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Halophytic grass i.e salt tolerance grass e.g paspalum vaginatum.

All other salt

tolerance plant includes; spear grass, ornamental grass, sand binders, fern plant
and palm trees. Sand binders gather the sand and make them make the soil better
and stable by allowing nutrient stay in them and bring in other plants, it was said
that they have a way of converting sand to solid ground. There are two types of
sand at Tarkwa bay; the sharp sand from the sea which is good for building and the
powdry type from sahara desert or somewhere in Europe. Coconut trees by the
shoreline have fibrous mesocarp which makes them float giving them ability to
travel around the world, however the coconut trees are not planted by anyone.
Spear grasses were observed the stem can be triangular or round to tell the type of
grass they are. There are three types of mangrove trees at the bay; red mangrove,
black mangrove, and white mangrove. The seed of a mangrove tree was observed,
they drop at low tide and as soon as they touch mud the root is already out and
they get stuck otherwise they are carried away by the next tide.
Moreover, timber logs ferried down through water from ondo state and other
eastern side of the country were observed and with smaller boat they were brought
to akobaba where they would be processed. Logs were said to have their own
problems because they have different constituents. It determines what attached to
it comprising sawdust wood, sharing small pieces of either drop by the side of the
lagoon if it is brounce it increases the amount of particulate into the air e.g carbon
monoxide thereby causing global warming. Those ones deposited into the lagoon
may cause different types of problem. At Iddo, they deposite feaces which can
contaminate the water body.
In addition, at the harbor, structures floating on water called bouys were also
sighted for the direction of ship. A ship was seen parked and discharging using
cranes for loading and offloading.
Palm tree pinic raginata were sighted at the administration point.
Following the roadline built in 1920 for carrying boulders came from Abeokuta to
protect the shoreline more and it said to be of political decision than scientific
decision. There are three moles and the wave present there are very strong and
described as high energy suitable for determining microalga between February and
Apart from west mole there is east mole called Victoria beach in honor of Victoria
and also a training mole. A lekki-peninsula on one side and lagoon on the other side
we were is the only artificial bay in Nigeria. The shaking of boat was caused by the
tide due to gravity, the stronger the wind, the stronger the wave. Stones were built
and the harbor is reduced since the rate at which the harbor is degraded.
Non-equitorial current flows from east to west. When the west mole was constructed
it limited the movement of deposite at the beach side. The solution was said to

remove all rocks because coastal erosion will continue to occur for nature to have
its cause.
The drivers of coastal change is said to be as a result of human activities such as
logging, sewage disposal, timbering and shipping operation e.g Atlas corp for
downstream petroleum. At midnight the ocean is said to run around with high wave
and tide. Wind, wave and tide are said to occur to cause the movement of ocean.
Following the road, tidal guage was also observed and solar panel to power and
transmit rays, camera for monitoring on water was also sighted. There are four
creeks namely; Ijora creek, Badagry creek, Light house creek and Five cowry creek
at the left.

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