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Visits to mother-in-law
feel like picking a fight


DEAR ABBY: I am dreading an upcoming trip that

includes a visit to my husbands mother, Harriet.
She is prone to accidents
when I visit, and I always
end up getting hurt.
I have taken the precaution of looking up the

Activities at Centre
County senior citizens
centers for the next week
110 N. Spring St., 3556720
Monday Wal-Mart or
mall shopping and walking,
9:30 a.m.; Tuesday
Healthy Steps in Motion, 9
a.m.; pinochle and Rummikub; bowling, 1 p.m.;
Wednesday nutrition
group, 9 a.m.; make chocolate-covered strawberries,
10 a.m.; double deck pinochle; Thursday Healthy
Steps in Motion, 9 a.m.;
pinochle and Rummikub;
knit/crochet class, 10 a.m.;
make valentine cookies;
Friday wear red; Valentines Day party at center
with Snow Shoe, 10 a.m.-1
p.m.; red prize bingo
Centre Hall
Centre Hall Fire Hall,
Tuesday GUM children
visit; bingo
Centre Region
Nittany Mall, 231-3076,
Monday Rummikub,
canasta, 10 a.m.; Healthy
Steps exercise, 10:15 a.m.;
line dancing, 10:45 a.m.;
Second Winds band, Chinese New Year celebration,
12:15 p.m.; bridge, 12:30
p.m.; stretch, weights and
walk, 5:15 p.m.; Tuesday

weight training, 11 a.m.;

canasta, 1:30 p.m.; bingo
fundraiser, $20, 6:30-8:30
p.m.; Wednesday Rummikub, 10 a.m.; tax help,
must preregister, 10 a.m.-4
p.m.; line dancing, 10:45
a.m.; words-in-a-word,
12:15 p.m.; tai chi, must
preregister, 5-7 p.m.;
Thursday grocery shopping, computer practice,
pinochle, 9-10 a.m.; weight
training, bridge lessons, 11
a.m.; five-second rule, 12:15
p.m.; artist open studio,
12:30-3:30 p.m.; bridge,
12:30-2:30 p.m.; stretch,
weights and walk, 5:15
p.m.; Friday puzzling
picture, Rummikub, open
crafts, 10 a.m.; Healthy
Steps exercise, 10:15 a.m.;
line dancing, 10:45 a.m.;
Valentines Day party, wear
red, 12:15 p.m.; Saturday
tai chi, 9-11 a.m.
Penns Valley
102 Leisure Lane, Madisonburg, 349-8188
Monday board and word
games; Centre HomeCare
blood pressure check and
talk on poison prevention,
10 a.m.; Wednesday
penny bingo; health trivia;
Thursday valentine
Rummikub; Burkholders,
12:30 p.m.; Friday Dollar
Tree, 10-10:30 a.m.; WalMart, 10:30-11:45 a.m.;
Perkins, 11:45 a.m.-1 p.m.;
center closed

Next weeks menus for
the Centre County Office
of Aging and Home Delivered Meals (355-6716):
Monday chicken patty
sandwich, potato wedges,
mixed vegetables, apple,
whole wheat sandwich roll,
Tuesday pork, sauerkraut, mashed potatoes,
ambrosia, dinner roll
Wednesday baked salmon fillet with cream sauce,
wild rice, spinach, apricots,
biscuit, tartar sauce
Thursday stuffed chicken breast, mashed potatoes, honey carrots, tossed
salad, cherry Jell-O with
pears, white bread
Friday centers: cheese
ravioli in marinara sauce,
bean blend, tossed salad,
raspberry sherbet, garlic
breadstick; HDM: cheese
ravioli in marinara sauce,
bean blend, tossed salad,
chocolate pudding, garlic

Next weeks menus for
the State College Meals on
Wheels program (2378135):
Monday noon oven
fried chicken, mashed
potatoes, green beans,
mandarin oranges; evening
ham sandwich, tomato
slices, fruited Jell-O, milk
or juice
Tuesday noon ham
with potatoes, cabbage and
apples, dinner roll; evening
turkey and cheese sandwich, tossed salad, orange
butter cake, milk or juice
Wednesday noon
shrimp Creole, broccoli,
dinner roll; evening tuna
salad sandwich with pickle,
coleslaw, mixed tropical
fruit, milk or juice
Thursday noon spinach frittata, stewed tomatoes, pears; evening
sliced roast beef sandwich,
macaroni salad, pineapple,
milk or juice
Friday noon chefs
choice; evening pasta
salad with tomato and
cheese, whole wheat bread
with butter, peaches, milk



Orientation for Transition
to College Class, 1-3:30
p.m., course meets Tuesdays and Thursdays from
Feb. 9 to March 31, PA
CareerLink, 240 Match
Factory Place, Bellefonte.
863-9333, mdm151 Registration
Duplicate bridge game, 1
p.m., bridge studio, 780
Waupelani Drive Extension, State College. 8673055.
Pesticide recertification
training, 7-9 p.m., auditorium, Penns Valley Area
High School, Spring Mills. Registration
This Changes Everything, 7 p.m., The State
Theatre, 130 W. College
Ave., State College. Followed by panel discussion.

phone number of the police

department in her city, just
in case she hits me again.
Is there a way to keep her
at arms length so she cant
get close enough to punch
me? In the 20-plus years I
have known Harriet, she
has always been a bully.

Philipsburg Towers, 300

N. Front St., 342-6549
Monday morning coffee,
8 a.m.; Healthy Steps in
Motion exercise, 9 a.m.;
Tuesday morning coffee, 8 a.m.; North Atherton
Wal-Mart or mall;
Wednesday morning
coffee, 8 a.m.; Healthy
Steps in Motion exercise, 9
a.m.; Thursday morning
coffee, 8 a.m.; Presidents
Day puzzle, 10 a.m.; Friday
punch and cookies, 9:30
a.m.; dime bingo, 10:15
a.m.; center 50/50
Snow Shoe
Mountaintop Medical
Center, 387-4086
Monday center closed;
Tuesday coffee and
snacks; Rummikub; blood
pressure checks; lunch;
bingo/Halls Market;
Wednesday center
closed; Thursday coffee
and snacks; games; lunch;
view movie; Snow Shoe
Dollar General; Friday
Valentine party at new
Bellefonte senior center, 10
a.m.-1 p.m.; shop at Weis
Markets, Bellefonte, 1:15-2
Transportation is available
Monday through Friday.
Calendar is subject to
change without notice.
Activities at Clearfield
County senior citizens
centers for the next week

After South wins the third spade,
he takes only two rounds of trumps,
then cashes the A-K of clubs and
ruffs dummys last club. He next lets
the jack of diamonds ride.
As it happens, the partial
elimination works. East must return
a diamond, giving South a free
finesse, or lead a club, conceding a
ruff-sluff. Either way, South wins 10

You hold: 10 9 5 J 10 8 7
A 8 6 K 5 2. Your partner opens
one diamond, you respond one heart,


Apprehensive in Louisiana

Because this has gone on
for 20 years, Im inclined
to agree with your suspicion that these mishaps
havent been accidental.
An effective way to prevent
further injury would be to
avoid being in the same
town with Harriet.
Contact Dear Abby at or P.O.
Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA

Shepherd of the Hills
Lutheran Church, 3637
Main St., Karthaus, 2637277
Monday craft-valentine
favors with Brenda, 11:15
a.m.; Wednesday blood
pressure checks with Cecilia Kelly, Clear Care Nursing, 11:15 a.m.; Americas
Cholesterol Burden with
Jackie Anderson, PrimeTime Health, CCAAA,
11:30 a.m.; Friday
Healthy Steps in Motion
with Judy, 11:15 a.m.
70 Senior Drive, Kylertown, 345-6338
Monday Healthy Steps
in Motion, 11 a.m.; Tuesday blood pressure
checks with Richard
Himes, Medi Home
Health, 11 a.m.; Wednesday exercise with Penny,
11 a.m.; Thursday cards,
games, puzzles, crafts,
10:35 a.m.; Dont Cry over
Spilled Milk Day; Friday
Go Red, Shock the Heart
with Lori Rancik, The
Womens Health Center of
Penn Highlands Health
Care, 11 a.m.
To attend a meal or activity
and use the senior citizens
vans for transportation,
make reservations at least
one day in advance by
calling the nearest center.

ARIES (March 21-April

19): Emotions will mount,
encouraging you to make
a move youve been contemplating. Dont overreact if a friend, colleague
or sibling makes a negative comment or does
something you dont like.
TAURUS (April 20-May
20): Try something new
and youll discover a talent you didnt know you
had. You will be enlightened by the experience
you have and the people
you encounter.
GEMINI (May 21-June
20): Do whatever it takes
to reflect and find solutions to situations that
have the potential to leave
you in a vulnerable position. Stick to a strict budget and refuse to be enticed by someone who
wants you to be reckless
with your spending.
CANCER (June 21-July
22): Let your imagination
take over. Follow your
heart and trust your intuition to take you on a
magical journey.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22):
Its up to you to make the
effort if you want to
change your life or your
direction. A day trip will
lead to the information
you require to initiate
positive changes.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept.
22): Take care of your
responsibilities so that you
can get on with your day
and do the things you
want. Participating in a
function that is geared
toward children or socializing can be fun, but be
careful not to overspend.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct.
22): Listen to complaints,
but dont let anyone make
you feel guilty. Its impor-

tant to focus on making

personal changes that will
lead to greater happiness
and less stress.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov.
21): Make concrete moves
that allow you the freedom
to follow your dreams and
do as you please. Someone
you meet along the way
will offer encouragement
and might want to tag
along with you as well.
22-Dec. 21): An emotional
or indulgent streak will
lead to disaster. Before
things get out of hand, take
a step back and consider
what you can do to avoid
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22Jan. 19): Youll attract positive attention with your
forthright attitude and your
keen sense of perception.
Make the most of your day
by taking care of business
and investing your time in
what you do best.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
18): Youll attract attention
and offers that you wont
want to refuse. Good fortune is heading your way,
and the opportunity to use
your imagination will result
in a new and exciting project.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March
20): Get involved in a worthy cause or reconnect with
the people you have
worked with in the past
and good things will transpire. You will advance if
you do the legwork required to put your creative
plans in motion.
are emotional, energetic
and enthusiastic. You are
orderly and helpful.

or juice
Next weeks menus for
the Clearfield County Area
Agency, Karthaus (2637277) and Kylertown (3456338):
Monday baked Swiss
steak with mushroom gravy, parsley potatoes, baby
carrots, whole wheat bread,
tapioca pudding
Tuesday barbecue pork
rib sandwich, scalloped
potatoes, California vegetable medley, wheat sandwich roll, sliced peaches
Wednesday baked salmon fillet with cream sauce,
wild rice, winter vegetable
medley, whole wheat
bread, mixed fruit salad
Thursday chili con
carne, tossed salad with
tomato, carrots, onions, red
cabbage, cornbread square,
pineapple tidbits and mandarin oranges
Friday open face hot
roast beef sandwich with
gravy, whipped potatoes,
sweet peas and onions,
white bread, Valentines

Routes Available
Earn extra cash
and still have free
time during the day!
With just a few hours each
morning, a Centre Daily Times
motor route is the perfect
part-time business opportunity.
Call Candy Butterworth
to get additional information
on this great opportunity!



Cy the Cynic says that if at first

you dont succeed, vigorously deny
that you were even trying.
Against todays four hearts, West
led a spade. East took the ace and
returned a spade, and West won and
led a third spade (not best). South
was relieved when his queen won. He
drew trumps and led the jack of
diamonds to finesse, and East took
the queen and led a club. South won
and let the ten of diamonds ride, but
East produced the king for down one.
You didnt play to best
advantage, North observed.
South didnt issue any vigorous
denials, but he said his play had been
unlucky to fail. How would you
handle four hearts?

She strikes out at me because I stood up to her.


he bids two clubs and you return to

two diamonds. Partner next bids two
hearts. What do you say?
ANSWER: If your partner saw no
chance for game, he would have
passed two diamonds. Since he bid a
third time, he has significant extra
strength, and you have three fitting
honors. Bid four diamonds. Partners
hand may be 2, A Q 6, K Q 10 7 2,
A J 6 4.
South dealer
Both sides vulnerable

10 9 5
J 10 8 7
Q 10 6

J 10 9 7

1 NT

All Pass


Opening lead 4
2016 Tribune Content Agency, LLC

Centre Daily

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