roads and Samuel began teaching him where the guardians would leave
his supplies after he delivered people to Sanctuary. Only a few times did Samuel's
friends pop in for a visit, but it wasn't the first group he met, these were new faces.
Ben thought it odd they avoided eye contact with him. But he did not mind
because he wasn't comfortable around them and did not want to be their friend.
He was still sure some of them were there that night. but it did not make since so
he kept dismissing the thought. It did seem odd that there seemed to be some
kind of secrets they shared and were careful not to slip up in front of him. He tried
real hard to stop being suspicious but just could not succeed. His heart told him
there was danger and evil here.
Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months and the search for those
in need became harder with fewer and fewer people to save. Ben felt that there
had to be more people lost and searching for Sanctuary, but why couldn't he find
them? Samuel never seemed concerned and it took Ben a while to understand
that every time Samuel would run low on supplies he would find a group and lead
them to safety. One day it became so clear to Ben that Samuel had some kind of
scheme going on but he wasn't sure how it worked. So Ben waited until Samuel
was in need of more supplies and then he watched closely as Samuel without any
effort or searching went straight to a young couple and an elderly man as if he
knew exactly where they were going to be. How did he do it? Samuel did the
usual introductions and the re assurances that he and Ben would deliver them to
safety. The usual rest , eat, deliver get supplies. Until the supplies were gone then
repeat. The puzzle pieces started to fit but still a few were missing.
That evening around the camp fire Samuel left with the excuse he was scouting
the area making sure they were safe. That gave Ben a chance to talk to the small
group about others they may have seen and how long they had been on the road.
He was very was interested to hear them say they had seen a great many people,

and that most of them did not survive because escaping the cannibal gangs was
almost impossible since the roads were blocked. They told Ben how blessed they
were to finally find a section of road that wasn't blocked and how fortunate to have
Ben and Samuel find them. Ben smiled and agreed it was a good thing while all
along his brain was analyzing what they had said. He knew somehow they got
though because Samuel was in need of supplies. It had to be set up by his friends
or the gangs and maybe both. Again they repeated how grateful they were that
Ben and Samuel had found them and with that they excused themselves and
went to sleep. Ben could not sleep, he knew now that Samuel was some how
involved with the gangs. Now it started to make sense how Samuel found lost
people when ever he was low on supplies. Once this group was delivered he was
going to try and come with a plan to prove his suspicions. But if he was right his
life could be in danger. That morning one by one they climbed out of their tents
and every one shared a bit of food and some bottled water. The chatter was soft
and quite as to not draw unwanted attention from others that may be hunting them.
Samuel was still in his tent, he had been out nearly all night but everyone was
getting restless, wanting to get on the journey to Sanctuary. So Ben woke him up
and asked how much longer he needed to sleep. Samuel grunted a couple of
times then looked at Ben and asked him if he knew the way. Ben was puzzled by
the question but answered yes. With that Samuel told Ben "you take them ", he
said he had scouted for miles and they were safe to go without him. Ben hesitated
then agreed, after all it wasn't far and he did know the way. So as they gathered
their belongs Samuel snuggled back into his tent and went back to sleep as Ben
started down the dusty road leading the three to safety. It made Ben feel like a
hero and he had a sense of accomplishment. they walked for miles, the talking
was casual chit chat, Ben learned the couple had been together for years but
weren't married, they seemed like good people with kind hearts. The elderly man
was not a relative he just met them one day and asked if he could tag along,
They had no problem with his company and did not seem to know much about
him. The old man did not offer any information either. He just walked and
remained silent. Ben liked the couple but was reserved about the old man. About
mid day they took a break and a much needed rest. Ben told them they still had
about 6 hours to walk and that they needed to keep going so they would be there
before dark. The hours ticked by and the conversations stop. They were hot, tired
and only concentrated on the road ahead, until they came to the high wall covered
by vines and weeds. Ben shook their hands goodbye , he told them to stay there
and that someone would come for them. With that he turned to leave, They asked
Ben to wait with them, they were worried that Ben had led them into a trap since
he was leaving them alone. Funny how everyone always thought that. Ben told
them to trust him and wait. then turned to leave. He did not get far when he heard
the giant door open and the voice telling them to follow him. But this time the voice
also said - Stop! you can not enter! - with that Ben turned to see who he was
talking to. It was the old man, he was being told his kind was not welcome in
Sanctuary. The guardians eyes meant Ben's for a brief moment then he motioned
the couple to go in. The couple was shocked and began to plead with the
guardian for the old man, but they knew by the tone of his voice that the elderly

man would not be allowed to enter the gates, they also felt they had to keep their
mouths shut and do as they were told. The old man stared at the tall one but said
nothing. He just stood and watched as the couple disappeared into the compound
and the gate closed tight. His eyes turned to Ben, Ben saw tears in those old gray
eyes and he felt pity for him. He walked toward Ben and asked if he could go back
with him. Ben wasn't sure how to answer since this had never happened before.
so he just nodded. After a long silence the old man asked Ben if he wanted to
know why he wasn't taken in? Ben did want to know but hadn't wanted to ask.
Then Ben asked" Do you know why you were turned away?" There was a long
silence then it was like he needed to get it off his chest and he just blurted it all out,
He said he had belonged to the inner city gangs and had tortured and killed
hundreds of innocent people, he ate their flesh and enjoyed every moment of it.
Now it pained him to think of what he had done, but he had changed and wanted a
second chance, but maybe there were no second chances. Now that he was old
he had to get out of the gang or be killed because he could not earn his keep any
longer. After a couple miles Ben said nothing as he studied him, finally he said
they needed to set up camp it was nearly dark. He talked to the old guy because
he realized this man could answer his questions about the gangs, maybe he could
learn enough to out smart them and stay alive. So Ben told the man he was
interested in learning how the gangs function, where they live and who leads them.
After they cleared a spot to pitch the tents Ben left to retrieve the supplies that the
guardians always left after for him and Samuel. They were always left in the same
place so Ben had no trouble finding them. He returned to camp with the nap sacks
of food, water, some clean clothing, medical supplies and this time a note to Ben
about his Mom. He was surprised by the note, he knew the guardian made a
special effort to make sure he got it. As he turned his back to the old man, he
opened the note and began to read it. It told him about his sister, and that after a
long recovery from depression and heart break, his mom was starting to show
signs of improving and start her life anew. The guardian also let Ben know that
only praise was told to her about his efforts to save people and lead them to the
compound. The last sentence was kind of unexpected, it told Ben he was where
he was most needed and that every thing happens for a reason. He was going to
have to find courage to survive, and that they were aware of his every move, as
well as Samuels.
He was heart broken for his Mom and Sister, He felt if he had been there he
could have changed it, but as he started to slip into that pit of guilt he re-read that
last sentence, and tried to convince himself it could not have been changed. That
was little comfort.
Finally he returned his focus to the old man. They shared food and water, built a
small fire and started to chat, at first about nothing then slowly Ben started to ask
about the mans life before now,
The old man had no problem telling Ben what he wanted to know and Ben was
repulsed by the things this man was willing share with him, about the killings, the
rapes, the torture and the cannibalistic meals. No wonder the guardian was not
willing to allow him into the compound. Ben sat and stared into the flames of the
fire and said nothing for the longest time, he was repulsed by this monster, but he

kept his cool and listened hoping to learn as much as he could. Yet he couldn't
fight that urge to kill him. He gathered his thoughts he looked at the old man and
asked the question he really wanted an answer to. Who is the leader and was
there more than one? The old man had a puzzled look on his face, then he smiled
a twisted smile and told Ben that he had heard their leader had a son whom he
was protecting from the gangs until he could train him to become one of them.
Ben waited for more information and looked the old man dead in the eyes and
asked him to tell him more about the leader and his son. The old man could hardly
contain himself, as he began to giggle then broke into a hardy laugh, Ben asked
what was so funny and the old man repeated the same story, protected son until
he was ready. Then he looked at Ben laughed and said "Are you ready yet?
"What do you mean? am I ready? Ben's head whirled, then it was all clear, he had
thought Samuel was some how involved with the gangs but never dreamed that
he was their leader. He turned on the old man again and said if what you said is
true why didn't Samuel recognize you and why would he leave the two us a lone
together if he was keeping this from me. The old man told him that there is no way
Samuel can know all the gang members especially since he spends so much time
on this side of the river. Besides he is an old man and has spent most of the last
five years just trying to stay out of sight out of mind. That's how he stayed alive.
Ben thought again about the note and about the courage he would have to find,
now he understood. Ben told the old guy that come morning he could not stay with
him, he could not go back to Samuel with him. The old guy wasn't happy with that
and he protested, but Ben gave him a cold stare and told him that if he did not go
on his own way, he'd kill him. Ben was not ready for Samuel to know the cat was
out of the bag until he had more time to figure out what he should do .
Sleep did not come to him that night, every thing was different now, he knew he
had to do something but he didnt know what. He wanted to continue what he was
doing, but was afraid the gangs would invade this side of the river if Samuel
wasn't here. No one would ever be safe. It all made sense now, the night that
sweet family was taken, and he was left behind, the fact that they only found a few
people a month and only when Samuel ran low on supplies. The many nights he
was gone saying he was scouting, now Ben knew he was hunting like the animal
he was.
Next morning Ben got up and packed his things and sat and waited for the older
man to get up and get a few things together, he did not speak to him, just coldly
watched him. Finally the man turned to Ben and asked if he could work out some
kind of a deal so he could stay under Ben's protection. But Ben answered, NO! He
knew he could not trust the man, even though he swore he had repented of his
sins, he did not believe him, and felt the Guardians were a good judge of people
and even they turned him away.
The old man teared up, knowing he would not survive for long without Ben's help,
slowly he turned from Ben and started his journey down the dusty road. Last thing
Ben said to him was to stay away from Samuel or he'd kill him. Ben questioned
himself about his apparent willingness to kill this man, he wondered for the first
time if Samuel had had an effect on his attitude toward human life, but he
rationalized that wanting to kill this old man was because of the unspeakable

crimes he commented to innocent helpless people and it would probably do the

world a favor. Besides he had to make that threat hoping the man would avoid
Samuel, until he could decide how to handle this mess. This was one huge
nightmare for Ben, his father figure whom he looked up to and even loved wasn't
a super hero, he wasn't even human in his eyes, now he was a scum of the earth
monster. The more it sunk in the more his heart broke, but what if the old geezer
made it up? Maybe it wasn't true. May be he was jumping to judgment without
giving Samuel a fair trail. After all, the Guardians had let Samuel into the
compound and it was Samuel that chose to leave. If he was who the old man said
he was they would not have let him have a choice. His heart beat faster and he
grinned and giggled like A little boy at Christmas. He wanted so badly to believe
that the story about Samuel was not true, but then like a ton of bricks falling, all
the bits and pieces fell into place. He knew in his heart that what he did not want
to accept was actually true. He also knew that it meant that at some point if Ben
was to fulfill his mission to save people, he would have to kill Samuel. He just did
not know if he could.
The journey back to base camp was a long one, the distance hadn't changed but
Ben's was in no hurry to get back . He did not know if he could pretend like he did
not know about Samuel and the gangs.
When he finally got back, base camp was empty, no fire going, no signs that
Samuel had been there since he left. That seemed odd but then again Samuel
had never sent Ben off without him before.
Ben started a small fire so he could cook his meal, and warm himself. As he
settled down to relax he heard someone approaching, immediately he went on the
defense and reached for a long knife he kept under his sleeping bag. when out of
the darkness he heard Samuel announce it was him. Ben dropped the knife to his
side but did not release it from his hand. As Samuel walked into the clearing Ben
forced a smile and greeted him. Samuel reached out and gave him a bear hug
and told him he had missed him, then asked how everything went at Sanctuary?
Ben kind of hugged back , he was trying not act like anything was wrong but it was
difficult. As Samuel scooped up some of the food Ben had prepared he took his
seat looked at Ben and waited for a report of his journey. Ben decided not to tell
Samuel about the old man not being admitted to Sanctuary. So he told him a lie,
he said everything went well and he told him about the note he got about his Mom
and sister, he just didn't tell him everything it said. Samuel was visibly shaken
about the news regarding Dana and Lily. Ben knew he loved his Mom and was
fond of Lily, but that did not change how he viewed him now. As Samuel pondered
the unpleasant news, he studied Ben as he drank his coffee and finished his food.
Ben knew he was studying him, and thought it was because he was trying to
figure out how he was dealing with the death of his sister and the break down of
his mom. After what seemed an eternity Samuel stood up and faced Ben, He
spoke slowly and without emotion. He preceded to let Ben know that he had
recognized the old man, and that's why he did not join them that night and that's
why he sent Ben alone to Sanctuary. He wanted to avoid any conversations. He
also let Ben know that he knew the old man was rejected at the gates and that he
had divulged information to Ben about his life and about Samuel. He wanted Ben

to know that the old man would never tell any one any thing again, because he
was dead, he also let Ben know few people ever lie to him and live and this had
better be the last time that Ben lies to him.. Samuel s teeth showed like a snarl
when he said that.
Now he wanted to know how Ben fit into the big picture, was he willing to join
them ? or go off alone. Before Ben could answer Samuel said I will be honest with
you, as much as I love you and you are like a son to me, if you chose to leave I will
have to kill you. My men would take it as weakness if I would let you walk away.
Ben knew he meant it and so he carefully planned each word before he said it.
He told Samuel he was still trying to accept all this information, it was so new and
he was still working on it. But he really did not want to leave. Ben wasn't stupid, he
knew the only way to stay alive was to play the game as a loving son, while he
worked out some kind of a plan. With that Samuel put an arm around Ben gave
him a squeeze and said he was turning in and they would talk more in the morning,
Ben agreed they both could use some shut eye. Samuel with a crooked smile on
his face crawled into his tent and looked over his shoulder and said Goodnight
Son, Ben forced a smile and said Goodnight Dad.
Day came ,and it had been another night that Ben could not sleep, He lay awake
thinking about how he was going pull off the deception of accepting the gangs and
their way of life. It wasn't going to be easy, and what was going to happen when
he was offered human meat for the first time? That made him start to wonder if
Samuel he had already given it to him and he did not know .The thought made
him want to vomit. There was no way he was going to be able to stomach it.
Samuel was already up when Ben climbed out of his tent, They greeted each
other in an awkward manner. Differently things weren't the same. Samuel offered
Ben coffee and food, he took it but wasn't really interested in food, he woke up
with a lot of questions but wasn't sure how to ask . It was Samuel that offered up
the answers without him asking. First thing we are going to do is take you to the
city and make sure everyone knows who you are so you will be safe with or
without me since I can't be with you every moment out here. Ben agreed that was
a good idea. but he wanted to know if he would still help people and deliver them
to Sanctuary? Samuel knew that that was important to Ben so he was quick to tell
him that that part of their lives would not change, but probably Ben would be doing
most of it without him, besides it got them supplies they needed when they
needed them. Ben excepted the answer and he took a deep breath and asked
Samuel if he would have to kill and eat people? Before Samuel could answer Ben
let him know that he would not do that and he shouldn't ask him to. Samuel
starred at the boy, then told him he understood the things going on in his head, he
knew it must be a shock and was all new, he also believed that once he accepted
things as they were he would be fine with it, and in the meanwhile he would be
patient with Ben and wait. Samuel gave Ben his word that he would not be forced
to do anything he didn't feel comfortable with. At least for a while.
As Ben packed his nap sack he was saddened that all his dreams of gallant
heroism with Samuel were shattered,instead it was replaced with a dread about
joining the world Samuel ruled.
They walked most of the day neither having much to say to the other. As they

reached the boundary of what Ben always felt to be the safety zone he asked
Samuel if he had already told his people about him. Samuel nodded then stopped
and looked at Ben. He told him that he once had a son about Ben's age that had
been killed. No one knows that Ben is is not that son. He had no intentions of
saying otherwise and that Ben should not deny being that son. Ben agreed and
they continued on. How was your son killed he asked Samuel? At first Samuel did
not answer he did not want to talk of it, then he told Ben the story he had told
Dana , Ben was shocked, how could he go back and live among those that had
killed and ate his own son. That's when he got a bigger picture as to who Samuel
was, only a sole-less person could do such a thing, only one with a cold heart. yet
he seemed to really care about Ben (or else He'd be dead) and he felt he loved
his mom. Samuel was a very complicated man and one that he could never trust.
They set up camp and from no where they were joined by some of Samuels
scouts. Ben was introduced and was excepted immediately. He was very
uncomfortable around them as they spoke of the few people captured on the
roads in the last couple weeks, they let Samuel know food was getting harder to
come by and now that he was bringing Ben to the city would they still have to
spare a few for Sanctuary? Ben's eyes grew wide as he waited for the answer.
Samuel looked at them then at Ben and told them yes, it was a pet peeve of Ben's
and one he did as a tribute to his sister and mother. They started to argue about
how people were starving, perhaps they could come up with a plan to take
Sanctuary for the extra food ( meaning the people). But Samuel quickly snapped
at them and told them they needed to come up with another plan, he supported
his son's hobby, and that he had been inside Sanctuary and they would never be
able to take it . Ben gave a sigh of relief and his eyes softened as they meet with
Samuels. There was a lot of muttering as they went to their tents and Samuel
growled in a deep voice that if they had something to say then they should say it
but be advised it may be the last thing they say! Then all was silent. Next day they
completed the journey and Ben was amazed by the welcome home Samuel got.
No doubt he was a respected yet feared leader. A huge celebration had been
planned for Samuel and his son, lots of food and drink. That's when Ben got his
first look at what was on the menu, there on the bar barque spit, blackened from
the fire and coals was a whole person, he could not tell if it was male or female but
definitely human. He felt sick, Samuel noticed the color drain from his face and
grabbed his arm so he would not pass out or vomit, he pulled Ben close to him
and warned him that all eyes were on him. After all he was the son of a mighty
leader and he could not show any signs of weakness. It could cost him his life.
Ben cast his eyes away from the horrors of the grill, and he almost choked when
he asked Samuel what he was to do when he was offered food?. Samuel assured
him there would be other things to eat and he would see to it that he was not given
any thing of human flesh.
Ben's head was spinning , but he gathered himself together and looked around at
the faces that were watching him. He knew he had to act cool, indifferent and a
little bad ass. So he did not smile, which was easy because of the feelings of
disgust he felt. Samuel had a woman show Ben to a room which had been
prepared for him and asked that he stay there and rest until he was summoned.

Ben was more than happy to do just that. Inside the room was clean drinking
water and some kind of cookies or crackers he wasn't sure which but he did not
have an apatite for food. The woman was not friendly and acted like she was
afraid to speak to him. That suited him fine, he did not want to be friendly, he only
wanted to be alone gather his thoughts and cry. Right now he really missed his
mother and Sanctuary. After asking him if there was any thing else he needed she
left. He shut the door and surveyed the room. It was kind of clean, nothing to brag
about but better than a tent. He sat down on the bed and after a moment he
grabbed the pillow and laid on the bed face buried into it and sobbed. He finally
fell asleep. A few hours later a knock on the door woke him up. Then a voice
asking him if he was ready to join his father for the celebration. He dragged
himself from the bed, opened the door and told the woman he'd be ready in a
moment, then washed his face ran his fingers though his hair and returned back
to the door to be escorted back to the central part of the building. This time he
noticed all the piles of rubble,and trash, he noticed the stench of decay, but mostly
he was aware of the hollow, thin women, children and older people that watched
him from behind the rubble. It was true what the scouts told Samuel, that his
people were starving.
When they entered the great hall Samuel was the first thing he saw, sitting high on
a throne like chair smiling down at him motioning him to come up and join him.
Just then something else caught Ben's eye, two very tall guardians, one on either
side of Samuel. But instead of the white robes they wore in Sanctuary these two
wore black. They did not frighten Ben since he was used to being around them.
He knew they were not there to harm any one, but Samuel s people were afraid of
them and kept their distance obviously they did not know they could not harm
them. Ben smiled a smile to himself, he had wondered how Samuel controlled
these people with such an iron fist when he was seldom here. The people must be
convinced he had special powers to be able to summon up these dark beings. As
Ben took his seat next to Samuel he made eye contact with each being, it was
noticed by every one. and they believed Ben to be as powerful as Samuel. Not
what Samuel wanted this soon but it was done. They exchanged a few words and
a couple jokes, as Ben began to relax. He saw that most of the men in the room
had that same gaunt thinness and hollow eyes, but every one seemed to be
having a good time, there was music and dancing, he saw some eating, but it
seemed to be by rank ,he wasn't sure but the ones who weren't eating were
almost drooling as they watched then scrapes were passed to the others. Food
was brought to Ben and Samuel, huge plates full, but Ben politely declined saying
he wasn't well from the trip and wasn't hungry. The woman looked to Samuel as to
what to do with his plate when Ben took it and told her he would take care of it. I'll
be right back Ben said to Samuel, he went back to the main floor and down the
cluttered halls to where he saw the women and children. They scurried back out
of sight, he spoke softly and told them he had food for those that would come out
and meet him. It only took a few moments to be surrounded by hungry faces, it's
then he realized it wasn't enough, but every face was grateful and they touched
him gently as they bowed and hide again. He had come prepared to hate these
barbarians but was finding himself drawn to them, because they were in

desperate need of help. Did not take long for him to separate the good from the
bad in this miserable place. The bad were there at Samuels feet the good had to
hide because there was no escape. Samuel wasn't thrilled with Ben's actions, he
was afraid that it may be viewed as too soft hearted to ever be a leader. But he did
not say much about it, he knew Ben had not realized yet that Samuel was
expecting him to one day rule in his place.
Hours went by when Ben stood up and announced he was turning in. Samuel
stood and gave Ben a bear hug and agreed it was time to call it a day. He asked if
Ben needed any thing in his room, more blankets, a snack, a friendly young
woman? With that Ben blushed a bit and quickly said no, it's all fine. Good night.
Off down the halls he walked, he was aware that lots of eyes watched his every
move and he smiled and waved at the children, they did not know how to respond
but were filled with a feeling new to them,"kindness".
He entered his room and locked the door. he kicked his shoes off and lay on the
bed. a thought kept trying to creep into his head, he was starting to feel that
maybe Samuel hadn't ended his world and destroyed his dreams,maybe in an
odd twist of fate he was where he was supposed to be, maybe these are the
people he could save. Of course that means saving them from their leader and
that would take a miracle.
He fell asleep, and had some pretty bizarre dreams. When morning came he
changed clothes and decided to get to know his way around this place. Samuel
did not tell him to stay in his room so off he went. It was just as dreary in the day
light as it was in the dim light of evening.
There were a few kids here and there but always under the watchful eye of a
parent. The women were shy and the men kept their distance, but finally Ben
asked for someone to show him around and he got a volunteer. The man was
older than Ben but he seemed polite and not crude like the scouts. He asked Ben
what he wanted to see and if he had gotten permission from Samuel to explore?
Ben told him he had not talked to Samuel but if it made him feel better than just
don't show him anything that Samuel might not approve of. The man was still a bit
nervous but agreed to take him around. He told Ben his name was Edward, but he
could call him Ed. They shook hands and Ben said he was glad to have Ed show
him around. They walked around different buildings and open areas. Then they
stopped by a fountain and sat to talk a while. Ben did not want to ask a lot of
questions from this man since Samuel may not approve. But he did want to know
how the person was chosen for the feast dinner, and who was the main course
last night. Ed thought that was an odd question coming from the son of the great
Samuel. Why did he care? But saw no harm in answering it, he told Ben it was an
older guy that ran away and was captured trying to get into Sanctuary, It just
happened we needed a feast and he was it. The timing was incredible. Ben was a
little unsettled realizing what happened to that old man. But he did not let on he
ever meet him. Before any more of the conversation continued Samuel walked up
and sent Ed on his way. He told Ben that from now on he would select his guides.
Ben did not like that idea but went along with it for now.
Days went by and each day a man would come and show Ben around. Each time
Ben knew he was only being shown things that weren't really important. and he

was being kept from the people he most wanted to get to know. So at lunch one
day Ben told Samuel it was time for him to take someone to Sanctuary, but
Samuel would not agree, that's when Ben reminded him that he promised and
had given his word. Besides Ben was out of supplies and since he would not eat
their food he was in need of his own.
OK you can go find someone, without interference. You can have a week then
you have to be back here. Ben was jump up and down giddy, so much so that
Samuel felt warm inside just watching him. he did love the kid but the kid was a
problem. Still he promised didn't he. Next morning Samuel called in his scouts ,
they were to stay off the roads for a week to give Ben a chance to find and take a
group or a person to Sanctuary. Ben packed up and headed out. after two days
nothing, he thought about going back to the city and telling good ole dad that a
week wasn't long enough, because there were no people on the road, that's when
a man hiding in the bushes got Ben's attention. He spoke to Ben as he stayed
hidden, as he talked Ben realized it was Ed. Ed why are you out here? Why are
you following me? Shh, Ed said , please don't talk so loud, I came because I over
heard Samuel's scouts say you were looking for someone to take to Sanctuary
and they laughed because they blocked all the roads so you wouldn't find anyone.
I saw it as my chance to save my family. That's when Ben noticed a woman a
baby and two small children. Please Ben don't make me take them back. The way
things are, my children are going to be killed and eaten just like the others. That's
why parents watch the kids so closely. Ben's heart went out to this man as he
pleaded with him, he reminded Ed that Samuel would kill him for running away
and maybe even kill Ben for helping him. Ed said I know and I hate to put you in
that situation but I am desperate, will you take them? Ben did not have to think
long about it, who could say no to the woman with tears in her eyes and the tiny
skinny little kids that starred at him for help but mostly to the man that trembled as
he pleaded for a chance to save them, even though he knew it meant his death
when he got back.
OK lets get going Ben told them. He was suddenly smothered in hugs and it made
him feel amazing.
Ben knew it was going to take about two days to get there, that meant two days
staying alive and away from Samuel's men if they find out Ed left with his family.
He would have to take every back road and travel as quite and as quickly as they
At the end of the first day everyone was exhausted, Ben pushed them hard, but
he had too. He wouldn't let them build a fire so it was a good thing it was a warm
night. Next morning after climbing a tree to get a better look around Ben decided
the scouts still were not on their trail yet, so off again as fast as they could , when
they acted like they were going to give up he reminded them what the reward was
and that gave them new energy. Ed was starting to worry more about what
Samuel would do to Ben when they returned, Ben assured him he would be OK.
But even Ben was a little worried . Maybe they'd be barbecued together, that was
an unsettling thought.
Finally the end of the second day. Ben was relieved to see the walls in site, when
he heard shooting from behind them and he knew the scouts were in pursuit. He

told Ed and his family to run toward the vine covered wall and wait there someone
would come and take the wife and kids inside. He was pretty sure that Ed would
not be allowed in, and had told him so. Ben decided to stay at the cross roads to
try and stop the scouts until Ed's family was safe. He watched them make it to the
wall and he watched the gate open, the guardian came out nodded a hello to Ben
and much to Ben's surprise the whole family was taken inside, that's when he
heard Ed shout, thank you. His wife added we love you, thank you. With that the
gate closed. and Ben dove into a thicket to hide just as the scouts stormed past
him. They were more than angry when there was no one in sight. They did not
know if they were too late or if Ben had not made it that far yet. He lay still and
watched them as they cursed and kicked dirt. They decided to back track to see
where they missed him. Ben was then able to leave his hiding spot, get his reward
and plot his path back to the city while avoiding those lunatics.
Samuel had taught Ben about every escape route and all the skills he would
ever need to out smart even the best Scouts. So he decided that his best option
was to travel the cliff area, it would be harder to track him there and it cut several
miles off his journey, only problem was it could be treacherous. As he moved
along the trail he was constantly aware of his surroundings and his ears were
working over time listening for even a twig breaking. Finally just before dawn he
reached the cliff, to his surprise Samuel was there waiting for him, he was
cautious as he approached him wondering if this meant friend or foe. Samuel
flashed a smile and asked what kept him, he'd been waiting for hours hoping the
scouts would not come this way. Ben told Samuel that he did not help Ed and his
family escape, they came and found him and asked for help and he helped them
the same as he would have any others. Samuel told Ben he believed him but the
scouts would not, he would protect him but it was going to loosen some of his
control, the best solution would be to return to the city ahead of them and act as
though he was not involved in any thing to do with Ed, and it would not be spoken
of again. Samuel started down the narrow path ahead of Ben, it was a path he
had traveled more times than he could count but this time he lost his footing and
fell 20 feet to the bottom, Ben looked down at Samuel lying motionless on his
back, his heart stopped and he could not breath as he hurried as fast as he could
down the path to be by Samuel's side. He kneeled by him to see if he was still
alive, Samuel opened his eyes and Ben asked over and over, Are You Ok? Don't
move I will go get help. Samuel grabbed Ben by the foot and told him no, he told
the boy his back was broke and there was nothing that could help him. Ben's mind
was spinning, his heart ached, if he had not insisted on being out here this would
not have happened. Tears streamed down his face, Samuel tried to keep it
together, he knew if Ben was to survive his absence he had to make a plan now.
Ben listen to me, and you must do every thing I tell you at the moment I say it.
When the scouts come and find that I am no longer able to lead them, they will kill
us both and we will be their next feast, Ben you are my son, I love you more than
anything and I have a plan that will save you . Ben stuttered, How? It must look
like we battled, when they come you must run your knife deep into my heart but it
must be done at the exact moment they see us. Ben started shaking his head
saying No! No! I can't I won't. Ben listen to me, I will not live long as I am, They will

torture and kill me . I would rather it be swift and by your hand. Ben thought how
ironic I had thought that I would have to kill Samuel in order the save the people ,
now I have to do it to save him from hell before he dies. Then Samuel said, there
isn't much time son and there is so much I want to say, I know you will be a great
leader, I know you will make your Mother proud, and myself. The people need a
new leader, they need the hope you bring. I know people would say you aren't my
son but Ben somehow you are, I am so glad you aren't like me if you see your
mother again tell her I love her and I understand and accept why she did not leave
Sanctuary to go with me that day, her place was there, but she will always be in
my heart. One more thing and please don't laugh I don't want those ass holes to
cook and eat me, I would really like a traditional burial with a marker so maybe
people will remember me as a great leader and a man not a great meal. I am so
sorry for all those I wronged and I hope you will forgive me. Ben looked at him and
said Dad I have forgiven you long ago, God has to forgive you and you have to
forgive yourself. Samuel smiled again and his body shook in pain. At first there
wasn't a lot of pain but now there was. Samuel eyes shut for a moment and when
he opened them he saw standing on the cliff above them 5 guardians looking
down on them. They were like the ones in the city but these wore white robes not
black, that's when Samuel's pain left, and he knew every thing was going to be
OK. He knew they had come for him and that they were also there as support for
Ben. The scouts would never harm Ben as long as they were near. Samuel could
die in peace, He told Ben he had a confession to make to him, the day he saw
Dana and her children it was his intentions to kill them to feed his people. But as
he approached her and watched her sleeping her felt a connection of some kind
to them and could not go though with it. From that day forward he would have
given his life for them. Ben smiled and joked a little, told him he was glad he did
not kill them and turn them into burgers. He held Samuels hand and wished they
had it to do over. It was then they heard the shouts of the scouts as they ran up
the slope toward them and he lovingly looked into Ben's frightened eyes and in a
commanding voice said NOW! Ben acted quickly before he could think about it
and plunged his blade deep into Samuel s chest and hit his heart dead center. He
did not suffer, and as he died he muttered to Ben: Thank you. The scouts froze
in their tracks, there was Ben with the dagger dripping in Samuel s blood and the
5 white cloaked figures above him. They approached Ben with questioned looks
on their faces. Ben gathered his composure and stood tall. He said, I claim
leadership of Samuel's city and his people. Do you challenge that? They shook
their heads no, as they looked down on Samuel's lifeless body. They gathered
round the body to carry it back to the city, Ben heard one say " this is going to be a
heck of a feast with this much meat" Ben stepped in front of them to block their
path,in an angry tone of voice he said " the days of feasting on human flesh are
OVER! This is my father and he will NOT be eaten. He will have a burial and we
will mourn him." They dropped the body, Ben continued: we will have new laws,
there will no longer be killings, torture, rape and never again the consumption of
human flesh. Those that will not change will be the only ones that will be killed.
But Ben the people are starving and this is fresh meat it will not go over well to put
it in the ground to rot. Ben knew many would oppose his decision, because it will

be a new concept, but he promised Samuel , it was his last wish.

As they returned to the city, Ben had them place Samuels body on the table in
the great hall. word traveled fast about his death and about Ben being the new
leader. Ben had been silent all the way back, now he gave his first order, I want
every person in the city to come for a meeting tonight. We have much to discuss.
He noticed all the whispers among the people and over heard discussions about
preparing Samuel as the meal during the meeting. With that he stood on the table
by Samuels body so he could be seen, and loudly announced that this body is not
to be touched, he will not to be prepared as food. Any one not obeying that
commandment will answer with their lives. The silence was deafening. The stares
were blank and confused. The scouts moved among the people whispering
something, Ben could not hear it but he knew they were sharing their disapproval
of his new law. No matter. He would deal with them later.
Ben asked a couple of the men to help him with the preparation of Samuels body,
he wanted it cleaned and nice clothes put on him. They did not understand why he
wanted them to do it but they did as they were told. He also ask some of the
women to gather any white linen or cloth to wrap him in for a burial. A Burial! That
really set them whispering. He sent for pails of water and the men helped Ben
clean and dress Samuel. he then covered the table in a crimson velvet bed
covering and had him laid on it, arms folded holding his ax. After it was all done he
stood back and was pleased, and he was sure that Samuel would have been
pleased as well. Ben went to change his own clothes and prepare for his first town
meeting. He laid on the bed to ponder the happenings of the last 24 hours,
everything happened so fast , every thing changed in a blink of the eye. He was
over whelmed, there was no one he trusted, no one to talk to, no friends but lots of
potential enemies. He remembered the note and the part about finding courage,
well he certainly had to find it fast.
He feel asleep and woke up to someone saying everyone was gathered in the
hall waiting for him. He entered the room and every one stopped talking, they
watched as he climbed the steps to the throne area, from there he could see
everyone and they could see him. Before he spoke he looked down on Samuel
and thought he really does look like he's a sleep. Then he addressed his people.
Seemed so odd to think of them as his people. Slowly he started to lay out the
new laws, he had found an older man that could write and he had him write each
one down as he spoke of them. When he told them about no longer eating human
flesh, he thought they were going to riot. Things quickly got out of control, but just
as quickly they were quite. A glance over his shoulder explained why. There were
the 5 guardians in white robes standing behind him. He smiled and muttered: It's
about time you showed up" Then he continued. The last bit of business was about
Samuel. He explained that he would be buried at the foot of the soldier on the
horse statue near the east end of the city. It was a fitting place for a great man.
One man yelled "If he was so great and deserves all this special treatment, why
did you kill him?" Ben said I will let you speak to me in that tone only once, next
time you will be removed from my sight.
The reason I killed my father is no concern to you, It's never to be asked again.
He continued to lay out his plans for them and told them they were going to build

a village in the country and live a peaceful life. It would be called New Hope. It
will not be easy and it will not happen over night, but it will happen. He could tell
that there were those that would do whatever it took to build that village, and
others that were going to cause trouble. He was up to the challenge. First things
first, he had to get Samuel buried. it was going to be challenge to protect him from
the hungry people. Just then the doors opened into the adjoining room to reveal
tables filled with bread, fruit and cheese. Ben was surprised he hadn't expected
this and knew that the guardians had provided it. Eyes were wide, jaws dropped
but no one moved toward it because they did not know if the pecking order was
the same as before, the scouts were the first to move, they had always gotten the
best and most food before the others,after they finished the younger men and
women ate, and so on down the line, the old and sick got whatever if any thing
that was left when they were all done. But not this time. Ben ordered the scouts to
back away and allow the people with older family members and children to get
their food, he asked them to help keep order, when every one had gotten their
food then they could eat. He assured them there was enough for everyone. The
scouts had always been Samuels right hand, and they held a high position in the
community, now they realized those days were probably gone, the way Ben talked
he would not need hunters,or killers. The people were hesitate to take food before
the scouts, but Ben again assured them it was ok.
This was a new menu for the people, it would take some getting used to, but the
children loved it.
Ben had a coffin made and had Samuel buried at the base of the Statue the next
afternoon. Going though Samuel's room and belongings he discovered his full
name was Samuel Benjamin Wade. It made him smile to think they shared a
name. He found someone to make a stone marker with his name craved on it and
placed it on the grave. The people actually seemed OK with this new way of
dealing with the dead once they accepted the idea that the dead wasnt food .
Now that Samuel was buried Ben immediately sent the scouts out into the country
side searching for a place to build the new village. He was anxious to leave the
gloom of the city.
Eventually a suitable place was found to build New Hope, it already had some
buildings and small cabin type huts, close to the river, with flat fields for farming
and trees for wood and swings for the children. The swings were an important part
of what Ben wanted for his people, he remembered the swings at Sanctuary and
how he loved them as a child. Ben moved the people from the slums of the city
out into the sunshine and fresh air and built a village they were all proud of. a wall
was erected because there were still those that clung to the old ways and would
on occasion try to abduct a child or weak older person so they would have food.
Needless to say the scouts still came in handy as guards because it was what
they were good at. Ben could not imagine them as farmers anyway. The
community flourished and the people were healthy and happy.
Ben had to stop the search for lost souls that he could deliver to Sanctuary
He was much too busy in New Hope to go out and hunt people to help, when
there were so many here that needed his help. That made him feel guilty but in
reality it was safer for anyone on the roads now that he had stopped the scouts

from killing and eating people .

Dana spent many months trying to control her depression and start a new life.
she did not have a reason to go on, she was alone. The guardians shared
information with her about Ben, they were fond of her did what ever they could to
help without interfering with her choices. It was the highlight of her life to hear
about Ben. She was never told about Samuel's death or that Ben killed him, it was
just too complicated. As time went on Dana took interest in the sick and dying.
She had a knack making people well or giving peace to the ones that were
terminal, it was almost magically. The Elders felt her talents with the sick and
dying would be an asset to Sanctuary, so a special place was built for Dana to
treat her patients. They allowed a couple to work with her, but their jobs were
mostly cooking and cleaning. Only Dana came in close contact with the sick or
dying. Her magic was strongest when it was a baby that needed her help. She
would often tell others that all she does is love them and they would get well. Little
babies needed that warmth that only love can give. It was always devastating
when they would pass away no matter how hard she tried, it just made her try
harder with the next one.
Dana moved from her tiny house and into her little hospital so she could be on call
when she was needed. She had simple possessions, hardly ever ate a full meal
and worked from morning till night seven days a week. Every one called her
Grandma Mercy. Few people actually knew her name. Her only friend was a tall
gray guardians that could be seen many times just standing by her side. The
years passed quickly and Dana grew old and frail. Her hard work had taken its toll
on her. Finally she had to slow down, when that happened she stayed on as an
adviser. She spent most of her time watching the kids play on the playground ,
remembering the first time Lily and Ben played there. It was her favorite memory.
The guardian took note that she was failing fast, He went to the elders and made
a special request on Dana's behalf. He asked that she be allowed to see Ben. He
shared with the elders that Dana had cancer and had a short time left. The elders
stood firm at first, after all Ben had been banished and that meant forever. The
Guardian also stood firm and knew this could be considered interference but was
willing to take that chance. After a lot of debate and long silences a deal was
agreed upon. Ben could not enter back into Sanctuary but Dana would be allowed
to go beyond the walls to see him and return.. Fair enough, it was a good
compromise, he couldn't wait to tell Dana. She was not yet up and dressed but
welcomed her old friend anyway, her room was tiny and he filled it with little space
left . She waited for him to speak she knew him well enough to know he was there
for a reason. But he did not tell her why he was there. So she started the
conversation, she said "I am aware my time on earth is nearly at an end, and if
that's what you have come to tell me I already know. She smiled at him. He gave
her the closest thing to a smile he could. No that's not why I'm here, I know you
know you have cancer. The reason Ive come ,was to ask if you'd like to see Ben?.
Dana gasp, she fell back onto the bed and when she could get up again she
asked if he was trying give her a heart attack with statements like that and she
knew the elders would never allow it.
No I'm not trying to kill you, I care for you. I went to the elders and talked with

them, they have given permission for him to come here but he can not enter into
the compound, but you will be allowed to go out the gates to see him. Good thing
her heart wasn't bad because her excitement was off the chart.
Is it true?? when can he be here?
He turned to leave, as he did he told her he would send the request to him as
soon as possible.
The guardians of New Hope received the message from Sanctuary about Dana,
and passed the word to Ben. Ben told them to make the arrangements as soon as
possible, he wanted to see his mother and hold her one more time. He had so
many things to say to her.
It took several days to journey to Sanctuary from New Hope so Ben planned on
being gone at least a week. He did not know how long he could stay with his
mother. In his absence he placed his most trusted advisers in charge as well as
the 5 guardians that watched over the village. But two of those guardians insisted
they go along with him. The roads were actually safe now but occasionally there
were still evil doers looking for easy victims, so Ben welcomed them.
It did not take long for Ben to have things packed and ready to go, so word
traveled back to Dana that Ben accepted the invitation and would arrive in three
Three days, that was going to be an eternity for her. She had a hard time resting,
eating or sitting still. She tried to guess how much he'd grown, and what kind of a
man he had become. She had heard the stories of his great accomplishments, but
had the guardians sugar coated them to lift her spirits. No she knew in her heart
that it was all true. Every once in awhile she let herself wonder if Samuel would
come with him. She still had that flicker of love for Samuel and wouldn't mind
seeing him again. but she dismissed that because her focus was on Ben and she
hadn't heard anything about Samuel for a very long time.
At last the day came. Dana sat by the huge gate waiting for word that Ben was
on the other side, the guardians created a place to sit under some shade trees,
they also placed a table covered in food and water, every thing was ready. Ben
arrived and Dana's companion guardian greeted him. he wanted to let Ben know
how ill his mother was and that this would certainly be the last time he would see
her. Ben was stricken with a heavy grief, he was grateful they told him. As the
huge gate slowly opened Dana nearly stopped breathing. Then she gained her
composure and walked out, that gate for the first time in many years. Her eyes
searched for Ben, when she finally saw him walking toward her. He had grown
and was a dashing figure. She could not help but think he looks a lot like Samuel.
They hugged for what seemed like forever, Ben let her stay nested into his chest
as long as she wanted. her sobs were almost a chocking sound. He was the first
to speak, and told her how much he had missed her and he never wanted to let
her go .
She looked into his face and told him how proud she was of him. Ben took her by
the hand and lead her to the tables.
Mom I have so much to tell you. He told her about that day with Lily and how he
did not mean to kill that man and asked her to forgive him. Dana told her son that
she had already forgiven him, he told her he was sorry he could not help his sister

and he missed her. Dana teared up and squeezed his hand, she told Ben that was
all in the past and there was nothing to do but see the positive side of all the bad
things and that when one door closes another opens. She wanted to know about
his accomplishments and his adventures, she wanted to know about how he and
Samuel save so many people. She wanted to know about the little village he built.
Ben looked deep into his mothers eyes, he knew she would know if he lied about
Samuel so he told her the truth about him, he said Samuel was a very complex
man, a little good and a great deal bad. But that the good in him saved Ben's life
and gave him the chance to make a huge difference for the people in the city. He
explained how he was being hunted for helping Ed and his family escape to
Sanctuary. That's when Samuel came to find Ben and return him to the city walls
before he was found by the scouts. But he fell as he climbed down the path and
broke his back , Now Ben was teary eyed as he told Dana exactly what happened
that night right before dawn. At first she was shocked that Ben killed Samuel but
after listening to the story she believed it was the only way Ben could take over
the leadership of these savages and save so many people. Ben told her that
Samuel told him to give her a message, He said to tell you how much he loves
you and that you made the right choice by staying in Sanctuary and not joining
him. They cried together and mourned the loss of Samuel. Dana wept for her son
as well, he had to endure horrific situations against unthinkable odds. But she also
wept for Samuel even though he did unspeakable things she still felt love for him
and was grateful he saved her and her children.
Finally Ben gave her a quick hug and told his mother that they needed to be
happy now because they were together again. Besides he had brought her a
A surprise! Dana was like a silly little girl, then she told Ben she felt bad because
she had nothing for him, he just grinned and told her to close her eyes until he
tells her to open them. It was just a couple minutes but seemed an eternity to
Dana before Ben said OK Mom open your eyes. Standing before her was a young
woman, not beautiful but attractive, two little boys about about 5 and 4, and a
squirming little girl maybe 2 or 3. Ben took his place by the woman and introduced
her as his wife Shara. Dana's eyes widen and she muttered something about
being happy that Ben had a family, her attention went to the kids, her
grandchildren! Never had she dreamed Ben had children, and a wife, the
guardians never mentioned it. They did not tell her because she would have been
miserable not being allowed to see them. Ben quickly started to introduce them to
their grandmother, He told her the oldest is Samuel, Dana looked at Ben and
smiled with approval, the next one is named after me, this is Ben Jr. she noticed
how much he did favor Ben when Ben was that age. Finally Ben picked up the
wiggly little girl and handed her to Dana. He told her Mom I want you to meet Lily.
It was a few moments before Dana could utter a word. she held Lily close her
eyes closed and it was like she was holding her Lily again. As she handed her to
her mother she looked at Ben and said thank you son, you have added joy
beyond measure. thank you for honoring Samuel and your sister by naming your
children after them. She hugged him then turned her attention to Sarah, Dana
could tell this women was a good mother and wife and even though she did not

know her she loved her , Sarah got a warm loving hug and she welcomed her as
her daughter. With that all done and said they sat down for a picnic type meal, the
three talked endlessly about the kids, about New Hope and about what they
planned to do in the near future.
Dana listened and was so happy, she almost could not hide the sadness she felt
because she would not be apart of it , she would not see the kids grow nor watch
Ben lead the people of New Hope into a new era. She listened to Ben go on and
on about everything he was doing for his village, he said sometimes the biggest
challenge was growing food, edible plants were few and hard to find, besides
none of the people knew about farming so even when they found a plant that may
be a food source it was trail and error how to care for it. But he had faith it would
all fall into place.
Dana tired easily and Ben could tell she was pushing herself to stay with the
family as long as she could. It was the guardian that finally told her she had to call
it a day and return to her cottage for rest. The heart break, the horrible pain of
saying good bye knowing it was the last time she'd see her son, and grand
children. She almost had to be carried by Ben back to the gate. Ben told her that
the guardians had set up a camp for them so they would be just outside the wall ,
and perhaps the elders would allow her to come say good bye before they head
back to New Hope. The guardian nodded an OK to Ben, and Ben knew it would
be arranged. He wrapped his arms around her and told her to get rested and
come back tomorrow to see them off. Dana did not want to tell them good bye or
good night or any thing that meant she would not see them again.She had no
choice but return to the compound, happy but sad.
Ben and his family were made comfortable and they slept safely under the
watchful eyes of one of the white robed guardians of Sanctuary.
Dana rested her body but her mind would not rest, she relived every smile,
every touch, every word from her visit with Ben and his family. She felt her world
had lots of empty spaces but all were filled now. She was so in love with her son
and her grand kids. It took away all the pain she felt at the loss of Samuel. She
just wished she wasn't so sick and dying, she wished she could be part of what
may well be the re-birth of human kindness and hope. It was easy in Sanctuary
but on the outside, well that was a different story and if Ben can do all hes
planning to it will be a huge accomplishment. It saddened her she could not watch
as Ben shapes this new beginning, but she was grateful he has Sarah, she was
strong, kind and devoted to him and the kids.
Next morning she awoke with something Ben had said roaring in her head.
EDIBLE PLANTS WERE HARD TO FIND! Dana had so wanted to give something
to Ben and his family but felt she had nothing to give, but now she knew what she
needed to give them. She dressed and as she left her room the guardian was
waiting for her as usual. She was excited to tell him what she needed to do, and
he accompanied her on her quest. When she was finished the Guardian took her
back outside the gate to say her farewells. Ben had to get back to New Hope and
could not stay any longer. He dreaded the moment he would hug her good bye for
the last time but was so happy to see her as she walked out the gate. The children
ran to greet her and Sarah was all smiles. Ben held his mother close and told her

how much her loved her, and repeated how sorry he was that he caused her pain
or sadness. She squeezed him tight and told him he never caused her pain or
sadness, and reminded him everything happens for a reason, all he had to do was
look at his family to know he was where he is supposed to be. He cried and so did
Dana. Finally the Guardian reminded Ben it was time for them to go , it was a long
journey and it was getting late. Dana choked up again but tried hard to be brave
for Ben's sake. As they loaded all their things and were ready to go Dana told Ben
their was something she wanted to give them, he looked at her and said mom you
don't need to give us any thing, we have our memories of these two days, that's
the greatest thing we could have hoped for. No that is the greatest gift I could
have gotten. She motioned for the guardian to bring it out and Ben's eyes widened
and almost popped out of his head. Oh mom are you sure the elders don't mind?
Mom you are the best, you have made our future so much brighter. He was almost
trembling with joy, so was Sarah. The guardian pulled a wagon out of the gates
loaded with fruit trees, apples, peaches and plums. two of each, plus grape vines
and vegetable seeds for gardens.
How will we get it all the way to New Hope, Ben was worried because even
though the trees weren't fully grown they were heavy and it was a two day journey.
No worries Dana told him, I have a few friends wiling to make sure these get to
your village safely and will help teach your farmers to plant them. I also am going
to talk to the elders and try to convince them that Sanctuary might benefit by
helping the people of New Hope build a thriving community and open trade
between the two.
Oh mother that would be answer to our prayers, you are amazing, and I hope
they will listen to your proposition. Our people would be so grateful. I just don't
know what I can say to express my gratitude. Dana softly stroked his face and
smiled as she said I see it in your eyes and hear it in your voice, words are not
necessary. With that came that finale hug that no one wanted to have, and they
said their goodbyes. Dana insisted on watching them until they were out of sight,
the little children kept waving every few feet, Dana fought back tears until she
could not any longer. When they finally turned at the cross roads she collapsed
and the guardian carried her to her room and laid her on her bed, she stayed
there the rest of the day , food was brought to her but she did not eat.
Next day she managed to get her self together enough to visit the elders and
plead with them to consider her proposal for the two groups of people. They
agreed to see her and before she could speak they told her they knew why she
was there, and they had been in discussion about the plan, they really felt it was a
bad idea and would expose the people of Sanctuary to dangers that could and
should be avoided. Dana's heart sank and she wanted to argue with them but
there was no arguing with these hard headed beings. She dropped her head in
sadness and remained quite. One of the elders broke the silence to tell her they
watched her visit with her son. They studied his wife and children and had a
meeting with the guardians of New Hope, after much debate we have agreed that
we will let the people of Sanctuary help the people of New Hope if they chose. But
we have not changed our minds about it being a bad idea and will be stopped at
the first sign of trouble.

Dana could not believe her ears, no one ever touches an elder but she ran
across the room and hugged each of them and wept. Thank you did not seem like
enough to say but it's all she could mutter. The Guardian was motioned to take her
back to her room and she left the great hall. When she got back to her room she
was exhausted from all that had happened the past few days, so much so she
could not speak , but as she looked into her guardian friends eyes he knew what
she wanted to ask and he answered, Yes Ben will be told as soon as he gets back
to his village. and I will see to it that whom ever wishes to help them will have safe
journey there and back. Dana thought to herself she wished it could be her that
goes to help, but she knew that could never be.
A few days went by and Dana received word that Ben and his family were safe in
New Hope and that the trees were being planted, A memorial was being planned
In Dana's name and it was going to be placed at the entrance to the new orchard
and garden. Ben was more than proud of his Mom. She also heard that already
there were plans to bring some people from New Hope to Sanctuary for training in
skills they would need to raise their own food and how to preserve it for the winter
months. Later some of Sanctuary people would go help with the planting and go
back to help with harvest. It was a miracle, one that would change the world.
Dana grown weaker and started having more bad days than good. More days
were spent in the rocker just looking at the trees, the children, flowers anything
that could be seen from that chair. Many times her guardian friend sat with her,
neither speaking a word. Then one day she tried to stand and fell to the ground.
From no where the guardian was by her side, scooped her up in his arms and
carried her inside. A room had already been prepared for her at the little hospital.
There was nothing any of them could do for her except try and keep her
comfortable. She wanted to hear more stories about Ben and the grandchildren,
so the guardian would tell her about Ben and New Hope, and if there was nothing
new to tell he would make up stories just to brighten her day.
Much of the her time now was spent in and out of a sleep like state, after one of
these naps she woke up and noticed her companion still sitting watching her. She
said in a feeble voice, that she was having a lot of odd dreams. She said that in
one of those dreams she was with Samuel, and Ben, Lily and Robbie were
actually his children and that's why Ben reminds her of Samuel. Crazy Uh? The
guardian looked at her and decided it would not hurt or change anything about
Dana's death by telling her the truth. He told her that her memories were wiped
clean at the time the world ended as she once knew it. He told her that now her
life was coming to a close her mind was seeing though a curtain and
remembering her life before the end of days and that Samuel had been apart of
that life. That's why the two of you felt that connection, that bond neither of you
could understand, that's why even though Samuel had all intentions of killing the
three of you he could not, and yes he is the childrens father .
You were left here to be given a chance to repent of your past sins, correct or
change the actions of your life before the end. Its the same for all humans that
were left here.
Dana stared at her friend then chuckled. are you making that up just to humor
me? He tried again to give a smile, as he placed his hand on hers and told her it

was all true. Her mind tried to grasp what he said, but the pain took over her ability
to think, a woman came in and gave her something for the pain and she rested
again. When she woke up the guardian was not at her bed side, she called the
woman taking care of her and asked if she knew where he had gone? When was
he returning? The woman looked sad and told Dana that the elders had requested
to see him, he later returned and told me to tell you he was not being allowed to
return because he had shared too much information with you or something like
Dana knew her friendship with this being was border line forbidden, but it had
not been a problem before, why now? She needed him, without him she would die
She was too miserable to weep, but her heart weep rivers. Who would tell her
about Ben now? Who would hold her hand? She did not think she could miss any
one like she did him at this moment. What she did not know is that the Guardian
had taken his true form as an angel and stood at the head of her bed his wings
stretched out above her waiting for her sole to leave her body so he could escort
her to where ever God ordered him to. Even though she felt abandoned he was
with her.
Days pasted and Dana grew weaker and stayed sedated more. When she was
awake she thought of the children, the grandchildren, Samuel and her only friend
the guardian. She was ready to leave this world and wished it would be soon.
One evening she was lying staring at the ceiling listening to the voices in the hall
when she sensed someone in the room. The lights were dim and her eyes were
nearly blind with age, but she knew someone was there. Who's there? Is
someone here? she waited for an answer. No one spoke. across the room she
could make out two figures kind of shadowy but she could see them. Again she
asked who are you? One of the figures came closer. Her eyes tried to focus,
finally she could see his face. Something in her stirred, something she was trying
to remember. He smiled at her. Do I know you Dana asked? He came closer and
said softly, yes you know me. That's when he touched her hand and her mind lit
up like fireworks, it was flooded with memories of her life before, the day she was
left here, and of John going up into the heavens.
She gasped, John she whispered. You came back, He smiled and said I told you
I'd come back for you.
She looked past him at the second figure realizing it was the Holy one, and she
looked back at John and asked in a whisper if he was going to allow her to go with
him this time?. She told him she failed two of the children and lost them. She had
loved another man. He stopped her and said, You are my wife for all time and
eternity, you did what you needed to do, you did well, now I've come to take you
home. With that he gently took her hand and she rose from the bed. No pain, no
sadness no fear or loneliness. She was young again. She was free. As they
walked toward the holy one she looked back at the worn out shell of the body in
the bed, that's when she saw the angel at the head of the bed and recognized him
as her friend the guardian, he smiled and she now knew he had not left her he
was always there watching over her. She reached out her hand for him to come
with them, he hesitated. Angels of his class were seldom allowed where Dana and

John were going. That's when the holy one spoke to the angel and said you have
proven yourself , and are welcome to come home with them if you wish. But the
angel knew Dana did not need him any longer, his job was done, so he asked if he
might be allowed to stay in the form of a guardian to watch over Ben and his family,
Dana could not have been given a greater gift, this angel was special. Her eyes
turned toward the Holy one and her heart pleaded for him to say yes. He looked at
the angel, smiled and approved his unselfish request, it was decided that some of
the rules about non-interference would be changed because it had been proven
there were times that interference was not harmful and might even prove useful.
So it was done.
John kept his promise to return for Dana, Dana redeemed herself as a mother and
now she was at peace leaving Ben because he had a guardian angel appointed
by God to watch over him and she knew he would never fail him, After all he was
her best friend.

New Hope
It didnt take Ben long to realize that turning an ideal into reality was no
easy task. Many times the people refused to work for the same goals, their
priorities were not even similar, but he had a family to provide for and a
need for a better life, so there was no way he could give up even though
many times he wanted too. It wasnt just his own people he had to deal with,
as news spread about the village, he was faced with being invaded by
undesirable, desperate people. People that werent willing to give up the old
ways and adapt to the laws and ways of New Hope, they would frequently
stir up unrest among the inhabitants. He wished every day they had walls
around them like Sanctuary, that would be the only way he could control the
mindset of the people. For months the villagers worked on a fence but it was
slow work and so much else still needed to be done. He and Sarah often
wished Dana was here to help them. She was so knowledgeable about things
they needed to know.
One afternoon as he and a few others were working in the garden tending
some seedling vegetables they became aware that a Guardian was watching
from a knoll a few hundred yards away. New Hope originally had five
Guardians but one day they just left, no goodbyes, no explanations, so seeing
one watching them was something Ben needed to investigate. He told the
others to keep working and he went to see what it wanted. As he got closer
he recognized it as the guardian from Sanctuary the one that was always near
his mom. Ben grinned from ear to ear happy to see him. Guardians never
show emotion and he just returned the grin with a slow nod. Right away Ben
asked if he brought news of his mother, he had been wondering if it was
possible she could come and live her last days with them? As he waited for
an answer his heart sank, there was a sadness in the guardians eyes. Thats
when Ben slowly asked again about his Mom. The Guardian looked at Ben
and told him his Mom had died a few days earlier. Ben took a slow deep
breath. He starred at the ground fighting back tears. The guardian assured
him that Dana was in a place of peace and happiness,, she was safe and with
those who love her.
Are you sure shes OK where she is? I couldnt bear the thought of her
alone in the darkness of hell. The Guardian spoke slowly and assured Ben
his mother was not in Hell. Before she left this earth I promised her that I
would watch over you and your children, so here I am.
That made the loss a little more bearable, he was glad to have the Guardian
here with them. After a few moments of silence Ben looked up at the

guardian and with half a grin said well I guess I better get used to you
hanging around. In a deep tone the guardian answered - I guess you will.
Ben turned and went back to the gardening, the guardian stayed on the knoll
watching waiting for the trouble he knew was coming.
When the Lord came and took the faithful, he left the sinners on earth to
suffer and be miserable, most were given opportunity's to redeem themselves.
The Elders and the guardians came down to earth to watch and enjoy the
suffering of man kind. But not all of them had a distaste for humans. Some
of them like the few from Sanctuary actually cared for humans, like children
or pets. They werent allowed to interfere with human choices until after
Danas death. Thats the time Guardians and Elders were granted permission
to interfere and manipulate humans. Problem was that the fate of mankind
was sealed and no matter how much the Elders or Guardians were allowed to
interfere it would not change the out come for the human race. Just hasten
its end.
Guardians moved freely among the humans, when they found ones that
interested them they stayed, but most were seeking the thrill of watching
people suffer. Elders on the other hand collected humans like pets in a zoo
and stayed in one place, they were selective about who they let into their
human zoos. The Guardians at one point traveled from place to place
searching for the most evil ones to watch. Now they could promote people to
be evil. Not all Guardians enjoyed the slaughter games, ones like Bens
guardian preferred to study how the end of man would unfold, many times
becoming emotionally fond of certain humans, like he was with Dana.
Before Dana died the elders agreed to allow the people of Sanctuary to
trade goods and knowledge between the two villages, they only agreed
because they were bored and wanted to see how much effect it would have
on the development of New Hope, and on the people of Sanctuary. They had
no intentions of it becoming a way of life for their people pets.
Volunteers traveled to New Hope willing to teach the skills needed to
survive. Originally the people of New Hope were to be allowed into
Sanctuary for training but the Elders stopped that, they werent comfortable
with having the villagers behind their walls. Needless to say learning took
time and patience. Ben could sense that some of the people were frustrated
how long it took to grow food or make clothes or just stay alive. They had to
be taught nursing skills and what plants and roots in the woods could be
used as food and medicines. It was never ending and at times when the crops
wouldnt grow or thieves would steal what little they had it almost seemed
hopeless. Hunger was always a problem for the families. When volunteers
did come they would bring food to share but it was never enough.

The first year took its toll on everyone. They went from excited and full of
expectation (especially when Ben brought the plants and trees his mother
gave them from Sanctuary) to anger, stress and fear and near starvation.
Children got sick and many died. Bens children werent the picture of
health but they were flourishing. Mostly because Sarah gave them a large
part of her rations and she was getting dangerously thin. The only ones who
werent wasting away were the scouts. Ben wondered how they stayed so
well fed? He believed they were the ones stealing food from the village. But
he never accused them, besides unless he caught them how could he prove it?
They were supposed to be protecting the fence line, the fields and the few
farm animals they managed to raise. If he angered them, who would take
over their jobs? About once a week they would show up and report the
activities along the roads. He was glad they never stayed long because the
scouts were not pleasant to be around and he never trusted them. The only
reason he let them stay was because they were good at the job they were
given, They were natural killers and Samuel hand picked them so Ben kept
them as protection for New Hope. The scouts knew there werent any
candidates in the village to replace them so they were arrogant and cocky, no
one seemed to like them but every one depended on them..
As the weeks turned into months things slowly got better. Everyone was
learning their jobs and the volunteers were great teachers. They would come
on a Monday and stay until Thursday. Sometimes they would not come
every week and Ben never knew their schedule until they arrived. But it was
always something everyone looked forward to.
Ben had many conversations with his Guardian. Well mostly Ben talked
and he listened. Sometimes Guardians from other communities would come
and visit Bens guardian. He seldom shared why they came. But one day
after they had come and gone he asked Ben to walk with him and they went
out into the fields. Ben I have been given information about some people of
other villages. They are becoming nomads because of the lack of food. They
are on the move, desperate and a real threat to the people of New Hope, he
also told him that they were being led by other Guardians, hungry for the
action of war and death because they were bored. Ben questioned how the
people could choose to follow these undesirable Guardians, and thats when
the Guardian reminded Ben that desperate people do desperate things.
After pondering the information ,he grinned and reminded the Guardian
he wasnt too concerned because New Hope had scouts that were probably
the most dangerous killers on the planet, and it was their job to protect the
perimeter, and if needed some of the men in the village could be used as
reinforcements. As soon as he said it he could tell that the Guardian did not

agree with his comment, but for some reason he did not voice his opinion.
Thats when Ben asked him why he never gave advice or opinions. He knew
he was allowed too but never did. The Guardian just gave him that deep
calm stare and slowly told Ben that saying anything or giving advice would
not change the events that were to unfold. His role was to be there and watch
over him as he promised his mother. Ben was bothered by his answer, but
before he could question him further, a small group of Guardians from
Sanctuary appeared, they exchanged thoughts and information without
speaking a word, they glanced at Ben and left as quickly as they appeared.
Ben knew it was not a social visit by the way they looked at him and he was
anxious for the Guardian to explain the visit.
Well I know they came for a reason, so are you going to tell me?
Yes, It seems that the group of volunteers headed here yesterday were
ambushed and killed by a group of nomads. Now Sanctuary has ended the
volunteer program. Ben took a step or two back and shook his head. Even
though the Guardian told him that nomads were on the move and dangerous ,
until now it was only words. He suddenly felt cut off and alone, at least
when they had contact with the people of Sanctuary he felt a kind of security.
He started to question his ability to lead and protect the people. Protection!
That reminded him that he hadnt seen the scouts for awhile, what if they
had been killed? He depended on them to keep everyone safe. He needed to
find them and form a plan.
Ben told the guardian he would prepare some supplies and go beyond the
fence to see if he could locate them, but he wanted the guardian to stay and
watch over his family. The guardian wasnt supportive of the plan, knowing
he was not allowed to persuade Ben to change his mind he told him to go
with all the caution that Samuel had taught him.
Of course I will but why did you say it like that? The guardian just gave that
same deep all knowing look and told Ben not to trust anyone, move like a
cat on the hunt and keep his wits no matter what.. Thats when Ben smiled
and told him he reminded him of his mom. Such a worrier. In reality Ben
was more than worried, he was scared.
As he entered his cottage, Sarah and the kids were playing a game on the
freshly swept floor. He watched them and wanted to burn the memory deep
into his mind just encase he never returned. Sarah smiled at him and knew
something was wrong. She rose and hugged him. He pulled her aside and
told her what had happened and that he was going to find the scouts and get
every one together and have a town meeting . She trembled and hugged him
closer, then she asked if he could send someone else, maybe the guardian?
Ben explained it was his job as the leader. She then asked him to take a

couple men with him, but he quickly told her no, explaining that he could
travel faster alone. He smiled and jokingly told her he was superman and no
harm would come to him. Besides he only planned being gone a few days.
The Guardian was to stay and watch over them. Ben got his things together
hugged his kids, kissed his wife and off he went.
He hadnt been in the woods for a very long time, it was quite and he had
to really concentrate on his surroundings, it could be the difference between
life and death. He traveled a long way with out any signs of any thing or any
one. It would soon be dark and his training from Samuel started to kick in.
He left the road and slowly searched for a place to sleep hidden from the
path. When he was satisfied he was safe he had a bit of food and water.
Wrapped in a blanket and went to sleep. His dreams were unsettled and he
was troubled that he had come this far and no sign of the scouts, they should
have been closer to New Hope. If after a few miles more tomorrow he still
doesnt find them he will back track, circle round and check the other side of
the woods.
Morning came and he was cold and stiff from sleeping on the ground. He
thought to himself Im getting old! He couldnt help but remember all the
times he and Samuel slept out in the woods. It had been along time since he
had thought much about Samuel. He ate a bit more and listened to make sure
he was alone before moving from the safety of his spot. Once on the road he
traveled quickly. His skills were returning. By noon the decision was made
to back track so he choose a path that lead around the other side of the
woods. It actually looked to be a well traveled path so that put Ben on high
alert. After a few hours the light started to dim. He knew he wasnt far from
the north side of New hope and decided to find a place to sleep. This time he
found a better place with some soft leaves and branches for a bed. A little
food, some water, looking at the stars, thinking of Sarah and the kids he fell
asleep. He woke up an hour or so later , it really bothered him now that he
hadnt seen any signs of the scouts. Just did not make sense unless they were
dead. Its amazing how many sounds you can hear alone in the woods, but
there was a noise, a distance away that he could barely hear, couldnt make it
out yet he focused on it. Finally he fell back to sleep. He woke up again with
the sunlight filtering down onto his face. But he did not move, he heard
something, someone walking nearby, after a few minutes it was gone, he
raised up on one arm and looked around, nothing, no one. So he sat up still
nothing who ever it was was gone now. They were headed in the direction he
had just came from. He wished he had seen who it was. Maybe it was one of
the scouts. But he made the decision not to follow, he decided to go in the
direction the person came from, if it were a scout the others would be some

where near by. The path was easy to follow and the sun felt good, it could
almost make you forget the possible dangers. Hours passed, when suddenly
he could smell smoke, maybe it was from the village, at the same time he
noticed what appeared to be a lot of small piles of dirt they were scattered on
both sides of the path and a few further from the path. Some seemed fresh
dug some a little older. Someone put them there it wasnt something natural.
Certainly wasnt gophers. Curiosity got the best of Ben, he took a stick and
poked around in one that had very soft dirt on it. It did not take long before a
bone popped out, he fell backwards and sat and stared at it. Finally he got up
and dug more, the piles of dirt covered charred bones, clothes, shoes and
peoples belongings. He couldnt make sense of it, why would someone bury
all these bones and things? Then he smacked himself in the head several
times and silently said DUMMY DUMMY! Who ever did this was hiding
the evidence of murder and cannibalism. It scared the hell out of him that it
was this close to New Hope.
Darkness came quickly and he had to find a place to sleep, only this time
sleep wouldnt come. As he lay there he smelled smoke again and heard
voices in a distance. He reminded himself what the Guardian said go like a
cat on the hunt so he slowly made his way though the darkness to the
voices, smoke and the glow of fire, the closer he got he started to smell food
cooking, but his brain quickly told him what it was , memories from the
inner city and the gangs taught him it was human flesh and his stomach
turned. Slowly ever so slowly he approached a clearing, he lay flat on the
ground so not to be seen and he watched and listened. All hope left him as he
realized it was his own scouts and a few other men he had never seen before
feasting on a human body, and he knew if he confronted them hed be killed.
So he backed away into the darkness. His heart was heavy as he headed back
to New Hope. He had no clue what he was going to do now. Danger to his
family and the people of the village was much greater than he originally
thought. The scouts had obviously been killing all along , how could he have
been so blind, they were always so well fed.
He arrived home after walking though the night. His Guardian met him as
he entered to compound. Ben looked at him with glazed eyes and shouted
You knew didnt you? You knew and you didnt tell me. I dont understand
why you didnt tell me , why havent you guided me, informed or helped
me ? The guardian said nothing , Ben didnt have time to argue about it
instead he said:
I know what has to be done, I want you to go to Sanctuary, and make a
request on my behalf, I want you to ask if they will take my family and as
many of the others as they can. I understood that I wont be allowed to

return but at least my family will be safe and that is all that is important. The
Guardian told Ben he really did not think the elders would allow any of them
in, but Ben shouted at him to just go and ask!
Ben sat outside the garden walls and waited for the sun to rise. His mind
and body were exhausted as he tried to plan what hed say to the people .
As soon as it was daylight Ben started gathering the people together, once
they were all gathered he told them he had some devastating news to tell
them. He told them about the murders of the volunteers, and that Sanctuary
would not be allowing any more of their people to come to New Hope, he
told them about the traveling nomads and the dangers they posed , and then
lastly he told them about their own scouts. There were gasps of fear and
disbelief, but mostly just stares. Ben wanted every one to stay as clam as
possible, nothing would be accomplished if they panicked. He told them that
if the scouts come into the village every one must act as though they know
nothing about their activities. I think it would be dangerous if they found out
we knew. Thats when he told them he sent the Guardian to Sanctuary to ask
them to take in as many of them as they can. And that the ones not taken
would have to stay and learn to fight for their lives. Needless to say that
choice was not a popular one, and the mumbling spread around the room, he
even heard one man mumble that if they joined the scouts they would be
safe and have food. Ben knew if they choose to do that, the ones that didnt
would surely die. As he searched the faces of his neighbors and friends for
some sign that they were supportive of his choices he saw Sarah s face. He
had hoped she was still home with the kids, he did not want her to hear the
news like this. He wanted to hold her in his arms and tell her in his own way.
But here she was and now she knew. He pushed though the crowd and took
hold of her arm. He pulled her outside where she started to weep, she let him
know that she would not go to Sanctuary without him. And since he was
exiled she knew he would not be allowed back inside the walls. Ben shook
her then pulled her tight to him, You will take my children to safety and stay
there until its safe to return. Thats when she blurted out to him that he
knew damn well that it was never going to be safe to return. He released her
arm, knowing she was right and that once she and the children left he would
never see them again. He had worked so hard, to turn Samuels world
around . Now it was unraveling all around him and he felt helpless.
His attention was directed away from Sarah when the villagers surrounded
him and started demanding answers to questions he had no answers to. Ben
told Sarah to go home now and he would be there as soon as he could. He
hugged her told her he loved her and that everything was going to be OK. .
She returned to the children where she waited for Ben to come home.

The villagers fear turned to angry, they were blaming Ben for bringing
them out here instead of staying in the rubble of the city where they could
hide from danger, they blamed him for lack of leadership and he should have
had better control on the scouts. Thats when something snapped inside Ben
and he lashed out at the ungrateful cowards. I have done everything for you,
you came here of your own free will, no one forced you. Each of you wanted
a new life, a more peaceful life, What made you think that it was going to be
easy and free of charge? With fearful eyes a woman interrupted him and said
but Ben now a better life isnt possible and we have no protection. Ben
lowered his voice and reminded them that as long as they were breathing and
willing to stand together they had a chance. I know we need more men to
help us fight, I heard that there are other villages not far from here, we will
send a few men out to make contact and see if they are willing to join forces
with us or allow us to join them..
Do you really believe there are others out there that will fight with us?
Yes I believe there are, we just have to find them. How many of us do you
think Sanctuary will take in? Ben hesitated to answer, then said when the
Guardian returns we will know how many will be allowed to go to
Sanctuary . With that he told them to return to their families , stay away from
the fields until we can set up armed sentrys. We will meet again at noon ,
right now my family needs me and I need some rest.
His steps were slow and his body and mind numb, all he wanted was to
hold his wife and go back to the days when they planned a future. He
stopped at the door to his little cottage and remembered the first time he
brought Sarah and the kids here. She was so excited to have a home for her
family. She couldnt wait to start cleaning and making it her own. It
reminded him of the first time his mother opened the door to their little
home in Sanctuary. Sarah was such a fantastic mother, and Ben could never
have hoped for a more perfect wife. He promised himself he would not let
her see how worried and heartbroken he was. All his dreams were gone and
the nightmares were back. The only thing he knew for sure was he had to get
his wife and children to Sanctuary where they would be safe.
His hand reached for the door as little Ben jerked it open and climbed up
the front of him yelling Daddys home! That brought Samuel and Lily racing
to meet him. He knelt down and scooped them up holding them so tight they
could hardly breath. Through his tear filled eyes he saw Sara standing a few
feet back holding her apron up to her face trying to muffle her sobs. Neither
of them wanted to upset the children. They were too young to understand the
danger they were in. He slowly placed them back on the floor and told them
to go and play with some toys while he and Mom talked for awhile. Of

course they protested because when Ben was home seemed all he did was
play with them, and thats what they wanted to do now. He finally had to
promise if they went in the other room and played hed play with them
later. Off they went, content with the deal. Ben watched as they left the room,
thinking to himself what wonderful happy little kids they were ,he was proud
of the way Sarah was raising them and so thankful they were his.
Ben took Sara by the hand and led her to their bed, as they lay there in
each others arms , neither spoke for the longest time, seemed time stood still
for just a moment. Finally it was Sara that broke the silence with her sobs.
Ben held her close, there really wasnt anything he could say to comfort her
except that her loved her more than anything and she and the children were
all that mattered. They both knew New Hope could not defend its self from
the scouts and their friends or any other tribes on the move, Ben knew he
could fool them for awhile and pretend he did not know what they were
doing but at some point they they would find out he knew and they would
come for them, maybe even before that. It was horrifying to think of his
family and the people of New hope as a food source. It made him deathly
sick to his stomach, he just could not bear the ideal. After what seemed an
eternity Ben raised on one elbow and tried to talk to Sarah about what had to
be done, she would not listen and protested loudly, the conversation quickly
turned into a heated argument. Ben finally hushed her and told her she and
the children had to ready themselves for the journey to Sanctuary, they were
going and that was final! He held her so close as he told her all the things he
felt in his heart, there were things he felt that could never be put into words
but he tried. He told her he depended on her to protect the kids and raise
them to be amazing adults, and to remember him when she looked upon
them. He was trusting her with all that was valuable to him and he knew she
would not let him down. Sarah tried to smile but it just wouldnt form on her
face. She pleaded with him to let her stay, they could send the children, but
just let her stay by his side. His answer was a quick, No! Those three need
you and I need you the stay alive, if I lost any of you to these animals, the
agony would be unbearable and I would surely die of a broken heart. If I
know you are safe I can fight and dream of seeing you again. Please Sarah, if
you love me then do this for me. She cast her eyes from him and said
nothing her hand slid slowly from his as she got up to fix some food and to
let him rest before the 12 noon meeting, he was so exhausted and so
emotionally drained that he had no trouble falling asleep. It was like an
escape and he welcomed it. A couple hours passed ,Sarah kept the children
quite and fed. As time neared to wake Ben she found herself standing in the
door way of their bedroom watching him sleep, remembering how they meet,

He found her in the rubble of the city, dirty, sick, and hardly recognizable as
a woman. She had been beaten and sexually abused by most the Samuels
men for months and once she was used up, was scheduled for the fire pit, at
the next feast. When Ben came across her lying in her own filth, hollow eyes
no smile, no expression, he felt so much pity for her, he reached down, took
her hand and told her he was there to help her. She went with him and he got
some of the women in the city to take care of her. After several weeks food
and a good bath she started to look like a woman again. Ben would come
and check on her and slowly they became friends and soon fell in love. He
was an amazing father and husband, gentle kind and always thinking of
others. Sarah did not know how she would be able to live without him, deep
inside she was bitter that he asked her too. After all they were a team, better
together than apart. Slowly she walked across the room, sat gently onto the
bed and leaned over to give him a kiss on his forehead. He woke with a start
as if from a bad dream, then saw her face and it calmed him instantly. They
were so much in love even though they struggled every day just to survive
they were happy.
Ben reached up and touched her face gently and smiled. She fought back
tears again and looked away. In a soft loving voice she told him she had a
meal ready for him and the kids were waiting for that promised play time.
He lay there wishing he could stay in that room, stay with his family, and
never have to deal with what was waiting outside his front door.
Dragging himself from the bed he stood up straight and tall, when he did
Sara thought to herself how lucky she was to love and be loved by such a
man. He no sooner put one foot out the door way of the bedroom when three
little giggling monsters attacked him and the tickle games were on. Sarah
busied herself preparing Bens food, but watched her family play as she did.
It made her empty inside to think this may be the last time she sees them
wrestle like this. Of course Ben always let them win and it was never enough
for the kids. After Ben finished his food he pulled Sarah to him and searched
her eyes for some indication how she was taking all this, he knew she was
being brave just to make his task easier. She gave a faint smile and again
choking back tears told him shed be waiting here when he came home. A
quick kiss and out the door he went. He thought about the day he had to kill
Samuel and had always thought that was the hardest thing hed ever done,
now he knew the day he has to say goodbye to his family would be the
hardest thing hed ever do.
As he neared the center of the village he could see that most of the men
were already assembled there. He greeted them with a Lets get to work

He asked who had been to any of the areas outside of New Hope and the
inner city, a few hands went up. He asked them to join him up front, he
explained that he wanted to try and draw a map of places they had been or
heard of. He put pieces of paper taped together on the table and they began
to draw the map. He drew where he saw the scouts and the paths he saw off
the main road. Each man added what he knew or what he had heard until
they has a general idea of what lay around New Hope. Once done Ben got
up onto a chair so everyone could see and hear him, he told them he did not
have the answers, he did not even have a solution, and if any one at any time
had any ideas to share he was willing to listen to them. What he had decided
was that hed ask for volunteers to travel in different directions to find
another towns or villages willing to join in the fight or at least take some of
our people into their tribes. One of the men asked him if it wasnt more
important to concentrate on preparing to defend their village? The answer
was YES, he continued saying they had a lot of preparation to do if they
stood any chance to survive a war with any of the nomads or scouts. Ben
took a deep breath, looked straight into the mans eyes and reminded him
that the enemy that poised the greatest danger to them at the moment were
their own scouts and he wanted him to remember that they knew every inch
of New Hope, every weapon here and every person . They know our routines
and our weaknesses. So we either need help or we need to relocate. Let me
remind you too that I am still waiting for the Guardian to return with word
from Sanctuary. There was silence. Finally Ben asked who felt they could go
to find help? It would have to be men that can travel light and be skilled
enough to avoid being captured. At first no one came forward, Ben knew he
was the only one qualified for the job but he could not go in 3 different
directions at once, nor did he have time to train any of these men. A couple
of the younger ones finally came forward and told Ben they could do it and
so it was decided which roads they would take by drawing straws. Ben
pulled them aside and wanted to give them a crash course about traveling on
the roads but it was just too much information so he just shook their hands
and wished them luck. He helped them pack their knapsacks and watched
them walk away. Ben chose the path nearest where he saw the scouts, he
figured only he could get safely passed them to the other side. He gathered
his things, and decided not to go back to see Sarah, it would just be too hard
too say good bye again. Before he left he appointed several men as sentry.
Ben walked for two days, stopping every little bit to listen, and watch for
any movement. Nothing so far. As nightfall neared on the second day, he
needed to find a place to sleep. There wasnt as many trees or brush in this
area so he really had to make an effort to locate just the right place. Finally a

he found a place hidden from sight just as it turned pitch black. He could not
sleep, his mind just kept wondering if he was doing the right thing, maybe
he should have taken Sarah and the kids to Sanctuary himself and made a
plea for the elders to open the gates and let them in. Maybe it hadnt been
the best choice to send the Guardian and by the way where the heck was that
Guardian? He should have been back by now. As he lay there in the dark he
started to question a lot of his decisions. He knew in his heart that the village
was doomed and probably only a select few if any would be taken to
Sanctuary, so why was he here instead of with his family?
All night Ben struggled with his questions, by the time the sun started to
rise he had made up his mind to go back and save his family first then try to
save the rest. It made him feel foolish and stupid that he was out here and
they were alone. What was he thinking? As usual before rising he lay and
listened for any sounds, any thing that would indicate he wasnt alone. It was
quite so he slowly got up to look around. Nothing. Now to get back to New
Hope as fast as he could and take Sarah and the kids to Sanctuary.
The morning sun was almost blinding as it came up, of course it did not
help that he was traveling directly into it. He wished there were some trees
or something to block it until it rose higher. But he did not stop, until noon.
Ben needed some food and water so he sat down on some soft grass in a bit
of shade opened his pack and had a bit of lunch, he could see trees now not
far down the road and was glad to be out of the barren place he had spent the
night. Ben closed his eyes for a moment to rest, then sensed he wasnt alone.
As he opened his eyes and jumped to his feet to protect himself he came face
to face with five Guardians. He recognized them, and gave a sigh of relief ,
You guys scared the living daylights out of me! They did not answer but
seemed amused. Then Ben asked them what they wanted, Why were they
here in the black robes they wore at Samuels side.
They answered that they did not want any thing from him, they were passing
by and saw him resting by the road..
For the first time he felt uncomfortable in their presence. As he studied them
with a cold stare , he suggested they be on their way. Now Ben is that any
way to treat your old friends? You arent my friends! You abandoned me
when I needed you. Now I would appreciate it if you went on your way .
In case you werent aware we can be any where we choose to be, and just
for the record, We just got bored with life at New Hope and left for the
excitement of death and war. You do understand that we thrive on the pain
and suffering of humans?
Ben looked them square in the face and said he thought after Samuels
death that they stayed with him because they were different, he thought they

were more like his Moms Guardian. First time ever he saw a grin on a
Guardians face.
Well Ben you were wrong. Truth is we cant bare to look at you, we only
hang around waiting to see how it all comes to an end. Your suffering will be
the highlight of our day.
That did it, Ben lost control of his temper You CREEPS IN ROBES
shouted Ben! Get out of my sight . The guardians stood their ground almost
in a threatening way, and for the first time Ben felt he may possibly be in
danger from these five. Out of no where his old friend appeared and stood
between them. Obviously there was respect between the Guardians because
they backed away and lowered their heads in a slow greeting. Ben could tell
they were communicating, he had seen it before.
But the heated conversation he had with them wasnt over they still
wanted to hurt Ben even if only mentally, so after they turned to leave , one
stopped , turned looked at Ben and then at Bens Guardian and said Why do
you waste your time and efforts on this abomination? We all think you are a
fool, and wish you would join us in these new war games. You would delight
in the many ways these humans can be killed, seems to us you would enjoy
it more than watching this freak of nature seek his doom. At first Ben did
not know what to say, the only words that came out was WHAT
abomination? Is that how humans are viewed by you as abominations? The
Guardian stood tall and his eyes narrowed as he spoke No Ben not humans
just you!. They nodded their goodbyes to the other guardian and turned to
leave. Ben did not have a response, he stood quietly and watched them walk
away .
OK Guardian lets talk, what the hell was that about? I felt threatened .
For a long time I have been asking you questions and you have always
avoided answers , now I demand you tell me what that was about, and why
do they seem to despise me. Have they always despised me or is it new? The
Guardian told Ben to calm himself and he would explain. But Ben wasnt in
the mood to be calmed he continued to yell. They apparently would like
nothing more than to see me suffer, is that why you stay with me? Am I just
a source of entertainment?
No Ben .
Well then I dont understand why you wont help me?, all you do is stand
around and watch. If you arent here to watch me suffer and you wont help
me , then why are you here? You said you promised my mother youd watch
over me. Nothing you say or do makes sense. There was a few minutes of
silence when neither said anything, Ben gathered himself together as much
as he could and reminded himself of his priorities.

Right now I dont care about all this nonsense, I really need to concentrate
on saving my family.
Ben asked for the news from Sanctuary. How many women and children
can they take and when?
The Guardian told Ben he met with the elders, and discussed his request.
Their answer was swift and finale, they will not help you. Why? I wont
accept that, isnt it their purpose to provide safety to those worth saving?.
Isnt that why they call the compound Sanctuary? Please did you explain
that they are going to die?
They know. Its time I told what I am sure you already know, things are
going to get much worse, you think its bad now, but there are no words to
describe whats to come. The Elders and Guardians are a good example of
the changes, they collect people like pets, they study them, care for them,
protect them and are entertained by them, then when they are bored they
abandon them. Sanctuary will be allowed to be invaded by nomad tribes, and
everyone will be killed. Word has already been sent to other Elders and
Guardians inviting them to attend. It will be like watching wolves killing
Ben felt broken, lost, doomed. How was he going to protect his family ?
How was he going to tell Sarah. Everything is upside down. He sat down
knees bent face hidden. He really wanted to weep, but the tears wouldnt
come. Guardian if you ever were my friend please help me .I am your friend
but I can not interfere with your life choices.
Why do you insist you cant interfere? You know damn good and well you
can, and explain why your goon friends called me a freak of nature and an
The Guardian knew Ben was near a breaking point, he was mentally and
physically on the edge. It was time to tell him the truth..
I can only help or aide in the destruction of HUMANS. After a long pause
he added : Which you are not. His voice trailed off into a mumble but Ben
heard what he said.
What the Hell do you mean I am not human, thats exactly what the black
robed goon suggested , so what am I a rabbit, a bird ? What?
Just calm down Ben and listen, God ended the world, he took the faithful to
heaven, and left the sinners. A few of those he decided deserved a chance to
prove they were worthy of forgiveness. Each were given that opportunity.
Nearly all have failed. Ben tried to wrap his mind around what he was
saying. So are you saying thats why I am here? Im on trial?
No Ben its not about your forgiveness. Then who?

Its about your Mothers sins. Bens anger was almost uncontrollable, He
lashed out at the Guardian, How dare you say my mother was so horrible
that she was left here as a punishment? Left here in hell with her children ?
Thats the biggest bunch of crap I have ever heard,
Just let me finish. Your mother did commit great sins so did your father
Samuel But you and your siblings are innocent. Dana was forgiven and
taken home.
Samuel on the other hand failed miserably yet he saved your life by
sacrificing his, that was an unselfish act of great love, it earned him a place
in limbo until his actions can be reviewed. At least he isnt in Hell, But it
wasnt supposed to happen like that. The scouts were supposed to hunt you
down and kill you.
Really, well did any one tell them that? Apparently you forgot to tell
Samuel? The guardian did not answer. He knew Ben was having a great deal
of difficulty comprehending all this information. So he stood quite and
waited for Ben to continue the conversation and get his thoughts together..
After a few moments Ben asked: Guardian I have a question about myself
and my siblings! If we committed no sins why did they suffer, why am I
suffering? Why were we ever allowed to be here.
Thats not easy to explain, the three of you were supposed to leave earth,
once you served your purpose. What purpose were we to serve?
You were the tools your mother needed to prove herself. She passed her
trails because of the three of you. Turns out Samuel was the key factor in the
sins she committed, but when given a chance for him to lead her down the
wrong road a second time, she did not take it. She stayed with her children.
Guardian thats the craziest story Ive ever heard. I can tell you are
expecting me to believe you and I dont know if you are trying to deceive
me, but I have to tell you I dont really believe it. Ben drew a deep breath
then asked What about this abomination thing? The guardian placed a
hand on Bens shoulder and said You are an abomination in the eyes of
Elders and Guardians because you arent supposed to still be here.
Yes I know you already said that! You do realize you are starting to repeat
yourself? Besides if I dont belong here then where am I supposed to be?
You seem to have left that part out. The guardian said no I didnt leave that
part out, I just havent gotten to it.
So are you saving that for last? While you are thinking up a good answer I
would also like an answer to the statement about me not being human, what
does that mean? I am flesh and blood the same as any other man. The
Guardian looked deep into Bens eyes before answering,

The reason you arent human and you are an abomination is, well its
because you were never born.
Bens jaw dropped. Ok, now you are really starting to piss me off. You
and your tall tales. I am breathing, talking , I eat, I feel pain, I love. For
Gods sake I have Children. Wow I guess you did leave the biggest lie for
Its not a lie Ben, you were never born. You are a spirit child. Ben's head
was spinning he was trying to understand . He couldnt help but think all this
was a game the Guardian was playing so he could study his reactions. Ben
asked the Guardian So now that you have had your fun are you still
insisting that you cant help me?
Ben I am telling you why I cant, Guardians can not interfere with spirit
people. Samuel was supposed to let you be killed, but he saved your life. I
can not explain to you why.
I don't care to hear any more of your tales, all I care about is Sarah and my
children. So let me ask you since you insist you cant and wont help me, will
you help and guide Sarah if she asks?
Yes if Sarah asks I will .
Then lets get back home and move them somewhere safer. We will
continue this ridiculous story at another time.
Darkness came and Ben was in familiar territory, he was only about 4 hours
from home, but it wasnt safe to travel in the dark so he found a place to
sleep as the Guardian kept watch. He wasnt sure if he trusted his old friend
any more after all the things he told him but he was just too worn out to
worry about it. He dreamed of his sister and little brother. In his dreams he
could smell his mothers hair and hear her voice. He dreamed of things the
Guardian told him and then his dreams bordered on nightmares. Nightmares
that included Sanctuary, New Hope, Sarah and his children. Sleep was not
the escape it usually was. More like a trip to hell.
As dawn was breaking Ben was up and ready to head home. He couldnt
wait to see his family and had decided he was never going to be out of their
sight again. The Guardian wasnt there when he woke up, but he wasnt
surprised, he decided that he did not want him around any way.
Ben walked faster than usually, without actually running, every fiber of his
being was being drawn home. After a couple hours he had to slow his pace
after all he wasnt a young kid any more. He was back in the trees he loved
and as he got to the top of the last knoll he could see the clearing of New
Hope. It was a little odd that there was no chimney smoke, but he dismissed
that because it really wasnt that cold. He felt butterflies in his stomach at

the thought of hugging his wife and playing with the children. Winding his
way down the path he was joined by his Guardian. At first he wasnt going
to speak but then decided what the heck why not.Well where have you been
all night? He did not really answer, just kind of said, I wasnt far.
As they neared the fence Ben immediately noticed there were no sentrys.
That made him uneasy. He stopped and suddenly was afraid. No smoke, no
sentrys, no sign of activity. Something was wrong. Ben looked to the tall
one for information. But got none. He asked him just to tell him if his family
was still there. That was just a yes or no question. The Guardian finally
answered yes. Ben decided not to cross the open field, he would be an easy
target out in the open so he followed the fence around to the entrance, still
no sounds no people no animals. Another yes or no question for the
Guardian are they all dead? Ben was sweating with fear, as the Guardian
answered a simple, NO. So Ben walked though the gate and slowly headed
home. Suddenly he saw old Charlie sitting on a bench in the court yard. He
was happy to see a familiar face. Charlie old friend, Where is everyone?
Charlie had trouble standing so Ben walked over and sat by him for a
moment. Old Charlie told Ben that five black robed Guardians came and told
the people they would take them to a safer place and everyone left with them.
Everyone except me, your Sarah and the little ones. I couldnt make the
journey Ben and Sarah told them she promised you shed be waiting for you
at home when you returned. They told her that was a great idea and she
should wait for you at home so you could take her and the children to safety
at Sanctuary.! Ben Thanked old Charlie for staying around to keep an eye on
things for him . Old Charlie just sat in the sun and told Ben he was happy to
do it.
As he neared his home he kept trying to reason why the five black robed
ones would tell Sarah that he was taking her to Sanctuary when they knew
he wasnt. He finally got a whiff of a cooking fire. Seemed like it was
coming from his house but he still did not see smoke. The nearer he got the
faster he ran. He leaped up onto the porch and then stopped.
His hand on the door knob, he was waiting to hear little Ben yelling Daddies
Home! But there were no sounds. The Guardian stood back and did not
follow Ben onto the porch. Slowly Ben let the door swing open and he
stayed in the door way looking in, as his eyes adjusted to the dim light inside
His breathing stopped his heart filled with fear as he saw blood every where.
He slowly stepped in, wishing he was somewhere else. Ben went into a state
of confusion then rage as he came upon Sarah covered in blood and the flesh
of little Lily still in her teeth. There was his little daughter on the bed like a
rag doll her throat had been ripped out. He grabbed Sarah and slammed her

into the wall, then screamed Sarah what have you done, oh my God, Lily
oh Lily!He scooped her little body up and cradled it as he turned back to
Sarah Where are my sons? She just stared at him with a cold blankness,
Lilys blood still dripping from her lips. He jerked her up from the floor and
demanded she tell him what she had done and where were the boys? Ben
wasnt sure but he thought those bloody lips grinned at him. Now he was
shaking, hardly able to think or rationalize about what had happened. Sarah
finally mumbled that the boys were in the back yard. Out the back door he
bolted calling their names, waiting for them to come out from hiding. He
was sure they probably ran out and hide from their mother when she went
crazy. But sadly they hadnt. Ben let out the most bone chilling cry a man
could ever cry, there hanging in the tree near the swing was one of the boys.
Hung by his feet gutted and skinned like an animal. Ben couldnt walk, he
fell to his knees shaking as though having a seizure ,wave after wave of
agony flooded over him. As his eyes cleared he glanced around the yard only
to see the other boy blackened to a crisp over the fire pit. Ben lost all his
senses everything went black, thats when Sara walked out the back door and
asked him what she could fix him to eat. You crazy witch, what have you
done? Please tell me someone else did this, please say it wasnt you. To his
surprise she actually answered him. She said now she didnt have to go to
Sanctuary ,without the children she wouldnt have to go. She could stay with
him. It sent chills down his spine. She had no emotion. Sarah started to
giggle, a horrid evil giggle, and thats when Ben jumped up grabbed her
around her throat. As he squeezed she went limp, he decided that this was
too quick, too easy, she needed to suffer like his children did, she needed to
feel a lot more pain. His mind raced, as it did he became aware of the
guardian standing near him. He whirled around and verbally and physically
lash out at him. Where were you, how did you allow this to happen? I
thought you were supposed to protect my family! I want you to kill Sarah!
Or tell me the most painful way I can kill her. The guardian felt his pain and
he knew Ben thought he had betrayed him, but he had not, he had no other
choice but to allow this tragedy to happen. Ben wasnt being rational so with
a wave of his hand he calmed Ben so he could talk to him. As he did Sarah
got up and walked toward him and started to chatter happily about him being
home and that she would get cleaned up and prepare him food.
Ben slapped her hard .She had a cold dead look in her eyes, no emotion no
remorse, he drew back his fist and hit her over and over, she just laughed.
Again he turned on the Guardian. You were here when it happened werent
you? I want to kill you. But first I am going to kill her. Sarah had crawled up
against the back of the house cradling Lilys lifeless little body and as Ben

went to drag her back he hesitated, she was like a mindless animal, rocking
chewing her shirt tail and starring at nothing. He knew he was beaten, she
would not suffer because she was no longer his Sarah and wasnt aware of
what she had done.
The tears started to flow and Ben was sure he was in hell and he wanted to
die. There was no longer a reason to fight or survive. He wasnt even angry
with the Guardian any more, all emotion was gone. The pain killed him yet
he was still breathing.
The Guardian placed his arm around Bens shoulder, there were no words
to heal him. But things needed to be said. I wasnt here Ben, but the others
told me what she had done. It was unavoidable. It was her trial and she failed.
She repeated her sins. Now she is doomed to hell for eternity. She is why
you were left here on earth. You and the children were her chance to be
forgiven, now its done and over, you are finally free.
Ben started to shake his head in disbelief. He really didnt hear what the
Guardian said nor did he care.
You let her kill my children, I cant even imagine the fear and pain they
felt as she killed them. He started to sob again only this time he begged the
guardian to take his life, the pain was more than he could live with. Please
be merciful and kill me. If you are my friend, end my suffering! With that
the Guardian took on his true form as an angel and opened his wings wide.
He scooped Ben up gently and cradled him like a child. Ben was so empty
he did not even react to being picked up. He just kept asking to die. In a
flash Ben was taken from Earth, as it faded below him his spirit left the body
it occupied, a flood of peace came over him, all the horrible things he had
seen and endured were meaningless, the horrors of earth faded. Ben
expected to enter some kind of darkness, but instead he found himself bathed
in light, Finally the angel placed him on his feet. Ben looked up at him and
said Really an Angel!? Why didnt you tell me? The Angel smiled a huge
smile and said I was keeping it as a surprise are you surprised? Yes I am,
Ben replied with a grin. Then he said Thank you old friend for all you did
for me I understand now.
Bens eyes gradually adjusted to the light and to his surprise there was his
Mother and his siblings waiting to welcome him. Wave after wave of
happiness washed over him. His Mother and siblings hugged him as tears of
joy were shared by each. The feeling of love and peace was amazing.. No
words could describe it. He at last was home. Ben doubted anyone could feel
greater joy than he felt at that moment. Not until the Angel stepped aside to
reveal Bens three giggling children waiting to climb into his arms. He

thought his heart would burst as he hugged them tight closed his eyes and
repeated over and over Thank-you Lord Thank-you.

Heaven isnt a myth, just ask Ben.

Dedicated to my Family,
You mean the world to me.

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