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How to improve your speaking

Speak, speak, and speak!

Be confident and speak as often as possible to as many people as you possibly can! Do not be shy to
make mistakes! The more you practice the better and more confident you will become in your
pronunciation and vocabulary. Remember, speaking is a skill like learning a musical instrument or new
sport the only way you can get good is to actually do it!
Use technology
A Smartphone can be a powerful tool for learning languages. Use it to record yourself speaking then
listen back to see how your English sounds to other people. Make the most of all your favorite
productivity apps to organize your practice time and make a note of all the new words you learn.
Listen to news bulletins and songs in English to listen to the pronunciation of words. You can also learn
new words and expressions this way. The more you listen, the more you learn! Try copying what you
hear to practice your pronunciation and learn which words in a sentence are stressed.
Read out loud
Read the newspaper or a magazine out to yourself. You could even find a script for your favorite TV
show and act it out! This is a great way to practice pronunciation because you only need to concentrate
on making sure you English sounds great and dont need to worry about sentence structure or grammar.
Learn a new word every day
Choose a word you would like to work on and use practice it in different sentences. Use the word until
you have learnt it and keep using it regularly.
Watch films
Watch movies in English and pay attention to new vocabulary and pronunciation. Imitate the actors and
have fun with it.
Make friends
Make friends with English speakers or others learning to speak English and compare notes. Talk about
things that you have learnt and exchange ideas.
Do interesting activities in English
Take a cooking course in English or join a book club! Anything you enjoy doing, make sure you do it
and communicate it in English. Using English to talk about things you enjoy will make practicing a
positive experience.
Have a debate
Debate all the topics that interest you with friends in English. Try to use as much vocabulary as you can
to get your point across and listen to the other arguments carefully so you can argue against them
Use a dictionary
Online dictionaries often have audio examples so you can check your pronunciation and there are lots
of great dictionary apps that you can take everywhere with you on your Smartphone. Make sure not to

become too reliant on these tools, though. Have a go at saying the words first then check afterwards to
see if you were right!
So, with all these practice tips to choose from, which one are you going to try first?

1. All students should have an after school job.
2. Partial birth abortion should be illegal.
3. Every student should be required to take a performing arts course.
4. Year round education is not a good idea for student learning.
5. The legal drinking age should be lowered to 18.
6. Schools should block Youtube.
7. Students should be able to leave school for lunch.
8. All parents should be required to attend parenting classes before having a child.
9. Students should be held legally responsible for bullying in schools.
10. Cyberbullying that occurs outside of school should be punished by the school.
11. Teachers should not be allowed to contact students through social media.

Aturan dalam debat

Peraturan Debate Bahasa Inggris
1. Motion : Topik yang diperdebatkan (Tentu sudah pada tahu)
2. Parameter : Limitation of the argument, yaitu batasan yg harus diberikan oleh team positif agar
pembicaraan tidak panjang lebar dan tidak sesuai dengan Motion.
Parameter penting sekali karena dalam perdebatan akan muncul ide-ide baru yang nantinya tidak akan
bertemu pada satu titik.Maka gunanya parameter untuk membatasi isi daripada pembicaraan.
Parameter juga bisa digunakan sebagai penjebak apabila team lawan berargumen yg keluar dari
parameter anda.
Jika Affirmative Team tidak memberikan parameter maka haknya bisa diambil oleh Negatif Team dan
itu sangat berbahaya, karena jalur pembicaraan dipegang oleh team lawan.
3. Team Split :
Bagian-bagian yang akan di bicarakan oleh masing-masing speaker.
Misalnya : society point of view,Law point of view,Morality point of view,Health pof dll.
4. Themeline :

Garis besar/inti dari motion yg diambil dari keseluruhan argument

5. Matter :
Materi yg dismpaikan harus sesuai dan berhubungan dengan motion(jgn keluar jalur)
6. Manner :
Cara penyampaian argument: sopan,tegas,meyakinkan,suara jgn sampai lembek karena berpengaruh pd
kekuatan argument anda,jg BODY LANGUAGE jg sangat penting(jgn tegang seprti patung).
(bisa dengan alittle bit emotion,tapi jangan marah2)
7. Method :
Metode penyampaian dari 1st speaker-3rd speaker dan pembagian tugas harus jelas.
Ketiga unsur ini mempengaruhi margin dalam penjurian.
8. Timer :
Ini juga sangat penting waktu semakin panjang makin bagus.
Pengalaman saya : waktu bicara tidak usah terburu2 jika apa yg disampaikan tidak banyak, cobalah
mengulur waktu dengan pura2 berpikir(acting),jadi waktu kita yg lama sebelum ketukan harus berhenti
akan menambah margin juga dalam penilaian.
9. Reply Speech:
Kesimpulan dari ketiga argument yg menguatkan. Bisa di bawakan oleh 1st atau 2nd
speaker(pembicara ketiga tidak boleh memberikan Reply Spech didlm Australian debate rules.
Perlu diingat dlm penyampaian reply speech jangan sampai membuka kasus/ ide baru.Hanya sebuah
penegasan dari argument team saja.
Tugas2 Team Affirmatif
1st speaker: (1st speaker mendapat tugas paling banyak dan jangan ada yg tertinggal)
1. Introducing team
2. Giving the motion,parameter,themeline and team split.
3. argument
Good morning/afternoon,ladies and gentleman the member of this house..atau..Madam,Mr.speaker sir
the member of this house.
Thankyou for the apportunity that given to me.We are from SMK N 1 Saptosari Wonosari.Lets me to
introduce our team.
Me as the 1st speakr,my name is, Our 2nd speaker is,and our 3rd speaker is
Next i would like to give our motion today,our motion today is Thbt our govermnt should take a firm
action upon illegal miner.
From that motion we will give our themeline: That we as the affirmatif team absolutly agree that the
gvrment must take a firm action to the illegal miner for the goodness of our country.
Then our parameter today is that we just talk about the gold illegal miner in our country(dalam hal ini
bs anda ganti dgn pertambangan yg lain,misal: minyak etc.)
(Jadi jika lawan anda sampai bicara soal minyak padahal team anda memberikan pembatasan hanya
pada penambangan emas,berarti satu kelemahan dari lawan bisa anda jadikan senjata.Anda bisa
langsung nembak bahwa apa yg merka bicarakan lari dari parameter yg anda buat sbg team+)
well,continue to our team split,
Me as the 1fst speaker would like to talk about the effect for Economic point of view,our 2nd speaker
would like to talk about the Law pov and the 3rd speaker wldlike to give more proof and summery of
our argument. (bisa diganti P.o.v.yg lain, mis: society dll)
And for the reply speech(kesimpulan) will be give by (1st or 2nd )speaker.
Next ladies and gentleman,i would like to give mour argument..()silahkan berargument sesuai point
of view anda.
Jangan lupa untuk memberikan salam penutup dan ucapan terimakasih (untuk semua pembicara)
2nd speaker:
1. Rebutle the 1st speaker of Neg Team.
2. Argument
3rd speaker:
1. Rebutle the 2nd speaker of Neg team
2. Memberikan penguatan atas argumen pembicara1 dan 2
3. Memberikan contoh n bukti yg kuat untuk keseluruhan argument of the team.
Khusus untuk 3rd speaker lebih baik yg bnr2 pandai brbicara dan lebih galak.Karena 3rd spkr adalah
ujung tombak dari team anda.jadi 3rd speaker adlh hrs yg pling kuat dlm berargument.
Tugas Untuk Negatif team:
Pada dasarnya sama hanya tidak perlu membuat parameter karena team afirmatif telah menentukan

Sebagai negatif harus jeli terhadap tugas2 1st speaker of +. Ingat: jika tdk ada parameter anda bisa
merebut point itu.
katakan saja mis:
1st speaker of Neg: well because the 1st speaker of affrmtf team didnt give us the parameter,so here i
wouldlike to give our parameter todaybla..bla..
Jadi mau tdk mau mereka harus ikut jalur anda.(sesuatu yg sepele dan sangat menjatuhkan posisi lawan
krn bisa saja mrk tdk kepikiran tentang batasan pembicaraan yg anda buat, jadi mereka bisa bingung
sendiri mengawali argument mereka.)
Seandainya mereka nekat lari tanpa peduli parameter anda,maka itu suatu kesalahan yg besar,berarti
perdebatan tdk ada artinya alias cuma bicara sendiri2 dan anda bisa langsung menegurnya.
Jelasnya :
1st speaker: Rebutle of the 1st speaker afrmtf
Pembagian tugas sama sprti diatas
2nd : rebutle of the2nd spkr of afrmtf
3rd :rebutle of 3rd speaker of + team
proofing n summery(jgn buat kasus baru)

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